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[Mini-Boss Idea] Derf Anyo, Son Of Nef [The Immortal Megathread]


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If he's gonna randomly help you when the stalker comes in then I'm all for it. Imagine the lights start flickering, noises begin to enter your head and the stalker appears, then suddenly, derf anyo's theme pops as he shows up beside you. He uses his derfslash only to faceplant and poof away.

Edited by Cestus
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 Do these guys get themes?


 Actually, now that I think about it - does Stalker have his own music? I've never noticed.

 I don't believe he has one. I'd be awesome though to go with his whole act.

Edited by Cestus
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You should illustrate some more of Derf by the way! The current ones are so damn good.

example: You mentioned his Power Ranger knockoff poses, which I think would be hilarious. If you want, a drawing of such poses could be a great addition.

(And I'm SURE it would convince Steve!)

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"Y-you too!"



Only if followed by a spaghetti explosion AoE.


In all seriousness, I'd be nice if this guy dropped interesting BPs, and/or guaranteed rare mods (Streamline, Reach and such). Would make him something you'd be pleased to see, like a random walking (and amusing) present.

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Only if followed by a spaghetti explosion AoE.


In all seriousness, I'd be nice if this guy dropped interesting BPs, and/or guaranteed rare mods (Streamline, Reach and such). Would make him something you'd be pleased to see, like a random walking (and amusing) present.


"Playing a game should be its own reward. Games that try to keep you engaged via virtual pats on the back aren't doing their job properly." -Kevin Forbes (Designer of Don't Starve game)


I don't need special loot from Derf or He who shall not be named, all I need is the joy of actually getting to see such unique and interesting things appear in what is usually a one-tone-experience. Derf encounter is its own reward!

Edited by Feam
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Derf would be much, much less competent, and actually takes himself seriously.

The concept still has that beloved Deadpool pizzazz to it, I can see where everyone who compares them is coming from.


Heck, I wouldn't even mind if Derf would break the fourth wall!

"My Reproduction Skanas are so rare you can't even get them from Alert Missions!"

"Stalker doesn't exist, I checked the forums! But I do! CHECK OUT MY NEW MOVE!"

"I wonder if I could pull off a Tenno-brand Pink Shorts..."

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With all the rage about Frost Prime. I think we need to lighten the anger. To the recent topics you go!

Hyurray for recents! :D


If you melee him mid melee, his replica skanas should break for being fake and cheap, and he should cry, like, you broke his most prized possession... HOW COULD YOU!?

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I actually found it funny when someone said, "What about Derf Anyo!?!!!???" in the livestream today the person got timed out.


I wonder why....


Still highly support this idea.


 They are trying to stifle talk of the awesome power that is this enthusiast of the Tenno culture.

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