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Current Situation Of This Event And The Rest Of The Event.


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Hi there fellow Tenno!
We have a glorious battle going on and we must prevail!

(This might be a duplicate thread, I really tried to search about this but I could not find any constructive, true post about this current situation from our event.)

So what is the situation now and what is the few upcoming days going to be like? I know that the when all the Americans wake up and see this we will get tremendous speed boost on completed % number but what have we been able to do until that. At the moment 11:30 GMT +2, the completion percent is 5%. I do not know when exactly was this event started but according to game one day already has passed which is really awkward since I was playing this game about 12 hours ago and the event by then was not yet started so it seems logical that we have more time than it say, but if the timer is correct then this looks really bad. At the end of the day we should have more than 33,3333....5% completed and even then, it will be a though one as each day should be more than that. Now considering that there are inactive players too, the rest of us need to do their work as well.

That being said, even though the situation looks bad and desperate in my opinion, I believe in our community, I have faith in our community and I hope we will get this done. Now if you excuse me, I have to go to kick some Moa in the face.

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The difficulty lies more in finding the new Fusion mobs.

I've participated in mobile defense and normal defense (after hot fix), but usually don't get perhaps more than a dozen. Defense has extra difficulty as the pod to be protected is sometimes lost when we are swarmed, esp when the Fusion mobs with their beam weapons come...


I was just hoping, that perhaps as we approach the dead lines, there will be more chance of special alerts with increased Fusion MOA Spawns, which will help incrase the rate (after all, it is a new reinforcement of Fusion MOAs, they should have huge concentrations SOMEWHERE beyond the normal missions right?).. well, at least that would have been how I would implement it :)

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I've seen worse.


- scarred ME3 veteran

Good times. Funnily enough, it was almost exactly a year ago we tried (and failed) to kill those million banshees.

Think they may have set the bar a little too high for this, but I'll keep at it regardless.

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don't worry im on the same boat :(

I too do know how it was there, then again I am fairly new player to Warframe and even more newer forums stalker so I have no idea how it is going to be.

Anyways thanks everyone for their replies, as I said I have faith in this community and I can't wait more joining to this battle.

Join my brothers and sisters, unite as one unstoppable force and show what Tenno are made of!

For Tenno!

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They could have chosen a better weekend to launch this event. In the US (or California at least) the SAT exams are being held today May 4. Also AP exams are starting on the 6th, so I'd imagine most who are in school will be studying

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Problem is the best place to farm them is a defense mission on Europa.  Everyone leaves at wave 5, the wave they begin to spawn in.  I've seen anywhere from 6-15 Fusion Moas per wave there past 5, but everyone just bails.

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They could have chosen a better weekend to launch this event. In the US (or California at least) the SAT exams are being held today May 4. Also AP exams are starting on the 6th, so I'd imagine most who are in school will be studying

Also here in Finland, our tests have begun too but most of us will have them in the upcoming weeks, oh it is so stressful here. It is way harder to get in here than it is at there.

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They could have chosen a better weekend to launch this event. In the US (or California at least) the SAT exams are being held today May 4. Also AP exams are starting on the 6th, so I'd imagine most who are in school will be studying


You don't need to study for those... the Calculus one is dumb enough to let you use a calculator the Physics one too, and the only one that is tough is Econ because it is super hard to stay awake while you read that garbage. 




Also here in Finland, our tests have begun too but most of us will have them in the upcoming weeks, oh it is so stressful here. It is way harder to get in here than it is at there.



I agree with this guy ^, I passed my SATs with a near perfect and my friends and I were tipsy, AP's might be harder than SAT though, the only hard part about the SAT was taking them when I knew little English.

Edited by katari
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