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Make The Syndicate Syndanas Tradeable


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Make them tradeable? Hell no!.

In fact, i would restrict them even more! Make it so that players can only have ONE of those syandanas at a time AND need to have max rank with the syndicate to be able to wear it. If they want another syandana they have to sell their old one (to the shop, for credits).

Make Syndicates a REAL choice. I don't want to see those despicable Suda supporters donning my Loka's flag ever!

Edited by Lunaroh
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Make them tradeable? Hell no!.

In fact, i would restrict them even more! Make it so that players can only have ONE of those syandanas at a time AND need to have max rank with the syndicate to be able to wear it. If they want another syandana they have to sell their old one (to the shop, for credits).

Make Syndicates a REAL choice. I don't want to see those despicable Suda supporters donning my Loka's flag ever!




Go outside :P

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"C'mon why they aren't tradeable? I don't want to max out the other 3 Syndicates. :("


Do I really need to read through 7 pages?


Call people special snowflakes all you want, that won't really help your cause.

Only special snowflakes are people who think the world revolves around them and want to change everything.


I already replied to Jigoku's post in the original thread, and he agreed with me, so there goes that.


Yes you do as that argument was never used. Also, it is 'other 2 syndicates' for many of us.


Actually it does as it perfectly illustrates just how silly the argument is.

You clearly don't understand what special snowflake means.


Him agreeing doesn't change the fact that the contents of his post IN THIS THREAD are worth the read.


I don't think they should be traded.


(1) They are cosmetic only

(2) They are a unique perk for leveling the faction

(3) It gives me an excuse to max out perrin sequence/new loka even though I have 4 factions maxed already

(4) It gives people an actual reason to pick a syndicate now that keys are gone and weapons can be traded


I suppose half of those reasons can be used for the opposing argument, but at the end of the day just get the ones you like or if you are a super nerd then grind them all. 


1. That's irrelevant.

2. So? Making them tradeable doesn't change this.

3. If you needed an excuse, something is wrong with the current situation.

4. Hardly. As I can still rank up get the scarf and then drop that syndicate like a bad habit. No one is actually forced to pick a syndicate for more than the momentary grind entails.


Kinda hard to get the one you like if you don't like anything else about a faction that happens to be in opposition to your current factions.


Better believe it, i don't want them to be tradable either because that would lose the meaning of even syndicate being unique, atleast syndana wise.


No it wouldn't. Making them tradeable doesn't change the fact that only one syndicate sells each scarf. This argument is so bad it makes me weep for this community and what it implies about its collective intelligence.


I mean the logic behind it is really simple. If you are a Christian, you don't start walking on the streets covered in Muslim clothing.


Just because the developers failed at coding a syndicate system where only two syndicates can be maintained at the highest tier, it doesn't mean that their idea was to everyone have every syndicate offering available.


Yes, it's a bit late now to fix that, and yes, I don't think it can be reverted, but I do not believe for a second that it should be made worse by making everything available through trade.


Let the syndicates retain some of their identity, go look for your swag elsewhere.


Too bad unlike religions, syndicates seem to invite swapping between them as you wish and make it startlingly easy. Also I HAVE seen Christians walk around in stereotypically Muslim attire.


Are you a developer? Are you their spokes person? No? Then why are you speaking for them? I do remember them saying you wouldn't be able to keep all of them maxed at the same time but I'm pretty sure I remember them stating that you would be able to maintain 3-4 at max rank if you were willing to put forth the effort. And I don't remember them saying anything about players not being able to own every syndi-offering at once (I think they even mentioned trading between players of different syndicates in a devstream).


'Fix' implies there is a problem, which I don't remember the devs acknowledging this feature as a problem. This thread is asking that syndi-scarves be made tradeable, not 'everything'. And making them tradeable would worsen nothing.


Nothing about this change would detract from their identity. And nothing about the current state of things prevents players from getting the syndi-scarves and then dropping that syndicate AKA acquiring 'swag', which is the very thing you act like this change would do. Meaning this change would create no 'issue' that doesn't already exist. You people need to open your eyes and do a bit of reading.




Limiting frame choice in syndicates makes no sense as players are capable of owning all frames at once. Limiting that would be equivalent to shooting yourself in the foot. 


If you read my post you actually would have noticed I wasn't disagreeing there >_>. Except, DE making money is not something a consumer should be concerned with. There is no inherit benefit to it, just an assumed one. A consumer does not directly gain anything from DE making money, and it's not my responsibility to make sure they do.


The point is, neither of those two have anything to do with a consumer directly, besides as I pointed out, having the convenience to buy or trade for them.


I never said you were disagreeing (mostly because I had no idea what side you were on). That is why I addressed what was said and not the underlying argument in support of or against this change. Why shouldn't a consumer be concerned with DE making money? There is a pretty clearly defined benefit to paying the company that keeps your game afloat. To deny this is to deny the obvious. A consumer DOES directly gain something from DE making money, that something being the knowledge that they have helped keep warframe ticking. I never said it was your responsibility, but it should be a concern of yours if you like this game and intend to play it next month.


And as I pointed out, that claim is false.


Edit: I shop at specific local stores because I like what they offer (despite being able to get it online) and would like to do my part in helping them stay in business. Same goes for DE.


Make them tradeable? Hell no!.

In fact, i would restrict them even more! Make it so that players can only have ONE of those syandanas at a time AND need to have max rank with the syndicate to be able to wear it. If they want another syandana they have to sell their old one (to the shop, for credits).

Make Syndicates a REAL choice. I don't want to see those despicable Suda supporters donning my Loka's flag ever!


Good thing you aren't on the DE team, ideas like this would kill the game.


Off-topic: Do you have a synoid gammacor?

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Good thing you aren't on the DE team, ideas like this would kill the game.


Off-topic: Do you have a synoid gammacor?

No, i don't have it nor want it. BUT the main reason is because i hate using mainstream weapons. It's boring to see everyone using the same warframes / weapons. I like to see diversity in my games, but that's just personal preference.

Arguments aside: Come on! you HAVE to admit that introducing syndicates with opposite ways of thinking that hate each other and then allowing players to get all of their stuff regardless of allegiance just spoils the whole concept.

It's not that bad with weapons since it can be explained lore wise (double agents , black market or whatever). But being a Suda supporter running around in Loka's garb? doesn't it strike you as a little odd at least?

It ruins a lot of the immersion for me. Why even care about creating entities with personalities if you are just going to ignore them completely?

Like another tenno said somewhere before. Why not just fuse all the syndicates into one big entity and be done with this argument every time a new asset is introduced? Right now which Syndicate you support barely makes an impact in the game. Syandanas came to fix that a little.

You can't make Syndicates AFFECT and NOT AFFECT the game at the same time. DE needs to choose one.

Also, i don't think i would kill the game. WoW's Horde / Alliance system worked pretty well for Blizzard.

Edited by Lunaroh
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Make them tradeable? Hell no!.

In fact, i would restrict them even more! Make it so that players can only have ONE of those syandanas at a time AND need to have max rank with the syndicate to be able to wear it. If they want another syandana they have to sell their old one (to the shop, for credits).

Make Syndicates a REAL choice. I don't want to see those despicable Suda supporters donning my Loka's flag ever!

As a Suda supporter, that offends me (not untradeability, but calling us "despicable").


If I want to wear New Loka's Syandana, I'll get it. One way or another.

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As a Suda supporter, that offends me (not untradeability, but calling us "despicable").

I'm just roleplaying a little =P. As a New Loka supporter i see Suda as my enemy. Don't take it to heart!

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I'm just roleplaying a little =P. As a New Loka supporter i see Suda as my enemy. Don't take it to heart!

I don't roleplay, but I didn't support any of the people on the right because there were issues with each.


Red Veil wants to eliminate corruption but see themselves as the only fit executioners even though they too are corrupt.


New Loka is prettied up just to draw you in, but under her guise is just a xenophobic dictator into mass genocide. She's essentially the Emperor from Star Wars.


Perrin is the lesser evil of the three (More misguided), they want to solve things in the world but by doing business. Issue is that business is flawed and will never be perfectly kept in line with maintaining a peaceful coexistence.


In the end I don't hate Perrin, Red Veil is flawed, but New Loka is just pure evil.

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I don't roleplay, but I didn't support any of the people on the right because there were issues with each.


Red Veil wants to eliminate corruption but see themselves as the only fit executioners even though they too are corrupt.


New Loka is prettied up just to draw you in, but under her guise is just a xenophobic dictator into mass genocide. She's essentially the Emperor from Star Wars.


Perrin is the lesser evil of the three (More misguided), they want to solve things in the world but by doing business. Issue is that business is flawed and will never be perfectly kept in line with maintaining a peaceful coexistence.


In the end I don't hate Perrin, Red Veil is flawed, but New Loka is just pure evil.

If the Lore is affecting your gameplay decisions, then you, my friend, are roleplaying too! =P

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...that you can continue to wear even after you've long since abandoned them and went back to being their sworn enemy.


Yep.  Would kinda defeat the purpose of going through all of the work to rank up from sworn enemy to bestest buddies, but I guess there was nothing technically stopping you from strolling the streets of levittown brandishing an arm band with a hammer & sickle on it.

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 I would really love to collect them all like how I did with the syndicate weapons. But... I gotta disagree to this. Right now, the Syandana is the way we can portray which syndicate we are with. It represents who we supports. Making the Syandana tradable would make the choosing of syndicate irrelevant. Why put so much thoughts in choosing syndicate when you can get everything from trading? Now with Syandana available, people would put in more thoughts on which syndicate they prefer. I would really love having other Syandana. But if they are not tradable, it makes the bond between us and the syndicate stronger. Just my 2 cents. xD More importantly, I'm hoping they change the requirement for the energy glow for the Syandana.  it's really sad. :( Especially for Suda where we have to scan stuff over and over again to make it glow. :(

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If the Lore is affecting your gameplay decisions, then you, my friend, are roleplaying too! =P

In a socialogical sense it's roleplaying, but everything can subconsciously affect you to make you play a role in society. In terms of the gaming term of role playing, no, it's not roleplaying because I had a Mirage and Loki and I wanted their mods. 

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Please don´t talk to me about honorable allegiance to your syndicates since the weapons are treadable.Don´t be hypocrite guys.The syndicate syandanas should be tradeable!

You are right! this needs fixing! Quick, make the weapons non-tradeable too!

Just showing how this argument can go both ways since now we have both tradeable and non tradeable stuff.

Also, as i said before, using other syndicates weapons can be explained lore-wise by the existence of a black market (if your enemy has superior weapons, steal the technology). But wearing another syndicate syandana makes no sense. It's like going to a football match to support your team dressed with garments with the logo of the opposite team.

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It's not about the 'written' show of allegiance.


If I bump into someone in a mission that wears New Loka's syandana, I can easily tell at a glance that I've got a real New Loka member in my squad (without any doubt) OR that it's someone who grinded New Loka's reputation before jumping ship (which I find kind of dumb but whatever). 


If the syandanas are tradeable, all I know is that the mouthbreather in my mission may or may not actually like my syndicate, but the probabilities are much higher that he just bought it like he would buy any syandanas on the market. I really don't want syndicate syandanas to just become "another syandana" in the game because some people throw a hissy fit because they can't get everything spoon-fed to them. 


"Warframe was never a game of choosing one thing over the other" <- You have some explaining to do about mod builds and mod maxing prioritisation. Did you even play long enough to play the Gravidus Dilemna? How about the fact that we're meant to actually choose a syndicate but people like you insist that we have less and less consequences to belonging to a specific syndicate until Syndicate might as well be the same entity and choice is irrelevant. 

First the bolded part - I think I need to explain it properly because apparently few people don't get it...I meant "Warframe was never a game of choosing one thing over the other PERMANENTLY". Mod builds and mod maxing doesn't count...I don't even know by what logic you are comparing these two things.....One is about playing the game in a specific way,the other is losing out on an in-game item.


Also,before you give me an example,be sure that you know about what you are saying. Yes,Gradivus Dilemma gave us to choose between Brakk and Detron. But it was temporary. Both of the weapons are now available in-game and can be farmed. But,all 6 syndicate syndanas can never be farmed. No matter how hard you try,you will lose out on atleast 1 Syndicate syndana(i.e. if you play like a maniac). This essentially means that we lose out on these syndanas permanently. And I certainly don't like that.


There has been a lot of argument about Syndanas being a token of loyalty,which by the way is made up by the community,and not the Devs.


Here is the reason why they shouldn't be a token of loyalty -

Syndanas shouldn't be a token of loyalty because they were not present when we chose our Syndicates. Yes,it's as simple as that. Infact,only Sigils should be the token of loyalty,because they were from the beginning when Syndicates were added and thus gave us the option to choose the syndicates which had the Sigils we liked. Everything else being added to the syndicates should be tradable. You want to know if a fellow Tenno is a New Loka supporter? Fine,go look at his damn Sigil......


Or,give us an option to be a pure mercenary. Give us the option to work for every Syndicate,I don't mind all 6 of them sending eximi platoons after me. Yes,I want to be the Deathstroke of Warframe.


Also,before someone jumps in and says "Lore"...Stop right there and give me a break...Lore? You think adding paragraphs in Codex is lore. If you actually want lore,look at Dark Sector and not Warframe. Suggest DE to incorporate lore in gameplay instead of Codex...Then talk about lore.


Give me one example in Warframe where I have to play the game knowing that I will never get an item(which is present in-game when I am playing) and I will withdraw my arguments and agree to everyone saying Syndicate Syndanas should not be tradable.

(And before you say,Sigils from tactical alerts are unobtainable,here is a clarification- I am talking about those items which are constantly present in-game yet I can not obtain it,which essentially excludes "Founders Items,Closed Beta gifts like Lato vandal,Tactical alert sigils which I missed etc.")


P.S. - I am at 1300hours of gameplay and joined during Update 9(Nova Update) and also MR18 which I think is more than enough time to know Warframe inside out.

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You are right! this needs fixing! Quick, make the weapons non-tradeable too!

Just showing how this argument can go both ways since now we have both tradeable and non tradeable stuff.

Also, as i said before, using other syndicates weapons can be explained lore-wise by the existence of a black market (if your enemy has superior weapons, steal the technology). But wearing another syndicate syandana makes no sense. It's like going to a football match dressed with garments with the logo of the opposite team.

Ya,sure.....Make Syndicate weapons nontradeable....and while you are at it,make all the augments mods untradeable as well.


You know what will happen if DE went "the other way around"....


Syndicates will be a mess...

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Seriously, everyone claiming that the allegiance doesn't exist and that anyone who wants to have them all will have them all


What I can say is...




Go ahead and farm it. Every thread I see about this instantly becomes a "Pls DE make this more convenient for me because I'm lazy"

I'm sure that everyone who is against trading would be willing to accept people having more than 2 Syndicate Syandanas as long as you worked hard for it. Be glad that you were atleast given a way to aquire it, regardless of it being meant to work that way or not.

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We don't care.

The rewards are meh.

The lore is 1 paragraph.

The grind is real.

You could even say that most of us hate syndicates.


Do you even know what grind is? Playing casually for a week, to max out a syndicate, is not grind.


I'll even go as far as saying that, playing 40 minutes a day, ot cap syndicate,  for a week, is not grind, wut?

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Do you even know what grind is? Playing casually for a week, to max out a syndicate, is not grind.


I'll even go as far as saying that, playing 40 minutes a day, ot cap syndicate,  for a week, is not grind, wut?

It is grind, but not to the extreme you'd see in the void. Most people are very accepting of the level of grind in the syndicates...except now it seems. Because to them, spending a little bit of extra time is a big no no to a game they enjoy playing.

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OK! OP your a stubborn. I won't even try to argue with you because you are obviously not going to change your opinion.

(Mod i congratulate you on your attempt to give this type of person some facts, i know its hard to deal with these types of people)


This won't happen, Sorry its not happening you may want it to happen but the community disagrees. You may leave the game if you have to but that's final. The DE will not change this and Arcane helmets count as a discontinued item and using it as a excuse it petty excuse to keep the discussion going.



OP this is not happening, anyone who thinks it should is wrong. That is all. /thread


Please stop posting on this topic. Its basically just bumping this thread.

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