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I Was Told I Didn't Know How To Play Nova Because I Didn't Spam M Prime


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Really? because M.prime isn't even that great. Don't get me wrong its extremely useful. But spamming it an neglecting AD is silly in most situations. Everyones entitled to their playstyle and if that includes not spamming M.prime fine by me. As long as they are helping and using abilities as needed.


I mean if thats the only reason you would bring nova I think it might actually be you that needs to "learn 2 play".

AD is not really needed in normal play once you have a weapon fully modded.

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Let's put it this way guys. I've never actually seen Noca's other abilities because they are lackluster in comparison to M Prime. Teleport is just that, teleport. The ball is simply a downgraded version of Nyx's ability. I don't even know the other.

Not to mention Nova can't tank at all.

Why else would you run Nova?

As for enjoying a playstyle, there's a difference between following the meta and enjoying yourself.

I suggest you figure out when to use them.

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Let's put it this way guys. I've never actually seen Noca's other abilities because they are lackluster in comparison to M Prime. Teleport is just that, teleport. The ball is simply a downgraded version of Nyx's ability. I don't even know the other.

Not to mention Nova can't tank at all.

Why else would you run Nova?

As for enjoying a playstyle, there's a difference between following the meta and enjoying yourself.

I suggest you figure out when to use them.


Can't tell if the Xbone dude here is a troll or just outright hates Nova, also if you don't like Nova or used her, as you never seen her powers, then how can you tell someone else to learn how to use them?.


Its your choice who ever you bring out on a mission, regardless if one can do it better then the other 

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That's pretty much the best option when it comes to stuff like that.

No. If you want to do a joke mission, host it yourself. However, the three people your playing with are infinentely more important than you, and if they want to go 60 minutes in T4, you're going to oblige (or leave).

If you want a game where you don't worry about anyone else, I'd suggest CoD or 1v1 games like Starcraft.

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I get insulted a lot for using Excalibur Prime in pubs, I think my favorite time was when I got called the N word because DE didnt release it normally like it was my fault or something. Then the guy got mad because I didnt bite his bait and just kept throwing random insult after insult non-stop. Then I got called bad cause I had most abilities used. Fun stuff.

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No. If you want to do a joke mission, host it yourself. However, the three people your playing with are infinentely more important than you, and if they want to go 60 minutes in T4, you're going to oblige (or leave).

If you want a game where you don't worry about anyone else, I'd suggest CoD or 1v1 games like Starcraft.


It's pretty much free for all in non-key missions.


And I'm sure most people go with the ,,my keys, my rules,, mentality when it comes to hosting voids.

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AD is not really needed in normal play once you have a weapon fully modded.

Most frames abilities aren't strictly needed if you have a fully modded weapon. But if you have a weapon not super effective at clearing groups fast AD works great. Plus antimatter absorb makes an good defensive/offensive ability. AD carries a bit past when your weapons start to lose killing power as well.


Let's put it this way guys. I've never actually seen Noca's other abilities because they are lackluster in comparison to M Prime. Teleport is just that, teleport. The ball is simply a downgraded version of Nyx's ability. I don't even know the other.

Not to mention Nova can't tank at all.

Why else would you run Nova?

As for enjoying a playstyle, there's a difference between following the meta and enjoying yourself.

I suggest you figure out when to use them.

Judging by that comment you don't really seem qualified to be making the statements you are making.

Granted you're free to have your opinion, but the fact many players can not follow the meta, have fun AND continue to go well beyond in high level content contradicts your assertion greatly.

I mostly getting from this that creativity and an in depth understanding on how to manipulate WF mechanics isn't something you have a good grasp of.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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It's just a ****ty way to play on a team.  That's like a loki who doesn't use disarm and just stays invisible all the time. 


The whole point to being on a team to begin with is to go further than you can solo...so why wouldn't you want to help eachother? Unless you're just lonely or something and have to have other people in the same game even if you don't want to work together.  Or you want to leech off of their keys cause you're too lazy to farm for your own.  Any way you look at it, it's ****ty.


Really? because M.prime isn't even that great. Don't get me wrong its extremely useful. But spamming it an neglecting AD is silly in most situations. Everyones entitled to their playstyle and if that includes not spamming M.prime fine by me. As long as they are helping and using abilities as needed.


I mean if thats the only reason you would bring nova I think it might actually be you that needs to "learn 2 play".



You do realize that you deal 2x as much damage with your AMD if you're hitting primed targets, right?  It's not like energy is an issue with her (if you built properly).  The only reason not to use MP is because you stubbornly don't want to (for whatever reason who knows why since AMD and neutron star are basically the same thing as MP - the same type of explosion blowing up groups of enemies).

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I tried to make a thread like this but it was inundated by play how you wanna play posts that missed the point of the thread.

In a T4d if I'm Nova I will certainly MP, but I hold off as long as possible so people aren't having to run to spawns looking for the stuck corrupted. One things get heated I happily MP. IMO it's a timing thing - wait till you see the whites of their eyes.

Obviously people can and should play how they want, but people should be allowed their right to have an opinion about others play style as well. I mentioned in another thread that frosts who don't maintain a globe in upper level T4ds and run off to spawn points going ang subsequently keep going down bother me, and IMO that is noob. There are other frames to pick if you don't want to defend the pod, and if you wanna face tank.

I also think the guy running off to face tank spawns in an upper level T4d with a vauban is a playing like a noob, too. Another opinion I was told I was "disrespectful" for having. I stand by my stance there - nobody is benefiting from that, and constantly having to revive the hubris if these fools taxes and compromises the team.

I do not, however, chastise people in chat/on mic for their game play. That's what threads like this are for - to vent. I don't know but it seems like there are more vocal A******s in the PC warframe world? I find that hard to believe, but I just don't run into it very often on PS4....

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I remember joining a game of rushers and they left the Datamass with me. I was Saryn, so I was slow as heck. All of the sudden, I see "Bring all 4 datamasses to extraction!" with this guy raving over the mic saying, "Get to extraction, bro. Stop being a slow b***h." And then this other guy says "Hes probably a newbie at the game." I hate rushers for this reason. Since one was Valkyr, he tried dragging me to extraction. I then ran off and hid out of spite. "Bro, get back here or we'll miss the potato!" I told them I'd take my sweet candy a** getting there if I wanted, and they can't do anything about it. Maybe if one of you nice boys had a Volt, I'd be happy to walk back together.


I hate rushers.

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ooo One of these threads eh?! oh how I've been waiting....


1st time this happened was with the old enemy level system. you know... When you could get alerts with level 100 + enemies from missions start or that level 125 Jackal(the missiles... the bullet sponge... insane times i tell you!!!) And it was a Grineer Survival. Level 110 starting level, me and 2 of my clannies bring our Ace gear And favourite frames braced for hell itself. The 4th slot filled by a random Mag... who we later realised brought 2 unranked weapons and a half levelled mag... and leeched... so... hard... till we stopped revivin him the 3rd time at 7minutes in...


Most recent one was the worst though... Joined a squad where the host insisted double nova and nekros for a T4S.. I Chose Nyx cause i didn't want to die a horrible death and he rolled with it reluctantly, though no one equipped a nova either. Ended up being Nekros, Loki, Nyx(myself) and Oberon(pre-buff)...


5 minutes in Void Vor calls and what happened next was gold... The same 3 who just called Vor a walk over.. Nekros and Oberon hit the floor in 10 seconds within him appearing.. followed by the nekros host *@##$ing and blaming me for not taking nova. I ended up soloing Vor for 15 minutes straight with mobs surrounding me while the rest of em ran off to do their own thing(mind control and chaos spam... like my life depended on it)

Died twice before taking him down... The horror... >_< That Full speed Vor...


ninja edited

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I was recently told to "bring better weapons" to a t4 survival. They kept asking me specifically to take a boltor prime. I had a rank 30, 2 forma synoid gammacor as a sidearm to compensate for a prisma gorgon I was leveling.


They kept telling me I was going to die and they'd keep having to pick me up.


They all went down within the first 15 minutes.


I don't understand people.

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Hmm...aside from random odd ball a long, long time ago, honestly I've never had people complain about me.


Sure, had a few people mocking/complaining about my choice of frame in a random mission but...typically I make good with what I have. Where possible, I'm either running solo missions to practice builds/weapons (Current projects are Ironclad Rhino and Resonance Banshee), or running stuff with friends to help them level their stuff and not die horribly.


Although I do like watching the random braggarts getting utterly stomped because they ran off, or when people get vitriolic when life support is restored around 40-50% during a lull period. Granted, I do my best to save the nutters but that's mostly down to my own standards than their whining that no one else was there; if you're going to race off and leave the mobs to the rest of us, course it'll take a while.

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...By a Mirage that face tanked everything and needing a revive every 5 minutes.


What else have you all run into during these random run ins?

Probably because you don't spam M-Prime?  You use it every 20 seconds, and you Quad AMD if rolling high survival missions. Noob.

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Needed credits to do a trade, joined a bunch of t3 captures, rolling my Frost Prime tanking build.


Two Loki's, and a Volt.


Naturally... "Frost Prime? Really? I thought we were speed-running..."


Okay, try to keep up with me, then...


We did six keys in four minutes, each time I got the captures, and to extraction first. 

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The only time I remember I was called a noob is when I refused to play frost in t4 int.

That dude srsly said " But all pros use frost in t4 int!!1"


Guess who died first? and second.... and third.... he just... kept dying.

But I kept my thoughts to myself. The situation spoke for itsself.

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I joined in a T4S with Nyx P. Rest of them were Rhino, Rhino P, and Ember P. They all told me to switch to a DPS frame. I explained to them the concept of crowd control, to which they all told me I could bring Nyx, but if I went down they weren't gonna help. Fast forward about 35 minutes. All three of them are down, surrounded by various eximi and heavy gunners, and yelling over the mic to come pick them up. I walk into the room, and pause. I use chaos, mind control a heavy gunner, and slowly walk over to them. And I watch them die.

Don't mock my choice of frame if I can play well with that frame.

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Probably because you don't spam M-Prime?  You use it every 20 seconds, and you Quad AMD if rolling high survival missions. Noob.

I was ranking a formaed Nova at the time and didn't have M Prime available yet. The Mirage was a hallway hero and would take on bombards solo. 


Left this bit out to see how people reacted.

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