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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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Bek the berk is creepy

I am actually quite curious as to how is it that her scream of anger makes her teammates hit faster.

I always imagined something along the lines of:

Valkyr: "B*TCH GO FASTER!"

Tenno teammate: "Y-Yes ma'am!"

Edited by RahuStalker
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Oh man, the face of that Sawman LOL!


Butcher may I say. Names has been changed too and that comic *nosebleed*. And WHY DID I GAVE THAT IDEA?! (On the other hand she may have had that on her mind already too :l  )

Edited by Revel72
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We all know how.... eagerly Vor awaits punishment at the hands of his Queens.


Tenno, support your favorite Nyx. Make her the new queen of the Grineer.




And of course, Imouto has to become queen of the Corpus. Or would that be the Head of the Board?

Edited by HiddenKharma
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You'll probably find this more funny if you go to public school in Asia. Dem lonely vid tutorial after school lol

Nah I just throw myself at it. I learned having the fastest, and strongest pistol in the game (Lato Prime) beats all the rank test...

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It's how hard most students here have to study specially in public school, the competition is extremely high and in order to get straight A's and we have to attend tutorial almost everyday after school to pass the exams with high scores. However, in the past 10 years, almost all the tutorial class rooms are switched to paying to have a lone session of sitting in front of a TV with an exercise book watching a recorded tutorial class specially before the big exam.


It's just like watching previous tenno taking test before taking Mastery rank exam XD

Edited by yuikami
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It's how hard most students here have to study specially in public school and we have to attend tutorial almost everyday after school to pass the test. in the past 10 years, almost all the tutorial class rooms are switched paying to have a lone session of sitting in front of a TV with an exercise book watching a recorded tutorial class specially before the big exam.

I find your story quite sad and honest.

My country, the Philippines, have political issues. :l

Edited by Freelancer27
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Hey Yui have you fought against buffed stalker yet? It is just so fun. He actually is bloody challenging and fun. (but look out for bleed damage 170 per second D:   } also have a lot of AoE damage. Excalibur, Trinity and Ember are pretty much most dangerous opponents. Check from gameplay feedback and topic Stalker feedback what I own. Some knowledge about Stalker.


*walks away* One more thing. "Dare to rage. He is perfect now"

Edited by Revel72
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