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Warframe's Ultimate Killing Machine Radial Javelin


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Thats...not far at all... I do that with a Nyx and one Mesa

Id also love a direct quote from them about it being an abuse considering they designed these ability's to be spamable, Efficiency Mods, Energy Restores, the fact they removed after-casts from the game, esspecially since these generally spamable radial abilitys turn off the moment you hit late without as I said a full dedicated party. Or are you saying DE doesn't approve of people building synergistic parties and working together to complete content.

Edited by TypeSaber
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The only problem I have with your post TC is that your singling RJ out, without acknowledging that it's the combined synergy/number of facets that's the cause. RJ alone is not nearly as potent, and there are a number of other setups that achieve similar results. That and people having a love/hate relationship with grinding.


People being people is killing the game, the same people who refuse to accept any kind of nerf(which effects their rep/exp gain) to their grinding efficiency. (clarify: I'm not calling for a RJ nerf specifically)


We aren't all like that though. There are those that don't burn ourselves out using these methods. It's as big of a problem as people make it to be. But yeah a lot of people would benefit from a more structured environment. Even if they complain about it.

Edited by Lynxh
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Im just going to copy paste my message from other topics, because it just sums it all up.



Let people play the way they want to play.


This is an unfixable problem.


If it's not Radial Javelin it's Mag's Crush or Saryn's Miasma or Banshee's Sound Quake or Rhino's Stomp or Ash's Blade Storm or Frosts Avalanche or Mag's Shield Polarize or Nova's Molecular Prime or Oberon's Reckoning and so on and so on and so on.....


You're always going to complain about something, and that something if you cause the devs to change it, will only make people who like to find ways to farm effectively with time efficiency, just move onto the next thing.


If this really causes you great pain in your soul to know that other people are finding powerfully crippling power combinations, then i think you need to find another game where you arent Warframes using supercool powers in space with lazers, and can enjoy how you want to play. I recommend Call of Duty or some other non-futuristic shooter that has less complex mechanics (the simple stuff).


If you dont want to join them, you dont have to. It's wrong for you to try to encroach the way you play on others, which is why i normally dont complain about farmers. They dont effect you. People however, may have less time than you, me for example i have a job and want to play other games as well as Warframe, so i find the quickest and best ways to get what i want done in the little time i have during the day. I work between 7-9 hours a day...not much left for my family and to fit in a few games...so i need to maximize my in-game activity by being quick about it. To try to tell me i need to NOT farm would only cause 1 thing to happen...i wouldnt have the time, and i wouldnt be able to play Warframe, something im sure DE is not interested in me doing. I love Warframe, i dont want your ideology to push me out of it.


Free time to dawdle around is something not everybody has. Some people can only play 1 hour a day, how are they supposed to meet their Syndicate Reputation cap if you tell them they cant min-max and create power combos with their friends in only 1 hour? Playing casually...isnt going to allow them to enjoy what YOU currently enjoy and take for granted (especially if you play all day, lucky you)


Ultimately, farmers will farm, stealthers will stealth, roleplayers will roleplay, and complainers waste their time in their days NOT in game, but trying to change and enforce the way they play the game on others by complaining on the forums, as it has been in every other game, since the dawn of multiplayer.


I will repeat. Let people play the way they want to play, just like they let you play the way YOU want to.


Respect each other. If you dont like other peoples pie, dont eat it then, you have your own pie.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Im just going to copy paste my message from other topics, because it just sums it all up.



Let people play the way they want to play.


This is an unfixable problem.


If it's not Radial Javelin it's Mag's Crush or Saryn's Miasma or Banshee's Sound Quake or Rhino's Stomp or Ash's Blade Storm or Frosts Avalanche or Mag's Shield Polarize or Nova's Molecular Prime or Oberon's Reckoning and so on and so on and so on.....


You're always going to complain about something, and that something if you cause the devs to change it, will only make people who like to find ways to farm effectively with time efficiency, just move onto the next thing.


If this really causes you great pain in your soul to know that other people are finding powerfully crippling power combinations, then i think you need to find another game where you arent Warframes using supercool powers in space with lazers, and can enjoy how you want to play. I recommend Call of Duty or some other non-futuristic shooter that has less complex mechanics (the simple stuff).


If you dont want to join them, you dont have to. It's wrong for you to try to encroach the way you play on others, which is why i normally dont complain about farmers. They dont effect you. People however, may have less time than you, me for example i have a job and want to play other games as well as Warframe, so i find the quickest and best ways to get what i want done in the little time i have during the day. I work between 7-9 hours a day...not much left for my family and to fit in a few games...so i need to maximize my in-game activity by being quick about it. To try to tell me i need to NOT farm would only cause 1 thing to happen...i wouldnt have the time, and i wouldnt be able to play Warframe, something im sure DE is not interested in me doing. I love Warframe, i dont want your ideology to push me out of it.


Free time to dawdle around is something not everybody has. Some people can only play 1 hour a day, how are they supposed to meet their Syndicate Reputation cap if you tell them they cant min-max and create power combos with their friends in only 1 hour? Playing casually...isnt going to allow them to enjoy what YOU currently enjoy and take for granted (especially if you play all day, lucky you)


Ultimately, farmers will farm, stealthers will stealth, roleplayers will roleplay, and complainers waste their time in their days NOT in game, but trying to change and enforce the way they play the game on others by complaining on the forums, as it has been in every other game, since the dawn of multiplayer.


I will repeat. Let people play the way they want to play, just like they let you play the way YOU want to.


Respect each other. If you dont like other peoples pie, dont eat it then, you have your own pie.

^ thank you, you sum it up very well.


People will always farm or look for a way to quickly speed through things, its an element of gaming, you can find some sort of speed run in nearly every game. and seriously this isnt killing the game, for every player complaining on the forums about min-maxing players there is another in the game playing the way they like. I for example love Excalibur and even reserved a load out slot for him, however i have only once used a maxed radial javelin build, because i found it so incredibly boring i stopped as soon as i finished my 3 runs of an infested invasion. know what i did after that? I sure didnt complain about this killing the game, it didnt burn me out, and it didnt cause me to see this game as idiotic and repetitious as some other Tenno have put it.   i switched up my build, i went back to my radial blind CC build. I think a lot of people are forgetting about that. you dont have to min-max. you dint even have to play with people that do. and if you do find some players like that, uh just leave the lobby. You mod any frame in anyway you like it. You dont have to max an ult, but some people want to, so let them. and if they burn out they were probably going to burn out anyway. so no, do not nerf Excal. Theres a lot of other issues in this game, radial Javelin isnt one.

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Im just going to copy paste my message from other topics, because it just sums it all up.



Let people play the way they want to play.


This is an unfixable problem.


If it's not Radial Javelin it's Mag's Crush or Saryn's Miasma or Banshee's Sound Quake or Rhino's Stomp or Ash's Blade Storm or Frosts Avalanche or Mag's Shield Polarize or Nova's Molecular Prime or Oberon's Reckoning and so on and so on and so on.....


You're always going to complain about something, and that something if you cause the devs to change it, will only make people who like to find ways to farm effectively with time efficiency, just move onto the next thing.


If this really causes you great pain in your soul to know that other people are finding powerfully crippling power combinations, then i think you need to find another game where you arent Warframes using supercool powers in space with lazers, and can enjoy how you want to play. I recommend Call of Duty or some other non-futuristic shooter that has less complex mechanics (the simple stuff).


If you dont want to join them, you dont have to. It's wrong for you to try to encroach the way you play on others, which is why i normally dont complain about farmers. They dont effect you. People however, may have less time than you, me for example i have a job and want to play other games as well as Warframe, so i find the quickest and best ways to get what i want done in the little time i have during the day. I work between 7-9 hours a day...not much left for my family and to fit in a few games...so i need to maximize my in-game activity by being quick about it. To try to tell me i need to NOT farm would only cause 1 thing to happen...i wouldnt have the time, and i wouldnt be able to play Warframe, something im sure DE is not interested in me doing. I love Warframe, i dont want your ideology to push me out of it.


Free time to dawdle around is something not everybody has. Some people can only play 1 hour a day, how are they supposed to meet their Syndicate Reputation cap if you tell them they cant min-max and create power combos with their friends in only 1 hour? Playing casually...isnt going to allow them to enjoy what YOU currently enjoy and take for granted (especially if you play all day, lucky you)


Ultimately, farmers will farm, stealthers will stealth, roleplayers will roleplay, and complainers waste their time in their days NOT in game, but trying to change and enforce the way they play the game on others by complaining on the forums, as it has been in every other game, since the dawn of multiplayer.


I will repeat. Let people play the way they want to play, just like they let you play the way YOU want to.


Respect each other. If you dont like other peoples pie, dont eat it then, you have your own pie.

but muh gaem balnce

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You mentioned the two seconds stun in two different points 

Also it has been known since a goood while ago , and after Vivergate DE wont go nerfing things because of overuse on a specific mission mode 



WOAH IS ME EXCALIBUR IS TO GOOD. Let us ignore soloing t4 survival with mag, let us ignore saryn who does the same with less range, and let us not forget sonar allowing me to crit for 200m. Just play the game people.



Excalibur radial javelin is only good for rep farming outside of that most people don't use....leave it alone! People always want the Nerf bug to hit everything in this game!


TDSOSpoderman I see Excaliburs Radial Javelin used in every mission to completely annihilate enemies to the point they do not exist at all. I often find myself asking "where are all the enemies", when I am using or my team mates are using Excalibur. 


Silverton- Excalibur can become God in every mission. I've tried and he can decimate all enemies. Damage never falls off. Mag is good with shields, Saryns Corrosive is good against many enemy types, but falls of drastically to a point it cannot kill. High End missions where I look to go far Saryn completely disappointed my expectations where I am at a point I don't use her anymore, even though I have over one hundred thousand kills using miasma alone. I find Radial Javelins range, damage and energy cost better than, using Saryns weak corrosive poison.


m91..... I've used Excalibur for many hundreds of hours playing this game. I can use it in every mission I do.

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but muh gaem balnce


Play in a way using gear you feel is balanced against the enemy you are trying to face. Do not try to tell others what they should or shouldnt use. Some people like to feel overpowered, some like to be underpowered and overcome a great challenge < This is their choice, not yours.


(PS4)AwkwardMonkers Needs to take this advice. And read my previous post. Edited by SnakeWildlife
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So what you're saying is that only with other frames buffing Excalibur, is Excalibur actually good with RJ. Ye-nope, it isn't powerful, when it's actually the synergy between frames and their auras that actually provide the power.


The Damage falls off fast if you don't have a full squad with Corrosive Projection or Shield Disruption. Even when you do have a squad full of those auras, EVERY damage output, not just the blades, becomes powerful, especially with other frames like Banshee helping out.


It isn't powerful, synergy is what makes good skills great, and that's not a bad thing.





I think you just look at Wikia but not really use him as a 'dear' user. You may hate to see some player doing some RJ and come here to list out all the number and asking for change. Each frame have their own uniqueness and you cannot compare it that way. Just as someone who's hating to see you spam, say, Oberon's Reckoning and steal all their kills, even against RJ, comes here and ask to nerf, if not already, or more if already done some, and in someway, and list out all reason why it's OP. Maybe not LoS but if you need to I can always provide some ideas. In fact, those who hate Oberon are more than ready. 


There are more frames out there with their own unique abilities, maybe 4, 3, 2, or 1 or a combination of some of those, but I'm not gonna list them here. No, I love Oberon as much as every frame and I am against any frames and abilities change/nerf. I just have issue more with people who speak haphazardly about frames and abilities that they don't like.


To AlphaHorsemen. Radial Javelin is extremely powerful. I believe you might have only read my second paragraph how with Radial Javelin being paired with corrosive projection or shield disruption it becomes much more powerful. My fourth and fifth paragraph emphasizes its killing range and the massive 2 second stun. Anything low level, which I consider any type of enemy below level 80 to 100 is able to die immediately after pressing the Radial Javelin Button. 


To ndatony. I have used Excalibur exclusively tell mastery rank 8. I have between 400 to 600 hours played with Excalibur alone. I agree that, it takes a good player to bring the full potential out of any Warframe, however pressing the Radial Javelin button shames using Excalibur. Excalibur doesn't become God mode, reference to all individuals who refer to Iron skin etc, Excalibur can turn into a God Killing mode. I used killing to describe how Excalibur in any mission type can become the annihilator for all enemies. 

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Regardless of the post topic...


You mean "figuratively"  killing warframe the game as a whole.

If it was "literally" killing it, that would mean Warframe the game was a living thing.


(Not trying to be a D**K here, but proper grammer is important when trying to communicat through words.)





in the literal or strict sense:
What does the word mean literally?
in a literal manner; word for word:
to translate literally.
actually; without exaggeration or inaccuracy:
The city was literally destroyed.
in effect; in substance; very nearly; virtually:
I literally died when she walked out on stage in that costume.



Thank You for bringing out the dictionary. It was very intelligent of you to do so.

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m91..... I've used Excalibur for many hundreds of hours playing this game. I can use it in every mission I do.

No. You've not.

If you have built RJ to the point as good as Reckoning, assuming you have built Reckoning with few forma to the point you have the best Oberon's Reckoning for every mission, then you wouldn't have write and complain something this stupid. That guy in front of you doing RJ that well because he have been forma and staying with his Excal for many 30 levels to get to that point, sacrificing his RB & SD, just like you have sacrificing everything everything just to build Reckoning to the max... and if you even deny that, you have no right to complain other guy's RJ. It's your choice as much as his.

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To AlphaHorsemen. Radial Javelin is extremely powerful. I believe you might have only read my second paragraph how with Radial Javelin being paired with corrosive projection or shield disruption it becomes much more powerful. My fourth and fifth paragraph emphasizes its killing range and the massive 2 second stun. Anything low level, which I consider any type of enemy below level 80 to 100 is able to die immediately after pressing the Radial Javelin Button. 

Oh no read your entire post. It still isn't as powerful as you make it out to be. The maxed damage is around 3,000 per Javelin, pretty much the same as Frosts maxed out Avalanche. That's with all 3 maxed strength mods.


The only way to get to any of the numbers you posted up were through synergy with other frames that have damage multipliers; Banshee is such a frame, and you stated her. Thus, there isn't an OP problem with it because it does that low (for an ult) level of damage.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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Radial Javelin is legitimately only useable when the team is either built around it or the Excalibur is running full efficiency meaning his damage is fracked. If fact when I first used the finished setup with my mates to farm Draco the mission was failed spectacularly since my trinity wasn't sure how to do his job, I ended up completely tapped on energy and was constantly shot down. It was only when my trinity got his act together that it became a easy spam-fest but like here's the kicker. We could do that with a bunch of other frames as well. Saryn can do it without needing any support and I infact solo draco sometimes for fun/challenge on it. A mag with greedy pull and a mesa can do it. A Nyx laughs at this mission....Sure the excalibur has the best spammable nuke for 'range' in the game but strongest ability in warframe....excuse me.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*cough* ack *splutter*

Ok im good, also I find it increasingly hilarious people are finally FINALLY appreciating the banshee considering how amazing it is. Its a good step for this community to look away from focusing only on nukes and more onto damage amplification.

But seriously this ability does not need a nerf..its in fact handicapped by being on the Excalibur in the first place, have you tried slashdashing with TF and FE both maxed....its essentially me stumbling a bit and falling over. The rep farm could be done with other team set ups very easy, and don't forget that is what we are talking about since the Excalibur both needs a dedicated battery, people bringing reduction aura's as well as amplification. Building a structured team like this tends to always make the group much stronger and much more useable in hard content. Does this make most individual setups or pub teams look useless in comparison. Well yeh but shouldn't it? Your team is building around something of course its going to be crazy strong. For example

Have you ever played with a Mesa (Full DPS), Mirage (Eclipse max Power), Mag (Greedy Pull Setup), Banshee (Resonance Build) it does insane things in defence/interception missions of any kind.

Finally while interception is amazing for experience because of the sheer weight of spawns you get *also why its so fun* I find t4 Endless missions to be more profitable by far since you are rewarded with duccats, cores and sell able items. I find stuff like spy done without a Loki or Ash done with full stealth to be the most rewarding fun wise. Especially as a team of ninja's all try and sync assassinate their targets, i guess this is beside the point tho.


Endgame this is true, but regularly when used it normal missions its still a mass killing machine. I can come in a defense do 20 rounds and leave gaining 70% of the damage pressing Radial Javelin between 1-3 times a round.  


I consider this the strongest ability in Warframe because of the sheer damage Radial Javelin can make is immense, the potential to get the damage amplified, the range and the two second stun for all those still alive. 


I am not stating it should be "nerf". I just posted this topic to inform my readers that, Radial Javelin can turn into a multi-million killing machine. 


Ill keep that build in mind it sounds fun. :)


I find tower four survivals fun myself, but I don't like how the time is similar to real time in life. Two hours in a game is two hours in real life, but that is also for another topic. :)

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Then what about mirage's disco ball of death then? There are other ults that could easily take RJ place. As many people have said RJ by itself like many abilities fall off late game dmg wise. With the right combination most ults can do f-all dmg.

Edited by nickelshark
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Endgame this is true, but regularly when used it normal missions its still a mass killing machine. I can come in a defense do 20 rounds and leave gaining 70% of the damage pressing Radial Javelin between 1-3 times a round. &nbsp;


I consider this the strongest ability in Warframe because of the sheer damage Radial Javelin can make is immense, the potential to get the damage amplified, the range and the two second stun for all those still alive.&nbsp;


I am not stating it should be "nerf". I just posted this topic to inform my readers that, Radial Javelin can turn into a multi-million killing machine.&nbsp;


Ill keep that build in mind it sounds fun. :)


I find tower four survivals fun myself, but I don't like how the time is similar to real time in life. Two hours in a game is two hours in real life, but that is also for another topic. :)

I just disagree with it being the strongest ability very strongly. Its damage is bad when compared to other radial nukes and DPS ability's, its efficiency is terrible because it needs BR maxed to even touch most high level mobs. Its ability to be amplified is well...most nukes can be amplified.....Its CC is good, until you relize that most radial DPS ability's come with equal CC....its superior feature that makes it unique is its fantastic range.

If I had to say what I feel is the strongest ability in the game it is Absorb by far...It does amazing damage, without needing damage mods, can tank for your team, draws aggro away from your team, can combo with your teams abilitys including banshee, has amazing range, has a knockdown, is spamable. Like jesus...this is included on a frame with Chaos haha <3 the Nyx.

Lower the range from 25 to 15m (Most ultimates are 15m)

Problem solved, no more draco and stephano noobs

Screw people having fun on frames they like am I right! lets remove the range JR's only redeeming feature cause we don't like something and lack the imagination to bring our own setups and the understanding to leave peoples toys alone when they are strong in the one bloody thing they are strong at.

People who scream nerf like this are all the same, they would nerf an ability then all this would do is people would switch to 'see radial nuke' here. People are going to grind missions with nukes.. you could remove all radial nukes, then they will use radial CC and shoot things. You can remove all radial abilitys. But then people are using mobility to sniper things from areas unreachable by the enemys while a loki does the capturing. Remove that too, cause invis is unfair they cant attack invisible or unreachable targets just remove the abilitys, remove them all right its all OP. Ok...thank god...warframe is 3rd person counterstrike now...finally people are happy.

Edited by TypeSaber
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Screw people having fun on frames they like am I right! lets remove the range JR's only redeeming feature cause we don't like something and lack the imagination to bring our own setups and the understanding to leave peoples toys alone when they are strong in the one bloody thing they are strong at.

People who scream nerf like this are all the same, they would nerf an ability then all this would do is people would switch to 'see radial nuke' here. People are going to grind missions with nukes.. you could remove all radial nukes, then they will use radial CC and shoot things. You can remove all radial abilitys. But then people are using mobility to sniper things from areas unreachable by the enemys while a loki does the capturing. Remove that too, cause invis is unfair they cant attack invisible or unreachable targets just remove the abilitys, remove them all right its all OP. Ok...thank god...warframe is 3rd person counterstrike now...finally people are happy.

Your definition of fun is instantly killing level 40 enemies that you can't even see that are on the other side of the map?

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Your definition of fun is instantly killing level 40 enemies that you can't even see that are on the other side of the map?

Nope, personally I enjoy taking CC/ Combination frames with amplification then using good weapons and moving about the map. I am however not every warframe player, I am one warframe player.

Nerfing should be done if everyone hates an ability because it is so overpowered it cant be replicated by anything. Not because players feel an ability is too strong at doing one thing in the game if a team is built around it when many other ability's can do the same task. Your trying to push your opinion on everyone else because of displeasure rather then knowledge or reason.

Edited by TypeSaber
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Lower the range from 25 to 15m (Most ultimates are 15m)

Problem solved, no more draco and stephano noobs

No. Nothing solves the issue... in fact, it could hurt some frames severly, say, Mesa's peacemaker. You see, when somebody complains about some frames and abilities, it's mostly because they fail to recognize other people hard work of building something to that point, or that they fail, or choose not, to build their own frames and abilities to that capacity. And it's true in this case. You may fire back at me, "oh but at least LoS is there", but that's is the reason she is compensated with something else... that in the mind of a complainer it can always be used as subject to complain.


It's like this, when I used Excal, Mesa players complain you nuke all my targets. When I used Mesa, Ash players complain I have shot all target before he could use his ult. When I used Ash, Oberon players complain I have killed all his targets. When I used Oberon, Hydroid players..... You see?! It goes on and on....

Edited by ndantony
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Nerfing should be done if everyone hates an ability because it is so overpowered it cant be replicated by anything.


Getting everyone to agree on something is quite literally impossible. There were people who wanted to keep Trinity god mode in the game.


DE has extremely thorough stat sheets. Kills, assists, accuracy, all kinds of metrics. Nerfing should be done when an ability is statistically superior (for no good reason) compared to other abilities of the same magnitude/type.

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