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Warframe's Ultimate Killing Machine Radial Javelin


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RJ is used for its range and little else.  If RJ had 15 base range everyone would switch to Saryn in a hearbeat.  If Saryn got nerfed they would switch to Oberon/Mirage, then to Frost, and so on....  



If you can use Radial Javelin for rep farming to kill every enemy on sight, their is also a way to take it into every mission available to maximize your damage. Range is a good selling factor however a max overextended is literally destroying your power strength and your killing potential. 32 Radial Javelins may hit the enemy, if the factors/Javelin count are still correct, 32 times your initial damage, every enemy gets hit within the radius of your massive range. Damage in Radial Javelin does not drop. Enemies health increase, even though the wikia does not specify, and only specify for their armor and attack power, Enemies health do increase because Radial Javelin has consistent damage the whole game.

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DE has stated that the combination of min/max spam with or without team synergies on maps of certian sizes and/or spawn rates constitutes a exploit that unbalances the game.

RJ is on of a number of ways to do this. Nerf'n the powers is only one aspect of addressing the problem. Closing the weakness on the tile sets is probably the best way to solve the problem. Changing map size and or spawn rates, and also adjusting level rewards could mitigate the game breaking spam fests.


Wait DE has finally stated using Hysteria to bypass game modes (Nightmare) is an exploit?

Or bringing Team Ammo Restores or Team Energy Restores to maximize loadout and synergy with certain Frames and/or weapons is an Exploit?

Or using Loki- Ash with invisibility to trivialize Rescue/Spy/Deception is an Exploit?

Limbo banishing the Rescue Hostage...exploit?

Racking up a high (5x or higher) melee combo counter to deal 1-shot most enemies (Arch melee or regular melee) is an exploit?

Radial Disarm literally removing affected enemy guns indefinitely, rather than it being based on duration...exploit???


These are a few examples of imbalance when using weapons or Warframes that can be optimized for a certain game mode or playstyle. Those same examples do not represent a balance in the game, thus DE stated they would be exploits.


*Maximizing a weapon for damage to spam bullets while not slotting an ammo mutation or scavenger mod,(maximizing DPS minimizing ammo efficiency) and instead bringing 200 Large ammo restores to synergize or remedy the lack of ammo efficiency to spam easy mode bullets....is an exploit??


So DE deliberately stated most of the ways to build a loadout for a weapon and or Warframe/Archwing is an exploit as it does not create blance in certain game modes....


-I do not think that is what DE stated, I could be wrong...


I thought [DE]Steve said trivializing the game to Homer Drinking Bird difficulty is what was game-breaking or an exploit.


Technically the move to reduce mod slots and grant all 4 abilities was done to combat min-max 1-trick pony playstyles. But then they went and gave us Transient Fortitude which reduced duration instead of Range, go figure. (Which high damaging Ultimate would be better suited for high damage and reduced range, with a long duration? God-mode broken Hysteria?  Yeah they were asking for players to maximize damage and range when they released Transient Fortitude and decided to have it negate duration. Makes no sense to get upset that players saw that as only being a damage bonus as most Damaging Ultimates do not  need extended duration to be better, so it was a corrupted mod that did not have a real negative affect when looking from a balance factor....especially when compared to Blind Rage's tax on energy cost.


(Had they been looking to release another Powerstrength corrupted mode they would have done: +Power Strength -Range....hard to have a wide area AoE that does massive damage if Blind Rage greatly increase energy cost and Transient Fortitude had reduced range instead of duration.)



After watching [DE]Sheldon use infinite Energy on PvP map, maybe DE does recognize what is considered "Exploiting" and just don't like it when players do it. (But it being okay for them to use it in the game, as they should be "OP" in their own game)



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Nova's molecular prime
Loki's radial disarm 

Amongst others; I wouldn't say they are "killling warframe as a whole", but they deffinitely make the game playable by doing little to no effort. And you decided to pick on Excalibur?

Tenno pls. 

Edited by osheroth
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Radial Javelin does proc bleed. Radial Javelin has slash damage that procs bleed status.

Finisher damage is caused by slash, ground finishers are for melee weapons while the enemies are on the floor.

Radial Javelins damage is average compared to Miasma, but end mission stats say's other wise.

Though it does get average damage, alone the damage does not drop at all no matter what enemy level it is.

If Radial Javelins Range was shrunk, it still would be a massive killer, not as strong as a beast right now, but it still would be good to annihilate enemies with. 


Saryn Miasma is corrosive damage which is useless in high waves. 8000 corrosive damage if you calculated it right, turns into nothing at high waves such as 50, or 50 minutes no matter how hard you may try.

As I stated earlier, the Slash procs do not occur often enough to be considered a perk of RJ's.


RJ's damage plummets against armored enemies at higher levels (same as most damage types,) especially against Alloy armor.  Its Puncture damage helps it a little against Ferrite enemies but it's nothing major.  


Corrosive damage doesn't have any downsides against any health type besides Proto Shield (lol) but is highly effective against Ferrite due to ignoring 75% of its armor value while simultaneously dealing 75% bonus damage, making it stay relevant against Grineer medium units and non-Corrupted Heavy Gunners for far longer than other damage types.  Miasma kicks RJ's @$$ when it comes to staying relevant at higher levels due to its greater damage and bonus vs Ferrite. 


RJ also can't hit an enemy with multiple javelins in its current incarnation.  (It doesn't even really fire javelins anymore; they're almost totally cosmetic at this point.)

Edited by RealPandemonium
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so you are butthurt because RJ is a "good" ability from your pov? i modded my excal for radial javelin +health and shields. Saryn, even with less range, does more damage. Mesa, with same or more range and faster, only thing that changes is that mesa has to shoot each one of em instead of all at the same time, but she kills from all angles and distances. But the problem is my precious RJ which got nerfed a thousand times. No mate, the problem is not RJ, but people like you who doesn't like to have no stat in gold at the end of the match.

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Nova's molecular prime

Loki's radial disarm 

Amongst others; I wouldn't say they are "killling warframe as a whole", but they deffinitely make the game playable by doing little to no effort. And you decided to pick on Excalibur?

Tenno pls. 


Tenno please.


Nova's Molecular prime is counter productive later on in end game rounds because they can still shoot or hit you once which kills you. Not to mention it destroys desecrate and you can find any enemies to kill because their stuck 1-2 rooms away from you. I don't know if this is true or not, but I have heard somewhere before that, molecular prime if your in the blast radius will damage or kill you. I've been close to many enemies before, while using molecular prime for my dakra to impale targets, I can say though I am not 100% sure that, Molecular prime does damage you from blast radius. 


Loki's disarm can be counter productive without a stunner or the augment mod. We may see enemies that, are fast and can one shoot you with their melee weapons. If a person see's a Moa or heavy gunner running after them with their melee weapon, people tend to run away because after all they will one shoot you. 

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Saryn's ultimate is better imo. It has higher damage with shorter cast time.


This is my Saryn, Miasma build. I cant find a perfect build, but I'm slowly working on it. I'd like some opinions if its possible for me to use Miasma to kill enemies still on defense's or survivals, 50 waves or 50 minutes primarily. Thanks.



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As I stated earlier, the Slash procs do not occur often enough to be considered a perk of RJ's.


RJ's damage plummets against armored enemies at higher levels (same as most damage types,) especially against Alloy armor.  Its Puncture damage helps it a little against Ferrite enemies but it's nothing major.  


Corrosive damage doesn't have any downsides against any health type besides Proto Shield (lol) but is highly effective against Ferrite due to ignoring 75% of its armor value while simultaneously dealing 75% bonus damage, making it stay relevant against Grineer medium units and non-Corrupted Heavy Gunners for far longer than other damage types.  Miasma kicks RJ's @$$ when it comes to staying relevant at higher levels due to its greater damage and bonus vs Ferrite. 


RJ also can't hit an enemy with multiple javelins in its current incarnation.  (It doesn't even really fire javelins anymore; they're almost totally cosmetic at this point.)


32 Javelins if its still correct, come out of Radial Javelins with max range. Their is a big chance that 1 of those 32 Javelins well cause slash and after the bleed damage. It takes us 2 seconds to launch our Javelins thanks to Natural talent and we launch another wave of 32 Javelins. The probability of 62 Javelins not having the slash proc is immense. Similar to 62 bullets not having the slash proc fired at the enemy. 


The damage of Radial Javelin does not drop it is consistent with every enemy even in high waves. We go to a mercury survival enemies are extremely low level it does the same damage. We go to a tower four survival it does the same damage however far one may go, but then again I still haven't seen pass 2 hours and 30 minutes with Radial Javelins because of primarily fatigue, boredom and dumb luck.  


When we have 4 corrosive projection, corrosive damage does not matter, instead we replace it with viral. Miasma is strong but higher waves it drops of ridiculous amounts where you may see it hit the enemies 25 or far less, fir e it of 20 or more times, someone just wasted a lot of time not trying to kill the enemy. Not to mention that, with a max Blind Rage your efficiency will destroy your energy. 


1 Javelin cast on a enemy is enough, as many of us can see they are usually instant kills. Higher rounds for example survival is like syndicate farming interception mission for Excalibur. 2 seconds to cast Radial Javelin with natural talent with consistent damage is enough to wear down high level enemies.


I say consistent damage that, never drops because I am near 100% assured damage never drops.

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32 Javelins if its still correct, come out of Radial Javelins with max range. Their is a big chance that 1 of those 32 Javelins well cause slash and after the bleed damage. It takes us 2 seconds to launch our Javelins thanks to Natural talent and we launch another wave of 32 Javelins. The probability of 62 Javelins not having the slash proc is immense. Similar to 62 bullets not having the slash proc fired at the enemy. 


The damage of Radial Javelin does not drop it is consistent with every enemy even in high waves. We go to a mercury survival enemies are extremely low level it does the same damage. We go to a tower four survival it does the same damage however far one may go, but then again I still haven't seen pass 2 hours and 30 minutes with Radial Javelins because of primarily fatigue, boredom and dumb luck.  


When we have 4 corrosive projection, corrosive damage does not matter, instead we replace it with viral. Miasma is strong but higher waves it drops of ridiculous amounts where you may see it hit the enemies 25 or far less, fir e it of 20 or more times, someone just wasted a lot of time not trying to kill the enemy. Not to mention that, with a max Blind Rage your efficiency will destroy your energy. 


1 Javelin cast on a enemy is enough, as many of us can see they are usually instant kills. Higher rounds for example survival is like syndicate farming interception mission for Excalibur. 2 seconds to cast Radial Javelin with natural talent with consistent damage is enough to wear down high level enemies.


I say consistent damage that, never drops because I am near 100% assured damage never drops.

But you don't have rep farm anymore, so a 2 second cast time for a >4 second stun makes RJ pretty useless now because in order to have that consistent DPS, you need a trinity (restores are just too slow), which will only happens in rep farm. In other missions, nullifiers say hi to you.

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so you are butthurt because RJ is a "good" ability from your pov? i modded my excal for radial javelin +health and shields. Saryn, even with less range, does more damage. Mesa, with same or more range and faster, only thing that changes is that mesa has to shoot each one of em instead of all at the same time, but she kills from all angles and distances. But the problem is my precious RJ which got nerfed a thousand times. No mate, the problem is not RJ, but people like you who doesn't like to have no stat in gold at the end of the match.


How can I be "butthurt" (insulted in some way) if I say Radial Javelin is a good ability from my Point of view?


"the problem is not RJ, but people like you who doesn't like to have no stat in gold at the end of the match."



On the contrary I exploit Radial Javelin on a daily basis to increase my kill counts, I am not to "narrow minded" to not do otherwise. What I see is that I get over 50% of damage and thousands of kills not using energy packs, while I am away from the game drawing.  

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But you don't have rep farm anymore, so a 2 second cast time for a >4 second stun makes RJ pretty useless now because in order to have that consistent DPS, you need a trinity (restores are just too slow), which will only happens in rep farm. In other missions, nullifiers say hi to you.


Hi to you to :)


I can fire of 16 Javelin's with max energy. To attain max energy which I constantly do in tower 4 survival, starting over 60 minutes I put down 1, 100 energy pack, with my energy cost at 25 I can fire it of 16 times with just max energy at that moment.


I don't find games fun unless I play it with friends or others and that's where Nullifiers meet their death against others.

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Hi to you to :)


I can fire of 16 Javelin's with max energy. To attain max energy which I constantly do in tower 4 survival, starting over 60 minutes I put down 1, 100 energy pack, with my energy cost at 25 I can fire it of 16 times with just max energy at that moment.


I don't find games fun unless I play it with friends or others and that's where Nullifiers meet their death against others.

Oh, seems like I forgot energy drops from enemies, carry on then

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32 Javelins if its still correct, come out of Radial Javelins with max range. Their is a big chance that 1 of those 32 Javelins well cause slash and after the bleed damage. It takes us 2 seconds to launch our Javelins thanks to Natural talent and we launch another wave of 32 Javelins. The probability of 62 Javelins not having the slash proc is immense. Similar to 62 bullets not having the slash proc fired at the enemy. 


The damage of Radial Javelin does not drop it is consistent with every enemy even in high waves. We go to a mercury survival enemies are extremely low level it does the same damage. We go to a tower four survival it does the same damage however far one may go, but then again I still haven't seen pass 2 hours and 30 minutes with Radial Javelins because of primarily fatigue, boredom and dumb luck.  


When we have 4 corrosive projection, corrosive damage does not matter, instead we replace it with viral. Miasma is strong but higher waves it drops of ridiculous amounts where you may see it hit the enemies 25 or far less, fir e it of 20 or more times, someone just wasted a lot of time not trying to kill the enemy. Not to mention that, with a max Blind Rage your efficiency will destroy your energy. 


1 Javelin cast on a enemy is enough, as many of us can see they are usually instant kills. Higher rounds for example survival is like syndicate farming interception mission for Excalibur. 2 seconds to cast Radial Javelin with natural talent with consistent damage is enough to wear down high level enemies.


I say consistent damage that, never drops because I am near 100% assured damage never drops.

If enemies are armored (AKA Grineer) the damage will drop, because that's what armor does.  Armor is the bane of ability damage (and all damage types eventually, but abilities don't do as much single target dps as guns do.) As I said, RJ no longer fires a finite number of javelins.  It teleports a javelin into each enemy in range regardless of circumstance.  If you're going to post things with such conviction at least be right about the facts. It's true that Corrosive Projection makes RJ's damage stay relevant for much longer but Miasma will still out-damage it by at least 2 times, CP or not (but far more when there isn't 4 CPs.)  Btw, Miasma doesn't lower armor at all because it cannot proc; it ignores 75% of Ferrite because that is an innate property of Corrosive damage.  RJ is only good because of the range (which is an relic of its old targeting system in the first place.)

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The reason why your Miasma isn't killing well is because your range is only 21m.

Put over extended + stretch on it and use Intensify, Transient Fortitude and max FE.


In my case, my Saryn has an arcane cholera helm.

So my damage goes even higher without relying on Blind Rage.





As for you being so convinced your 25 energy RJ being so good.

Then let it be known that, energy is a non-concern to me.

If energy is a concern, why do I use natural talent in the first place ?

Doesn't that make my energy expenditure even worse ?



Firstly, Trinity users on the PC in my experience are good enough to replenish my 65 energy per cast.

In fact 90% of them give me back enough at least  100 to 130 energy.

My alliance has a slew of excellent trinity players, I never ever had the need to worry about energy during Exp farm games. Hence I solely focus on my raw damage.


Exp farming is a team effort, so if you are FORCED to use energy efficiency builds rather than pure damage.

That means 2 things.

Either your team mates are terrible or you have issues trusting others.

Both which are pretty bad things.



Secondly, I got energy restores in the high hundreds. Something like 700+ energy restores.

Stephano alone drops so much polymer bundles that it will pay itself off in energy even with ZERO trinities in the game.


Thirdly, RJ biggest benefit is still it's range, never its damage.

Ability to hit all targets in near 60 meters is it's biggest advantage.

That is all.



Previously RJ was bugged where clients will spawn 2 javelins per target, thus giving it insane damage.

But that has being fixed. And RJ no longer has a fixed number of javelins. 

If there is 100 enemies, Excal will spawn 100 Javs period.


As for relying on RJ to do bleed damage, the chance to proc must be pretty damn minuscule

That is why I think it doesn't proc at all.


Or perhaps because your RJ doesn't deal enough damage that is why you noticed the bleeding.

My RJ when fully boosted won't even leave enough enemies alive for me to notice even a bleed proc.

And it is not my RJ that is powerful, but it is the Mirage and Saryn boosting me.

Edited by fatpig84
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Radial javlins damage is still to small for damage . Using a max rank transient fortitude and intensify wi both of these in a t2 mobile defensemitmdoesnt even kill ancient's fusion moas heavy gunners and certain enemies these are level 21 enemy's. I can put a full rank blind rage but the damage or putting those 2 strength mods in should be enough to kill level 21's. Considering the stun is still long enough for you to do anything I get about 1 kill from a rifle then they start shooting. The damage should be finisher damage or javlins should have bleed procs.

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If enemies are armored (AKA Grineer) the damage will drop, because that's what armor does.  Armor is the bane of ability damage (and all damage types eventually, but abilities don't do as much single target dps as guns do.) As I said, RJ no longer fires a finite number of javelins.  It teleports a javelin into each enemy in range regardless of circumstance.  If you're going to post things with such conviction at least be right about the facts. It's true that Corrosive Projection makes RJ's damage stay relevant for much longer but Miasma will still out-damage it by at least 2 times, CP or not (but far more when there isn't 4 CPs.)  Btw, Miasma doesn't lower armor at all because it cannot proc; it ignores 75% of Ferrite because that is an innate property of Corrosive damage.  RJ is only good because of the range (which is an relic of its old targeting system in the first place.)


Anyone can go in the game inside any Grinner mission and spam Radial Javelin and have the same damage as the infested low level missions. Simply put it Rep farms are primarily Grinner interceptions. At level 50 in Grinner Stephano for example mission, they still die very fast because damage is the same.


The slash proc is weak against armor however, the finisher damage from slash attacks are not. Finisher damage is effective against everything in the game.


Full corrosive increases our Javelins strength making it more effective against everything, but does not require it because as I keep stating, " you can go into any mission right now and go in their, stay their for 50 rounds and still have the same damage output as you started with." For example I go in with 1600 damage I will come out in 50 rounds with 1600 damage per Javelin per enemy hit. 


I never said, "miasma doesn't lower armor." If you can pin point that in my past posts I would be happy to say I am wrong about that. Corrosive damage is again worthless, when your team has 100% corrosive projection on. Similar to equipping corrosive status on your weapons when you have four corrosive projection. 


As I explained in my past posts 33% slash (that can proc finisher damage and bleed), 33% impact knock back stun and 33% puncture which weakens enemy damage are incredibly strong stats on Javelins.


That's 3 effects on Javelin especially a finisher proc on slash which are incredibly damaging to all enemies. Range is what a lot of people think Javelins are very good for, but as I keep explaining damage does not drop.

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The reason why your Miasma isn't killing well is because your range is only 21m.

Put over extended + stretch on it and use Intensify, Transient Fortitude and max FE.


In my case, my Saryn has an arcane cholera helm.

So my damage goes even higher without relying on Blind Rage.





As for you being so convinced your 25 energy RJ being so good.

Then let it be known that, energy is a non-concern to me.

If energy is a concern, why do I use natural talent in the first place ?

Doesn't that make my energy expenditure even worse ?



Firstly, Trinity users on the PC in my experience are good enough to replenish my 65 energy per cast.

In fact 90% of them give me back enough at least  100 to 130 energy.

My alliance has a slew of excellent trinity players, I never ever had the need to worry about energy during Exp farm games. Hence I solely focus on my raw damage.


Exp farming is a team effort, so if you are FORCED to use energy efficiency builds rather than pure damage.

That means 2 things.

Either your team mates are terrible or you have issues trusting others.

Both which are pretty bad things.



Secondly, I got energy restores in the high hundreds. Something like 700+ energy restores.

Stephano alone drops so much polymer bundles that it will pay itself off in energy even with ZERO trinities in the game.


Thirdly, RJ biggest benefit is still it's range, never its damage.

Ability to hit all targets in near 60 meters is it's biggest advantage.

That is all.



Previously RJ was bugged where clients will spawn 2 javelins per target, thus giving it insane damage.

But that has being fixed. And RJ no longer has a fixed number of javelins. 

If there is 100 enemies, Excal will spawn 100 Javs period.


As for relying on RJ to do bleed damage, the chance to proc must be pretty damn minuscule

That is why I think it doesn't proc at all.


Or perhaps because your RJ doesn't deal enough damage that is why you noticed the bleeding.

My RJ when fully boosted won't even leave enough enemies alive for me to notice even a bleed proc.

And it is not my RJ that is powerful, but it is the Mirage and Saryn boosting me.


Your Build on Miasma completely cancels out your Transient fortitude on your Saryn for range? The range is wide however, your damage will fall at 20 waves or 20 minutes of game play. Were suppose to destroy our duration so damage output can be a blast rather than a poison type effect. 


Let me guess you drop does 100 energy packs like crazy or always have a Trinity on your team. Oh I see you further state how you always have a trinity in your team to replenish your energy ah I see. After you boast about having 700 energy restores. As far as I can understand a steel charge,non efficient build, a natural talent on 2 Javelins with full energy, 700 energy packs on top of that, barely any forma on your Excalibur prime even before the updates, you barely use Excalibur at all. 



As I remember your the individual with the steel charge on his Excalibur prime. What are you going to do use your 2 second stun after you Javelin to close the gap then, use another Javelin for another 2 second stun then slash the enemy with your weapon? Or perhaps use your 3 second Radial Blind to blind the enemies then slash them with your melee weapon for steel charge to take effect?


I play not for exp farming I play to beat the game. By beat the game, I mean go beyond the normal standards and that is primarily why I have a efficient killing build that, requires 1 energy orb on the floor to use.


"If there is 100 enemies, Excal will spawn 100 Javs period." They put a cap on Radial Javelin to have 32 Javelins or maybe a little bit more. I have never seen them or anyone else stating that, Excal can launch 100 Javelin's when their are 100 enemies present. If so that would be a huge bug, because killing 100 enemies in an instant is insane.


At high waves your Javelins damage is the same, however enemy health is not the same, that's whre the true strength of our Warframes come out. Think about the probability of you using Radial Javelin on for example 20 enemies. If you use it 2 times for example on 20 enemies their is a 33% chance it will proc slash, puncture or impact, on 1 of those 20 of those enemies, hit 1 enemy twice it will be a 66% chance that it will proc a status effect. 

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Radial javlins damage is still to small for damage . Using a max rank transient fortitude and intensify wi both of these in a t2 mobile defensemitmdoesnt even kill ancient's fusion moas heavy gunners and certain enemies these are level 21 enemy's. I can put a full rank blind rage but the damage or putting those 2 strength mods in should be enough to kill level 21's. Considering the stun is still long enough for you to do anything I get about 1 kill from a rifle then they start shooting. The damage should be finisher damage or javlins should have bleed procs.


Read the previous posts, same argument as many others have. >,> 


33.3% slash (causes finisher or bleed damage), 33.3% puncture (weakens enemy damage) and 33.3% impact (knock back) damage. Go to a level 1 mission and have negative power strength build on Radial Javelin so you wont be able to kill any enemies. Go to a Sechura, Pluto have the same build for Radial Javelin, you will still do the same damage on high leveled enemies. 

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