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Time To Finally Banish Dojo Course Exploiters


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simple and easy

dojo obstacle course

it is not possible to get less then 1 second

neither is 10seconds

or 20 seconds

i think its time you considder banning people for exploits

they use noclipping 

they use timer freeze 

and if less then 20 seconds they use dueling bug as a exploid

there is noway someone could get 0,01 on the dojo obstacle course

and if its a bug

let them support a ticket...to fix the bann

the scores adding to the global scores

is simply saying

its oke to exploit!


in other words MAKE IT FAIR!


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I've seen people run it backwards, skip entire sections, or both at the same time. It's a question of knowing the game mechanics. There are points where clipping obviously happened and those should be reported so that fixes can be made, but in a lot of cases it just comes down to knowing how the game works.

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I've seen people run it backwards, skip entire sections, or both at the same time. It's a question of knowing the game mechanics. There are points where clipping obviously happened and those should be reported so that fixes can be made, but in a lot of cases it just comes down to knowing how the game works.

Agreed. My Zephyr says screw you to typical rules.
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It's silly to ban people over something so trivial as figuring out how to break the obstacle course timer.


they use noclipping 

they use timer freeze

If you have screenshot or video proof of someone hacking the game and noclipping or freezing timers, please file a support ticket to report them. Being able to noclip or freeze in-game timers is rather serious problem. But unless you know for a fact that this is how people are getting broken scores in the obstacle course, you shouldn't say that this is how they're doing it.

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1. The game is in beta, our job is to find exploits so the devs could fix them. Arena glitch happened a couple days ago, I had tipedo, also had low grav, decided to use it to find holes in the obstacle course, turns out there is no reset wall above the starting wall so I just coptered over it and made my way to the goal in under 5 seconds. There now the dev's know that there needs to be more reset barriers in the obstacle course and that the arena needs to be fixed, and you are saying I should be banned for this?

2. This exploit is not detrimental to the game in any way. It's not giving us xp, loads of money, free plat etc nor is it giving us any progression advantage over other players. It puts your name on a leaderboard, that's it. This isn't #Vivergate.

3. That leaderboard is cleared weekly so even if you get the world record or whatever it will be cleared off in a week. Poof, gone.

4. As for the .01 record times...

there ya go, no fancy hacking tools or glitches or anything.  just a little trick with modules. Mystery solved.

5. Looking at the date on that video,  this exploit is over 5 months old, I'm pretty sure the devs heard about this by now and Its not on their priority list atm.

Edited by Sol7kjr
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Why should people be banned for $&*^ing around in their own dojo?

It's not like they're affecting you in any way. They're not getting credits or flooding the market with prime parts, even their highscores mean xip.

Should we ban everyone who glitches out of the relays for fun?

And if you're so much into the obstacle course that clanmates glitching for highscores bothers you so much, sorry, but that's something you gotta bring up with your own clan. Or find a better one if they refuse to address it.

Edited by Hyenasaurus
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It's silly to ban people over something so trivial as figuring out how to break the obstacle course timer.


If you have screenshot or video proof of someone hacking the game and noclipping or freezing timers, please file a support ticket to report them. Being able to noclip or freeze in-game timers is rather serious problem. But unless you know for a fact that this is how people are getting broken scores in the obstacle course, you shouldn't say that this is how they're doing it.




It doesn't seem real that someone is suggesting to ban people for using glitches and game mechanics to beat the obs. course super fast. 


please find something better to do with your time in warframe OP, there are a lot more fun things to do than complain on the forums about a meaningless time score in a Dojo.

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