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Around What Update Did You Join The War, Tenno?


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I also came in at around 5.3! Looking at the patch notes, I think I can still remember reading it back in the day!


Actually, since I recall a time before cameras and laser doors, I might've been in there even before update 5!

Edited by ROSING
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Right before Update 6.


Be happy you joined later, just about everyone I know from then won't touch the game anymore.




Very early closed beta days, back when the community was still a "community", back when people actually helped each other, marked mods and even waited for slower players instead of rushing like mad mans. Really miss the good old days.


You joined one update before Open Beta's update. And Open beta still had plenty of that, it wasn't until like Update 10 when that stuff stopped, and by then it was pointless since nothing was really rare and everything dropped like candy, you used to be excited to get a fusion core, then they spread loot out and added drop tables, stuff wasn't half as rare.

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A bit before update 6.

I played for a bit and greatly enjoyed what was there. Didn't really have the disposable income to throw at the game and I convinced myself I should leave before I grew too attached.

At the time I felt really limited with slots and wasn't aware that I could acquire blueprints for new frames or superchargers. 

Kicking myself for not having bought the snipertron from the market. Had such a silly name and I thought I would be better served by the more practical Latron.

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I originally joined wayyy back in the day when Warframe was still a baby, but I only played for like a day. Then I came back during the Breeding Grounds event.

I wish I'd started earlier, because of course that'd mean having more event items, but I'm mostly contented, since as of now I have all the event mods without buying a single one, at least. Oh and my Latron Wraith, one of my top 5 guns.

I guess joining sooner would've meant being burnt out sooner too though.

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