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Please Change This Trend Of Crafting Requirements, Its Not Fair.


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It's not fair that you ask us to have multiple blank weapon slots required to craft something, forcing many people to buy weapon slots they dont need so they can have 3 spaces, when only 1 is required for the new weapon.


Please change this trend, and do something else with crafting requirements.


Allow me to explain the stages of the crafting of the new AkJagara

So that you know what i mean, all costs are in bold.


Dual Skana = 1 Weapon Slot consumed, 12 hours Time

Lato = 1 Weapon Slot consumed

Craft Lato into a Bolto = 12 hours Time

Get a Second Lato = 1 Weapon Slot consumed

Craft 2nd Lato into a Bolto = 12 hours Time (you will have 2x Bolto's + Dual Skana in inventory at this stage, thats 3 slots)

Craft 2 Bolto's into a AkBolto = 12 hours Time

Craft Dual Skana and AkBolto into a AkJagara = 12 hours Time


In total: 3 Open Weapon Slots consumed

2 Days to craft for 'lotsa free time' or sleepless gamers.

4 Days to craft for the blokes who cant be on Warframe every 12 hours.


Whats wrong with that?

2-4 Days to craft i can put up with, thats not a problem, but what is..is that during the crafting of this weapon at one stage, you are required to have 3 Blank Weapon slots (2 if you leave the Dual Skana last, but not everyone has that godlike foresight, because the Dual Skana will complete first and most likely, people will hit the Claim button immidiately) to be available to craft this weapon which only requires 1 Weapon slot, which will force many people to blow Platinum on weapon slots they didnt need or want to purchase.



If you want players to have their weapons be more expensive or craft slower, i have no problem with a little more waiting, but flooding up peoples weapon-slots with 'Crafting materiel', is just bad business conduct, please change this bad direction.






Heres the predicament. I am a long time player and i keep a copy of every weapon, iv spent tonnes of platinum on weapon slots to keep up with this, i must have over 50 weapon slots by now.


But even still, when i was starting to craft the components to make this new weapon, i was told i NEEDED to buy 2 more weapon slots in an excess, to be able to craft this weapon that only takes 1 slot.


Does this mean other future weapons will be the same? To NEED of me and to NEED of other players to be forced to buy 2 slots (total of 3 blank slots, 2 that wont actually be used) to build 1 weapon?


I can afford it, but everybody in the world, may not. So whats my point?


Im defending you, and defending the playerbase, from the bad business decision and bad business practice, which entraps completionists, or force non-completionists into making a Weapon Slot purchase they didnt want, in order to make the next weapon. Its wrong, and you shouldnt support it.


I should be purchasing 2 weapon slots when i want to fill them with weapons, not be 'required or asked' to buy them to use for crafting purposes.


It's entrapment, and it's not fair.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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I just hate the micromanaging, some kind of shopping list or even a fricking flowchart is needed to build this thing ^^

This is the true downside. it's a long investment to have so many sub-requirements, but it's not un-obtainium.

WF still needs more tutorials and charts and graphs in game.




you only need 2 blank slots, dont claim the dual skana until akbolto is crafting

OP addressed this

Edited by VioDuskar
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no, I like this trend, helps me clear the shelf of all my old crap.


no such thing as an un-needed weapon slot BTW. prodding us to buy slots is a very good business model.


You know what else is a good business model?

Sensible prices. This has been told over and over. Pricing on Market is does not encourages people to buy plat for guns/frames. If that gun happens to be S#&$(which it usually is), you wasted 200+ plat. I don't want to waste plat. I want to support the developer the way that will be beneficial for both of us. Otherwise, it's a donation. Would you donate money to AAA company?

Edited by Scopez
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I'm fine with the trend of two weapons into one.


However, the progression path on this one is way too far.


However, why not keep the dual skanas in the crafting table until needed, fully crafted? That'd reduce it to 2 weapon slots.(Nevermind, missed the last part.)

Edited by Warriorrogue
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You know what else is a good business model?

Sensible prices. This has been told over and over. Pricing on Market is does not encourages people to buy plat for guns/frames. If that gun happens to be S#&$(which it usually is), you wasted 200+ plat. I don't want to waste plat. I want to support the developer the way that will be beneficial for both of us. Otherwise, it's a donation. Would you donate money to AAA company?

I said slots. not frames and guns. slots are VERY reasonably priced. 12 plat for 2 slots.


all it takes is 12 plat to make space for all of the items needed to craft this weapon. sell stuff in tradechat....

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It was bound to happen, i can only hope we won't go further with this (god forbid,detron/brakk parts or void.)

I wouldn't mind this system if it was an alternative one, gun with 2 options to build it, eitherway through resource pooling or with weapon combining.


Terrible system on it's own.

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in a way yes it does take to long but no it will not have you blowing plat. if you try to claim a weapon and dont have room it will ask you if you would to purchase TWO weapon slots for the price of ONE (which is 12 plat). 12p by no means is hard to come by even at low rank of 2. also how did you get 5 days? i realize there are some "people" out there but its not that hard to see "hey... i can leave that there..." so like a person said you only need 2 slots not 3 and as said having 3 slots is not that hard since 1 slot will be taken up by your lato (if you have one already).


so as i can see your point... it is also flawed at the same time.

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I noticed something else about the Akjaguara, they use the Dual Skana, but the Redeemer already does.  It seems a bit odd that they would require the same weapon for two different blueprints, forcing you to build another as opposed to using another weapon you might already have.

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no, I like this trend, helps me clear the shelf of all my old crap.


no such thing as an un-needed weapon slot BTW. prodding us to buy slots is a very good business model.

You are also probably fan of Apple?



Jokes aside, this is not the most "user" friendly model DE could use. As usual, long term players are ignored and new ones are what DE is based their marketing one.



I understand that DE wants to attract more people to the game, but they should also think about how to keep those that are attracted.

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Since when do days only have 12 hours and even then your calculation is not correct.


Dual Skana 12 hours

1. Bolto, 12 hours, can be build parallel to the Skana

2. Bolto, 12 hours, when it is finished 24 hours i. e. ONE DAY has passed.

Akbolto, 12 hours

Akjagara, 12 hours, AVAILABLE AFTER 48 HOURS, I.E. TWO DAYS!  


12 hours (first Bolto and Dual Skana) + 12 hours (second Bolto) + 12 hours (Akbolto) + 12 hours (Akjagara) = 48 hours.


A day around here has still 24 hours and I think that applies to any place on this planet so the entire building time is 2 days and not 5! 

Edited by Hatzeputt
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It's not fair that you ask us to have multiple blank weapon slots required to craft something, forcing many people to buy weapon slots they dont need so they can have 3 spaces, when only 1 is required for the new weapon.


Please change this trend, and do something else with crafting requirements.


Allow me to explain the stages of the crafting of the new AkJagara

So that you know what i mean, all costs are in bold.


Dual Skana = 1 Weapon Slot consumed, 12 hours Time

Lato = 1 Weapon Slot consumed

Craft Lato into a Bolto = 12 hours Time

Get a Second Lato = 1 Weapon Slot consumed

Craft 2nd Lato into a Bolto = 12 hours Time (you will have 2x Bolto's + Dual Skana in inventory at this stage, thats 3 slots)

Craft 2 Bolto's into a AkBolto = 12 hours Time

Craft Dual Skana and AkBolto into a AkJagara = 12 hours Time


In total: 3 Open Weapon Slots consumed, 5 Days to craft.


Whats wrong with that?

5 Days to craft i can put up with, thats not a problem, but what is..is that during the crafting of this weapon at one stage, you are required to have 3 Blank Weapon slots (2 if you leave the Dual Skana last, but not everyone has that godlike foresight, because the Dual Skana will complete first and most likely, people will hit the Claim button immidiately) to be available to craft this weapon which only requires 1 Weapon slot, which will force many people to blow Platinum on weapon slots they didnt need or want to purchase.



If you want players to have their weapons be more expensive or craft slower, i have no problem with a little more waiting, but flooding up peoples weapon-slots with 'Crafting materiel', is just bad business conduct, please change this bad direction.

Forgot to quote

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I don't like it really that it needs 10 days to craft the weapon itself.

Jesus Christ I just did the maths for you on the previous page it is 2, READ T W O  !!!  DAYS not 5 not 10, 2 days, for crying out loud! Dear god, now we make things up so that we have something to whine about. 

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this caters to lon term players, not new ones. this mechanic gives players like me something to do with dust collecting items

Not really. You statement means that every long term player have weapons required for new released weapons.



How many long term players really had AkBoltos or Dual Skanas? This is just a way for DE to make us burn our resources and credits.

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