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[Ic]The Setup, Redux 18+


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"What ever I can get, really." Krenn spoke, just before the first loudspeaker announcement. The fact that the Cichlids were being cancelled somewhat displeased him, but there was something that he said that really caught his attention.


"That prime just dismissed us as unimportant. That's a first if I ever heard one." He stated out loud. Was Crimson Lotus under new management? It didn't seem like them to do something like this.


Before he said anything else, the speakers came to life again. The message that followed made him stop in his tracks.


"Well, that's definitely something new." He said, before starting to walk again.

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“Oh, and for those of you whose allegiance was bought with credits; when was the last time you were paid for failing a mission?” he cackled, the aggravating smile underneath his helmet only growing with delight.


General James Worthington “Hexer” of the Arbalest Union

Shaking the outside distraction from his head, the nurse redirected his attention to the human general and continued what he was about to say.


“We have an issue considering her debt. She said she was on Steel Meridian’s payroll, but when we tried to look her up in their database, it came back with no results. She bailed on us before we could ask her for clarification on payment, and currently, we can’t sacrifice the man-power to go look for her. If you’d be willing to do that, or better yet, settle her debt, we can move on, but until then, we have a problem.”


“Normally, we’d be willing to look the other way if it was just a quick heal, but she’s currently walking around with a couple million credits in that arm we gave her, and we need to recoup that loss so we can do the same for others.”


“Kaiden! We got a bleeder!” a head called out from behind a curtain to the nurse.


“On my way!” he hollered back, jogging towards the curtain, only to stop and half-step back to call out to Hexer, “To take care of this, talk to Dr. Tessitura. I think he’s on break in the canteen.”

Hexer nodded. "Understood."

On the way to the canteen, he thought to himself: where exactly does frugality start? The Arbalest Union was by no means poor: he could easily order a large shipment of Corpus transports for retrofitting into Ursa's and still pay for the assorted bills and groceries. Two million credits was a decent mercenary loan for the capture of a small facility, or execution of a particularly high-ranking official. It'd be easy to pay, but quantity can easily stack up over time. How much longer would the theoretically endless bank account the 'salvage team' of the Cross-string Wreckers Union hold out?

Hopefully until the Corpus and Grineer have been dealt with. With Hexer's luck, it will run out the instant they are both dealt with.

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Sab shouted her anger to a speaker in the corner, venting her anger to the least innocent thing in the room. This is why she didn't trust the Lotus. Failed to get an objective that never even existed in a mission that turned out to be a bigger trap than cheap Corpus prostitutes and not even so much as a credits compensation pay!

Oh and that other message. Something about rage and Sentients yada yada yada what really mattered was she wasn't getting paid!

"Oh you'll get used to it" Sab spoke through clenched teeth. "They just love to do that sorta thing those god damn POMPOUS BASTARDS!" She shouted to the speaker again before breathing deeply and rubbing her helmet. She didn't even know what pompous meant except it was what those damn primes were. Should probably get Nium to look that up, put that worthless string of glitch to good use.

"That so called Sentient?" She asked, giving a small chuckle in derision. "You really think those old boogey men are coming back? It's probably just some bored Perrin f*cking with the PA system."

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"So you don't take your anger out on me, here." Krenn replied, before tossing out another credit chit, this time a 5000 one. He had millions of credits, what's a few thousand going to do?


"Also, I don't think that's true. I'm fairly certain, at least, that the sentients have indeed returned." He continued, then mumbled under his breath "Hope they don't take my money."

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Sab caught the chit and looked at it, giving a small sigh before tucking it away. While he would be an easy target she'd rather save it for the Primes or simulations. Maybe simulated Primes.

While the edge in her voice was indeed lessened it was still noticeably there, more showing Sab's general anger at her situation than Krenn himself.

"Alright, so lets say that these thousand year old robots have out of nowhere come back, what's the worry? If I've read those little bed time stories right the one thing they can't f*ck around with is the Void, and we were born in it, molded by it. We didn't see reality until we were already wizards, and by then it was nothing but BORING!"

Sab gave a grin as she crossed her arms, tilting her head a few degrees. "So seriously, what are a few dusty old remnants gonna do? Besides making the whole room stuffy."

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"The issue is technology. Sure, they can't affect us directly, but what about our weapons, our cephalons, our own lisets? The reason we were created was because the Orokin had nothing left to use against them, and even then we were only able to use our blades against them, if I understand correctly. These things are dangerous." Krenn answered. He didn't care much for other people, but if he had to make people understand for his own safety, so be it.

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Souna chuckled slightly when Aegia stated her opinion on friends and friendship. It is not even meant dismissively, although it might sound like it a tiny little bit.

"I always thought you only call it 'friendship' if both sides participate alike. Friendship without response is simple admiration." Of course, this is a way to see things that suits herself a lot: Everyone who wants to have good relations to her but she does not deem worthy of her acknowledgement feeds her ego in this way. But she's not completely off, either, is she?


Far more thought, however, has she spent on the topic of a warrior's mentality. This extends directly onto sparring, of course. Aegia's words contain some that she agrees with, and some she thinks not to be not completely precise. However, before she gives her a possibly quite lengthy answer to that, she looks at the Specter who had remained sitting down, and now was looking up to them both. Her words sound quite shy - something Souna can relate to. She remembers how elevated, how big and how strong higher Tenno appeared to her when she was a child, even younger than Nisha is now.

"Ah yes, I heard from Gaius that your clan is here often. I am sure your guidance will be much more reliable and quicker than shuffling through these maps." With a dismissive gesture of one hand she symbolizes swiping away something on her virtual HUD.

"And maybe, you will enjoy watching our duel as well? Either way, I would appreciate your company."

Teaching some halfhearted Tenno a lesson will definitely make Souna's day. Treating Nisha, who appears to be something like the mascot of Gaius' clan, well and in extension show respect to the ways of Gaius' clanb is a nice chance as well. Souna has never been one to underestimate the value of an owed favor or putting in a good word.


If Aegia agrees as well, of which she is positive, she'll simply follow Nisha, hoping that at the feeling of being useful will cheer her up a bit. While walking, Souna give her thoughts to Aegia.

"I do not think that stripping a warrior of his weapons does make any difference. In a fight, our body is also just a tool to impart our mind's resolution onto our enemies, just as a blade, a gun or our powers are. What matters is strength and speed of mind to make your will become reality." She does sound like she has learnt those phrases someday, somewhere, but also believes in them completely.

"The way someone uses these tools does tell you something about him or her. Just a very limited part of their personality, though, or noone would be talking anymore. You can't see someone's reason for fighting, for example."

"For me, fighting is a way to spread my wings as far as I can. Since the beginning of time Tenno have measured themselves against their own, it is an essential part of our culture to know our own worth and place." Her voice tells the grin that Souna sports under the helmet. "So if you had any hope I would hold back because it's just a spar, you better bury those. I will give you everything I have, with respect only to your very life." Although this is, in fact, a warning, it is one meant in comradeship. She will try not to kill Aegia - but if that woman really does think she's an equal to Souna, why would she hold back?

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She sighed and leaned against the wall, her arm slowly creeping to his forearm before yanking it up towards the control panel that locked the cell door. She then slowly opened up his hand and grabbed his middle finger, using it to type in the code she over heard by a guard which was '4521'. After she forced him to type it, there was a moment of silence before there was a satisfying "Bing!" followed by the sound of the door unlocking and sliding open.

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Stopping a moment to listen to the vacuous, egotistical intelligence, the smile underneath the Prime's helmet transformed into a sinister smirk as he released his finger from his recording software.


Checkmate, Omnipotence.


With a quick swipe of his hand, the audio file he created was sent on a custom, bio-lock channel - the one form of protection that was physically impossible for an intelligence to hack considering that it required the touch of the creator.


Attached to the file was a simple message:

"Time to create a storm to light the fire. Let's smoke it out."


At the Crimson Lotus:

"Kresh, sir? He successfully reclaimed the ships. Not only that, but he also sent a gift."


The Frost Prime read the message and listened to the file, a malicious grin spreading across his face. "Well then, if he wants a storm, then by all means, allow us to oblige!" He cackled, his assistant quickly sending a copy of the audio file to all major factions and every Corpus and Human media group via anonymous, protected channels. For added measure, he also sent a number of dummy transmissions that were identical in every way.


In a matter of minutes, Omnipotence's presence would be known by everyone who made contact with current events in some form. The remaining sentient wouldn't be met with fear, but with indifference or disdain. And the Crimson Lotus, the fearless clan that discovered him? Why, they were regarded as heroes, plenty of Tenno and Tenno sympathizers rallying under their banner to once-and-for-all drive the Sentients to extinction.


In case your wondering, I'm trying to help set you up for your entrance on the mini-mission by attempting to force Omni into desperation. If you want me to stop, I can, but know that this is a two-fold action - to show off the manipulative powers of the Crimson Lotus and prove them as a powerful and formidable adversary.


When they say they'll silence you, I want you guys to be afraid: this isn't a hollow threat of a fight that you'll win. Well, you will, but I'm going to thrash your OC and leave some disastrous and lasting results - unless you want me to kill them, in which case I'll do so brutally.


As the commotion in the way station died down (and the Crimson Lotus took their leave) A vibrantly colored Liset came in to dock at the bay. It was...uncanny to say the least. Hundreds of phrases and pictures littered the surface. Ranging from "Hail the great Blossom!" To what can be assumed to be laughter in all caps, to skulls and what looked like dragon lilies growing out of them. What emerged from this Liset was just as odd: someone in a clean, white nurse costume...wearing a "plague doctor" mask from early Earth.

Jazz lept from her ship in the ridiculous outfit clinging to a small crate of bright blue capsules. She looked around the bay and tried to flag down the closest person.

"Pardon me! Scuse me! Can a fine lady or gentleman give me a hand?" She called out in a cheery tone.


Luckily for the new and rather colorful guest aboard the waystation, Milton was nearby, the cheery Corpus youth waving good-bye to a Tenno he just finished helping to their ship.


Hearing her call and seeing her struggle, the Perrin volunteer jogged to her side, saying, "Welcome to the Donn Waystation! How can I help?"


Gaius shook his head at the nurse. "I understand the precautions, but I need to talk to her immediately. In fact, I should probably find her before the mood stabilizers set in." Gaius was growing more and more frustrated. He had to find his clanmates and run everything by them, get an idea as to what happened. "Please, just tell me where I can find her and I will be one my way."


Sebastian wanted to throw a vortex at this woman. "The one you recently mentioned. The angry one who tried to storm out naked. Was she a Mirage user? Did she have a sort of Grinner aesthetic to her, or was it a Corpus one? I need to find her now." Sebastian said. He hated wasting time with people, and when people began to become a hurdle, he would just about lose his temper. His time as a Sargent made him very impatient when dealing with people. He hated inefficiency and would usually dismiss people who would waste his time, but now things were different. Plus, hurting a civilian would probably make things worse.


"Alright, let me try again: I can't let you see her until the mood stabilizer is in effect," she explained, doing her best to hold back the building mountain of annoyance from her day. It wasn't all Gaius and Sebastian's fault, but they definitely were contributing. 


"Currently, she's emotionally unstable, and if you upset her, you risk her loosing all of her abilities as a Tenno. Her technocyte is currently weak and the majority of her neurodes are burnt out. Your friend is one of those cases in which her abilities are directly tied to her emotions, therefore if you influence her emotions, you're influencing her energy consumption, which is as unstable as her and currently has nowhere to go. If she's calm, we can divert that energy to her healing process, but if you disturb it, it'll flood into those damaged neurodes and rupture them, causing her to lose them forever. No neurodes, no energy storage. No energy storage, no fuel for abilities. And no abilities means no more Tenno. Get it?"


The nurse took a moment to calm herself with a slow exhale, "Even if it is important, it can wait three minutes. And don't worry about the stabilizer; it won't affect her judgement or thinking. The chemicals in it just prevent the amygdala from releasing certain hormones should it try to override the cerebral cortex. In layman's terms, it prevents her from getting angry."


She then turned to face the still-injured Vauban and snapped at him, "Hey! You can take your snippy attitude with you, sweetheart, cause I don't want it! I've been dealing with agitated patients and concerned friends and family that think they can do my job better than me all damn day, and I've about reached my limit!"


After a slow, agitated breath meant to calm herself, she continued, "I personally don't know if we have any Mirages here, but we're on lookout for a rogue patient. Sadly, we can't currently sacrifice the manpower to go search for her, but based on the description of her injuries, it doesn't seem like she could have gone far."


She then added, "And for the record, you mixed up your details; it was the Ember that was on the verge of storming out in the buff."

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For kardin, being dead was no issue. Being frozen for God knows how long counts right? He saw the memories of his past, mostly of his clan. Hardin giving him his name, his rigorous training to become a good fighter.

" Straighter, rhino! You can't overextend yourself like that! Look at your feet, if this were a life or death fight, even the grineer could be able to push you down!" Hardin would say. Kardin saw the last memory he had of his master,

"Damn... it. Listen kardin, your one of the most talented tenno I've ever me-" he winced in pain. "But you can't let your emotions control you. Listen carefully, young rhino. You and those other tenno will be all that will be left of us. Protect them, as they protect you. Be their shield and they'll be yours." Hardin took a deep breath, his eyes fluttered, he placed his hand on kardin's shoulder, soaking it in blood. "Go, boy! When your safe and sound, go to where I trained you. I left some things there I want you to have." Kardin grabbed his hand, and frowned. He fought back tears but nodded.

Then he saw when he found Elderith; half dead and dying. She had grineer bullets stuck in her body, from her legs to her neck. She lay half supported on a railing. At first he waited on a rock formation, he waited to see her use hysteria, or to see when her squad would run to her aid. Then he looked around the crater that all of this was taking place. He spotted two dead tenno and sighed. He jumped down and dispatched the mooks. He picked up the dying valkyr and ran back to his liset.

Being dead wasn't so bad.

He opened his eyes, blinding light flooding his eyes, he lifted his hand and covered his face. He groaned and sat up.

"Hey, where the hell am I? Where the hell is my suit, and my stuff? And why am I on some kind of operating table?!" Kardin yelled, obviously confused

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She sighed and leaned against the wall, her arm slowly creeping to his forearm before yanking it up towards the control panel that locked the cell door. She then slowly opened up his hand and grabbed his middle finger, using it to type in the code she over heard by a guard which was '4521'. After she forced him to type it, there was a moment of silence before there was a satisfying "Bing!" followed by the sound of the door unlocking and sliding open.

He was too stuck in his own mind to realize what had just happened. The assassin who tried to kill a dear friend of his, was now free. The City was under lock-down, Nyssa was out there most likely murdering some poor soul, and now an assassin who could very well kill him is now in front of him with no restraints of any kind. There was a multitude of problems occurring for Belrev, and the list seemed endless. His whole family is out back at home, calming the rising tide of violence in their city due to the reveal of Omnipotence. Things are most certainly not in Belrev's favor.


Hell they were rarely were anyway. 


He cracked his neck, all while glaring daggers at the female in front him.


"Your move, love." 

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He was expecting her to swing at him or start a fight, but this was very unexpected. It's happened to him plenty of times, gaining hugs unexpectedly from people he saved and the like. He enjoyed those type of situations, it always brought a sense of accomplishment to him. But this time it was by an assassin and it made him instantly alerted. He almost WANTED her to fight him. He was bored anyway and could use the adrenaline rush.


He pushed her off of him, not too hard as to not possibly give her a head injury on the bars behind her. 


"Are we going to fight or stare at each other? Pick your poison." He said with a devilish chuckle.


https://youtu.be/3P8vMnfdxBo?t=22s   You have his chuckle now peoples


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Souna chuckled slightly when Aegia stated her opinion on friends and friendship. It is not even meant dismissively, although it might sound like it a tiny little bit.
"I always thought you only call it 'friendship' if both sides participate alike. Friendship without response is simple admiration." Of course, this is a way to see things that suits herself a lot: Everyone who wants to have good relations to her but she does not deem worthy of her acknowledgement feeds her ego in this way. But she's not completely off, either, is she?
Far more thought, however, has she spent on the topic of a warrior's mentality. This extends directly onto sparring, of course. Aegia's words contain some that she agrees with, and some she thinks not to be not completely precise. However, before she gives her a possibly quite lengthy answer to that, she looks at the Specter who had remained sitting down, and now was looking up to them both. Her words sound quite shy - something Souna can relate to. She remembers how elevated, how big and how strong higher Tenno appeared to her when she was a child, even younger than Nisha is now.
"Ah yes, I heard from Gaius that your clan is here often. I am sure your guidance will be much more reliable and quicker than shuffling through these maps." With a dismissive gesture of one hand she symbolizes swiping away something on her virtual HUD.
"And maybe, you will enjoy watching our duel as well? Either way, I would appreciate your company."
Teaching some halfhearted Tenno a lesson will definitely make Souna's day. Treating Nisha, who appears to be something like the mascot of Gaius' clan, well and in extension show respect to the ways of Gaius' clanb is a nice chance as well. Souna has never been one to underestimate the value of an owed favor or putting in a good word.
If Aegia agrees as well, of which she is positive, she'll simply follow Nisha, hoping that at the feeling of being useful will cheer her up a bit. While walking, Souna give her thoughts to Aegia.
"I do not think that stripping a warrior of his weapons does make any difference. In a fight, our body is also just a tool to impart our mind's resolution onto our enemies, just as a blade, a gun or our powers are. What matters is strength and speed of mind to make your will become reality." She does sound like she has learnt those phrases someday, somewhere, but also believes in them completely.
"The way someone uses these tools does tell you something about him or her. Just a very limited part of their personality, though, or noone would be talking anymore. You can't see someone's reason for fighting, for example."
"For me, fighting is a way to spread my wings as far as I can. Since the beginning of time Tenno have measured themselves against their own, it is an essential part of our culture to know our own worth and place." Her voice tells the grin that Souna sports under the helmet. "So if you had any hope I would hold back because it's just a spar, you better bury those. I will give you everything I have, with respect only to your very life." Although this is, in fact, a warning, it is one meant in comradeship. She will try not to kill Aegia - but if that woman really does think she's an equal to Souna, why would she hold back?


Aegia could only chuckle at how Souna put it so matter-of-factly. "Well, I suppose that's one way of seeing it... Can't say I agree with it, but hey, I'm not here to change minds or opinions now am I?" The She-Rhino would give a shrug and shake her head. Though, she couldn't help but feel like she was forgetting something... Something adorable and simultaneously dangerous... OH RIGHT!


She would turn her attention to the echo sitting on the ground before her and grin. "I had just assumed you were going to come along and lead the way. As much fun as it would be to wander around this place and risk running into Mr. Shines and Sparks," referring to the Volt Prime she had heard over the PA system, "I'd much rather get to those rooms as soon as possible, you know?" She was a veritable fountain of chuckles it seemed. Yes, not much could bring Aegia into a sour mood... In fact, that would definitely be a day of reckoning would one make the She-Rhino angry. Running a hand through her hair to move any offending strands out of her face, she turned back to Souna and listened intently to what she had to say on the matter at hand, though most of it she already agreed with. Aegia would nod to the points that Souna gave, until that was, she was posed with a challenge, or at least something that Aegia had assumed they were already planning on doing.


"Hm? Holding back? Perish the thought, Souna! I had planned on giving it my all." She would place a hand on the Zephyr's shoulder for a moment, before adding: "Though we will not be wearing our frames for this spar. It's much more interesting without." She would turn her head to look at Souna, grinning. "You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

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Luckily for the new and rather colorful guest aboard the waystation, Milton was nearby, the cheery Corpus youth waving good-bye to a Tenno he just finished helping to their ship.


Hearing her call and seeing her struggle, the Perrin volunteer jogged to her side, saying, "Welcome to the Donn Waystation! How can I help?"


The bird mask turned sharply to face him, beak nearly poking his nose. "My boy!" She exclaimed with urgency. Jazz grabbed his shoulders and made him stare into the dark hollow eyes of the mask, speaking again. "Thank you for your attention! I have matters to attend to here that are extremely urgent! Matters that may end a life! Matters that may end many! The fate of the galaxy—" she stopped dead cold in her sentence as a mirror clone leaned out from behind her and stated "Or atleast this station." Before disappearing and letting the strange woman continue "—depends on it!"

She didn't breathe for a long moment before going into an animated, quick spoken description. Body moving and twisting this way and that for emphasis. "Okay so I'm looking for a Trinity that seems to have recently arrived. She's about ye' big, bright red armor unless it's covered in blood, and her suit has claws in the fingertips...oh! And she's really cute too! Can't miss her! Have you seen someone of that description?"

The masked lady stopped again. Though he couldn't see her eyes, it was pretty obvious she was staring at him.

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"The issue is technology. Sure, they can't affect us directly, but what about our weapons, our cephalons, our own lisets? The reason we were created was because the Orokin had nothing left to use against them, and even then we were only able to use our blades against them, if I understand correctly. These things are dangerous." Krenn answered. He didn't care much for other people, but if he had to make people understand for his own safety, so be it.

"We'll just learn to drive manuals then." Sab retorted, rolling her eyes. They'd already kicked their @$$es before and still had time left for a genocidal lunch, what possible threat could a few backups pose?

I guess if they did come back Sab could atleast claim Lotus to be one and kill her on the account. That'd be nice.

"I seriously don't get why you're so worried about this 'Sentient'." She raised her fingers for emphasise. "You got your energy shooting lightsaber and I got my godmode, if those dusty old playstations do come back we'd probs be the best ones off."

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She looked at him now with concentration as she then ran up to him and punched him right in the stomach, weaking him with the sudden surprise and the sudden hit in the stomach, she then wrapped her leg around his neck and pulled him forwards, making him fall onto the floor.

Too bad he was still focusing on Omnipotence, as he was punched in the stomach brutally and pulled down to the floor. Both were done by the female in front of him. His stomach hurt like hell, but he learned to push through injuries such as these. The non life threatning ones such as this one of course. Red met green, as they were eye to eye. The tension alone could break the holding area into pieces as there was an awkward silence before Belrev spoke up, in all of the casual glory contrasting the situation. "Couldn't wait for our date to be over huh?" He smirked before driving his elbows into her legs, breaking free in the process. The impact would definitely leave the assassin with black and blues, definite anger too.

Using his weight, Belrev rolled back and sprung backwards using his hands as the launcher, as he executed a perfect and damn stylish propelling roll backwards.

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She groaned as he elbowed her legs painfully, she stumble back one step as he flawlessly flipped backwards onto his feet, smooth and no stumbling at all, he was skilled alright. She did become p*ssed at him as she looked down at her legs, seeing that her skin was bruised and dark. Her eyes glew green as she ran in to kick him square in the weak spot... Every man's weakspot.

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Gaius took a step back form the nurse. "I'm sorry miss, this has just been a very stressful ordeal. If you could tell me where her room is, I shall wait outside her door for the stabilizers to go into full effect. Thank you for looking after our friend." Gaius removed his suit, and offered the Nurse a warming smile. The kind of smile that won him many an argument and got him out of many a bad situation.


Sebastian on the other hand lost his temper. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS? She is your god damn patient! You mean to tell me you can't keep tabs on the people who you are in charge of? When I was just a human captain I could keep tabs on everything. We were in the middle of the biggest god damn war this system had ever seen! Not even a grain of rice went unaccounted for! What kind of place are you running he-" Sebastian was cut short when Gaius punched him lightly in the nose. Sebastian stumbled back a bit and had a very dazed look on his face. Gaius had found a way to use his smoke as a subjugation tool, forcing it into the head of someone if he could get close enough to them. Essentially, it just sort of calmed them down and made it impossible to process things quickly. But for Sebastian, it wouldn't take long before the effect wore off.


"I'm sorry for him, he just really hates inefficiency." Gaius said to the nurse. Sebastian got back up on his feet and shook his head. "I'm finding her my self. I'll do your damn job for ya." He said, storming off in a random direction. He needed to find Milton.

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She groaned as he elbowed her legs painfully, she stumbled back one step as he flawlessly flipped backwards onto his feet, smooth and no stumbling at all, he was skilled alright. She did become p*ssed at him as she looked down at her legs, seeing that her skin was bruised and dark. Her eyes glew green as she ran in to kick him square in the weak spot... Every man's weakspot.

"C'mon you think I don't know this trick?" Belrev asked in a mocking manner, as he rolled to the side at the last moment. The assassin would be face to face with the metal wall, either directly or a few inches shy if she reacted fast enough. Either way she was quickly pinned against said wall, eye to eye with the perpetrator.

But regardless of his performance so far, he could not keep fighting for long. Waking up from a medically induced coma will most definitely take its effects on his scarred and built body, notably the unbearable soreness of practically all of his muscles. It didn't help with the added stress of Omnipotence, Nyssa, the City's current state of affairs, and generally pretty much everything that has happened so far.

It was her choice to continue fighting him or stop.

He would have to push through the first choice pretty hard though if chosen.

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She tried to get out his grip but it was too strong. She then slumped down in defeat as her head looked down at the floor with a sigh, she then stopped her struggling and put her hands over her face. She was ashamed, defeated and humiliated by this Tenno? A random Tenno with no significant titles or anything, How? How did she lose? Was she trying hard enough? Even she didn't know but she just started to sob to herself.

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“We took our damage as an opportunity to apply a much needed software update. We need to calibrate it, however, and the best way to do that is in a controlled combat environment,” Gemini’s red counter-part explained as she began to playfully saunter around her charge-Cephalon, little hands clasped behind her back like a conniving child.


“Your mission – should you choose to accept it,” she said with another digitized giggle, “Is to engage us in a training match so that we may test our new combat protocols one-on-one.” Unclasping her hands as she made a quick pirouette, she placed her hands on his bent knee to keep herself from falling - though her gyroscope would have compensated anyway – and playfully leaned in close to him, their faceplates mere inches away as she cocked her head to the side like an intrigued kubrow.


“We promise we won’t damage your chassis too far beyond repair,” she taunted innocently, adding yet another feminine giggle as she began to bounce on the balls of her little feet like a pup looking to play, her faceplate threatening to collide with his with each bounce.



Hexer would find Dr. Tessitura sitting at a table with some of his off-duty nurses who had yet to go home. He had a cool, damp towel around his neck to help cool him off and a glass of ice-cold water in his hand.


The slightly overweight and aged Corpus was enjoying some idle chit-chat with his subordinates, the group breaking out into small fits of laughter every so often. They all enjoyed each other’s company, Tessitura’s skeleton crew seeming as close as family.


Though, in the good doctor’s case, they were. All of his actual family was either dead, dead to him, or Milton, of whom he did a great job of shielding from the greed in his blood. Then again, one couldn’t really be a completely greedy Corpus if you worked for Perrin, could you? It was a rather delightful oxymoron, and one he was glad he was.



“Relax,” came the soothing tone of his charge nurse; the New Loka operative gently helping him back into a lying position on his hospital bed.


“You’re at the Donn Waystation, in the med bay. You still haven’t fully recovered from your injuries, so please take it easy. We had enough difficulty getting you in and out of the healing pod, and we’d really like to avoid doing it again,” he informed in a clear and relaxed tone, capping it off with some soft humor to lighten the mood.


Souna & Aegia:

“I’m the one who told you we came here regularly, Gaius just confirmed it!” Nisha complained in her digital head as she pouted, though neither of the two would see it with her leading the short walk to the exercise area.


“Alright, here we are,” the Specter-girl announced with out-stretched arms directed to the two rather sizeable dueling rings with pale blue domes encompassing them.


Currently, in one of the rings, there were two groups: an Excalibur and a Rhino and two Perrin Sequence operatives. They seemed to be sharing the ring as opposed to each taking one, and they didn’t seem to be dueling, but experimenting.


“Um, you sure about this?” the Excalibur asked the Rhino across from him as he summoned his exalted blade.


“Oh yeah!” the Rhino beamed back, doing a small stomp that covered his frame in a layer of dull-silver, “We’ll be fine, plus, it’ll be cool. Just do it.”


“Alright…” the Excalibur conceded, twirling his summoned blade over the back of his hand as he crouched low. In response, the Rhino lowered himself as well.


“On three!” the Rhino called out, “One – Two – Three!” On three, the two raced toward each other with immense speed and force, the Excalibur executing a Slash Dash as the Rhino charged. The two collided rather violently, energy from ruptured shields and bits of ferrite scattering about the ring as the two lay in a pained heap at the center of the ring.


“Alright, a draw fair enough for you?” the Excalibur moaned from the bottom of the pile. The Rhino groaned in response.


The two operatives laughed at the young Tenno as they took similar starting positions.


“Alright,” one of the operatives began as he loosed an observer in the ring. The two operatives met in front of the hovering camera and held out the modules in their hands. The little metal disks had Corpus writing in marker on them, labeling what they did.


“Alright, custom operative mod testing: take fourteen.” With that, the two quickly took turns helping each other install their mods before returning to opposite ends of the ring. Once they reached their respective ends, a pale-blue light flashed around them, signaling the presence of their shielding. The one on the right opened his interface and activated his module, his pale-blue shielding becoming visible again, only to suddenly take on geometric edges as he froze in place.


The operative gave a quick jump in victory, “Alright! Crystalized shielding works!” He then opened his interface as he activated his module. Corpus lettering hovered around his right hand, which he then pointed at the section of floor in front of him. The lettering left his hand and collected on the floor, the scrolling text forming a square on the floor where he pointed his hand.


“Okay, Vector Plate looks like it’s working correctly. Time to test,” the operative announced to the observer as he took a steady breath to calm his nerves. Still frozen in place, the operative surrounded in his crystalized shielding tried to warn his partner that he was on a collision course straight for him, but all that escaped him was a muffled grunt. The free operative stepped onto the plate, the forward momentum from the baby-step being multiplied by an immense amount as he was thrown by the artificial force into his crystalized friend with enough force to free him, sending bits of crystalized energy about the ring that quickly dissipated.


One of the operatives raised a shaky arm from his sprawled position on the other side of the ring with his colleague on his back, groaning weakly, “Test failure, end recording.” After that, the observer deactivated and fell to the ground as the field surrounding the dueling ring disengaged.


Colorful Jazz-enthusiast that is most likely a Mirage:

Milton nodded along as the strange woman gave her description and interpretive dance, following her without difficulty thanks to his innate ability of unparalleled understanding.


Mulling her description of her friend over in his head a moment, he said, “Well, I can’t say I’ve seen anyone matching that specific description, but if she’s a Trinity, she’s most likely at the Med Bay. If you’d be so kind as to follow me, I’d be more than willing to bring you there.” He flashed her a warm grin, the Corpus youth always ready and eager to help. 

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While Nisha was leading her and Aegia through the station's hallways, Souna took her time to think about the announcements she had heard moments ago. Actually, she decides to do more than just recording. Silencing her helmet's vocal route, so noone on the outside would hear the command, she connects to her Cephalon on the Liset:

"Cephalon, record my audio-input from the last three minutes and store it in D-74-T5."

"Affirmative, Operator."

There were many interesting hints in the Crimson Lotus' words, and Souna would later take her time to analyze it thoroughly. For now, she has an explantion for the excessive amount of Tenno in that past mission - providing a broader variety of data - as well as the shady organisation that Gaius had mentioned. And also, of course, Souna has a first opinion about how to behave if she were to ever make contact to the Crimson Lotus' agents herself.


When they arrived at the dueling rings, the strict Zephyr placed a hands on Nisha's shoulder.

"Thank you, Nisha. I had not thought it to be that lively here." Her voice is genuine, and although her gesture does not feel that dismissive, the touch has this aura of a teacher's superiority, constantly evaluating and judging. After the specter, this somewhat unpleasant gaze turns towards the four people present in one of the dueling arenas, moments before the two Tenno clash with shieldshattering force. 

Surprisingly, Souna chuckles. An adult chuckle that tells that she feels herself grown out of those rash behaviours, but nevertheless feels somewhat related. 

"There are some children's games that will never go out of fashion, aren't there?" She states amusedly. Those kind of clashes really are just as old as the bloodlines of the Tenno are: Excalibur versus Rhino, Ember versus Frost, Lokis against pretty much everyone else. To her, it is part of a Tenno's process of growing up. And although it is rash, those two do not stir her anger for the very simple reason that they still used their brains: They went into the ring, where there was a certain degree of safety, and conduct their rash play of strength in a controlled environment. They do not only think of themselves. A very valuable lesson.

As is thet outcome of the short 'duel'. 


About the Corpus' experiments, she just has a mild smile invisible beneath the helmet. It's not new to her that the Corpus constantly try to get on par with the Tenno's technology. Nothing to be alarmed of. She just steps over towards the second ring, expecting Aegia to follow and Nisha to stay around, since she appeared to be at least a little bit interested.

"So, Aegia. No equipment, no warframes. You got a certain set of rules in mind?" 

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Hexer would find Dr. Tessitura sitting at a table with some of his off-duty nurses who had yet to go home. He had a cool, damp towel around his neck to help cool him off and a glass of ice-cold water in his hand.


The slightly overweight and aged Corpus was enjoying some idle chit-chat with his subordinates, the group breaking out into small fits of laughter every so often. They all enjoyed each other’s company, Tessitura’s skeleton crew seeming as close as family.


Though, in the good doctor’s case, they were. All of his actual family was either dead, dead to him, or Milton, of whom he did a great job of shielding from the greed in his blood. Then again, one couldn’t really be a completely greedy Corpus if you worked for Perrin, could you? It was a rather delightful oxymoron, and one he was glad he was.



Hexer walked over to the table, right after the group had one of their laughing fits.

"Excuse me, is there a Dr. Tessutura among you?" He asked. "I need to speak with him about a patient and their outstanding medical bills."


The Genial General had a feeling he was ruining the mood of the room, and that made him somewhat sad. He hated ruining a good mood. Sometimes unavoidable, but there are reasons for Human Resources departments. Hexer's comforting and inspirational skills being two of them.

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