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@de About The Extermination Operation


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What we have here is a failure to communicate.

DE said they acknowledged they've not done a good enough job communicating information.......and then went and failed at it again with this event.

There are probably even now people sitting there wondering how to claim their prize because the game does NOT tell you that it's already been given to you. Nor does it tell you what it was, or where to go look for it. I actually didn't even notice the 100k credits because I already had all the credits I needed anyway.


As for the 'rewards' themselves? The problems are obvious. Imagine you spent hours on a quest in some game. Then at the end of the quest they gave you a key. They didn't tell you what to do with that key, but obviously it opens something. So after awhile of searcing for relevant information you eventually discover the treasure chest the key opens isn't even implemented yet.   You would at that point probably and quite understadibly be angry. You've just spent a large chunk of time obtaining something useless.


That's basically what DE did here. You can't expect people to be happy with something they can't use. Even if update 8 is coming soon you should not be giving out rewards that aren't done yet. Never have I seen a game do this before and I've played a lot of mmo's and f2p betas. If you wanted to give out a frost prime it should've been the frame itself, not a blue print(and don't think we didn't realize that 100k is probably the exact amount it'll cost to make the damn thing). At least then it'd have also come with a frame slot. Which to most people would've been more valuable than the frame itself.


Free players don't care much about primes. They're just reskins of existing frames......whoopie.Very slightly better stats? Ok. Still don't care. The normal frost looks better anyway. This one looks like a rejected megaman boss. Frost is already one of the more hated frames because it's commonly trolling people with snow globe. Oh boy can't wait for there to be one in every mission.


Had we had a choice of rewards, or had it been the completed frame....or had we been given a slot along with the bp to at least garuntee we had room to put it in when the rest of the parts were available there'd probabl have been far less complaints. Hell they could've thrown in 20 platinum so we could buy a slot ourselves or something else if we weren't going to use the frost. But what they actually did just feels like they were trying to force us to spend money. Because most of us by now don't have any room for another frame, so it's either buy plat to make room or sell a frame we actually like and worked hard on to use it. So you end up feeling salty about it, all that hard work for something that even when the rest of it's part DO come out you still can't use. DE should've made sure everyone could actually use the reward. The way it is now only those who paid for extra slots can use it anyway.


What's obvious to one isn't obvious to another. I would guess that DE has theirvision blurred by the amount of time they spent working on their game, and it's just the fact that community are beta-testers for them, rather than final consumers, that makes it glare and shine.


Sadly, this does not work for communication with community well. The hot topics forum (that requres an update now, eh) was a great step in right direction... Though I'm afraid they didn't think this event through. But we should have faith in devs, and in that they will learn with time that a surprise is only better than, slightly boring, but well discussed and thought through action when you know what you are doing, and what effect your decision is likely to invoke.


That said, personally I am quite happy with this event. Although I guess I keep a more open mind than half the forums. Having a special long-gun would work better, in my opinion, since it would fit the theme (lazer moas, woo!), and wouldn't rise quite as much talks, since guns be guns, having a new toy to play with is always good. Hence why frost owners aren't quite so happy with this.


Also, still the issue of feedback not being handled fast enough since it's a weekend.


Either way, my two credits. 

Edited by GTG3000
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TBH had they actually released the frame in the market for platinum, alot of us would have bought it ( I would have bought it for the purpose of simply having another Prime frame in my collection, as I don't like Frost ).  


But its nice that everyone ( non-founders) got to have a Prime frame from this event.


If DE really wanna get us hyped for U8, then it would be appreciated by the entire community if they make the Frost Prime parts farmable by Monday.


Yeah this post is gonna get downvoted like crazy, but let's be honest, how is a reward that you cannot use for 2 weeks going to get you excited for said update 2 weeks later ? It's actually going to annoy more people than make them feel overjoyed. 

Edited by Eeshaan
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My views on the event:


Postitives --

1. Great build up, the trailers really got the community engaged and motivated.


2. Good concept, give the community an overarching goal to achieve.


Negative --

1. No feedback, the only thing that happened when more moas died was the image became clearer. There needed to be special alerts or have the Lotus say something to make the event feel like it's actually happening.

    - Special mobile defence alerts --> We needed to find out where the Orokin tech was taken from.

    - Special raid missions --> destroy the moa factory.


2. Make the system more accesable to lower levels. A lot of people seemed to be crying they couldnt participate because they couldn't get to Europa. While I think they should just ask someone in chat to pull them in, there should perhaps be incentive for higher level players to do this (4 player coop generally means you only play with your friends, which can easily leave lower level people ostracised).


3. Make the enemies stronger and more numerious. For having millions of them they sure did seem rare at times, also the trailer said they blarged a captured Tenno, but they didn't really seem to be that big of a threat (I don't know how other players felt). Once I learned they could easily be defeated by taking 2 steps backwards when they were about to fire it because quite easy to defeat them (also having OP instagib dual vipers prob helped).


Overall --

1. Good setup.

2. Needed a bit better execution.

3. Amazing end reward.

4. Founders are entitled brats.


Final question --

Can we bribe Steve with Orokin cupcakes in order to get the Frost Prime early?

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It's interesting to be on two opposite side in consecutive flame wars.

In 7.9 I was all like "You guys really jumped the shark with this glaive thing"

In 7.10 I'm like, "Hey, that was pretty cool"


To be fair, I only killed a couple moas, so I can understand why people who farmed them all weekend are a bit sick of farming at the moment, and a reward with more farming included could be upsetting. Conversely, I understand why people are fine with the glaive deal too.


It's just kind of funny.


tl;dr: Hey, that was pretty cool.

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I guess ill just be that weird guy and be happy with my Frost Prime blueprint. I thought the event was fun and the fact that I wont be able to use the new frame for two weeks isnt a big deal to me because I have other things to do.


I do understand why some people are a little mad about all of this but I dont think all the outrage is needed. This could have been just another regular warframe weekend for us, but instead we got a free prime and 100k( I didnt even notice the extra money tbh).

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In live stream we'll lay out some stats and give props to players and clans that rocked the Fusion Moas.


Mention ME, i need that attention ! lol


Well, i doubt iam in the top 10 of Killing Fusion Moas, even if i killed several hundreds of that things during that event.  But Id like to give people like Vanzor and Fiddler6291 the props. We were part of the 10 man group that killed the first 3 percent of Fusion Moas deep in the night shortly after the patch was released. Man, how we farmed damn Eligor and Paimon  ...

Edited by corpseshock
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Empathy for sure... We honestly thought people would be overjoyed. So you can imagine we're disappointed with how some are reacting. A global goal, new enemy type, coded messages, event exclusive gear...



Wait...so are you saying that the Frost Prime BP is and will be exclusive to this event only??


Also I don't think the reason why people are disappointed is centered around the global goal, new enemy or coded message.  That part was excellent.


The issue is the reward. Let me explain.


1 - Lots of people already have Frost...me included.  Many feel they wasted time (and plat for a potato) aquiring Frost because the Prime obsoletes it.  Others feel it won't be much different than a normal Frost so what's the point.


2 - The parts to make it aren't available yet.  This was a huge downer for me as my first inclination was to find the Boss and start grinding BPs...today.  It really is disappointing that here we are looking at this shinny new BP we got as a reward but we can't do anything with it for 2 weeks or more...plus we are still going to have to grind BP/Resources and spend 3.5 days building it.  It is like staring at Christmas Presents but not being able to open them.


Number 2 is probably the biggest point to learn from.  Most people when recieving a reward like it to be useful immediately.  The 2 week delay is a killer.

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For whatever its worth, I thought this was a very cool event and expect more of this type, or whatever else you guys have in mind. 

From the Lotus video messages, new community event system, new enemy NPC and, of course, the reward. Congrats and thanks for the awesome game.

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i love the BP and the 100k credits i got.......i had 2 million anyways....100k is nice




i myself played around 20+ hours total in this weekend and also i shared some pics of me and some randoms getting to Wave 30 in a defense mission ( Enemies were lvl 105....epic as f..)



the only think i dont like.....I CANT BUILD THE PRIME NOW T_T....time to wait

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Personally I think a lot of people are losing sight of the fact that this is a new feature in the game and the game is still in BETA.


All things considered the new feature and the event went smoothly on the client side and I look forward to future events.  This feature also has the ability to be used for Clan based goals as well.


I do agree that the Frost Prime BP may not be everyone's cup of tea and thus a number of people were not thrilled to learn their two days work was for something they have no desire to craft, but for those people there still is the 100k credits.


Hopefully in future events the reward can be communicated ahead of time, this may backfire though, as people not interested in the reward will not participate and doom said event to failure.  A better option maybe to offer a choice to participants of the stated reward or say 50 platinum.  This way people not interested in the reward can opt for the platinum and then use it to get what they want, i.e. two reactors for their current Warframes etc...

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The problem is, the reward does not match up the hype that it created.  The process was great, new mob was great, global event was great (apart from the % bar moving by itself), the picture getting clearer in proportion with % bar was ingenius.  But the reward, I have to say I suddenly have a Diablo 3 feeling... ... there's no sense of reward and accomplishment!!!!!!


1) I'd rather have a title to make myself special (as a player that helped the golbal event) rather than a frost prime.  I've just begun the craft my frost parts, so???  And also the people that already have frost?  102500 credits like the guy said above?


2) An event exclusive frost skin helmet would be 10 times more awesome.


3) Or make the frost prime manufacture cost (and all the parts) $0 credit, instead of 100k and having us to give that 100k back in for making the prime.  Now that's something to keep forever in your inventory even if you don't need it.


4) I'll put this last, but most people were expecting a whole new frame instead of a prime version of an existing frame, and we probably won't have expectations this high from now on.

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Hi everyone,


So you're aware, I've been compiling some of the more common questions and will be forwarding them to Rebecca for her to answer as she deems fit in the next Hot Topics thread. You're not being ignored!

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I think the reward is awesome but it does need components from update 8. If you think this is "grindception" it's a fair point. But this type of reward was originally going to be Platinum only! There is a wack of credits as well. In live stream we'll lay out some stats and give props to players and clans that rocked the Fusion Moas.

You don't need to be online to get reward. You just need to have killed at least one Fusion Moa.

Future goals may or may not be as grindy. Totally open to flames and feedback but don't lose sight of the high XP, credits and exclusivity of this reward. Future ones probably won't be as good, IMO.

If you reset your account will be the bp for frost prime still in your inventory or will you lose it ?

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I think part of the frustration -- the part about receiving an event reward that cannot be used for two weeks -- can be easily alleviated or avoided completely if in the Extermination Operation forum post / ingame notes, DE had added something like "... you may be rewarded with a special item that can be used once update 8 arrives."  Or if you want to stay in the context of the game "... you may be rewarded with special artifacts that will play a large role when the next Tenno Reinforcement arrives."


Something like that.  


There would still be complaints, but a large part could've been avoided with a bit more information -- a super simple thing to do.  Like Steve said, everyone in the office probably thought the whole "keeping it secret" thing would've made every player shriek with joy, but you gotta learn from the glaive thing that with unchecked hype comes the inevitable "letdown."  If you would just reign in the hype a bit more the next time you do an event or introduce a new item, the reaction would probably be a hell of a lot more favorable.




Edit:  Also, sort of confused with the direction DE is taking with cosmetics.  Am I correct in assuming that we're moving towards a monetization scheme that focuses primarily on "convenience"?  In F2P cash shops, you sell three things: 1) cosmetics, 2) convenience and/or 3) power.  There hasn't been substantive talk about selling power, and DE seems to be reluctant in selling cosmetics, or at least selling cosmetics that are exclusive to platinum.  


I think it's a huge opportunity lost by freely giving away a cosmetic upgrade that probably took Mynki and/or the other modelers/artists a non-trivial amount of time to produce,  when it could've been a platinum seller (mentioned earlier in thread).  


Hope I don't sound off like "oh noes I gots platinums, why u no keep it plat only so nobody can be special like meeee~" That's not the intention.   

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Empathy for sure... We honestly thought people would be overjoyed. So you can imagine we're disappointed with how some are reacting. A global goal, new enemy type, coded messages, event exclusive gear...

I'm happy with the event and the reward. It's just a BP, fine for me it will give me a goal and i'll be happy to complete it.

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Empathy for sure... We honestly thought people would be overjoyed. So you can imagine we're disappointed with how some are reacting. A global goal, new enemy type, coded messages, event exclusive gear...

I have conflicted feelings about the entire thing.


I spent a large part of the day farming Europa with several friends spread out over 2-3 groups. We expected a special boss fight, I know we had nothing concrete to base that idea on but seeing the blurred frost prime was enough to inspire us. That it didn't happen, sure, that was disappointing but that's only our fault for getting caught up in our own delusion. The actual reward, a new Warframe, I'm pretty happy about that, I don't care if it's exclusive or others can get it later, additional Warframes are always welcome though I kind of wish the parts were already available ingame. Having a blueprint I can't use or actively work towards is a special kind of torture.


My only complaint is that too many Europa missions (outside of Defense/Mobile Defense) kept resulting in the ship Biome, one I'm thoroughly sick of but that's not a real problem and I'm sure others don't see it that way. I had fun with friends, the new enemy type was a nice change, the reward was a surprise and I'm excited about update 8. I'd say the event was a success for me and my friends.


I do have to point out though, the reason some of the others who spent all day grinding are upset, it's because they feel they put in more work than other players and they want that effort to be recognised, this isn't unreasonable behavior. Acknowledging how they feel will probably go a long way to making them happier as a whole. Everyone has their own expectations and even if you're perfectly clear, people will still misunderstand and delude themselves into expecting more, that can't really be avoided unfortunately.

Edited by Karko
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My two credits here, I saw the vid and thought well cool. But I didn't expect much of it, then one of my nephews started hollering on steam about the event.

Meh I thought, but joind him and my other two nephews. And boy was I surprised, not only where the new moas hard to take down.

But they frikking launched flying things that shot at me, I was hooked and did as much playing as possible.

To me this event was fun, and a huge change from other events I have done in other mmo's. Yes I groand and sighed when I saw it was a bp, cause I am slowly losing my mind chasing the elusive banshee helmet.

But I'll continue chasing the parts for this chassie once they are out, I will probably keep playing. Chasing parts until the nice men in white drags me away to the nice soft room, please visit me there DE's..

Please to have more events

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I'm just quoting what I said in another post before:

I honestly hope that this Frost Pirme is NOT similar to the Excalibur prime: other skin and (for the excalibur) useless (even disturbing) polarity slot.


DE I really like your job on this game, so much that I bought a fonder pack to support you (never happened before). But with this I am really disapointed. I played nearly only on Europa for the whole week-end, all that for a different skin of the warframe I had so much trouble to built in the first place? Hopefully there still is the rubedo, but it's a small consolation price.

And all that with the condition to have destroyed ONE fusion Moa???


Next event I will indeed kill one and continue to play normally. Why not use your time to create real new warframes instead??


If the prime are different (or will be), then I'm sorry for this post please ignrore it (it's late in europe, I'm tired).


Anyway, keep up the (good) work! :)


PS: one day I will maybe understand why the american (culture) like the gold/goldy things that much...

It's REALLY too Kitsch for me (and impossible to change on the Excalibur prime) >_>


Reading post before this one, I think that I was hoping for a new boss too and a new warframe. Karko summed up my thought exactly.


I must add that I agree with the people questionning the art direction shift: Warframe used to be chitinous, badass, resilient and usefull armor and now it looks like a costume for some fashion show: bling bling, goldy and not martial at all (who the hell fight with earphones THAT big???).

EVERY Warframe before this one had this martial-minimal look, but not this one.

Edited by Marnus
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Imho whole event is good, but the disappointing thing is the reward. Of course 100k credits is cool and Frost Prime is even more cooler, but we can't actually enjoy the Frost Prime because we need blueprints which will be available in U8 and which we still have to farm for. Also not everyone likes Frost, I'd rather prefer Ash Prime or Prime weapon.

P.S. Also you should think over the possibilites of these kind of events having Warframe and/or Weapon slots.

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I actually liked the way the event was orchestrated and organized. It gave the community as a whole a goal to aim for, and unlocked a somewhat unique reward for those who participated. Sure, you can't build it yet, but would you rather have at least a hint of what you're going to get, or just a "reward to be distributed at a later date"? And in the meantime, you've got 100k credits to do whatever the heck you want to with, not to mention the tons of rubedo for making other warframes you probably don't have. 


Sure, not everyone may LIKE the reward, but that's part of why there will be other events, with different rewards that might be more your type. Don't rain on the parade simply because you HATE Frost, and are upset your reward was a Frost variant. That's like entering a contest and winning a car, only to get upset that it's not the brand you usually get. It's a free car, shut the hell up and enjoy winning it, and in this case, be proud of the accomplishment.


DE, you guys have a fun thing going, don't let the vocal minority tell you otherwise about this event.

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Mention ME, i need that attention ! lol


Well, i doubt iam in the top 10 of Killing Fusion Moas, even if i killed several hundreds of that things during that event.  But Id like to give people like Vanzor and Fiddler6291 the props. We were part of the 10 man group that killed the first 3 percent of Fusion Moas deep in the night shortly after the patch was released. Man, how we farmed damn Eligor and Paimon  ...

Just so you know it was day time in Australia. So I'd say there was more than 10 of you online :>

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To be honest, at first I thought the % progress + image unlock was just that: get to 100% and you get to see a teaser picture.  What could it be?  A new boss?  A new warframe?  An alternate helmet?  Go find out!


If it turned out that it was the image of a new class, say the combat engineer people were guessing it was going to be, and not an actual "reward,"  people might have been pretty psyched nonetheless.  


Personally I didn't expect anything other than a teaser image, so the blueprint was pretty sweet, but I can see many people who were super hyped for an exclusive reward getting disappointed by it.


I must add that I agree with the people questionning the art direction shift: Warframe used to be chitinous, badass, resilient and usefull armor and now it looks like a costume for some fashion show: bling bling, goldy and not martial at all (who the hell fight with earphones THAT big???).

EVERY Warframe before this one had this martial-minimal look, but not this one.


And glad to meet another player who sorely missed the older warframes' looks!  


The semi-organic-yet-undeniably-armored look of the older suits like Excal, Mag, Ash and Loki are really sorely missed in the newer warframes, especially the Banshee, which I thought was a bit over-the-top with non-functional parts poking out in every which way and looked too much like a standard armor, with its shoulder guard and "boots."  


Of course, we're talking artistic preferences here, so there's really no right or wrong.  This is why I really want DE to offer tons of skins and alternate models for each warframe, so there are a healthy mix of minimalist (which I love) and intricate (which others love) looks all players can pick from to suit their tastes.


DE, you guys have a fun thing going, don't let the vocal minority tell you otherwise about this event.


Agreed, overall a very engaging and refreshing event.  Just take some notes from our community suggestions (the constructive ones that I'm sure the Greens have collected) and improve on them :3

Edited by Gestalt
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I think the reward is awesome but it does need components from update 8. If you think this is "grindception" it's a fair point. But this type of reward was originally going to be Platinum only! There is a wack of credits as well. In live stream we'll lay out some stats and give props to players and clans that rocked the Fusion Moas.

You don't need to be online to get reward. You just need to have killed at least one Fusion Moa.

Future goals may or may not be as grindy. Totally open to flames and feedback but don't lose sight of the high XP, credits and exclusivity of this reward. Future ones probably won't be as good, IMO.


We are truly grateful for the "free prime" reward that was supposed to be plat only, mi lord. We are undeserving of your generosity, thank you.

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This is the first time I've taken part in such an event and I think that this is a refreshing change to the usual alerts and missions. Even though there are areas where the gameplay experience could be improved, I think that DE did a great job overall. I saw some complaints about the rewards which were a little uncalled for. Personally, I've just potatoed a Frost and they annouced that Frost Prime is the reward (-_-)"... Well...you can't please everyone. DE could always do more of these events with different rewards and I'm sure there will be something for everyone ;)


A suggestion for something cool I would like to see is for these events(or alerts) to have maybe 2 or more rewards selection where you can only pick one. That way, at least people get more choices.


Thats my 2 cents worth. Keep up the good work DE!

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