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Please Nerf The Orokin Cells In The Void


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So I just finished a 52 minute run of t3 defense.


Our great prizes included:

A braton prime receiver at wave 40.

A forma!(w 30)

Another forma!(w 20)

An uncommon 3 core pack (w 35? o.0)

A rare 5 core pack (w 15)

An orokin cell(w 5)

Another orokin cell (w 10)

ANOTHER orokin cell (w 25)




So, nearly an hour in the void, we got 1 prime part(what we want), 2 forma(acceptable), 2 core packs(meh), and 3 orokin cells.


This isn't an efficient means of farming orokin cells. This isn't an ideal place for orokin cells. Nobody in the group cheered when we got any of the orokin cells. Yet a full 37% of our "big" rewards were orokin cells. Not even like, packages of cells, where you could go "well, okay, that's mildly useful". Three individually wrapped spuds.


This did not feel like a productive HOUR of my life. Many kills. Lots of other drops. Lots of duplicate mods(which, incidentally, don't stack on the end reward list for some reason). But other than a single prime part, nothing that says "oh, it was worth going to the void for all of this"

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before these changes, i had, on average, about 20 o.cells.

now i have almost 150. this is still building the occasional reactor / catalyst and forma.

plus all the new nested weaponry.


before this change, i would have cheered increasing the drop rate for o.cells in certain areas.

but not these areas and not with these numbers.


i'm going to echo Arch & Llyssa and request that someone new be put in charge of void drops.

Preferably someone with less sadism in their personality. 

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i'm going to echo Arch & Llyssa and request that someone new be put in charge of void drops.

Preferably someone with less sadism in their personality. 


it's less about sadism and more about play time and experience. Anyone who has had to grind a minimum of 3-4 R10 rare mods and 1 primed mod would already have the capacity to tweak the drop rate a fair amount. Not some crap like packs of 30 cores or something stupid like that, but something fair, you know, like the original 77% drop rate T4S used to have? Yeah that was a fair enough grind, honestly.

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it's less about sadism and more about play time and experience. Anyone who has had to grind a minimum of 3-4 R10 rare mods and 1 primed mod would already have the capacity to tweak the drop rate a fair amount. Not some crap like packs of 30 cores or something stupid like that, but something fair, you know, like the original 77% drop rate T4S used to have? Yeah that was a fair enough grind, honestly.


my issues with the drop rates go WAY above and beyond simply cores. (in reference to void drops)

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my issues with the drop rates go WAY above and beyond simply cores. (in reference to void drops)

then for those it has to be someone who had to grind a whole prime access set of items, i.e.: Nova, Soma and Vasto prime; or perhaps even someone who purely hunted for prime parts to complete maybe 20 or so prime weapons. Basically anyone who's had first hand experience on the specific type of grind definitely has the capacity to tweak the drop tables fairly.

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it's less about sadism and more about play time and experience. Anyone who has had to grind a minimum of 3-4 R10 rare mods and 1 primed mod would already have the capacity to tweak the drop rate a fair amount. Not some crap like packs of 30 cores or something stupid like that, but something fair, you know, like the original 77% drop rate T4S used to have? Yeah that was a fair enough grind, honestly.

That wasn't "original", that was "recent". Originally, it dropped prime parts and forma, with an occasional credit cache, but all of that got scaled back, and we got cores galore(which I hate) and this new "here's a singular orokin cell!"

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Personally i think the whole drop table needs a big rethink.

De needs to come up with a better system.

Although there will always be whiners, the current state of things is just causing too much frustration and deminishing the interest in the game.

A bitter shame...

I will post up a whole new suggestion i have come up with latter in the feedback section.

Things really must change for the better...

Edited by Whitewolf..UK..
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That wasn't "original", that was "recent". Originally, it dropped prime parts and forma, with an occasional credit cache, but all of that got scaled back, and we got cores galore(which I hate) and this new "here's a singular orokin cell!"


Personally i think the whole drop table needs a big rethink.

De needs to come up with a better system.

Although there will always be whiners, the current state of things is just causing too much frustration and deminishing the interest in the game.

A bitter shame...

I will post up a whole new suggestion i have come up with latter in the feedback section.

Things really must change for the better...


the introduction of the void trader is a huge sink for spare void parts. nerfing the living crap out of their drop rates in addition to this is unnecessary.


the core drop frequency in the void was a bit much, reducing their drop rate is fine, to an extent... but adding in o.cells is also unnecessary as it adds to dilution.


if you want to increase the availability of o.cells... there are plenty of ways to do that. might i suggest that 3 and 5 packs of them be added back into the invasion system like they were before? 5-pack alerts for them can be added as well. possibly add a 3-pack for a high-level spy mission reward. not 100% chance or anything. (maybe 20%?) -- and add in a single drop for mid level spy missions.


either that or just add o.cells into the mob drop tables in the void. (i always thought they should be there anyway)


as for primed mods. i don't believe the intention is "gotta cap 'em all". I certainly haven't. although i haven't had much of a problems raising them up to 8 or 9 using a combination of duplicate mods and fusion cores. (and i haven't really been trying either) -- if you really must get that last point on them, i believe the current fusion availability is about right. (without using t4s as a farm) you should have to really WORK for that last point.


that's just my 2c on this issue though, DE is gonna do what they're gonna do.

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