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Help Continue To Fix Nyx... (These Are All Comments Now)


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I agree on some tweaks mind control could get only better then what it is without exceeding the name and the 25 energie and that is by making 2 targets but that requirs testing

Bolts are oke a little damage buff would be nice

And absorb is...absorb a fix would be nice but I don't have any idea how

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Not sure if this has been asked. But for the sake of logic...

Consider that the Phorid uses Psychic bolts, even according to the Warframe wiki (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Phorid). Phorid's psychic bolts deal damage directly to health, ignoring shields (and possibly armor?). Nyx uses Psychic bolts that do -not- go through shields or armor. Psychic bolts are a non-physical damage which attacks the mind. Why must it go through shields and armor?

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One minor change I propose:  Let us get Affinity for killing Mind Controlled enemies.  It's a bit of a disincentive to MC'ing the big scary guy only to know you're not gonna get the Affinity for killing them once they've no longer become useful, especially since said enemy may be worth the affinity of the rest of the room combined.

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Not sure if this has been asked. But for the sake of logic...

Consider that the Phorid uses Psychic bolts, even according to the Warframe wiki (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Phorid). Phorid's psychic bolts deal damage directly to health, ignoring shields (and possibly armor?). Nyx uses Psychic bolts that do -not- go through shields or armor. Psychic bolts are a non-physical damage which attacks the mind. Why must it go through shields and armor?



Good point lol.

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I completely agree, Nyx is my favorite warframe! She is perfect for fast paced gameplay, yet can take on a stealthy role rather well too. After maxing Nyx, I completely agree that her abilities are seriously lacking the punch they should be putting out.

Hope these notes are seriously considered!

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One minor change I propose:  Let us get Affinity for killing Mind Controlled enemies.  It's a bit of a disincentive to MC'ing the big scary guy only to know you're not gonna get the Affinity for killing them once they've no longer become useful, especially since said enemy may be worth the affinity of the rest of the room combined.

I like this, I also feel that despite many people feeling Nyx is lacking a certain something, she is a frame that brings a fantastic get out of jail card to the high level defence missions we all love :P


I for one would like to see her buffed rather than a total rework, though I feel Bolts should get the Shuriken treatment at the very least.

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Nyx's mind control does not work on.... >_< I don't recall what they are called and nothing on the internet seems to have them (E.G. Warframe wiki). The flying units that buff Grineer on Phobos settlement. Mind Control says, "Invalid Target."

You mean the Grineer Regulators?

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I actually think psychic bolts are pretty good if you know how to use 'em, but hey, if you want them to be buffed I really don't mind... >:D

Theyre fine one lower level enemies, but once you go end game chaos is far superior and honestly you're just wasting energy using them =(


If the cost were reduced it might be more worth it, or if the damage was buffed, maybe....but as of right now Chaos is her only worthwhile skill. Mind control is ok...and the bolts are fun to use, but ultimately not efficient. 

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Bolts should be 25 and for the love of GOD if they aren't going to pierce environment can they please have some form of AI in that they try (note try) to avoid objects on their pathing? Currently they are just dumb-fire pathing with random tangent deflection to make them spiral around on activation.

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You mean the Grineer Regulators?

Yes, that's what I mean.



It looks like Absorb is not effected by the Miter. Can anyone confirm this? I was doing a mission and the blades appeared to just bounce off the bubble without making a sound.



Starting to think Nyx is hardcore mode...lol...¿? Psychic bolts do nothing at higher levels, Absorb runs the risk of getting you killed, Chaos is fairly useful except that time you really need to use it and some guy is who knows where still being controlled by it, and Mind Control is practically worthless with a team as they always kill it. Maybe Nyx get some attention by next year.


Agreed with the improvement points. Also as of the latest update 9.5.3, her new idle stance makes her look like the "hunchback of notre dame". Hopefully developers can fix it and give her a proper stance.


The devs have said that each 'frame will have 3 stances. 1 is default and 2 of them are custom. A noble, and agile stance. However I am not convinced that Nyx will receive the stances many people desire. She may still have the "hunchback" stance for one of them, or who knows maybe both. At least there will be the default stance.

Edited by Sophronius
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For the Chaos issue:


I think it should put up an indicator on the HUD somewhere showing the amount of enemies affected by chaos, i.e. a box under the ability in the top right of the screen with the number "20" for example, when the amount of enemies affected is 20.


The minimap could also show the location of chaos'ed (lol?) enemies in some way, maybe instead of them being red, they could be orange? or something. (Edited: I guess I didn't consider if you don't have enemy radar. Hmmmmmm. well maybe only if you do? all the more reason to use it on her. :D)


Also, Chaos should NOT affect turrets that have Not been deployed on corpus missions. This happens all the time where I use it in a room where (which is basically every room on the indoor areas) there is at least 1 turret and my chaos will be on a turret somewhere else when i need to use it again, and I can't, and die.

Edited by Dirtyfouts
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Agreed with the improvement points. Also as of the latest update 9.5.3, her new idle stance makes her look like the "hunchback of notre dame". Hopefully developers can fix it and give her a proper stance.

I like her new stance, I think it's kinda cute/attractive. Nyx is probably my fav frame visually speaking. Banshee has hunchback syndrome.

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