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Actually Impossible To Pay For Mod Upgrading/ducat Items. Deep Explanation Within. Please Support.


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I was referring to only having one or two days a week available for playing Warframe and still putting in those seventeen hours bi-weekly hardcore. That would be four+ to eight+ hours at a time running missions.


You seem to have forgotten or overlooked three things though. This thread was posted several hotfixes/updates ago and RNG. Oh, and the entire purpose was that the current economy could not support itself the way things were/are going.


Playing 1-2 days a week is pretty casual. Like, really casual. With playtime like this, you won't be able to keep up in almost any MMO.


With the 2nd part, you're just wrong - the Thread was created after cores had been introduced to the starmap, hell, which is also when Triton became its update. Hell, it was even after the latest change, that made lower-level maps drop cores as well. Nothing has changed since then. (Last hotfix altering coredrops) Next time, please just do your research instead of pulling out new excuses. Anyway. So the method was available at the time, most of the hardcore players already knew it, but now that everyone knows it, does that mean the whining has stopped? No it hasn't, and this thread being alive and well is the best proof for it.


And if by economy, you mean this:



The economy is close to shattering, because there is no possible way to keep up. If this isn't addressed soon, the bubble will burst with the potential effects being mass desertion from non rich players, and players who ARE rich, will start to hit the barrier of impossibility, and be forced out.



This prediction is just based on the assumption of the grind being impossible, therefore putting a burden on the economy - since this is actually just plain wrong, the economy is going to be rather fine.

Edited by Dunkingmachine
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Alright alight, wile i do agree with you, there's only one problem with your thread here.


you are operating under the goal of having the void trader mods all maxed out within two weeks so you can move onto the next one. Which yes would be near impossible. i but i think that's kinda the point. there are a lot of folks like you playing this game who complain there's nothing to do cause they have everything maxed out.


These primed mods can make you pretty friggn powerful.i don't think they want everyone to have all of these maxed out yet. their giving us something to do. "yes its a grind i know, but this is war frame, grind should be nothing new here" you're gonna have to pick and choose whats important to you. and work on those. this is just like back when we started playing WF when we we're grinding just to rank up serration, or vitality, remember that?


I agree at least the cost of fusion in credits needs an adjustment. but if you want everything in this game maxed out in two weeks your gonna be bored. it creates an impossible schedule of updates for DE to keep people interested

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It's 17h in 2 weeks, 1 1/4 h per day. You don't even need to be a hardcore player to get that done. As for good groups, the games i've hosted myself have been a great success without fail. Look for suited frames and assign clear roles, there's really no excuse.


I object that, Im a hardcore player, and Im not going to mindlessly grind for more than 1 hour EVERY day. I'd rather play something that is fun for 3-4 hrs than do boring grind that can be executed by a primitive macro script.

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I object that, Im a hardcore player, and Im not going to mindlessly grind for more than 1 hour EVERY day. I'd rather play something that is fun for 3-4 hrs than do boring grind that can be executed by a primitive macro script.

"just dont cry when you miss something" or "then go play it and leave us alone" is what you gonna hear on these forums.


No one is interested in solving any problems but oldest playing players.


Its not like less grind would hurt anyone, really name 1 person who would lose upon reducing grind.

Edited by Davoodoo
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I object that, Im a hardcore player, and Im not going to mindlessly grind for more than 1 hour EVERY day. I'd rather play something that is fun for 3-4 hrs than do boring grind that can be executed by a primitive macro script.


Have you actually played Triton? I can assure you, it's everything else but boring. Also, executable by a primitive macro script? That's some serious nonsense right here. Please, enlighten me what complex and exciting game modes within warframe you're playing, that can't be run by that "primitive macro script".

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This prediction is just based on the assumption of the grind being impossible, therefore putting a burden on the economy - since this is actually just plain wrong, the economy is going to be rather fine.


C'mon now be fair - the economy is completely outta whack - that's why everyone is in the Void or farming dark sectors & the rest of the solar map is a ghost town.

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C'mon now be fair - the economy is completely outta whack - that's why everyone is in the Void or farming dark sectors & the rest of the solar map is a ghost town.


What has this to do with the economy? The starmap has nothing to offer besides a few well known nodes, but it has been that way for a really really long time. If anything, the changes after which the thread was created point towards a reallocation of ressources, starting with cores, followed by event mods in spy 2.0, to the starmap - isn't that the complete opposite? And, once again, what does any of this have to do with the economy? Players farm what they or other players want, and as long as the goods are there to farm, the prices will be more or less stable. Besides that, i think there's way too much drama and emphasis put on the "economy", it's just a bit of trading, the game has existed before it was implemented and we had limited/exclusive items a lot of times. The only thing that will happen is rising prices, but how many players are really quitting because they can't get their hands on that charged chamber mod? There is no "imminent crysis" or an "economic breakdown", not in this game, just no. Less drama and more common sense please.

Edited by Dunkingmachine
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"just dont cry when you miss something" or "then go play it and leave us alone" is what you gonna hear on these forums.


No one is interested in solving any problems but oldest playing players.


Its not like less grind would hurt anyone, really name 1 person who would lose upon reducing grind.

Well that's what we do - go play something else. Stil come to WF but there is nothing interesting left, just grind or trade.




Have you actually played Triton? I can assure you, it's everything else but boring. Also, executable by a primitive macro script? That's some serious nonsense right here. Please, enlighten me what complex and exciting game modes within warframe you're playing, that can't be run by that "primitive macro script".

Yes, you either roll a good map and sit in the same area spam Globe on drills maybe sometimes pick batteries. Or you get a long-&#! map so its a timewaste and you restart.

Or more  you play routine farming with some one killing everything on auto like Mesa or Excal spam, Necr desecrating and Mag greedy pull so you NEVER move from the same spot in like 30 minutes and press same buttons over and over. 

Same way you play defence 40 waves in ~20-30 min - it is still decent for core packs, often 2 rare cores packs in 20 waves + drops (and primes ofcourse). It's efficient, but very boring.

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On a serious note, the original claim was it would be impossible to rank those mods up within 2 weeks, made by a



... while with this playtime it would be perfectly possible to even rank 5 or more primed mods in those 2 weeks.


Again, i'll accept and agree to any complaints about the amount of grind imposed on you, but not to any complains about the grind being impossible. Those are simply not valid.


First off, you sliced off my quotes in order to take them out of context.  Allow me to properly recite what i said and explain them, so that you do not twist them any further to attempt to benefit your inaccurate and somewhat con-deluded goal:


 'No real life' gamer who spends around 10-16 hours per day on Warframe, farming resources, credits, ducats and just about everything. I not only farm the game heavily for resources for myself, but i help many new players get a good start from the rather depressing and deep bottom.


This screenshot is 3 Real-Life months worth of Fusion cores, earned through constant regular play to achieve


It takes a great deal of time to Farm for keys. I recommend Excavations, theyre quite helpful.

It takes a good portion of time to also run those Void missions for potential Ducats.

You have less than 2 weeks to farm approximately 1100 Ducats (the average so far)

You have less than 2 weeks to farm for multiples of 100,000+ Cost Ducat Purchases, whilst trying to have enough credits to put into fusion.


You need approximately 1100 Ducats and 800,000 Credits per <2 weeks.


And whilst youre playing, are expected on the side within each <2 Weeks to save up to afford:

-Approx 2000+ Mods

-Approx 2,500,000 Credits



Notice how i mention i am having to farm for Credits, Void Keys, Run the Void Keys, collect 2000+ mods, collect over 3,300,000 credits, and somehow manage to find the time to play with, have, and help my friends? which you sliced from your arguement.


This is normal gameplay for most people, trying to tick all of the above boxes and finding the time, is just not do-able.


But once again, i must bite, and ask that you show your poker hand....or are you just bluffing?


You can ""fully rank up 5 or more primed mods in 2 weeks"" you say?





2100 Ducats (this can be done fine)

500,000 Credits from Ducat cost (this can be done fine)

Over 12,000 Mods of same polarity (approx 18,000 of any type) /OR/ Over 3000 Gold R5 Fusion Cores (maybe the mods through farming with a focused MagPull/Desecrate group, but you wont ever get such fusion cores in time, and you wont have any time to farm for credits whilst you are maintaining this)


If you use a mix of fusion cores and mods, itll cost approximately 2,500,000 to rank up each one so.


Over 12,500,000 Credits (with no Double Credit weekend and no booster? you would have to work full time on credits to make this deadline)


If you're telling me you can do all the above, in less than 2 weeks, im going to say like i have said to several people in this topic who come out with the most outrageous claims.


PROVE IT, or knock off the quite blatent trolling. And poor defense of a broken economy.


It is not possible to be in 3/3 places. At full pace for 2 weeks, the most you would be able to touch is 2/3 given the limited time to catch up.


There's a lot of kids who make these kinds of claims in game forums to make themselves feel epic and then they get their buddies to come in and back them up (god im so old...dealt with this so much in my time), but in this case, im afraid i must ask you to come out and backup your claims, because that doesnt quite work in your situation, and we want to see proof where you claim there is some.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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Yes, you either roll a good map and sit in the same area spam Globe on drills maybe sometimes pick batteries. Or you get a long-! map so its a timewaste and you restart.

Or more  you play routine farming with some one killing everything on auto like Mesa or Excal spam, Necr desecrating and Mag greedy pull so you NEVER move from the same spot in like 30 minutes and press same buttons over and over. 

Same way you play defence 40 waves in ~20-30 min - it is still decent for core packs, often 2 rare cores packs in 20 waves + drops (and primes ofcourse). It's efficient, but very boring.


Well that's your choice to make it boring like that. Most frames are viable on the map, so pick a different one. It's not Draco, there's really no need to try and maximize killcount. Tryharding sucks the fun out of the game, and just as the notorious "h t2s 20 min camp need vauban & loki" guy, i just ignore hosts that try this bulls**t and host my own games. And the last time i played it, there was a lot of movement involved, digsites change constantly and that scanner doesn't work without power as well. There's at least 6 different excavator locations = 3 digsites per map, so your claim of "standing in the same spot in like 30 minutes" is, once again, exaggerated. Oh well, tastes differ. Still, as i've asked before, if high level excavation is the epitome of beredom for you, what are those challenging and fun missions you play for 4h instead?

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I'm just going to cut the crap here and ignore those lousy provocations. I don't really care what you do with your time, here's what i claimed:




... while with this playtime it would be perfectly possible to even rank 5 or more primed mods in those 2 weeks



That's just for ranking up the mods. So the question is, can i farm cores and credits for 5 primed mods in 2 weeks with 10-16h (let's just assume 13) a day? 182h time.


1) cores


we'll need 528*5 = 2640

of course we farm the most efficient way, which is Triton, which gives out r5 cores at a rate of 1 per 2 minutes. So the total time needed is 5280 minutes or 88h playtime to get the cores done! Now in reality, it will actually be a lot less, since you get fusion energy out of drops - but for the sake of this argument i'll ignore it.


2) credits


2.5kk credits per mod is a rediculous number, 95% of our fusion energy will come from r5 cores, 2kk is much closer to reality (still too high though). Let's set the goal to 10kk.


Let's also ignore the fact that those missions actually handed out credits. No, we're farming everything from scratch. Now it would be easy to do get the credits from farming non-endless voids, t4s even hand out corepacks, and there's quite a lot of people hosting these for free! But that would be too easy. No, we make it extra tedious and farm dark sectors. Let's gather a group and farm those defenses, 17k per mission and done in 4 minutes? yes please! Credit booster, let's make that 34k!


And some math again.


(10.000.000 / 34.000 ) * 4 = 1176 minutes or 19h 36 min DS farming.


Where are we at? Oh 107h and 36 minutes! Well darn, we still have almost 75h of the time left! I guess we don't even need that credit booster. Still 55h left! Well i guess you can use those to do all the social stuff i wanted to ignore at first. And that is the most fail save way possible, if you get lucky with hosts for farmable void missions, you gonna get to your goal even quicker.


But all of that is really highly irrelevant, right? After all, it's just 1-2 primed mods you really "need" to max in those 2 weeks. If you can't do that, mr "no life gamer", then i guess it is on order to say you're taking your self proclaimed completionist title not really serious.

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You remark in the OP about how it is impossible to rank up the Primed mods within the 2 week void trader cycle - to which he has replied with data.(twice)


(You also state that it is impossible to accrue the funds to purchase the void trader items in the 2 weeks, which your latest post contradicts.)



The thing that bothers me most however is that you demand proof, when you are shouting about a failing economy and providing none of your own, The only thing you've proven is your distaste for the effort needed to have everything maxed out asap. He has given you a set of numbers that are broken down on a 'from scratch' POV, but I somehow I get the feeling that this won't be enough for you.


More than that you have accused both him and myself of trolling, purely because we disagree with you and have problems with your claims. 

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The biggest problem i see here is the pride of an mr19 veteran founder who spends more time on the game than 99% of the playerbase, but in an insanely inefficient matter concerning the goal of maxing the primed mods, leading to ludicrous claims and complaints about an issue that one simple calculation easily contradicts. At this time, fun and preferences don't matter to me, it's the single hard fact that it's entirely possible to max said mods (as demonstrated) which is important here. I won't even argue that this might be monotonous and boring in comparison to just playing what you want. But that's not the point. Well i'm off to bed, i'll read the next post full of random bold words and funny gifs tomorrow.

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Guess he cant do it then.

More specificity please.


What do you think is missing? Which parts don't you agree with? Add something constructive to this or find yourself proven in effectively trolling your own thread.


I'm still waiting for you to tell me what I have missed in my exhaustive posts from several pages back.


Nothing either of us has said is empirically wrong, and our opinions are just that. 

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Playing 1-2 days a week is pretty casual. Like, really casual. With playtime like this, you won't be able to keep up in almost any MMO.


With the 2nd part, you're just wrong - the Thread was created after cores had been introduced to the starmap, hell, which is also when Triton became its update. Hell, it was even after the latest change, that made lower-level maps drop cores as well. Nothing has changed since then. (Last hotfix altering coredrops) Next time, please just do your research instead of pulling out new excuses. Anyway. So the method was available at the time, most of the hardcore players already knew it, but now that everyone knows it, does that mean the whining has stopped? No it hasn't, and this thread being alive and well is the best proof for it.


And if by economy, you mean this:




This prediction is just based on the assumption of the grind being impossible, therefore putting a burden on the economy - since this is actually just plain wrong, the economy is going to be rather fine.

You seem to excel at picking out random bits of what I post. I said playing eight hours in one session was hardcore. Whether you continue that the next day or not is irrelevant.


Because DE has never left anything out of the patch notes. I remember a time not too long ago that the Prime Gear Drop Location thread stated that only endless missions had core and/or resource prizes. Yet somewhere early in this thread or another people were posting 'just go to T4Ext for R5 packs' like it was the obvious solution, and the claim is now absent from DERebecca's post.


That still leaves the RNG factor. Game to game, player to player drops will vary. That's something many players can't seem to understand. In the 20 or so keys I've run the past  two weeks I've gotten about 130 Ducats worth of prime parts. I suppose that's simply my fault for running eight T1 keys looking for a pouch.


Whatever the reason at that rate I would have to run 154 T1/2/3 keys to get the 1000 ducats the trader was requiring in previous weeks for all of his wares. That's eleven keys a day, every day. One to two hours* isn't that bad, but then factor in maybe another hour** to get those keys. And then the credit runs, and finally that hour and fifteen minutes for the cores to rank up the primed mods. That's at least four hours of daily focused grinding just to keep up. That is what I meant by economy. That is what the OP was claiming he couldn't accomplish with roughly three times the amount of hours of general play.



*My load times kinda suck.

**My luck with rewards is considerably worse.

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Well that's your choice to make it boring like that. Most frames are viable on the map, so pick a different one. It's not Draco, there's really no need to try and maximize killcount. Tryharding sucks the fun out of the game, and just as the notorious "h t2s 20 min camp need vauban & loki" guy, i just ignore hosts that try this bulls**t and host my own games. And the last time i played it, there was a lot of movement involved, digsites change constantly and that scanner doesn't work without power as well. There's at least 6 different excavator locations = 3 digsites per map, so your claim of "standing in the same spot in like 30 minutes" is, once again, exaggerated. Oh well, tastes differ. Still, as i've asked before, if high level excavation is the epitome of beredom for you, what are those challenging and fun missions you play for 4h instead?



I'm not normally one to double post, but did you just say what I think you just said?

You've been basically ragging on OP for his inefficient use of game time these past pages and when another poster replies to you with the most efficient manner to run the mission you've suggested for efficiency you tell them to be less efficient?


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You seem to excel at picking out random bits of what I post. I said playing eight hours in one session was hardcore. Whether you continue that the next day or not is irrelevant.


Because DE has never left anything out of the patch notes. I remember a time not too long ago that the Prime Gear Drop Location thread stated that only endless missions had core and/or resource prizes. Yet somewhere early in this thread or another people were posting 'just go to T4Ext for R5 packs' like it was the obvious solution, and the claim is now absent from DERebecca's post.


That still leaves the RNG factor. Game to game, player to player drops will vary. That's something many players can't seem to understand. In the 20 or so keys I've run the past  two weeks I've gotten about 130 Ducats worth of prime parts. I suppose that's simply my fault for running eight T1 keys looking for a pouch.


Whatever the reason at that rate I would have to run 154 T1/2/3 keys to get the 1000 ducats the trader was requiring in previous weeks for all of his wares. That's eleven keys a day, every day. One to two hours* isn't that bad, but then factor in maybe another hour** to get those keys. And then the credit runs, and finally that hour and fifteen minutes for the cores to rank up the primed mods. That's at least four hours of daily focused grinding just to keep up. That is what I meant by economy. That is what the OP was claiming he couldn't accomplish with roughly three times the amount of hours of general play.



*My load times kinda suck.

**My luck with rewards is considerably worse.


Running t1c to get ducats, do you know how ret****d that is? Pouch dropchance is 5.64%. Chance to drop keys/forma is 57.26% You picked one of the worst missions one can think of to farm ducats and are basing your time calculation on that. What the actual fck. Run some t2sabs next time, where you have a 40,85% chance TWICE to get 50 ducats. Basically every 1 game. NO forma dropchance, only prime parts. I ran 10+ of those recently and traded a wyrm part for 4 hikou bps to 2 of the players i ran with after the session, i made more than those 1000 ducats within i bit more than 1h. 11h/day, LOL. Way to be as inefficient as possible.



I'm not normally one to double post, but did you just say what I think you just said?

You've been basically ragging on OP for his inefficient use of game time these past pages and when another poster replies to you with the most efficient manner to run the mission you've suggested for efficiency you tell them to be less efficient?



Better stick to not double posting.


1. No, i didn't say what you think i said.

2. Triton is viable with a lot of frames

3. Excavators can't be sped up by a "most optimal setup" so as long as you can deploy fast enough (every frame can copter) and protect your comp doesn't matter. This comes down to player skill of course, if you can't handle it might wanna stick to frost/frost/mag/mesa



Now hold up, because if have to quote this for extra hilarity:


You seem to excel at picking out random bits of what I post. I said playing eight hours in one session was hardcore. Whether you continue that the next day or not is irrelevant.


Now for the part i actually quoted:



I was referring to only having one or two days a week available for playing Warframe and still putting in those seventeen hours bi-weekly hardcore. That would be four+ to eight+ hours at a time running missions.


You seem to have forgotten or overlooked three things though. This thread was posted several hotfixes/updates ago and RNG. Oh, and the entire purpose was that the current economy could not support itself the way things were/are going.


So what's the info i picked out of context here? You literally said 4-8h 2 times a week would be hardcore. Now in what way contradicts this my claim of 2 days gaming a week being pretty casual? Using your weekend to play 4-8h a day isn't hardcore. Playing for 8h every day would be pretty hardcore. That's just another way to spend your weekend.

Edited by Dunkingmachine
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I'm just going to cut the crap here and ignore those lousy provocations. I don't really care what you do with your time, here's what i claimed:

That's just for ranking up the mods. So the question is, can i farm cores and credits for 5 primed mods in 2 weeks with 10-16h (let's just assume 13) a day? 182h time.

1) cores

we'll need 528*5 = 2640

of course we farm the most efficient way, which is Triton, which gives out r5 cores at a rate of 1 per 2 minutes. So the total time needed is 5280 minutes or 88h playtime to get the cores done! Now in reality, it will actually be a lot less, since you get fusion energy out of drops - but for the sake of this argument i'll ignore it.

2) credits

2.5kk credits per mod is a rediculous number, 95% of our fusion energy will come from r5 cores, 2kk is much closer to reality (still too high though). Let's set the goal to 10kk.

Let's also ignore the fact that those missions actually handed out credits. No, we're farming everything from scratch. Now it would be easy to do get the credits from farming non-endless voids, t4s even hand out corepacks, and there's quite a lot of people hosting these for free! But that would be too easy. No, we make it extra tedious and farm dark sectors. Let's gather a group and farm those defenses, 17k per mission and done in 4 minutes? yes please! Credit booster, let's make that 34k!

And some math again.

(10.000.000 / 34.000 ) * 4 = 1176 minutes or 19h 36 min DS farming.

Where are we at? Oh 107h and 36 minutes! Well darn, we still have almost 75h of the time left! I guess we don't even need that credit booster. Still 55h left! Well i guess you can use those to do all the social stuff i wanted to ignore at first. And that is the most fail save way possible, if you get lucky with hosts for farmable void missions, you gonna get to your goal even quicker.

But all of that is really highly irrelevant, right? After all, it's just 1-2 primed mods you really "need" to max in those 2 weeks. If you can't do that, mr "no life gamer", then i guess it is on order to say you're taking your self proclaimed completionist title not really serious.

How long are load times on the PC? For me on PS4 I was averaging around 1:30 added to the actual time it was taking me to complete a mission meaning that I could typically get 3 void capture missions done in 10 minutes but a 5 wave dark sector defense would be closer to 6 minutes per 5 waves including all loading screens. So in an hour I can only average 10 dark sector runs or about 400k an hour with a booster. This puts me at around 25 hours farming for credits from DS. Take away the booster and I'm now up to 50. I am going to take your 88 hours for the cores as a fact because being on PS4 I have no way to test it but just adding the 50 to 88 get you to 138 hours every two weeks which is almost 70 hours a week spent farming.

This also assumes that you are never experiencing glitches and are always instantly able to join squads willing to farm on this same insane schedule. I am willing to bet that while it is physically possible to do you would not actually be able to rank up 5 primed mods in two weeks in the manner you described. I would expect at some point you would have to turn to burning through capture keys for credits as it is significantly faster then DS defense and in order to afford the ducats in the first place to buy those 5 primed mods you need to be running void keys not star map missions.

Lastly, I think arguing about if this is even possible is completely off point anyway. The bigger problem to me is the whole game has changed to were there are many aspects that are now putting a time limit on how you are supposed to play. Grind out syndicate xp daily, grind out ducats bi weekly, grind out cores and credits hourly, and all that does not include any events or tactical alerts that come up that offer one time limited items. It's a shame to me because if you try to just play the game and not spend your time grinding in the most efficient way possible you are sacrificing the ability to acquire everything in the game but by grinding in the most efficient way possible you eliminate 95% of the gameplay. To me this signifies a broken game model.

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How long are load times on the PC? For me on PS4 I was averaging around 1:30 added to the actual time it was taking me to complete a mission meaning that I could typically get 3 void capture missions done in 10 minutes but a 5 wave dark sector defense would be closer to 6 minutes per 5 waves including all loading screens. So in an hour I can only average 10 dark sector runs or about 400k an hour with a booster. This puts me at around 25 hours farming for credits from DS. Take away the booster and I'm now up to 50. I am going to take your 88 hours for the cores as a fact because being on PS4 I have no way to test it but just adding the 50 to 88 get you to 138 hours every two weeks which is almost 70 hours a week spent farming.

This also assumes that you are never experiencing glitches and are always instantly able to join squads willing to farm on this same insane schedule. I am willing to bet that while it is physically possible to do you would not actually be able to rank up 5 primed mods in two weeks in the manner you described. I would expect at some point you would have to turn to burning through capture keys for credits as it is significantly faster then DS defense and in order to afford the ducats in the first place to buy those 5 primed mods you need to be running void keys not star map missions.

Lastly, I think arguing about if this is even possible is completely off point anyway. The bigger problem to me is the whole game has changed to were there are many aspects that are now putting a time limit on how you are supposed to play. Grind out syndicate xp daily, grind out ducats bi weekly, grind out cores and credits hourly, and all that does not include any events or tactical alerts that come up that offer one time limited items. It's a shame to me because if you try to just play the game and not spend your time grinding in the most efficient way possible you are sacrificing the ability to acquire everything in the game but by grinding in the most efficient way possible you eliminate 95% of the gameplay. To me this signifies a broken game model.


You're absolutely right with the last part! Just to be clear: I do not advocate that type of gameplay! What i'm trying to do here is simply profing that doing the grind within the 2 week trader cycle is physically easily possible, up to the point of maxing 5 primed mods, in case you have excess playtime (like the OP) and do spend it in that manner. Maxing out the single primed mod we get recently doesn't even require that much dedicated farming, and playing frequent voids will already take some of the grind off you - something a dedicated "completionist" can and should do if he really takes his self-proclaimed title serious.


Concerning the load times, generally they will be faster on pc, but it depends, Even if we take your longer load times, it's still very much within the given time window, which is really all i wanted to prove anyway - it IS physically possible.

Edited by Dunkingmachine
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You're absolutely right with the last part! Just to be clear: I do not advocate that type of gameplay! What i'm trying to do here is simply profing that doing the grind within the 2 week trader cycle is physically easily possible, up to the point of maxing 5 primed mods, in case you have excess playtime (like the OP) and do spend it in that manner. Maxing out the single primed mod we get recently doesn't even require that much dedicated farming, and playing frequent voids will already take some of the grind off you - something a dedicated "completionist" can and should do if he really takes his self-proclaimed title serious.


Concerning the load times, generally they will be faster on pc, but it depends, Even if we take your longer load times, it's still very much within the given time window, which is really all i wanted to prove anyway - it IS physically possible.


Dude please stop, ok? We`re talking here about average player with 1-2 hours of gamplay a day. 1-2 a day each day is 12-24 hours from 2 weeks. There is no way average player will be able to maxlevel legendary mods. Get them - maybe, but max them - never. Hardcore players with 6-12 hours a day (72 - 144 hours ) - barely. Got it? Barely making it while doing nothing buy grind for cores and creds all the time. No life, no other games, just grind for cores. Do you really think it is worth it?


The question here is not theoretical possibility, but how fast and unadequate it is now. I think DE already made some conclusions from such threads and finally started second cycle on Void Trader.


But what next? Making us grind harder is not the answer they should come to. 

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Well that's your choice to make it boring like that. Most frames are viable on the map, so pick a different one. It's not Draco, there's really no need to try and maximize killcount. Tryharding sucks the fun out of the game, and just as the notorious "h t2s 20 min camp need vauban & loki" guy, i just ignore hosts that try this bulls**t and host my own games. And the last time i played it, there was a lot of movement involved, digsites change constantly and that scanner doesn't work without power as well. There's at least 6 different excavator locations = 3 digsites per map, so your claim of "standing in the same spot in like 30 minutes" is, once again, exaggerated. Oh well, tastes differ. Still, as i've asked before, if high level excavation is the epitome of beredom for you, what are those challenging and fun missions you play for 4h instead?



How is that 'my choice' when I have to farm 35 cores EVERY DAY to keep up?  You have to be efficient if you need to farm this much, or it takes much more time. What sucks the fun out of the game is the need to farm really a lot and lack of any challenge due to poor balance. You dont get rewards for playing well, only for wasting lots of time. Thats why people came up with boring efficient ways to farm using macro scripts even. 

But MY choice is not to, like I already said, Ill play something else that is fun, Im not into grindans, I dont even care about rewards. Last time I had fun in WF is when we had clan challenges playing survivals with various made-up limitations, no Necros, weapon limits, dragon keys. If I just feel like killing things I'll jump into low level planet with melee or underlevelled weapons.

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Dude please stop, ok? We`re talking here about average player with 1-2 hours of gamplay a day. 1-2 a day each day is 12-24 hours from 2 weeks. There is no way average player will be able to maxlevel legendary mods. Get them - maybe, but max them - never. Hardcore players with 6-12 hours a day (72 - 144 hours ) - barely. Got it? Barely making it while doing nothing buy grind for cores and creds all the time. No life, no other games, just grind for cores. Do you really think it is worth it?


The question here is not theoretical possibility, but how fast and unadequate it is now. I think DE already made some conclusions from such threads and finally started second cycle on Void Trader.


But what next? Making us grind harder is not the answer they should come to. 


Might wanna look up the data properly before hurling those claims at me if you don't want to look stupid.


Since it's obviously too much to ask to get your numbers straight, let me do that for you:


17h farming for the 528 cores.

4h farming for the 1.6kk credits


21h farming within 2 weeks = 1.5h daily


Conclusion: Even your "average" gamer (i think a real average gamer plays more) can EXACTLY max one mod per week if he chooses to do so, fun and monotony aside.

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I don't think you're intended to collect ALL the primed mods and rank them ALL up to rank 10.


Just ranking them up to 8 or so costs a fraction the cost, and provides a greatly enhanced benefit over the standard 5 rank mod.  Try ranking the primed mods to 8 instead, unless it's an absolutely amazing mod that MUST be ranked all the way to 10, like primed point blank for a shotgun maniac.  Personally I think shotguns need to have double the current fire rate and half the current reload time to be worth ranking point blank up to 10, though.

Edited by Holeypaladin
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