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How Do You Vets Stay Interested?


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What keeps us, the rank 18/19 guys, in game? The thing the very majority of playerbase forget about. The sense of this, and any game.



I feel the need to clarify at this point, I am asking what you do for fun. 


Its the equivalent of someone asking you "why do you have fun doing this" and your response being "because I have fun"

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I feel the need to clarify at this point, I am asking what you do for fun.

Its the equivalent of someone asking you "why do you have fun doing this" and your response being "because I have fun"

I also need to stress this. I continue to play because it is fun to do so, sometimes its hard to get started but then I just ask my clan if they need help or just pick a node

Edit: I meant to quote the guy he quoted, CBA to change on mobile

Edited by Noobsdie4eva
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I feel the need to clarify at this point, I am asking what you do for fun. 


Its the equivalent of someone asking you "why do you have fun doing this" and your response being "because I have fun"



Various silly and serious things.


From serious things:

-Helping clanmates in any void runs, they usually need a specific frame and the majority of rank 18/19's got most of them,

-Helping new players to find themselves in the game, often grouping up with them, presenting gear, helping with warframe/weapons choice,

-Joining groups from LFM to do these defenses/survivals they can't find players for at the given moment,

-Eventually farming for cores/credits to max some mods to sell for platinum, to be ready for any new cosmetics (But I assume that counts as "awaiting for next update", so yeah.)


From silly things:

-Equipping Volt built for melee and Galatine and seeing for how long can you survive in the void,

-Teaching the enemies how to fly with Jatty Kitty,

-Trying to do any non-endless mission with a frame other than Loki/Ash/Banshee without killing anything,

-Trying to impress the swarm of Chargers with your awesome Glaive moves,

-Spawning pink tentacles with Hyrdoid,

-Getting Curative Undertow, changing your energy color to yellow, using Undertow and encouraging your teammates that this puddle of disturbingly yellow liquid can heal... or just making them sink in it.

-Getting a team of three Oberons painted like Sun Knights, waiting for the fourth player to join, surrounding him while wielding only melee and convincing him to Praise the Sun,

-And maaany many more.


The possibilities. They are endless!

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I actually enjoy most of the gameplay of most mission types.  I'm not itching for a challenge and I don't mind not having a constant supply of new things.  I have also started occasionally picking a weapon I like that I know isn't great and throwing Forma at it to make it better (such as the pre-buff Attica, I just wanted a crossbow). 

The only issue is that, if I don't have friends online to help me find direction, I sometimes find myself staring at Navigation without a clue which mission to choose.  This is where Syndicates have helped.  I now have a reason to do 6 specific missions each day.

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I goof around, both in-mission and in region chat. I'm that guy who tries out all the weapons/loadouts and tries to find unique strategies and synergy between weapons/abilities. When I'm not doing that, I just have fun running Syndicate missions or even random nodes, or I'm making a complete idiot of myself in chat.


Also, I'm just really easily amused.

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Play the warframe just having one mind set "for fun" since day 1 . Every patch that comes out is a additional fun for me.

Andim just sitting here reading people comment of -

"why didn't you do this, what happened to the promise u made DE!?"

"Wheres happened to the quality of the year DE" "where is my end game content"

"Im burnt outt"

" why cant i ride a unicorn" and so on.

Edited by ValorousKs
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So how do you guys stay interested in warframe? 


and to clarify I mean between updates, I know a lot of people just come back at every major update play a bit and leave. I am asking what you guys who have already done everything but still play the game regularly.


Personally I currently play around with builds and just see if they can work in all types of situations, I spend as much time theory crafting the build as I do testing the build. 

I just play. 

I've gotten far enough where I don't need to worry about MR locks or anything. I haven't completed everything in the game, but there's nothing more that I want in it other than to just have fun. 

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In-game goals, progression, and action. It is also important to have variety, else you will burn your interest out and will likely not regain it for a while.

It also helps for me to not mind the grinding in Warframe, and even find it fun on occasions. Spend 8 years on a game who's grinding is 100 times worse than Warframe's, and you're bound to find enjoyment in just about everything else.


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Like some people already wrote, i find it fun to revisit old weapons and frames, throw formas on them and go different routes with the builds.


I put together different combinations of frame, weapons, sentinel or kubro for each type of mission... see whats more fun, what lasts longer.. what sucks.


I also like to hunt down the G3 and kill em with the Brakk... payback for the 2 months it took me to get it. Same with the Stalker and Dispair.


The augmentation mods make some of the frames really fun to use. Ice Wave Impedance is a trip.


Other than that i go around helping new players get the hang of things; run missions with them, explaining the mod system and such.

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I don't burn myself out on all of the new content.

I build what I want, when I want. I try out what I built, but if there's a line of other weapons in need of leveling(there always is) it goes on the shelf until it get its turn.

No boosters.

No Draco.

No dark sectors.

If you were wondering, I'm MR 10 and been here since open beta began.

Edited by Ionus
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