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Frost Prime - Updated Visual Design Concept And Suggestion [Artwork Included] _ Version 2.0 Nov.2015


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1 hour ago, Volkovyi said:

While I do agree that Frost is the "battle mage" aesthetic, that he should be a force to be reckoned with on the field, I disagree with the trend in Warframe where utility trumps power. And so, the suggestion that Frost should be entirely utility as you suggest with Loki or Vauban.

Something that has been always said for Warframe play style is the feeling of power your players should have, that we can wipe out hundreds of enemy units with unique skills only the player can do. That makes it fun and exciting, and it should be complimented with powerful powers. I feel there is a fair way to buff Frost, make him focus more on a balance of power and survivability with synergy between his powers, not entirely de-claw him so to speak and rely solely on weaponry and utility.

Any shooter game can rely on weaponry for combat, Warframes and their powers makes this game unique. Its always difficult to find a fair scaling mechanic with damage, while it is easier to find utility that acts the same whether the enemy is level 1 or 100.

Also the problem here is one of thematic. If someone is a batlemage, then the name already juxtaposes a fulfillment of a certain role: Mage in Battlefield. Therefore making something entirely utility would no longer correspond to the actual theme of what a Battlemage actually is like, a hybrid between a destructive mage and a durable tank.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welllllll hello thar. :D I like the look over all, but could the arm armor frost vents not be attached to this as part of the attachments portion anymore? I like to use other attachments, but I dislike having to remove those portions to do so as well as the disembodied venting. It would be nice if the back canister was made to be an original piece rather than a carry over from the original.


For example we still feel that Freeze and Ice Wave are redundant, perhaps combine the two, have Ice Wave leave behind a trail of cold and be able to freeze enemies, remove Freeze and create a new ability altogether? Frost also has a much higher than average armor rating, he looks like he would be more sturdy and immovable like a glacier. However he has no way to benefit from his own abilities besides hiding inside Snow Globe.

Freeze and Ice Wave are a bit redundant and fail in comparison to Avalanche. Freeze should be dropped all together and Ice Wave could be tweaked a bit. Frost is both about battlefield control and heavy damage. This should be reflected in Ice Wave as well.

Keep the damage, or even bump it up a bit, and take the max spread dimensions and make those the default. You speak about creating an ice trail after him. Frankly, that trick is a bit played out already and just leaves a rather slower frame just running laps. Allow Ice Wave to leave behind a temporary cold tile that can slow land based units. Allow it to have a max of 4 tiles like the bubble, have duration effect how long it will stay out, range would effect the size of the tile left behind, and have power effect the slow speed. This would accomplish the suggested effect with out all the silly lap running that faster frames can feasibly make use of.

Edited by Cortanis
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On 2/18/2015 at 1:12 PM, Volkovyi said:

Ice Wave Impedance augment.

You're talking about the augment, which takes up a mod slot. I'm talking about as a default and not an augment, which would then free up an otherwise valuable mod slot. Speaking of.... why the heck don't we have at least one dedicated slot like the exilus slot but only for augment mods?

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1 hour ago, Cortanis said:

You're talking about the augment, which takes up a mod slot. I'm talking about as a default and not an augment, which would then free up an otherwise valuable mod slot. Speaking of.... why the heck don't we have at least one dedicated slot like the exilus slot but only for augment mods?

Well, you didn't mention the augment by name or anything yet described what it does in a way that led me to believe you didn't know / forgot about the augment. 

Why no augment slot? Because Irradiated Disarm exists. :thumbdown:

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17 hours ago, KinetosImpetus said:

Well, you didn't mention the augment by name or anything yet described what it does in a way that led me to believe you didn't know / forgot about the augment. 

Why no augment slot? Because Irradiated Disarm exists. :thumbdown:

I still don't see the logic in that. It's still just another augment mod to place in a dedicated slot for them and only them. Getting back to the point though, I'd like to point out that I was suggesting redefining the BASE parameters to the skill while effectively attaching the mod stat changes to what is effectively the augment and not the skill entirely.  Of course things like power and range would effect ice wave, but lock it at the min and max of 60 degrees while allowing range to effect the length.

As for Freeze... I never found it very useful at any level or build. Like it was said, it's redundant with Ice Wave around as well as if you're using Avalanche. An interesting though for me is to give him an active use aura with similar mechanics as far as range and such as World on Fire. Instead of being some self or party buff, why not play to his theme and allow for an active area debuff? Allow him to project out the aura as a cold based slowing aura with an armor debuff so that he may actually make use of his nifty high grade of armor. This would allow guns to be more effective as well as give Frost a decent ability to go for a good melee build to actually use that armor.

Edited by Cortanis
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I'm freaking out, this looks AMAZINGLY I was just complaining about the lack of good frost cosmetics as of Dev Stream 73 this looks SO much better than everything that was submitted for Frost, and if this was added as a tennogen I would legitimately pay $15 for it.  I'm not exaggerating I'm absolutely serious. It looks TREMENDOUS, it fits that aristocratic feel of Frost Prime so well, and the spike boots make his legs look so much better it's insane. Even just submit the design to the Warframe Workshop so I can support it in some way, this is exactly what I want. 

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On 28 April 2016 at 7:23 PM, Cortanis said:

Welllllll hello thar. :D I like the look over all, but could the arm armor frost vents not be attached to this as part of the attachments portion anymore? I like to use other attachments, but I dislike having to remove those portions to do so as well as the disembodied venting. It would be nice if the back canister was made to be an original piece rather than a carry over from the original.

Freeze and Ice Wave are a bit redundant and fail in comparison to Avalanche. Freeze should be dropped all together and Ice Wave could be tweaked a bit. Frost is both about battlefield control and heavy damage. This should be reflected in Ice Wave as well.

Keep the damage, or even bump it up a bit, and take the max spread dimensions and make those the default. You speak about creating an ice trail after him. Frankly, that trick is a bit played out already and just leaves a rather slower frame just running laps. Allow Ice Wave to leave behind a temporary cold tile that can slow land based units. Allow it to have a max of 4 tiles like the bubble, have duration effect how long it will stay out, range would effect the size of the tile left behind, and have power effect the slow speed. This would accomplish the suggested effect with out all the silly lap running that faster frames can feasibly make use of.

I always liked the idea of giving Frost a mobility skill, like Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat's ice slide. What if Frost got a movement speed/slide speed boost on the ice left from Ice Wave? Or if enemies were not only slowed but also had a chance to slip and fall, recycling the Knocked Down animations

As an overall minor tweak I feel this could really help his play style and can fit thematically. I really like how the effects of Frost's abilities made sense, like how Avalanche reduces enemy armor just like how rocks can break when ice forms in cracks or materials become brittle when super cooled, 

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It's not a bad idea, but with the current movement system it becomes less usable when one gets coptering down. The ice itself would have to be actively moving ahead of him while coptering to make any use of the ability in most maps. I do find it a bit odd that they haven't given him some kind of latent ability on his own like Inaros's finisher thing and Zephyr's low gravity thing. The movement thing and probably an immunity to ice tiles should totally be a passive for him.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Frost Prime doesnt look like a prime if you dont use his helmet and I think what you have done here is great adn just enough without going overboard. To be honest i think DE could take your design, mathc the materials a little better and it would be ready for the game. DE DO THIS PLZ!

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Mr._Clean said:

So now that model swap is a category in the Workshop, does this mean this will be getting posted there soon?

I do believe the "Model Swap" category is for weapon models. Last I am informed of weapon model swaps are easier to incorporate due to being basically stiff objects with little to no animation. However Warframes have a lot of animation and limitations and a very specific style for modeling. That would be difficult to moderate. Unless this info has been changed recently?

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On ‎2016‎-‎07‎-‎29 at 4:59 AM, Volkovyi said:

I do believe the "Model Swap" category is for weapon models. Last I am informed of weapon model swaps are easier to incorporate due to being basically stiff objects with little to no animation. However Warframes have a lot of animation and limitations and a very specific style for modeling. That would be difficult to moderate. Unless this info has been changed recently?

Blah. It seems there's some helmets in there but no armor or body redesigns.

Why won't DE let us have nice things? ;-;


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On ‎2016‎-‎08‎-‎06 at 10:46 AM, BulletsforTeeth said:

Not many things fall under that with tennogen- in particular the countless graxx skins.

Sorry, repeat that last word? I had to clean the garbage out of my ears because of what came before it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, DiBBz said:

i mean why has DE not taken this inspiration yet and applied it to frost!


greatly appritate liger's work! GG.



DE is just like that. Frankly, to update old frame models is unprecedented in WF's open beta history. Cleaning up and fixing models yeah, but outright changing them? Unheard of. Shame too, because I love frost. He's not my main, but he is a very versatile frame. Good CC and good defense, plus damage and mild debuffs, build him how you like really.

Best case scenario that I can foresee is a universal armor set that just -happens- to fit well on frost.


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9 hours ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

DE is just like that. Frankly, to update old frame models is unprecedented in WF's open beta history. Cleaning up and fixing models yeah, but outright changing them? Unheard of. Shame too, because I love frost. He's not my main, but he is a very versatile frame. Good CC and good defense, plus damage and mild debuffs, build him how you like really.

Best case scenario that I can foresee is a universal armor set that just -happens- to fit well on frost.


Doesn't mean this may not be the first.

DE always said never say never.

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