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The Art Of War - #1 Alliance / 9 Nodes! - High Quality And Highly Motivated Clans Only!


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I am a member of Kokujin and it really is an amazing clan and alliance. they took me in when I was 2 or 3 days into this game and met some of the friendliest and skilled players in the game. I'm still learning but they kept me playing this game by showing me how fun it really is.

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Thank you very much MaD! We worked really hard to get to where we are and it took a whole group of great leaders. It is unfortunate there is a capacity we have to abide by or I would invite you to come join our family and gain some of the best experience you can right in thick of it! 

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Thank you Xodus , I am curently in a small clan and being given the warlord position due to the fact our current warlord and good friend of mine is unable to play and get the time in these days , we are still new and just started building our solar rails , but I would like to work on clan alliances in the near future and expand our game that much more

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 I love how we ALL claim to fight for the public... if that were the case, we would all be fighting on the same team. We all can't be fighting for them and each other at the same time lol. We gotta start being honest here, none of us fight for the people, we all fight because it is simply an option in the game and we all enjoy it.


 Alot of the people claiming to "fight for the public" end up having the exact same tax rates as the faction before them on any current node, and some even raise their taxes after claiming to be for the public haha... either way, it really is a minuscule difference in taxes on our console Warframe compared to PC. If anyone wants to see or complain about unfair taxes, go to PC and join their community where the lowest tax is 18%, and the average is 23-49% with some sitting at 99%.... so our 5-15 %'s really aren't all that big of a deal over here lol. I am sure some of our governments charge more in taxes in real life and I don't see you starting a revolution and rallying war against them claiming it is for the people. The tax differences on our platform are like 5% when actually followed up on and that 5%, really doesn't make a difference to the guy running and a mission and getting taxed 1.5k credits instead of 1k Credits... and the public doesn't get crap from us taxing anything at all so it is impossible to conquer a node "for them" unless you are gonna take it and set your taxes to 0% immediately after and never change it. The only thing we can possibly give back to the public is Credits through Battle Pay, and all of the factions put up some fair battle pays from 25k to even upwards of 200k. I would say the one who is for the people, is the one who pays them the most... no? Even then... No, we all fight for ourselves.


 The reason to fight and conquer in this game, atleast for our group, isn't for "the people" or "lower taxes", and even though we don't modify or change our taxes to higher numbers, and often offer the best battle pays in the system ( "for the people" lol ), we simply do it for the fun of conquering and the hopes that our group at AoW is recognized as being the best in the game one day. Anyone else who says it is for any other reason is simply lying to gain your support because there is no real fight between "The People" and some big Monopolizing faction. Even if Aow, The Arbiters, or even Imperial Tenno were to take over the whole game, the public would recognize it as strength, but they aren't going give a damn about it until whoever does it raises taxes to some unreasonable amount which none of us do. So let's call it like it is, you fight for your group, we fight for ours... none of us fight for the public... but we all pay them for their services.

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i'm getting a little tired of these people comparing us to the Order. We spend a month and like every credit we ever made, plus a bizillion hours, working to wipe the Order off the map, and people who didn't event FIGHT now think they can compare me to my nemesis. If I ever did decide to throw honor into the wind and act like those tosspots, do you think I'd even let them have their own forum page? Do you think you would EVER be able to run a rail if I REALLY wanted to be a $&*^? Rhetorical question. The answer is NO. We use games as an escape from the horrors of the world. I use this example a lot, but with kids getting gunned down in the street, the last thing I want to do is to hear from a clan "Hey do you think black people love me because of our name?" I wish i had screenshot that S#&$. 

    The whole reason behind Art of War was to kill the Order. Now copy cats are trying to act like us. Hey if you win, you become us apparently. The Art of War means to be, a single minded goal, with a thousand minds focused on it. The beauty of war, and the closeness I feel to a higher power when I have won. Nothing better to be tired, beat up, bloody, and victorious. I do hope we have a war soon. I miss killing tenno..

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^ those who rise to power supplant those in power. that's what the people see. The more nodes we take, the more battles we win, the larger we become the more people are going to compare us to the Order. That's just the way it is. Somebody is going to always say some S#&$ about you, especially if you achieve a certain status or station in this game or likewise in life.

To a lot of people who weren't here at the beginning or near the beginning, they don't know about anybody's history with the Order or which nodes or Rails the Order use to control. All they see is what they see now, and they are going to comment on that based on what they see now. And to some of these people what they see now may make them feel like we are becoming a singular conglomerate that is more powerful then they would like or whatever the reason.

The point is there's no need to get tired of these people complaining about us being like the Order. It's going to happen, whether it was us or some other alliance. And it will continue to happen. So I say, just do what you do and let the people who got something to say, say whatever it is they want to say.

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Reminder: Naming and shaming other players is a violation of the first and sixth rules of the code of conduct. Settle your clan/alliance drama privately, or submit a support ticket to report other players if they've violated any rules in game. Otherwise, use the ignore function and move on.


The forums are not a place to shame, disrespect or verbally attack other players. It's petty, dishonorable and abusive behavior to do so.


Thread cleaned of naming & shaming posts.

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Honestly good fight! I didn't see their warlord, but good fight from the defenders. I had defended on Mars earlier that day and the offense was host glitching like crazy. When we took Memphis, I didn't see anything but honest PvP, and regardless of any prior trash talk, I will say this; Your loss brings no shame, it was well fought, and I meant every clam stamp with the utmost respect!

Good fight and good night!

The Dark One

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We teabagged

So I doubt that you are a british noble man having high tea.

I guess that only leaves another definition for the teabag thing: You are offering your private parts to someone else's mouth.

I don't know how old you are but what if that other someone was a minor?

You must be really proud of it bragging about this in public :)

Someone could say this is 'cyber rape' and I think it would make for a great legal discussion about the liability that comes with that.

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