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De: Don't Re-Release Baro Items Until All Systems Have Received It Once


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Oh poor you, now you can't exploit the market and get rich of platinum.

Somebody didn't read this thread.  I don't want to exploit anybody I usually sell low, but any platinum is better than none.  I want to be able to actually use the Trading System.  Also to be fair you can't exploit the trading system, you can exploit people.  If I tried to exploit I wouldn't make sales, not everybody who wants to trade and make platinum is a demon.  

You know unlike PC players who get 75% discount spins and stuff the only options we have to make platinum are to pay full price or trade.   Anything that hurts our trading market is not a good thing.  PC players should stop wollowing in their glory and realize its not all sunshine and daisies for us. 

I wouldn't ask them to legitimately hold back PC on new content, but forgive me for wanting to enjoy a game mechanic.

I don't see how 2 weeks is unreasonable.  2 weeks before rerelrease would have let us make a small market.


Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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Why can't DE just come out with separate rotations for each platform?


That's what I'm wondering as well - I didn't think of it as a solution when I first proposed waiting, but imo now that it has come up, this is probably the best solution.

If its on random rotation for each console no player will ever expect his stock, it will be random for us even if it is the same stuff twice for PC, and then our market won't be affected.  It's only affected right now because we have stuff that we know we can get again soon enough, which devalues it. 

Primed Ravage is worth more for us right now than Prime Continuity because we have no idea when it comes back 

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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Yes there is, give us our own rotation so we're not on a pattern - I'm also not asking to catch up, I'm asking them to hold off giving you guys things a SECOND time before we get it once... if they want to give you NEW things I would be more than happy because that means NEW things in my future as well.  

But how would waiting an extra 2 weeks per mod stop them making new stuff for him exactly?  They could have given you a new Prime Sugatra or something this week instead of Continuity a second time.  Boom, problem solved.  

It seems to me they aren't making enough stuff for PC is the issue so they've start re-releasing it before we've had it once.  If they had made a single new item for PC instead of Continuity a second time they wouldn't have dried our market.   


Well I hate to break it to you, but theres literally no reason for DE to change how things are set up. Theres nothing wrong with letting PC players get another shot at a previously released mod, I don't understand how it in any way affects you console players. Warframe Console and Warframe PC are two very different things that don't even intersect most of the time. If someone migrates a PC account to Console, its not like they can extort you with high prices, I mean they could try but they would end up losing a lot of their stuff since most of it isn't available on Console (like the other primed mods) I'm seriously having a hard time seeing what exactly your issue is to be honest.


Edit: just to clarify, I dont understand why it's affecting you so much because we dont KNOW if the sets are going to rotate exactly the same as on PC. The void trader just came out for you guys after all.

Edited by Ghostars
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Okay so I re-read the first post about 12 times because I read it once, didn't understand and replied anyway because I'm an ignorant greedy-milk farmer who apparently lives under a rock. Sure, have your own rotation - it doesn't exactly affect, me so.

Edited by Blackout751
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This is not an 'issue' exclusive to Baro Ki'Teer. Perhaps when we got the Mutalist Incursion event, console players saw that the Tethra mods would be re-released. Similarly, Spy 2.0 saw the emergence of the other two status-element mods. These events would affect console players in exactly the same way, regarding the price of these mods.


Suppose Volt Prime gets released and his rarest part is in T3 Sabotage. A savvy console player will start collecting keys before Volt Prime is ever released on consoles (although I think this is usually simultaneous, but you see my point). 


It's only natural that the events on PC will have some fallout effect on the consoles, the only way to prevent it would be to have PC releases held back so we were on the same schedule, which of course will never happen. Sometimes it works against, but sometimes it probably works for you, because you can stock up on things and plan ahead knowing the future (like Rare 5 cores).

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Na, don't make us wait on consoles. Why should we get the same items that we already got from the Void Trader?

I don't want to wait 8+ weeks for new things just because consoles have to catch up. They always lag behind anyway, why would it matter in this case?

Just give the void trader for consoles different things (i.e. old things) and new stuff to PC players.


Why should we have to wait on stuff just because Sony and respectively Microsoft suck ! when it comes to their platforms? Get a PC if you don't want to lag behind.

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Na, don't make us wait on consoles. Why should we get the same items that we already got from the Void Trader?

I don't want to wait 8+ weeks for new things just because consoles have to catch up. They always lag behind anyway, why would it matter in this case?

Just give the void trader for consoles different things (i.e. old things) and new stuff to PC players.


Why should we have to wait on stuff just because Sony and respectively Microsoft suck ! when it comes to their platforms? Get a PC if you don't want to lag behind.

I swear English must not be people's forte on these forums. 

I never said once you SHOULD make you wait for NEW stuff.  I'm saying before you get a SECOND time, we should get it ONCE, that way the market is not all messed up, please read the thread before commenting, this isn't an issue of "lagging behind"

Though I agree with you, yes please give us the old stuff in a different order.  The problem is we're getting it in the exact same order, so we know when the prices drop... a month before they actually do for us.  - I'm on your side - I don't want you to get the same thing twice because it hurts me if you do. 


Edit: just to clarify, I dont understand why it's affecting you so much because we dont KNOW if the sets are going to rotate exactly the same as on PC. The void trader just came out for you guys after all.

Well let me clarify.  Let's make up a mod.  Primed Serration.  It comes out on PC one time.  Until it comes out a second times PC players can then sell it on the market for unknown prices because nobody knows when it will return.

Console players know the rotation because it IS the same as PCs.  Our Primed Continuity has no resale value because it came out a second time this weekend on PC.  That means PS4 players now know its worthless because its going to be back in two visits.

Do you understand now?  This messes up our entire trading market for new stuff. 

Until just this weekend it was "valuable" on PC.  You had a month of it being high value, we don't get that because it holds no value.  

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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It's only natural that the events on PC will have some fallout effect on the consoles, the only way to prevent it would be to have PC releases held back so we were on the same schedule, which of course will never happen. 

Why do PC players think this... its the exact opposite.  They gave you Primed Continuity for the SECOND time, they could have given you something NEW instead.  That wouldn't be you being held back, it would be you getting an advancement.  And then guess what 2 weeks from now they could have put it in and we would have had market time and nobody would be "held back" and our market for the mods wouldn't be garbage.

I don't know why people think stopping him from selling something on 2 separate occasions before he sells it to us 1 time is a hold back and means no new stuff is coming, it makes no sense, wouldn't you have rathered something new this weekend instead?

Secondly this isn't like Events or Prime Stuff.  There is 100% no reason why each console doesn't have their own separate rotation for this... he sells 3-4 items a week, its not hard to make sure its random on each console, I use a hobby RPG maker program and I can do this kind of thing in 2 minutes with a simple Randomized variable and conditional checks... a 12 year old could do it.  There is no excuse at all, there are solutions to fix the issue without holding PC back, its seems to me that PC elitists don't compromise.

It would solve the issue, give us a rotation of our own so we don't get it in the same order.  I'm not asking for anything ahead of PC, I'm not asking to hold PC back on new content.

But if we have to follow your rotation then our trading market is screwed, its that simple. 

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Even with the knowledge that baro will rotate his wares, there is still the fact of how long it may take. Primed ravage, the first primed mod baro sold, has yet to reapear. Since Baro first appeared in early december, and he just started his rotation AND the fact his rotation appears to be 1 primed mod rotation and then 2 primed mod rotation, it means next time he might have 2 old mods, 2 new mods or 1 new and 1 old mod.


Who knows when primed ravage will reappear considering how large his primed mod pool is, along with rotation of old mods, limited slots and rng.

It could be anywhere from 3 months to 6 months before an old primed mod may show again.

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Even with the knowledge that baro will rotate his wares, there is still the fact of how long it may take. Primed ravage, the first primed mod baro sold, has yet to reapear. Since Baro first appeared in early december, and he just started his rotation AND the fact his rotation appears to be 1 primed mod rotation and then 2 primed mod rotation, it means next time he might have 2 old mods, 2 new mods or 1 new and 1 old mod.


And that's exactly why Primed Ravage is worth something right now and Continuity is not.  Nobody on PC or PS4 knows when it will be back... but we can rest assured Continuity will be back within a month, so it is worthless.

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This is nothing more than a demand to be greedy. Further I'd wager that most console players would be against this very suggestion because of greedy players.


This would hurt the console community, and allows them to plan their purchases from the Void Trader by knowing when something will be brought back. So if they don't have enough ducats they can pick which items they would rather have.

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And that's exactly why Primed Ravage is worth something right now and Continuity is not.  Nobody on PC or PS4 knows when it will be back... but we can rest assured Continuity will be back within a month, so it is worthless.


Within a month? It has been nearly 3 months since primed continuity has appeared.

May I ask, what is the ps4 Baro is selling? The pc's first selection was primed continuity and primed ravage.

Now, if the console is following the exact order and Baro is going to rerelease everything in the same order as before... now that be a bit anoying since primed ravage would be next in 2 weeks.

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Since we know Console will follow PC release patterns that means console players right now can't stock up extra continuity's and sell them for platinum - because most saavy players know its going to be sold again in a month. (Theoretically we still could, but DE slashed out market and pricing with this move.)


We've generally suspected that Baro worked via rotation. This is just a confirmation of that. I don't understand the issue here. As long as Baro is on any rotation at all, you're going to get slashed market pricing because people will be less willing to buy if they know he'll have that stuff again later.

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