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Since Players Want Excalibur Prime...


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It is a console issue though, if DE allows pc to trade their excal primes they are saying "we are going to allow pc players another chance to get excalibur prime but console players can not". That means they would be offering exclusivity again but it would only be available to pc players.



The idea itself to allow excal to be tradeable sounds harmless but there are negative side effects it would cause that are to damaging to the game.


The main one being Exclusivity.

Something i thought this community has fought to make sure DE never does again.

That doesn't inherently make it a console issue. Console has never been able to get excal prime, thus making it irrelevant. Now if founders was being re-released only on PC I'd agree with you, but seeing as this would simply be shifting gear from one account to another it shouldn't be an issue. Its not making founders gear anymore exclusive then it already is. I have no sympathy for people that can't deal with not having something someone else has, so for those on console that would get their panties in a twist, well as far as I'm concerned they would need to just grow up. Letting unwanted founders gear collect dust just to appease the childish and vocal part of the playerbase is ridiculous.

I'd feel the same way even if I wasn't a founder and I've been on the other side of the fence many times before. I just grew a pair and moved on.


Console has some pretty nice exclusives that PC will never get, which I know are mostly cosmetics (eg,obsidian excal skin), but thats really no different to excal P, which is for all intents and purposes is purely cosmetic. The only exception being a bit of extra mastery (which doesn't matter because enough gear will be released allowing everyone to hit max rank) and death orb energy gain which is not that big a deal. So if console could hypothetically trade their "never to be released again" exclusives, I couldn't care less. Good for them, why let that stuff decay when someone leaves WF?


Sorry, but the butthurt chain reaction it might cause for a month or two doesn't move me. I have no sympathy for such things when their is no justification or valid reason behind it beyond "waahhh that kid over there has a red truck and i'm stuck with my silly blue truck and every one knows red trucks go faster waaaagh". I know it sounds harsh an elitist, but thats far from my intention, its just stuff I have no tolerance for. 

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Putting aside the kneejerk reaction to another excal P thread, I'd say this or somthing like this would be a good idea simply for founders that have left WF or will leave, just so we don;t have a bunch of gear lying around and getting no use. There would still be a limited amount at all times, but its a shame to see them go to waste. Its not like it will cause anymore problems or rustle any more feathers then it already does.

I like this idea, the only change I would suggest is making the Founders items tradeable only if the account is being deactivated.

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Pretty sure this would lead to a huge forum outcry. 


I for one don't care because I've sold my prime stuff, but they did say it will never come back.



How can they say it was for founders only when it wasn't? It was restricted to day one players only? No. Not founders only then, is it?

It was for founders only. To get it, you had to pay for it and become a founder. No one else could get it.

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Pretty sure this would lead to a huge forum outcry. 


I for one don't care because I've sold my prime stuff, but they did say it will never come back.



It was for founders only. To get it, you had to pay for it and become a founder. No one else could get it.


I am a founder though.  I found...



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those who have Founder package and wishes that Excal Prime become tradeable to get plat-rich might as well delete it than make another fiasco that Primed Chamber was.

Thats not what the intention is. Theres no way In hell I'd sell my founders stuff, yet I support the notion or at least some restricted form of the idea.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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We aren't talking about Founder's Exclusives...

We are talking about Excalibur Prime.


There is a Founder's Exclusive Excalibur Prime.

That does not necessitate it be the only version of Excal Prime.

Likewise, it shouldn't be the only version of Excal Prime.


Were there alternate versions of Excalibur Prime for the different systems It wouldn't violate the Founder's offer at all.


They can't have my Excal prime either... But that doesn't mean they shouldn't have access to another version of Excalibur Prime though.



My assertion is that no version of Excal Prime should be Farmable or Tradeable.


This not a new idea either. DE has concurred with the sentiment that to create a pseudo-prime anti-prime replacement to give players in place of Excal prime was not an option for two reasons. The first one being it would not solve the problem - no matter how many substitutes you throw at people to fill the void in player's accounts that do not have him, they will still want Excal Prime.


Secondly, DE has stated releasing a substitute for Excal Prime for non-Founders, even though they are completely in their rights to do so, would be looked upon as shady business practices. So even though they could, they won't because they don't want that mark on their reputation that they decided to take a loophole around many loyal customers in order to make an extra buck from others.


Lastly, your first statement is nonsensical. Is there another prime version of Nyx Prime? Another of Nova? Any prime? No, there isn't. 'Excalibur Prime' and 'Excalibur Prime the Founders exclusive' are inherently one and the same.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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DJ_Redwire speaks the truth. That said, I want an Excal Prime, Frost Prime, and Mag Prime design rework - a pattern rework for all of them (to bring Excal Prime and Mag Prime in line with Frost Prime, Ember Prime, Rhino Prime, and Loki Prime, and more patterns on Frost Prime's torso, which is too plain/solid color); attachments added to Excalibur Prime and Frost Prime (to bring them in line with Mag Prime, Ember Prime, Rhino Prime, Loki Prime, Nova Prime, and Volt Prime) - Excal Prime would be similar to Nyx Prime, in that the gold on the back would be a separate object and not just a reskin of the regular Excal spikes, and there'd be more gold on the chest and legs - Frost Prime would have more gold, and attachments, making him similar to Rhino Prime - Mag Prime could even use a design rework so that she has more attachments than just the gold shoulder armor; the gold on Excal Prime, Frost Prime, and Mag Prime would be tweaked so that it is the same as the gold on Nyx Prime and Loki Prime (or, if DE is planning on updating all the Prime frames to make them the new PBR metal, then it'd be that). That's essentially what I want. If the only way to get that for Excal Prime is through some skin that's available for Excalibur and Excalibur Prime, then I'd accept that. But I don't like that Excalibur Prime is merely a reskin of Excalibur, the same with Frost Prime and Mag Prime.

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I'd think about selling mine for 5.000 

But then again...probably would keep him at least until I see if the PBR update makes him even prettier...if it does, no sale XD.






You can expect all the frames to at least receive some minor loving when they receive their PBR overhaul. Burston Prime now also looks way different than before. You can actually color it white, and some materials on it changed. 

That indicates that their textures are going to be fixed up at the very least.

Also...wasn't there some talk in a past livestream about all Warframes getting their own passives in the future like Mesa? You could likely also expect the unloved primes to receive said love then.

Edited by Shehriazad
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I'd think about selling mine for 5.000 

But then again...probably would keep him at least until I see if the PBR update makes him even prettier...if it does, no sale XD.




You can expect all the frames to at least receive some minor loving when they receive their PBR overhaul. Burston Prime now also looks way different than before. You can actually color it white, and some materials on it changed. 

That indicates that their textures are going to be fixed up at the very least.

Also...wasn't there some talk in a past livestream about all Warframes getting their own passives in the future like Mesa? You could likely also expect the unloved primes to receive said love then.


I'm just not sure they're going to change the frames in addition to the weapons. I guess I missed where they said they'd do that. For example, they've done nothing with the Prime sentinel attachments, even though they updated Wyrm Prime.

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That doesn't inherently make it a console issue. Console has never been able to get excal prime, thus making it irrelevant. Now if founders was being re-released only on PC I'd agree with you, but seeing as this would simply be shifting gear from one account to another it shouldn't be an issue. Its not making founders gear anymore exclusive then it already is. I have no sympathy for people that can't deal with not having something someone else has, so for those on console that would get their panties in a twist, well as far as I'm concerned they would need to just grow up. Letting unwanted founders gear collect dust just to appease the childish and vocal part of the playerbase is ridiculous.

I'd feel the same way even if I wasn't a founder and I've been on the other side of the fence many times before. I just grew a pair and moved on.


Console has some pretty nice exclusives that PC will never get, which I know are mostly cosmetics (eg,obsidian excal skin), but thats really no different to excal P, which is for all intents and purposes is purely cosmetic. The only exception being a bit of extra mastery (which doesn't matter because enough gear will be released allowing everyone to hit max rank) and death orb energy gain which is not that big a deal. So if console could hypothetically trade their "never to be released again" exclusives, I couldn't care less. Good for them, why let that stuff decay when someone leaves WF?


Sorry, but the butthurt chain reaction it might cause for a month or two doesn't move me. I have no sympathy for such things when their is no justification or valid reason behind it beyond "waahhh that kid over there has a red truck and i'm stuck with my silly blue truck and every one knows red trucks go faster waaaagh". I know it sounds harsh an elitist, but thats far from my intention, its just stuff I have no tolerance for. 

The console players are not "irrelevant" to this discussion because its the main reason why this idea would never work. You can't ignore that entire community to try and make the idea of trading excal prime on pc sound any better. 


It really is simple. Players from all platforms (ps4, xbox1, pc) did not purchase the founder packs. Players on all platforms want excal prime. It would be unfair and a slap in the face if DE decided to allow a small part of that community opportunity to obtain excal prime again while excluding the rest of the community.


As much as people hate it they really need to let excal, lato, skana prime go. Unless currently owned there is most likely never going to be a way for anyone to ever obtain these items.

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The console players are not "irrelevant" to this discussion because its the main reason why this idea would never work. You can't ignore that entire community to try and make the idea of trading excal prime on pc sound any better. 


It really is simple. Players from all platforms (ps4, xbox1, pc) did not purchase the founder packs. Players on all platforms want excal prime. It would be unfair and a slap in the face if DE decided to allow a small part of that community opportunity to obtain excal prime again while excluding the rest of the community.


As much as people hate it they really need to let excal, lato, skana prime go. Unless currently owned there is most likely never going to be a way for anyone to ever obtain these items.

Thats my point. People do need to let it go. 

I'm not saying console players are irreverent entirely. I don't have that PC master race attitude, I'm just saying that considering WF was never around for console when founders were around, console only players never had a chance to get it in the first place. Thus making it not even relevant to console.


I'm not trying to make the idea sound good, hek its not even about people whining. Its about not letting the shinies go to waste for no reason other then not wanting to rustle the feathers of those that can't handle not having said shinies.

As far as I'm concerned, the fact it might upset a few people is not a reason to let content collect dust.

People that can't handle that need to grow up.

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Im think DE might bring back excal prime after the so called " beta" or after all the frames are primed and will be realising excal prime as a complete beginning rotation. That what i think. It may happen.

Ps: by saying this , the founders will not be released are a promising from DE only at their beta periods. Not in the future tho

Edited by Kz.Prime
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Thats my point. People do need to let it go. 

I'm not saying console players are irreverent entirely. I don't have that PC master race attitude, I'm just saying that considering WF was never around for console when founders were around, console only players never had a chance to get it in the first place. Thus making it not even relevant to console.


I'm not trying to make the idea sound good, hek its not even about people whining. Its about not letting the shinies go to waste for no reason other then not wanting to rustle the feathers of those that can't handle not having said shinies.

As far as I'm concerned, the fact it might upset a few people is not a reason to let content collect dust.

People that can't handle that need to grow up.

According to your logic console players are irrelevant to this discussion because they were not around during the release of excalibur prime and that they should let it go.


But what your bypassing is the fact that a large part of the PC community was not around during the release of excalibur prime either so why should they be given the opportunity to obtain him again?

Just because they chose to play on PC and not console?


Your reasons of why he should be tradeable have been because you dont want the warframe (shinies) to go to waste and just collect dust in players inventories which is understandable.

But something you probably have not thought about is how many of the excaliburs that get traded would actually be used and not just bought from collectors who would hardly or ever use him? Ultimately excalibur prime would still collect dust in players inventories, allowing him to be traded would just cause him to collect dust in rich players inventories rather than the founders.




 And when i said people need to let excal and the rest of the founder items go i was including ps4, xbox1, and PC players. Everyones energy could be spent on far better than things than trying to look for ways to get excal prime out to non founder players.


And if excal prime is eventually hardly ever used and becomes nothing more than a myth to non founder players then so be it; it will just make an encounter with one all more rare and mesmerizing to the community

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