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Since Players Want Excalibur Prime...


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I honestly think not just in relation to exclusives, but most items should be tradeable bearing a Mastery lock and hefty credit sum... I mean we did either earn or buy it right?

(Leveled items (Syndicate weapons) should honestly be tradeable and just reset to level 0 on trade... the fact they didn't do this in the first place blows my mind.)

Alternatively I've been cooking up an idea for improved trading - we could have "Prime Trading" which is like normal trading but with Weapons, Frames and Resources as well, can still put up mods and crap but with Platinum trade tax. It could let you put up weapons for 20p trade tax each, frames for 30p tax each. Resources would be limited to Rare Resources only and be like 10 plat tax for every 5 traded. (I tried to estimate all taxes anywhere from 1/5 to 1/8 market prices for these things)

I know this tax idea might scare some players but it would be good for DE and it would be better than market prices anyday, the only key is finding somebody who has what you want is willing to trade.

I've had to trash weapons before I paid legitimate platinum for to clear room for slots and wish I could have traded them to somebody else even if it removed the catalyst any forma and the leveling.

Just an idea I had, good time to share.

This takes the challenge out of the game, the 2 resource boosters for 80p, a good squad and 3 days of grinding is going to get you A lot more than your 5 for 10p. As for the prime weapons farm them or buy the parts/blueprints. You clearly haven't thought about this. Also 30p for a prime weapon?? A single part for some of the prime weapons is more than 30p, then the orikin cells to make it is worth 150p, rushing it costs 50.

It seems to me your a little tightass trying to get all the platinum you can. And my suggestions is you'd be using a cataclysm after you picked up something worth anything if they made your stupid idea into a reality.

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theres people who sell founder accounts, dats what i heard. but me i really dont care for excaibur prime.

Yes, it's sad but true, some founders have actually sold their accounts and before everyone thinks this is a good idea, i'll remind this is against the TOS and any accounts involved will be banned.


As for the subject, instead of DE wasting time of changing the trading rules (such as trading excall prime fully built at rank 30) and changing the ui, how about things stay the way they are, you still have access to the regular excal, the extra mastery won't prevent you from entering raids and in general nothing negative happens.

I'm in favor of letting DE focus on other priorities and polishing up the game.

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They should just offer a "Founder's Pack" type thing to those on PS4/XBox1, who have played since X number of months of it being released on their respective console.


If they don't want to do an Excalibur "Prime" they could do some other sort of special Excalibur.  I don't think they should release something that they said specifically was limited time, but it does suck for console players who didn't have a chance at it.

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I wish I could have been a fonder, didn't even know this game was a thing till I got my ps4 and went "oh whats this?" I know this thread topic is poison and just starts flamewars and hate, Just wish we could get along and enjoy the game. I do support a console special Excal that is silr to Excal P but that is a gift from lotus for veterans for the first couple of months the game was out on PS4.

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+ 1 GeoDP,     even though you can´t yell "you just say it because you want one!!!1!one!eleven!!" at him. He would even sell his, Sir of the day!


Valve did sth similar like this: Bills hat

If you preordered L4D2, you got bills hat, an exclusive hat for TF2. Valve sticked to thier promise and made it never released it again. They made it tradeable, so people can decide what to do with thier property (wich is a basic right).

Maybe this suggestion could end the old war this issue. This thing just generated hate.

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Kind of weird that its mostly non founders that like this idea.

i dont find it that weird at all, people want him and since its only founders who have him, its clearly that people that do not have him would do "almost" anything to get him :P.

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Ok guys I didn't start this post to try and bring back excalibur prime. I am not a Founder and respect the promise made to them. I also appreciate the fact that they invested in a game that I thoroughly enjoy, allowing it to become what it is today. For those reasons alone the Founders deserve something exclusive. My reason for this post was ultimately to see a rework for Excalibur to make him a better sword frame.

As the game exists it is mostly impossible for any frame to be sword alone. So some adjustments need to be made to melee, stamina and channeling. With that said, Excalibur should be somewhat enhanced further to make him a proper sword frame. I almost exclusively use Excalibur and would like to better be able to go deeper in to endgame with him and not have to resort to another frame and completely change my playstyle. I enjoy melee combat and getting in and out quickly. Some adjustments that could be made are to the channeling penalty on certain mods (ie. Lifestrike andquickening). Excalibur should probably have the highest stamina rating and some passives for maybe melee speed and channeling efficiency.

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the answer is NO




as always




stop asking

I keep seeing this sort of response...my question is, why SHOULDN'T DE do something for ps4/xbox1 owners who started playing when the game was initially released on consoles?  We are "founders" on consoles.  It's responses like the one I quoted that cause many issues.  

Edited by (PS4)resnor
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Founders was a initial package of goodies to fund the initial stage of warframe


PS4 and XBox are not the initial stage of warframe, stop trying to create a workaround on the defenitive statement that DE made.

Founders content will not return, period

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There is already


Exclusive and unique skins for excall and equips such as the obsidian skin or the prestige pack.


There, exclusivity for console gamers, now that you guys are satisfied, leave excall prime be, it's thanks to the founders that warframe reached the state it is now, so they deserve that reward.

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i feel like opening him up for trading would be fine, because you would'nt have any more in rotation than you already have.

plus you don't need to trade him if you dont want to, but if you were done with the game and wanted other people to have your stuff, then i see nothing wrong with that. players helping players is always ok in my book.

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This takes the challenge out of the game, the 2 resource boosters for 80p, a good squad and 3 days of grinding is going to get you A lot more than your 5 for 10p. As for the prime weapons farm them or buy the parts/blueprints. You clearly haven't thought about this. Also 30p for a prime weapon?? A single part for some of the prime weapons is more than 30p, then the orikin cells to make it is worth 150p, rushing it costs 50.

It seems to me your a little tightass trying to get all the platinum you can. And my suggestions is you'd be using a cataclysm after you picked up something worth anything if they made your stupid idea into a reality.

the platinum was for the trade tax.

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Who in their right mind would trade him away?!


time to get a primepack with him for buying it, and NO trade or farming for


just for the honour to the founders a nd them which give a lot of money into warframe because they love it

no bad meaning for the f2p-players but i cant mention enough the respectless values in general on the "open market" ...

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Why is this thread still alive? Idea is not what i would call good or new, and whole concept doesnt is even offer anything. If you make Founder items tradable, people would soon start asking for tradable event items and there wouldnt be any point in running events except with 921947238 alt accounts for easy Platinum.

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Why is this thread still alive? Idea is not what i would call good or new, and whole concept doesnt is even offer anything. If you make Founder items tradable, people would soon start asking for tradable event items and there wouldnt be any point in running events except with 921947238 alt accounts for easy Platinum.

I'm surprised as well.I didn't even think this thread was going to get so many comments when I submited it.

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