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Ability Augments Mod Slot.


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Hi everyone i m sorry if this is the wrong section to post such topic, anway moving on.


I was wondering if its odd that warframes get a dedicated slot for auras only but none for ability augments?

If there was a dedicated slot for ability augments we could add two more normal slots perfoming a total of 12 (2 exclusive and 10 normals).


Toughs on this?

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I am all for 2 exclusive ability aug slots. The truth of the matter is that eventually DE will hopefully have more than 1 augment per ability otherwise their augment expansion is about to come to an end entirely(nearly all powers will have augments soon). Without these slots however, most augments simply collect dust due to the fact that they are not worth the slots they take up.

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2 slots wouldnt be so wise.

Some frames all augment mods are quite overpowered and useful (cough mirage cough)

While some of them have none useful at all yet (excalibur, i dont plan to use any augments on my rhino either)

Giving 2 free slots would just make well thought augmented frames more powerful then the others

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2 slot for augments would be decent, they take away 2 mod slots with the ability mod changes and we get 2 slots only for augments, i can be wrong of course but that sounds quite reasonable.


I dislike the current system, wasting a mod slot to change one ability when you can put other mods who affect more aspects of your warframe seems like a bad option.

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DE said that they're are not doing it RIGHT NOW. 

It will/may happen eventually, with exact implementation details still TBD. 


Right now they have to ship U16, and they have a ton of augments in the pipeline. Until there is at least one augment per power (and after U16) it won't happen. 

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1 augment mod would be nice, to augment for free one ability of our choice, if we want more augments, then they must take slots from the warframe itself.


I disagree wholeheartedly. We should not have to purposely gimp our builds for Augments (some of which are things the ability should naturally be doing). Especially when it looks like we'll end up having an Augment for all four abilities. We'll need at least two Augment slots.

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