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The Chainsaw Weapons


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So I did post something similar in a thread in the fan zone, but I thought it was unfit and such awesomeness should be mentioned someplace better.


Fan Zone post under the Request a chainsaw thread:


"Have you played .Hack GU? Now those were some great chain saws, Dual dagger chain saws, Scythe chainsaw, giant sword chainsaw...

 (from beginning to end chainsaw fun)


Like the best weapons in that game were all chainsaw oriented to do repeated damage over and over. Like when you swing the chainsaw sword if you repeatedly hit the attack button the character will keep the chainsaw weapon on them to continuously saw into them. Pretty sick combat move. However I am not sure if it would be good to use on a group of enemies coming at you outside of the chainsaw Scythe. Then again if a heavy unit was coming at you I think it would be logical to just go nuts with a chainsaw sword/scythe/daggers and just saw into the heavy units taking out their health and shields faster due to focused consistent melee damage that prevents them from regaining shields due to the repetitious attack by tapping the attack button to continue sawing into them."


Yeah pretty much that all in one quote from a previous thread I just posted in. We have a lot of heavy units coming in, but no melee weapon that gets the job done as well as long range weapons do on the heavies. The chainsaw type weapons might be a good spin this type of deal. Knock stronger enemies down and saw into them till they get back up again. Sneak up on enemies and swing these bad boys down tearing the enemies to pieces. Loud as all hell as there is no way to sneak with these monsters roaring down the hallway, but you will feel like a space Jason after awhile. The best thing I can think of is yeah a melee that specializes in heavy units, or bosses as it has a consistent attack after main attack. As in the first few taps will swing the weapon around, then it will give the option to either stop the swings or hit the melee like crazy to start a sawing frenzy into the enemy that will keep them from regenerating their shield so quickly HOWEVER the drawback is that you stand still while doing this. Meaning the chainsaw weapon would be best on someone like Rhino, unless using chainsaw daggers so as to move through a crowd while chain sawing for a longer combo.


Now the chainsaws can be physical, can be energy, can even be a high-Frequency blade which usually causes you to go deaf for awhile like it did during the first episode of Gundam 00 (then again that was a giant version of it) If you have no idea what high-frequency blade is basically its a blade vibrating so fast that it can cut molecules a part on a molecular level unseen by the human eye, but wholly noticeable when the enemy falls in two or more pieces.


There can be a lot of epic animations handled here with the chainsaw type attacks, and would give way for a whole new type of melee that focuses on keeping shields from regenerating or consistent attack that works just as good as a machinegun, but limited to only so long with the combo so as to no over power it. It could even have a heat limit as in it heats up and you have to wait a bit before sawing into them again if it becomes too overpowered.

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I like this idea. I dont know how holding a weapon in place and sawing would work, considering the pace of the game, but maybe slow swipes with the weapon so it can hit multiple times? 

I dont want what we saw in Hack.gu where they are anime massive, the Gram is almost on the threshold for japanese anime size already. 

But weapons like the 40k chainsword + a bit of orokin design would be absolutely awesome. 

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I know that we're not actually space ninjas... we're more like space barbarians with a teeny bit of stealth.


But wouldn't this be very loud? :P

Sometimes we just want to kill everything... Sometimes I kill everything... Sometimes I like hunting everyone in the level even when its not extermination (Fusion Moa event for example I stuck around just to kill them)... Besides... Mag tops that list of barbaric I am surprised when she lifts the enemies up and crushes them a rain of blood doesn't come down...

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How about something like this?



That looks good but remove the yellow and black stripe part and replace with some random orokin design that extends to the sword guard, and handle, then orokinize the blades on the chain and PERFECT...

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Two threads about this recently. Seems a few people are certainly fond of the idea.


 I happen to have pretty fond memories of the .//hack games. Good stuff.

Same. .hack// is always good. I wish they continued to produce onto the PS3 and the PS4 but unfortunately, like most PS1/2 games, they just stopped.

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Same. .hack// is always good. I wish they continued to produce onto the PS3 and the PS4 but unfortunately, like most PS1/2 games, they just stopped.

Acctually they made one more for PSPGo and then stopped...



Two threads about this recently. Seems a few people are certainly fond of the idea.


 I happen to have pretty fond memories of the .//hack games. Good stuff.

Who wouldn't be fond of the idea... I don't mind if its concentrated energy saw, high-frequency, some fancy saw that makes no noise, or the good old fashion roar of an engine saw to cut down enemies. As long as its convenient in appearance, seriously though if I could draw I would show you the orokin chainsaw sword I am thinking of right now with all the white and gold designs... and Lotus shaped blades on the chain... something orokin styled yet fun entertaining to saw into enemies with.

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Two threads about this recently. Seems a few people are certainly fond of the idea.


 I happen to have pretty fond memories of the .//hack games. Good stuff.


There's always a thread like this around. Though they were asking for chainswords before, heh.

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