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How Much $$$ Have You Spent On This Game?


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Two full Prime Access sales starting from Nyx Prime because Targas Prime looks beautiful, and Nova Prime Access stopped me from having to put faith in that terrible RNG to get new prime weapon parts, that sigil also looks nice, plus it's extra platinum to boot for conveniently getting things I want.


On top of that... Some high priced platinum packages when they were on 50-75% off coupon.

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Too much haha, and I'm sure I'll spend more on it in the future. This is what happens when you and your friends get older, move away, get married, etc. The money I used to spend on food and beer with them, well, I wasn't going out as much as I used to.


Then I found Warframe. A couple hundred dollars later here I am.

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Probably as much as any MMO I have played. Games likes these that keep me going for 2+ years deserve every penny I deem to put in it. Idc about the money I spend on it. A game that entertains me for 20 hours is def 60 bucks worth. 2 years is worth more. The frequent updates and their love for the game keeps me in it.

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I've been playing for a really long time and when I first started playing I decided that if it felt worth my time to play then I would spend as much on the game as I would have if I had bought a new console game so around 60 bucks in the beginning but since all of the larger updates just after Zephyrs release I haven't played nearly as much.  I would definitely spend a bit more though if I got back into it as much as I used to be.  DE gives me good reason to stick around though.  I may not play as much or get to watch the streams live now days but I definitely watch them and keep track of development.

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...around 1000$

By the fact that you've been here for a long time, this is clearly understandable. :)


Let's just hope that these +/-1000$ will be well used by D.E.


We play with your awesome game, we don't really want you to play with our money...

Edited by unknow99
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I'd say around $250-300, with the 2 50 dollar plat packs (one with the 50% discount), and the Nova Prime Access Molecular Pack, however, I would've spent more on say the Ember, Rhino, and Nyx prime accesses if I had not been on a prolonged hiatus from the game. Come to think of it, I would've also picked up the Master Founders Pack. I will definently be purchasing the highest rank of the Volt Prime Access.

Edited by Flight.Level
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I bought a founder pack and plats.

Yes, i spent (lot of) money on WF in the past.



But not anymore, since 14.0, i stopped giving money to DE. I don't even remember the number of discounts (20%,50% or 75%) i had, but i let them all rot.

I love wf, i love playing it but i hate DE, especially for what it has become and to where it's heading.

If a business entertainment doesn't give me fun with its product, i won't/stop giving it a penny.


Well, i bought the Nova prime access lately.

Because at its release time, one of my customer asked me for a huge and long project.

It was what i thought. I certainly thought that i wouldn't have time to play wf and go farming for Nova Prime parts then i decided to buy this prime access.

The next day, i had an idea for this job and i solved it in the 1-2 next days.


I guess i may continue to buy prime accesses from now but surely not buy any plats whatever the discounts i may get.



Actually, i'm doing the pros and the cons for a founder package with another game, soon in closed beta (Skyforge).

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