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[Companion Concept] Nasasp - Feline/serpentine Pet; Art By: Artarrwen [Updated 7/8/2015 - Closed]


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This idea has been closed due to the incoming "Catbrows". For the most recent update to it, follow this link: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/487032-companion-concept-sasp-nasasp-20-reptilian-pet-art-by-artarrwen-very-wip-update-7132015/?p=5440055









Art By: Artarrwen

More From the Artist: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/251150-artarrwens-fan-arts-updated-february-16th-process-of-heroes/


If you once read in this space "the above isn't exactly how I picture them" disregard that immediately. The above IS EXACTLY what I see in my head.


Nasasp -


Over the centuries, countless species have been discovered and further evolved throughout the Origin System.  Others still were displaced or even created by those with the ability to tamper with what nature originally made.  The Nasasp are in the former category, creatures discovered, but as the Great Collapse resulted in the loss of so many scientific records of Origin only the most modern information is known about them.
Native to the icy wastes of Europa (where they primarily feed on the local Hunhow), this curiously-serpentine feline species has evolved a wide variety of traits that are as deadly as they are unique.  Among their evolutions are unparalleled homeostasis system to keep them warm on the ice-covered moon, venom glands and fangs filled a powerful nerve agent, a prehensile tail with surprising strength, and claws that are just as much a mobility tool as they are a natural weapon for such a predator species.
The Tenno have begun to look at the Nasasp species and see a powerful new weapon for restoring the balance.

So, basically, think of these guys as anti-Kubrows: rather than taking the evolved animal and reverting it back to its more domestic roots you are taking the evolved animal and further cultivating its evolutionary traits to make it a powerful war weapon.
The Nasasp as a pet functions like a Kubrow and is roughly the same size and comparable to a number of different breeds of the canine-like species, but brings to bear special abilities unique to their breed to aid their Tenno masters.

Acquisition of a Nasasp is similar to getting a Kubrow. The Nasasp have Nasasp Burrows that will be added to the terrain of Europa (similar to how Kubrow Dens were added to the Earth tileset) and players must seek them out to gain access to them. But here's the catch: rather than destroy the Burrows, the players loot them as they would Lockers or bodies in Invasion missions. Doing so is how you have a chance to acquire an egg.
The catch here is that one must approach the nest without being seen by its owner(s). Only one or two Nasasp will be guarding a burrow at any time, but if it/either of them spots you while you're close to the burrow they spawned from they will immediately attack you to drive you off. Being spotted also dramatically decreases the chances you have to getting an egg to drop, so approach with stealth in mind for the highest percentage of getting what you desire.

Nasasp Burrow Description: Nasasp bury themselves under the ice and snow to avoid the freezing winds and rest after hunting. Generally solitary creatures, each Nasasp burrow is reserved to an individual and occasionally a mating pair. Highly territorial, Nasasps will assault anything that gets too close to their burrow and hide anything valuable to them deeper within it.



Like Kubrows, players will be able to alter the appearance of their Nasasp by purchasing certain Gene-Masking kits. While some may be unique to the Nasasp (and vice-versa for the Kubrow) the hope would be to allow for cosmetics purchased for Kubrows/Nasasp to also be available to the other.
Of course, given the differences in body style and the desire to see said patterns on a Kubrow or Nasasp BEFORE purchasing it, it may very well be they'd have to be purchased as separate things. However, the principles of of fur color and pattern customization would remain the same.
Breed-specific Traits - Aside from the fur variations and the differing body types that you would get randomly (or be able to successfully breed into a Nasasp), each breed also has its own unique traits that set them part from the others and make them more immediately identifiable. These traits are visualized in the head-shot image provided by Artarrwen located at the top of this post, and in the below (in the individual breed sections) in the full-body artistic visualizations by the same, amazingly-talented person.


The abilities of the Nasasp, like those of the Kubrow and the Sentinels, vary based on what Breed of Nasasp you are able to raise; however, all Nasasp share common themes in their attacking and movement that give them somewhat greater versatility than Kubrows.
Attacking - Nasasp have two distinct types of attacks - their regular fang and claws attacks, with they they tear and shred enemies within melee range for Slash damage with a chance to deal bonus Toxic damage, and a medium-ranged tail-lash attack that deals Impact damage which they can use to strike flying units. However, it should be noted that the Nasasp is a more defense-oriented creature than the Kubrow by nature, and will not directly attack until their Tenno master is attacked or opens fire on hostiles themselves - so they wont go barreling ahead of you into a fight.
Movement - Nasasp also have a unique movement ability that sets them apart from their canine counterpart. Using the spiky scales on their paws the Nasasp is capable of not only scaling a variety of surfaces but holding onto them as well; this allows the Nasasp a wide variety of new angles from which to attack or use their abilities from. If they are hanging onto a wall or other surface when they put into a Bleedout state, however, they WILL fall to the ground slightly away from the wall - allowing for quick and easy pickup by their Tenno masters.

Art By: Artarrwen

The Sheut breed is cultivates the Nasasp's evolutionary camouflage into something far exceeding mere natural ability. Sheuts act as ghosts by their master's side, making the way safe through non-lethal methods.


Stalk - The Nasasp cloaks itself and its master.
Sap - The Nasasp strikes at a target with it's whip-like tail, stunning them and rending all of their senses useless for a duration.
Details: Neither the target nor any of their allies will be alerted by this move if they were un-alerted at the time it was used; this ability doesn't break stealth.
(Alternate Ability 1) Abduct - The Nasasp wraps its tail around the neck of its prey, preventing them from acting and dragging them wherever the Nasasp travels.
Details: The target will be unable to attack or alert other enemies as long as this effect persists. Any melee attack done against the target will be counted as a finisher; this ability doesn't break stealth.
(Alternate Ability 2) Intoxicate - The Nasasp bites a melee-range enemy, detail minor Toxin damage and injecting a poison that causes them to attack their allies for a short duration.
Details: Basically applies the radiation debuff, but with poison; this ability doesn't break stealth
Breed Specific Traits - Frills on the head and body that would extend during certain animations and combat - like a Cobra's hood (or that one dinosaur that ate the fat guy in Jurassic Park).  Small-but-pointed ears.

Sheut is an Egyptian word meaning "shadow".

Concept Art WIP

Sekhem's are bred to provide incredible offensive assistance to their Tenno master. The Sekhem's natural venom has been enhanced and it is able to utilize the massive amounts of heat its body generates for combat purposes.

Bite - The Nasasp bites at a target with its envenomed fangs, dealing bonus damage and poisoning them.
Sear - The Nasasp heats its own body and barrels into a target, knocking them over and setting them on fire.
Details: This ability persists for a few seconds and the Sekhem will charge multiple targets while it is.
(Alternate Ability 1): Thrash - The Nasasp smashes their tail into an enemy, dealing damage and knocking them away.
Details: Enemies can and may be knocked off cliffs to their deaths.
(Alternate Ability 2): Ground - The Nasasp grabs an airborne enemy with its tail and slams it into the ground, dealing damage and preventing it from taking flight again.
Details: Works on Ospreys, Regulators, and Orokin Drones in the same way that the Loki's Radial Disarm does but only for a singular target at a time.
Breed Specific Traits - Saber-tooth-like fangs that are connected to its venom glands. Spiny fur protrusions along the head and back that stand on-end during certain animations and combat. Medium-sized drooping ears.

Sekhem is an Egyptian word meaning "power or might" and is also the source of the goddess Sekhmet's name.

Art By: Artarrwen

Bred to further increase the natural strength in their prehensile, snake-like tails, the Gahiji are meant to weaken and restrain targets for quick and easy elimination or put down weakened enemies themselves.

Execute - The Nasasp strikes a weakened or knocked-downed enemy with their whip-like tail/sinks their envenomed fangs into their prey  for bonus damage.
Restrain - The Nasasp wraps a target in their tail and lifts them into the air, immobilizing them and dealing very minor damage for a duration.
Details: Some enemies (bosses) are immune to this effect, and the Gahiji cannot perform any other actions while using this ability; the Gahiji will cancel this ability to use Execute should the first ability become available.
(Alternate Ability 1) Expose - The Nasasp strikes a target with its tail, removing half of the target's total shields on that target and causing them to take extra damage from all sources for a short duration.
Details: Against bosses the shields will only be removed by 25%.
(Alternate Ability 2) Disable - The Nasasp strikes a target's weapon out of their hands, disarming them.
Details: Works the same way that the Loki's Radial Disarm does but only for a singular target at a time.
Breed Specific Traits - A sleeker fur design, large pointy ears, spiky scales running along the face and legs. I've seen reptiles with such scales before, but I can't remember what they were. Komodo dragons, maybe?

Gahiji is an Egyptian name meaning "hunter".

Concept Art WIP

Their natural survival traits harnessed through Void technology, the Ka breed is meant and able to protect their master and keep them in the fight. They are invaluable to those who prefer more frontal assault-tactics.


Regenerate - When the Nasasp's master is badly injured the Nasasp will provide a boost to their health regeneration.
Details: This health regeneration occurs even through combat.
Innervate - The Nasasp transfers a portion of their own energy to their master when their energy is low.
(Alternate Ability 1)Intervene - If the Nasasp's master is badly injured while the Nasasp is within range it will grab the player character with their tail and pull it behind them, using its own body as a shield to block bullets for a few seconds.
Details: The Ka will automatically position itself between the player and as many enemies as possible.
(Alternate Ability 2): Sacrifice - If the Nasasp's master is knocked into a bleedout state the Nasasp will rush to their aid and sacrifice its to revive them with half-health and shields. The Nasasp will be put into bleedout themselves and can be revived.
Details: In solo play, if the player would be killed they are put into bleedout instead, allowing the Ka to use this ability.
Breed Specific Traits - Furry fur, puffy, skin flaps hanging down around the mouth and smaller and rounded ears on the head. Leopard-like with larger scales than the others running along their underbelly and tails.

"Ka" is an Egyptian word relating to the "vital spark" of the human spirit; basically what separates a living person from a dead one.


Aside from their own breed-specific abilities, the Nasasp share mods with the Kubrows - the mods being renamed to "Companion" mods.

Thoughts? Feedback is always welcome. I'll be looking to update and improve on this for a while and would love to hear input from everyone to help with making this something we'll ALL want to see in-game.

Old Lore:

"The result of ancient Orokin genetic engineering to create a creature both sleek and approachable for domestic ownership, the Nasasp was creating through the splicing of serpentine and feline genetic codes. After the fall of the Orokin the domestic Nasasp were mostly wiped out by more powerful indigenous species or hunters, with only a small population on Europa surviving through the first few years.



Over the millennium that followed the Nasasp evolved past their domestic identity, becoming more physically adapt at survival. Features that once were bred to enhance their beauty - long sleek tails, powerful homeostasis - have become a part of their survival mechanisms. No longer are they simple pets, and if properly bred they may be a powerful weapon to bolster the Tenno cause."


Inspiration Art:


From: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/243911-wildlife-species-felines/

Edited by Morec0
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Awesome concept, very well done. i would love to see this considered by DE


Saying that just based on the picture (which isn't mine) or on the actual content? Because there was a bit of a gap between the image being posted and the rest of the thread being made because of buggy quote boxes.

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 sorry to say it but it looks more like a rat then a cat, you should correct the face if u want to do the cat BUTTT THIS looks awesome and i support you that this thing is a pet


Well, keep in mind there's meant to be a bit of snake in there as well, but I can see that rodent in there. Don't see it as much of an issue, though, as it feel a slightly less-blatantly feline appearance helps give it it's own identity (as kubrows are canines but still have very much their own unique species identity).


But it may change as the artist and I collaborate.

Edited by Morec0
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Well, keep in mind there's meant to be a bit of snake in there as well, but I can see that rodent in there. Don't see it as much of an issue, though, as it feel a slightly less-blatantly feline appearance helps give it it's own identity (as kubrows are canines but still have very much their own unique species identity).


But it may change as the artist and I collaborate.

All i want in this game is catty cats and them like , dogs( kurbows) change over time so they might look like that in the future ( warframe time  )so yea but would be pleased if you can make one with more feline side :) 

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All i want in this game is catty cats and them like , dogs( kurbows) change over time so they might look like that in the future ( warframe time  )so yea but would be pleased if you can make one with more feline side :) 


Well, I'll see where the artist goes with his first updated concept piece and discuss from there.

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I really like the concept of serpent-feline, it's original and fresh, and it works well. I like the variants, although I'm disappointed there's no venomous attacks, considering the serpentine heritage. (I'm a sucker for poisoners)


I don't care for the lore behind the pet. Seems like re-hashed Kubrows. Would like to see an entirely different origin, that had nothing to do with The Orokin. Why not try and make this world feel alive, instead of constantly feeling like we're living in history books? I'm sure there's badass stuff in the current timeline.

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I really like the concept of serpent-feline, it's original and fresh, and it works well. I like the variants, although I'm disappointed there's no venomous attacks, considering the serpentine heritage. (I'm a sucker for poisoners)


I don't care for the lore behind the pet. Seems like re-hashed Kubrows. Would like to see an entirely different origin, that had nothing to do with The Orokin. Why not try and make this world feel alive, instead of constantly feeling like we're living in history books? I'm sure there's badass stuff in the current timeline.


I considered serpentine venom, but given the backstory of "Orokin housepets that have evolved into something fearsome" it didn't quite make sense - who leaves venomglands in what is supposed to be a snuggly kitty?


In that same vein, though, you have a point. I personally like this idea of "anti-kubrow"-theme - instead of devolving them to be what they once were we expand on what they became - but I do agree that it is perhaps better to remove them from that by at least some degrees... And with that I suppose venom attacks could be easily incorporated.

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Artarrwen is still in the process of finishing up the body shots, but after that'll may or may not come images showing the abilities of the pets in use.


To which I feel I must ask: do you all think that the current abilities are reflective of the Nasasp enough? Or should I attempt to make them a little more centric around their unique mobility and physical traits (specifically the tail)?


I'm already considering replaceing either hte health or energy regen ability on the Ka with an ability that pulls the player away from damage and has the Ka use their own body as a shield for the player as they heal. What would ya'll think of that?

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Artarrwen is still in the process of finishing up the body shots, but after that'll may or may not come images showing the abilities of the pets in use.


To which I feel I must ask: do you all think that the current abilities are reflective of the Nasasp enough? Or should I attempt to make them a little more centric around their unique mobility and physical traits (specifically the tail)?


I'm already considering replaceing either hte health or energy regen ability on the Ka with an ability that pulls the player away from damage and has the Ka use their own body as a shield for the player as they heal. What would ya'll think of that?

Interesting. It would indeed put a unique spin on them. I can only imagine how that would look, in mission.

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Well well. We miss a feline species as well as lizards and birds. This sound alot better to me than kubrows, but then I an a catman for sure.

I never bothered with kubrows. This however would be my kind of companion.

Morec0, my man...


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