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★JOIN FLOW★(With Everything Everyone Else Has)★But wait there's MORE!★


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Mountain Clan Est. May 7th, 2013
All Dojo Research Completed, Very Active Discord and Steam Group.

Get the Premium Warframe Clan Experience!

We expect our Members to TRY their Best during Warfame Events, Assist in Farming Materials for Dojo Research when needed and Contribute to the Clan Experience by Generally Being Social and Helpful.

We at Flow do NOT discriminate! If you are seeking membership in our CLAN please post a reply BELOW!
*All applicants are welcome individual results may vary*

Please be sure to clear any pending Clan Requests or Leave your current clan before asking for an invite!

Join our Steam Community Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CLAN_FLOW

(This is important for news on events and prizes!)

We use Discord!

Discord: https://discord.gg/zCnSTuT



We're not a happy family, but we really like to snuggie!

(Try our Community Beverages!)

If you would like to remain anonymous in your effort to contact us for an invite simply send one of our Recruiters
below a private mail or in game message! Add us to your friends list..and you will be sure to Get an Invite!








Our Alliance Recruitment Page:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/322537-the-4-key-prime-alliance-video-recruitment-scientific-techno-jargon-bananza-press-4-to-win/?p=3639774

Edited by 2ply
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                                                 JOIN FLOW AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS LISTED BELOW!




Dear Tenno,


If you choose to join FLOW:


1.) You will instantly be rewarded with endless UP VOTES for even the dumbest forum POST!


2.) You will be a part of the upcomming episode of TENNO CRIBS featuring the FLOW DOJO!


3.) You will GET TO HEAR MY SEXY VOICE calling for a revive! (halp meh...)


4.) You will Bear Witness as FLOW climbs its way to the top of the AWESOME SAUCE poll and be a part of it.


5.) You will have oppertunity to play with Tenno Legends such as 2ply..who ranked 13th in the Fusion Moa  Challenge!


6.) You will recieve LOADS OF MONEY! (in game currency, for playing near 2ply, not provided by 2ply)


7.) You will appear and feel 300% HOTTER!





FLOW is like the best clan for ANYONE! It has a growing community of super cool ultra sexy Tenno masters who just want to kick some BUM!


In order to join FLOW you simply need to POST a REPLY BELOW, offer suggestions on what you want in FLOW. 


Also you should send a message to 2ply in these forums or add him as a friend in Warframe and don't worry because...HE WILL TOTALLY RETURN YOUR FRIEND REQUEST (he loves you!)


In order to stay in FLOW:


1.) You must be somewhat ACTIVE...weekend warrior? THAT'S COOL! Once a month player...go SUCK EGGS DUDE!


2.) You must have a good personality and not be a total D-BAG about ANYTHING, not even once!


3.) You must never impose your snooty know it all attitude on ANYONE other than your MOM!


4.) You must like the sound of MY VOICE! Because we encourage voice communication!


5.) You must know how to KILL and enjoy it so much you could probably be a psychopath (but that's OK!?)


    -Role Player? That is so SEXY....but totally not necessary, not at all!


    Interested in FLOW YET? JOIN US! And we might have cake for you...just maybe!?




If you can abide by those simple RULES, we will be BFF like for FREAKEN EVER!!!!!!


If you cannot, and break one of those SIMPLE rules,  I will KICK YOUR BUM out of the clan in 2.3 seconds, no hard feelings Okay Sweet Cheeks?


                                                                    Peace be with you Tenno!

Sent you a friend request....

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Sure thing! I'm in game now..farming maps for Banshee parts and Alloy plate for some clan members. I will try my best to get you in on a run at some point soon if not tonight!

Alright cool I can help, I still have a few extra banshee parts from when I was doing my banshee farming for two weeks

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My voice is so sexy that everytime I try to record it...the recording melts because its so hawt! 


You might have to put ice cubes in your ears if we have a long conversation to prevent peeling.


Add me in game and lets kick some bums!


OMFG...So much fun last night 2ply, My sides still hurt over "Its not my cheese....dude F'en CHILL!"   LOL...see you tonight!

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Hey 2ply, my friend is in your clan and told me that it is a really cool group of guys/girls you got in there! I just recently started playing Warframe after I heard about how much fun it was. And to be honest I looked at some other clans and they are way too..um..serious I guess...I laughed my butt off when I read your clan post!

I will send you a friend request in game if you wouldn't mind helping a noob learn the robes!


Edit: I was wondering how clans work in game and what should I expect?

Edited by Serpent_Sauce
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While I would wish to refrain from seeing my posts up-voted for no good reason, as I should hope they would stand on their own merits, I have to say that I'm at least tangentially interested in joining Flow. If you would, toss me an invite whenever you've got the chance, 2ply.

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Well, you can try us out if you like, I personally dont sleep very often and when I do...oh my god...the dreams I wish I could have.


You can help us expand our silly little empire into your region!


If you decide to stay with us I'll give you invitation rights right away so that you can bring any friends you make in your area to the clan to increase your oppertunity to have people playing in your time and on your networks. The clan is full of insomniacs...addicts and all round crazy people with great personality so I think you'll find it plentiful in terms of company.

Heh sure, why not :P?

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Im not a #$&(% and I like killin.  Ill enjoy the sound of your voice and Im a weekend warrior.  Im tired of playing with #$&(% bags that like running not killing.  Can I join your clan?

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