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Archwing Dislikers, What Is Your Problem With The Game Mode?


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Not everyone is a space flight enthusiast or wants anything different.


I DO enjoy Archwing, but then again, I have been a space flight enthusiast since the first X-Wing game.

Edited by Kalenath
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 I don't dislike Archwing and totally think its great that its enjoyed by some but I just don't want anything to do with it for 2 reasons, one being I have never enjoyed space flight or space combat, its just something that has never interested me.


 The second reason is visual impairment, I only have central vision that doesn't work well in darker environments so 9/10 times I don't see enemies off in the distance and when they are up close their quick movements usually have them skirting outside of my vision so it makes it incredibly difficult to play Archwing much less play well. So the combination of reasons is a big part of why even now I don't have even the Odanata at 30. I just can't handle it.

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Drat...its those "dislikers" again...coming in here with more buckets of tears and poo poo...why can't they go be dislikers somewhere else!


PEW PEW....Stand Back..."I'm firing muh LAZER" PEW PEW PEW....


Archwing is just warframe without floors or walls...


darn dislikers always trying to poo poo on my special interests...


Even if you like something, someone else is going to poop on that. Welcome to the real world.

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Huge map with slow movement (except Itzal user)


i still use my ondota with a level 8 myperion thrusters and after timing it it takes about the same amount of time to get between the points as normal on foot warframe

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Main reasons, not 'different' enough. Sure you're out in space but you're not having to do anything different outside of trying to avoid being a bullet sponge from more directions. There's no neat ins and outs of space rocks/tunnels to hide in, no debris/ships to land on an explore. No different enemies, just what we're used to....except like us, flying.


What they could do: Make it have more unique enemies. For exterminate you have to navigate a huge asteroid field trying to rid the strange aliens that live within these rocks. You have to hunt, you have to avoid. Or you have a target that you fly to, land on terrain, hunt it down and have to fly your way out. More of those combo fly/ground missions. The first archwing mission was a lot of fun. 

do you know how hard that would be to implement, de has said the next step in ach wing is tansfering from wing to normal and to do that multiple times in a mission would require multiple loading screens. that is unless your talking about adding a landing feture to arch which would require a huge over haul of the game mode that it doesn't need

Edited by Swiftfingers
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1. normal warframe style vertical movement makes aiming at things above/below you a pain

2. resurrecting in space is annoying

3. looking for new core mods is annoying

4. minimap sucks donkey shlong - should've just put an O radar instead, but they went with that stupid map

5. no lock-on warning

6. too much clutter on screen - there's S#&$ flyin all over the place in space, dust, tracers from gun obstruct vision when aiming at faraway targets

7. enemies sometimes dont get their V-lock on hud, and looking for them in the space background is annoying


actual flight physics, an actual radar and better res system is a must, everything else is subjective

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Lots of RNG involved, loots too hard to pickup, cheap and silent insta-kill missile swarms, locked axis, bad minimap, interception and grineer exterminate maps are too large, enemies are too small, XP gain is slow, etcetera etcetera...


Also, I want to say that I disagree with the point some people say that AW should be integrated into normal missions. 

I mean, just imagine. Breaching the defenses of an grineer ship with an Archwing to infiltrate it may sound cool on paper, but I dont want to be forced to go on AW every time I wanna play some normal starchart missions.


I dont hate Archwings, but I dont like it either.


Having that on some events would be fine though. Like how Eyes of Blight should have been.

Edited by khk6
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do you know how hard that would be to implement, de has said the next step in ach wing is tansfering from wing to normal and to do that multiple times in a mission would require multiple loading screens. that is unless your talking about adding a landing feture to arch which would require a huge over haul of the game mode that it doesn't need


Wouldn't need a huge game overhaul. Only new mechanics for archwing missions. Specific archwing misions designed around landing/flying. No incorporation into regular tiles, but they'd get their own.

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Its just the ground combat without the cover and parkour. No grabbing on and thrusting off surfaces like asteroids or ship walls for quick direction change. No... you slam head first and bounce because you have no ninja reactions nor super strength.

Artificial horizon, no real sense of space in open missions. making aiming straight down or up is as cumbersome as always. No control of the longitudinal axis. I'm not looking for more realistic inertialess flight, but more freedom in flight mechanics.


No hud when zoomed in, making you loose track of everything. And everything is 3km from you to begin with. Even at a control point, you have to look all around for a highlighted capture unit a few feet behind you in ship wreckage as it wont show in hud anywhere except the minimap letter will be blinking. thanks for that info as the capturing unit can also fly off chasing a player while still capturing a point.


Missiles look like every other weapon being shot by other tenno or other enemies coming at you in the heat of battle except they are 100x more dangerous.

Reviving in space is usually suicide for other players. No way to even carry them behind debris first. Mass must be that of a small star.

Star static, dust static, everything just looks a mess to differentiate. Perhaps with our advanced optics, we could focus out some useless background light to more human levels. Its nice we can see how active the sun spots in alpha centauri are, but its not necessary.

Edited by Firetempest
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I love archwing, but:

The fix axis bull#^^%, that's got to go!

Make the vacuum effect not suck, and by that I mean make it suck better.

Maybe up the drop rates on rare resources since proportionally we're killing less stuff.

And just add more gear in general.

I already love archwing, but this would help.

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Glad you said "dislike" and not hate. I don't hate AW, in fact I like the concept and how it could bring variety to WF, but....


1. There feels like only three things to do: shoot stuff in space, shoot stuff in a linear corridor (including sab) and sprint between points, shooting stuff. EoB at least felt like a real sabotage mission instead of "shoot this thing too" because of the zeps and death ray as you moved across the battle-space.


2. AW needs a different UI and movement vectors not shoehorn the current land-based stuff. First the radar. As a fan of the Wing Commander and XWing/Tie-fighter series, I was expecting a better way of understanding what was above me, below me, behind me, and how much. In space, I should be able to point in any direction and that is forward, my up is up, and my down is down, period - understanding there is no up and down in space is what made Ender Wiggins so brilliant in this very same situation. Decide if you want left and right movement to bank or strafe, and make the up/down actually towards our head/feet. Make it feel like space combat.


3. I really like the "vastness" but there are definite drawbacks. The new vacuum system is better but not perfect - especially if you get the bug where it doesn't work at all. Reviving is still a PITA, sorry to all my tenno allies that I blew right past or stopped short as you bled out. It is very hard to tell (for me at least) when something is actually in melee range and without any lock-on, if I misjudge it I'm often either melee-mashing or spinning to figure out where they are when I miss.


Since it started, we have seen an increase in drops and mod types, which is welcome. I don't like the variety yet, but I understand it should get there assuming the mode isn't dropped.

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Its fun every now and then, but it will soon after turn out be boring and unrewarding from all aspects. Only way really get xp there is uranus interception, a place where going below lvl 20 stuff is pretty much suicide mission, but where to get those 20lvls first? well....

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Like others, the main problem is that the maps are too big, full of empty boring corridors that serve no real purpose.  If someone else rushes ahead, or if you join a mission in progress for that matter, you're going to spend the entire mission following a kilometer behind the people who are actually getting to play the game, and archwing movement is such that trying to sprint to catch up has a very strong possibilty of punishing you with falling even further behind.  (The decision to not let you drop out of sprint in any reasonable way after colliding with the scenery is a big culprit here.)


They're also both too linear and not linear enough: it's just barely possible to explore/get slightly lost in the maps, but again there is absolutely zero reward and very real punishment for exploration.  If you want the mode to be a rail shooter, then make it a rail shooter, and ensure that the whole party stays at the same point along the rails.  If not, make game mores that aren't 100% linear rushfests.


Interception is better than the other modes, but there's another problem there in the difficulty curve. There really needs to be a mission between the two current Interception nodes difficulty-wise.


Rewards are a problem as well.  A lot of the missions feel like they aren't giving rewards at all (because most of their table is resource drops or extremely common mods, and they just fade into the normal drops.  The game could, in general, use some kind of pop-up explicitly telling you what you got as an end-of-mission reward, not just for Archwing but for all non-endless missions with rewards, but even with that, better rewards are probably warranted)  And the credit rewards for archwing missions seem deliberately stingy: would it really be so bad if Archwing were at least competitive with Dark Sectors and Towers for credit farming?


Finally, all of the Archwing mods seem both excessively weak  (Multishot capping out at 30%?) and excessively grindy (Mobility as a 10-level rare mod?) Maybe DE does consider the main game mods overly strong, but the first looks like either an overreaction or a futile gesture, and the second looks like an attempt to turn something into yet another credits/cores sink when it's realistically never going to come close to competing with Primed mods or even the equally grindy Kubrow mods for anything other than the ridiculously (core-and-credit) rich longest term players.

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I personally enjoy Archwing.  One of the main reasons i think people hate on it is due to them mindlessly parroting a certain over-hyped youtuber, who shall remain nameless due to the amount of hate i'd get for stating my opinion about peoples golden calf.

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I personally enjoy Archwing.  One of the main reasons i think people hate on it is due to them mindlessly parroting a certain over-hyped youtuber, who shall remain nameless due to the amount of hate i'd get for stating my opinion about peoples golden calf.

You know it's also possible for people to have their own opinions, right?


I'm not parroting anybody, and I have numerous complaints about it.

I totally forgot to mention the perma-broken minimap...

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I personally enjoy Archwing.  One of the main reasons i think people hate on it is due to them mindlessly parroting a certain over-hyped youtuber, who shall remain nameless due to the amount of hate i'd get for stating my opinion about peoples golden calf.

I don't watch WF lets plays for the record and I don't watch any personalities that do. And I highly doubt a single youtuber is the source of most, half, or even a quarter of all the dislike of something in what can best can be described as alpha content.

You are free to enjoy it, other peoples dislike in it will not diminish any effort you have had put into the mode. Its not like I see anyone calling for it to be removed, just improved because they want to like it.

Edited by Firetempest
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1. no survival mode or other unique archwing missions (example: air support air to land mission)

2. mellee weapon tracking is overpowered and boring

3. visual effects/sounds for abilities arent glorious enough, (e.g. odonata missles are slow e.g. last skill also lacks visual effects)

4. no new "over the sky maps", very few maps 

5. mobs are too few and comes in one direction, its better if they are scattered

6. no alerts, 

7. no people to play with

8. archwing should merge/or have surprise faction ship to ship battles like how the archwing quest goes
(surprise ship attacks makes you defend yourself in archwing mode to extract)


if they release underwater mode , archwing will be left behind, like how kubrows got left behind after archwing

patience everyone, its nice to let your opinions be heard

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