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Why Is Prototype (The Game) Visually So Similar To Warframe?


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So in 2009 Radical Entertainment and Activision released a game called Prototype. It features a plague that transforms people into weaponized zombies and turns the protagonist, Alex Mercer into a ever more changing and powerful monster. 



Radical Entertainment is, or was, a Canadian company, based Vancouver, BC. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_Entertainment


I can't find a connection in personal or anything. Prototype did come out three years after Dark Sector. So, it could of just been a big inspiration for them, or it is just a coincidence, but seriously look at this stuff.






The similarities in some of the art, design, aesthetics, and themes are a little to close to ignore. I am really curious to know if RE was admirers of DE's work, or if they pulled parallel design from similar reference and inspiration to arrive at similar point.


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:) Thanks for reminding me of that game.


I bought that when it came out on PS3 along with Assassins Creed. I always thought of it as a cross between Assassins Creed and GTA but with darker themes.

I've never played Dark Sector but the very very little I've picked up on suggests that Prototype is more similiar to that than Warframe. I'm probably wrong, I haven't read much about Dark Sector.

Edited by Lord_Billos
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Long stories.


I can suggest you the Evolva. That inspired many of devs to make coop like game.


I'll take a look.




Because both are games about a bio-infected suit of sorts that gives the hero awesome abilities. 


Yeah, the Guyver is cited by DE dev's. 

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Mmm... Prototype. Mercer in his Armor mode really does fit Warframe.






...oh my. Universes can cross with this. Technocyte Infestation merging with the Black Virus. A new warframe based on merged Technocyte + Black Virus.

Disguise, Whiplash, Bio-bomb and Tendril Barrage as his abilities. With the Bladearm(Sword, Heavy blade, Polearm) and Hammerfists(Sparring or Hammer) as Biolab Clan Tech weapons.

Edited by faustias
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