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Can We Have Grenades?


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We use most other grineer and corpus weapons. A nice bundle of frags as a secondary would be nice. Would need to be a low ammo capacity weapon though to prevent over use.

Edit: I'm primarily thinking of a thrown type secondary with an explosion radius that runs off of an ammo reserve of 60 to 100. This, I think, allows for more balance, since the choice is the between grenades and a different secondary.

Edited by Adder9
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They had grenades as gear items for the very first couple of iterations of the game, back in pre-alpha. But Steve and Scott said that they rarely used them. Powers were always more useful.

Maybe with so many other changes we will see something like grenades come back. Maybe.

Until then? I just use a Penta when I want stuff to explode.

Edited by Kalenath
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You have bloody warframe powers why do you want crappy grenades?


You can say the same with ordinary weapons.


"You have bloody warframe powers, why do you want guns?"

I support having grenades as a purchasable gear item. I mean why not?



It's true nades have been turned down by devs because of WF powers since day one, but what people forget in these grenade conversations is that the devs, mostly Scott, have been very consistent on the fact that the damage of WF powers is not mean to scale into late game and instead gives way to utility. The devs have also said consistently that energy is supposed to serve as a gate, and that has been broken for a very long time with Trinity, restore packs made of nanospores, greedy pull now...


There is an obvious niche in the game for the long standing request of grenades. They would be ammo or time based rather than energy based and they would be damage oriented in the late game rather than utilitarian. As a fresh addition they would be totally flexible and free from precedent punishment, so if the community WANTED utility grenades the devs could say "no" or they could pick any tradeoff they wanted and implement it any way they wanted and it wouldn't be received as a nerf.

Edited by VKhaun
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I stated long time before that I wanted grenades, as well as other people. It seems that the community isn't asking for grenades enough. Although I think that grenades should be more of utility than pure damage. For example:

there should be smoke grenades or smoke bombs which should stun grouped enemies to be able to stealthily takedown them with warframes that are not stealth oriented. All the haters now, listen to the end. No this won't break the game because I never mentioned that smoke grenades have infinite range as well as I not said that after the smoke comes down enemies shouldn't be aware that this happened. Basically enemies that are far away can notice you killing their friends, as well as if you are not quick enough after the smoke goes down, smoked enemies, obviously, should be aware that they got smoked (lol did I make a pun right here?).

We can as well have proc grenades like shrapnels that will do slash procs with no initial damage, ion/magnetic grenades that obviously do magnetic proc, viral (but weaker of some sort like for example 20% reduction of health and for seriously shorter time) one trigger corrosive grenades (what I mean by that, I mean that they should not stack on one enemy as normal proc does) and balst grenades, which have a chance to, obviously, knockdown your enemy

Although I think that grenades should be cooldown thing not gear item, neither they should be ammo because we already have irrational sniper ammo drops from melee enemies or even infested, and adding grenade "ammo" to the drop counts will make ammo scavenging real proverbial "pain in the a*s".
Okay people now bring on your hate, I know it's going to happen, hate at my concept.


Rewrote one letter to fix spelling. Sorry for occasional bad English

Edited by RadioLarity
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I think that grenades is an awesome idea, they can be like a fourth weapon (but unequippable) and have lots of variety (like grenade mods from BL2), and they can also have there own mods and color customization too (like color of explosion), the grenades can be stored in a pack thats attached on your back. 


Besides, its not like we always carry a penta >.>   right? 


Its also not fair that enemies get insta-kill grenades   x__x


Michael bay loadout: 

WF - Mirage (hall of mirrors)

Primary - Penta Or Ogris 

Secondary - Angstrum 

Melee - Glaive (or any thrown melee wep + power throw) 






Edited by (XB1)LexaHex488
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I stated long time before that I wanted grenades, as well as other people. It seems that the community isn't asking for grenades enough. Although I think that grenades should be more of utility than pure damage. For example:

there should be smoke grenades or smoke bombs which should stun grouped enemies to be able to stealthily takedown them with warframes that are not stealth oriented. All the haters now, listen to the end. No this won't break the game because I never mentioned that smoke grenades have infinite range as well as I not said that after the smoke comes down enemies shouldn't be aware that this happened. Basically enemies that are far away can notice you killing theit friends, as well as if you are not quick enough after the smoke goes down, smoked enemies, obviously, should be aware that they got smoked (lol did I make a pun right here?).

We can as well have proc grenades like shrapnels that will do slash procs with no initial damage, ion/magnetic grenades that obviously do magnetic proc, viral (but weaker of some sort like for example 20% reduction of health and for seriously shorter time) one trigger corrosive grenades (what I mean by that, I mean that they should not stack on one enemy as normal proc does) and balst grenades, which have a chance to, obviously, knockdown your enemy

Although I think that grenades should be cooldown thing not gear item, neither they should be ammo because we already have irrational sniper ammo drops from melee enemies or even infested, and adding grenade "ammo" to the drop counts will make ammo scavenging real proverbial "pain in the a*s".

Okay people now bring on your hate, I know it's going to happen, hate at my concept.


love the concept c:

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Wow, thanks. So rarely happens, that one notice my concept. Stopped working on them since everybody hates every single one of my ideas and thoughts.


lol, just keep coming up with more ideas, no matter what they are!! Never get clouded by negatives. Remeber, haters gonna hate ;)

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I'd rather them not take up your secondary-slot but rather have a max of 3 grenades in your inventory.

It'd be dumb to toss grenade after grenade if it was an actual secondary and it'd be dumb to be able to carry 200 in your inventory as it too will promote grenade spamming.

If you could only hold a max of 3 it would allow them to be more OP and useful when they are actually needed.

Hell you could even choose between grenade A, B and C and you may hold either 3 of A, 2 of B or 1 of C with C being the most devastating grenade.

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I'd rather them not take up your secondary-slot but rather have a max of 3 grenades in your inventory.

It'd be dumb to toss grenade after grenade if it was an actual secondary and it'd be dumb to be able to carry 200 in your inventory as it too will promote grenade spamming.

If you could only hold a max of 3 it would allow them to be more OP and useful when they are actually needed.

Hell you could even choose between grenade A, B and C and you may hold either 3 of A, 2 of B or 1 of C with C being the most devastating grenade.

As I agree with you that it will be stupid to carry 200 grenades with you as a secondary, wouldn't make sense because you can make a grenade launcher a secondary and we want proper grenades, your idea has some flaws as well. Everything that is based around dealing damage gets useless in the lategame because it deals none. That's why I don't want grenades to be dealing damage. And with the concept of having 3 grenades that can't be picked up, neither regenerated, nobody will either use them, or will use them at bad time. That's why regenareting is cool. Because you don't have to scavenge grenades and add grenades to already trashed ammo loot. Adding to all rifle, pistol. sniper and shotgun ammo, grenades would be such a pain in the &#!. While regenarating can fix all your problems because you will wait for the right moment to use your precious grenade and not to worry that there might be even worse situation that you could use that grenade. While having one OP grenade sounds cool, it is not, because when you're in T4 Surv and there are dozens of enemies, you can throw your only mighty grenade to save your &#! that time, and then wait 15 seconds for another wave of enemies which will wreck your face sooner or later. Please consider maybe looking at my concept. I'm waiting for your feedback.

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Grenades may be one of those things that needs intro, then tweaking. I see it as:

Damage should vary inversely with capacity

Utility should not replace current abilities

Base damage should be less than comparable launchers, but radius larger

Properties should vary with type (energy, explosive, shrapnel, bio grenades should have different damage types, radii, and procs)

And they could come as one of three equipment types: secondary slot equippable, press button to throw, or regenerating. These also dictate the power they can have, ordered greatest to least.

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types of grenades as a secondary could be interesting. damage and utility ones would be an interesting addition

and since secondry ammo drops are common, a clip of one-four(micro nades) with a cap of 5-12(micro) would work

Edited by OvAeons
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As I agree with you that it will be stupid to carry 200 grenades with you as a secondary, wouldn't make sense because you can make a grenade launcher a secondary and we want proper grenades, your idea has some flaws as well. Everything that is based around dealing damage gets useless in the lategame because it deals none. That's why I don't want grenades to be dealing damage. And with the concept of having 3 grenades that can't be picked up, neither regenerated, nobody will either use them, or will use them at bad time. That's why regenareting is cool. Because you don't have to scavenge grenades and add grenades to already trashed ammo loot. Adding to all rifle, pistol. sniper and shotgun ammo, grenades would be such a pain in the !. While regenarating can fix all your problems because you will wait for the right moment to use your precious grenade and not to worry that there might be even worse situation that you could use that grenade. While having one OP grenade sounds cool, it is not, because when you're in T4 Surv and there are dozens of enemies, you can throw your only mighty grenade to save your ! that time, and then wait 15 seconds for another wave of enemies which will wreck your face sooner or later. Please consider maybe looking at my concept. I'm waiting for your feedback.

Oh I should've explained myself better, as while dmg does fall-off I was thinking that the grenades would have 50,000-200,000 dmg that ignores armor and I'm not kidding. The only implementation I want though is somehow to not allow grenades to be used against bosses as it would be really dumb otherwise.


Grenades need to be exactly what grenades should be, destructive and damaging, and I honestly don't believe that such dmg would kill the game if you could only run with 3 max (hypothetically) each mission

Edited by (PS4)JiggaJazz
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I stated long time before that I wanted grenades, as well as other people. It seems that the community isn't asking for grenades enough. Although I think that grenades should be more of utility than pure damage. For example:

there should be smoke grenades or smoke bombs which should stun grouped enemies to be able to stealthily takedown them with warframes that are not stealth oriented. All the haters now, listen to the end. No this won't break the game because I never mentioned that smoke grenades have infinite range as well as I not said that after the smoke comes down enemies shouldn't be aware that this happened. Basically enemies that are far away can notice you killing their friends, as well as if you are not quick enough after the smoke goes down, smoked enemies, obviously, should be aware that they got smoked (lol did I make a pun right here?).

We can as well have proc grenades like shrapnels that will do slash procs with no initial damage, ion/magnetic grenades that obviously do magnetic proc, viral (but weaker of some sort like for example 20% reduction of health and for seriously shorter time) one trigger corrosive grenades (what I mean by that, I mean that they should not stack on one enemy as normal proc does) and balst grenades, which have a chance to, obviously, knockdown your enemy

Although I think that grenades should be cooldown thing not gear item, neither they should be ammo because we already have irrational sniper ammo drops from melee enemies or even infested, and adding grenade "ammo" to the drop counts will make ammo scavenging real proverbial "pain in the a*s".

Okay people now bring on your hate, I know it's going to happen, hate at my concept.


Rewrote one letter to fix spelling. Sorry for occasional bad English

Having this would be awesome! It would add a new dimension to the tools we can use. I support!

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I think the first reasoning behind that was that ninja's don't use grenades, like our enemy can't  use warframes and their powers. 

Would just make you feel similar to the enemy. Do not want.


P.S: teammates would probably just find a way to grief/kill afk allies with grenades, that's the limit of the usefulness for them.

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I think the first reasoning behind that was that ninja's don't use grenades, like our enemy can't  use warframes and their powers. 

Would just make you feel similar to the enemy. Do not want.


P.S: teammates would probably just find a way to grief/kill afk allies with grenades, that's the limit of the usefulness for them.

Ninja's also don't have abilities that warp reality and create elemental chaos. Nor could they use psychic powers. The Ninja Stance is pretty much just for looks, we've strayed from that for a while now.


Also, our powers don't hurt each other, neither do our weapons, grenades can function the same way.

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Oh I should've explained myself better, as while dmg does fall-off I was thinking that the grenades would have 50,000-200,000 dmg that ignores armor and I'm not kidding. The only implementation I want though is somehow to not allow grenades to be used against bosses as it would be really dumb otherwise.


Grenades need to be exactly what grenades should be, destructive and damaging, and I honestly don't believe that such dmg would kill the game if you could only run with 3 max (hypothetically) each mission

What do you need 200 000 dmg grenade to kill everyone around if there are other enemies that are going to come in a minute?

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