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Narrow Gate - Warframe's Only Christian Clan Now Recruiting


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(I will reiterate here at the beginning what I said later in this post so people know right away: non-Christians are WELCOME to join, provided they can follow the behavioral rules, tolerate biblical discussion, and not disrupt the Christian atmosphere of the clan by trying to start debates or arguing against our beliefs. There are thousands of places on the internet where you can trash Christ all day long if you want...our clan isn't one of them.)


Narrow Gate is currently Warframe's only Christian clan. It's meant as a small community where Christian players can play the game together and have a welcome atmosphere in-game where their beliefs and love for Christ can be shared and talked about if they choose without ridicule and being spat on. Non-Christians are also welcome to join, but must be made aware that this is primarily a clan FOR Christians, so if scripture/prayer/treating the word of God as absolute truth makes you uneasy or uncomfortable, the clan isn't for you. You can however count on the clan being clean, peaceful, drama-free, friendly and welcoming. If that appeals to you, and you can exist in a Christian atmosphere without the need to disrupt it, you're welcome to be a part of it. I opened the clan a week or so ago, and have been working on the dojo to at least get something started for the new members before I actually advertised it. I'm keeping the work going on the dojo, I've got a good layout planned (vertical, with a transporter network to every room), with all labs, and a nice variety of gardens and things to see. There is currently a trading post, so you can at least conduct your commerce without hiccups while I continue work on it. I've also uploaded a clan emblem with proper transparency, it should be approved at any time now.


Apparently awhile back, there was a Christian clan in Warframe that eventually folded due to there not being many people playing the game at that time, and it never came back. I think a lot of people stopped playing for awhile, then Warframe suddenly became more awesome, but no one was following it much anymore so they weren't made aware of it. I'm here to fill what is, to me, an uncomfortable vacuum left by the last guild.


I'm 100% certain just the existance of this clan will spawn backlash, mockery, hatred, etc. I'm also 100% prepared for it and not affected by it, so if you really want to waste your time trolling this thread, do so, but I won't reply to any debate, insults, trolling, etc. (Note: Well, looks like I am after all, to an extent, lol...can't help myself. But I'll always keep it civil.)


“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." - John 15:18-19 (NKJV)


Naturally the clan has a set of rules for member behavior internally and externally (that is, in the clan channel/among fellow members, and interacting with the rest of the Warframe community). 


"Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel" - Philippians 1:27.


If you're interested in being a part of this, send me a PM here on the forums. I'll ask you a few questions, lay out the rules for you, and then hopefully welcome you to the clan. Don't expect the clan to grow to any massive degree...I'll do everything I can to recruit, but online gaming in general isn't known for its Christian base. We'll see where it goes though...every new member is a triumph.


I hope everyone reading this is having a good day.


"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. But narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." - Matthew 7:13-14

Edited by Lenobem
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Really not trying to be rude here but why would you think it is okay to plaster your religious beliefs in the title of the thread. You are walking a very fine line here

I am not a Christian but religion can be a selling point. It might help build relationships that last long after warframe is said and done.

I dont think he is doing anything wrong honestly if he wants to play with other people like him.

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Really not trying to be rude here but why would you think it is okay to plaster your religious beliefs in the title of the thread. You are walking a very fine line here

The same reason why it's okay to post a "Guys" or "Girls-Only" clan.


Birds of a feather flock together. If the thread starter wants to create a Christian clan in Warframe, more power to them. Too often is religion and faith belittled/mocked in public chats, and it's understandable that players would like a haven in which they can game without facing prejudice and mingle with those like them.


To others: check your prejudice at the door, and please observe the first rule of the community; "Respect" is the first and arguably most important rule of the community.

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So DE rejected my clan emblem that I paid $10 to upload, without any explanation. Nowhere in the TOS, EULA, or their account management page does it say anything about a Christian cross, or any "religious" symbol for that matter, not being allowed in this game as a clan emblem. Additionally, it says on their emblem upload page that if the emblem is rejected, you will be given an explanation. I simply received "your clan emblem has been rejected". Goodbye $10, hello biased, anti-Christian Digital Extremes.

You can bet I won't be playing this game anymore and that I will make sure multiple Christian gaming communities know about this if this isn't resolved.

Depending on the response I get from the ticket I made about this, I'll either tell my credit card company to do a chargeback on the $10 due to the product being a scam/theft, or I may take legal action. I don't like being robbed, and this is complete bold, spit-in-your-face bias and robbery. I wonder if they would have rejected an Islamic emblem? Or a Buddhist one? Not at all. I bet if I even uploaded a satanic pentagram they'd be just fine with it. But something as benign as this:


is rejected and $10 is stolen.

Absolutely outrageous. Not flying.

EDIT: I didn't consider the fact that this image might be copyrighted. If that's what this is about, I'm totally fine with it and accept my loss, and offer my apology. I'm waiting for a response to my ticket about this. I won't erase my initial rage from this post for honesty's sake, doesn't seem right deleting a post like this one after I've made it. Besides, if it does turn out to be discrimination, the post stands. I'm hoping it's just a copyright issue, so I can keep playing the game (and giving money to DE) without going against my conscience.

As far as I know all religious emblems are going to be rejected. You were warned with a disclaimer. Anything that may be deemed offensive is going to be denied. I know personally I would find a clan running around with any sort of religions symbol offensive. Be it Christian, Islamic, Buddist, or even Nazi.


If someone applied for this as a clan emblem, stating their religion was Nazism, wouldn't you be grossly offended?

Edited by BirdOfSong
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They are both religion. Yes, you can actually lodge complaints about clan emblems and names. See GOOCH clan. I'm quite sure the current stand on "this only" type clans, (Christian, Islamic, Feminist, ect) is that they are not to force themselves down someones throat in anyway. Including emblems. The existence of these clans are a very grey line.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In other news, 2 new members today! The clan has actually grown more than I expected, I honestly expected it to just be me and my wife, but we've actually made some new friends that we didn't expect to meet by making the clan.

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Just a reminder to folks, clan recruiting threads exist for the sake of recruiting players to a clan. To those of you don't have any interest in joining, please avoid bringing drama/arguments to the thread. This isn't a place for religious/semantic arguments.


Above all, please respect one another; this includes respecting and tolerating others' beliefs, faiths, religions, et cetera.

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Just a reminder to folks, clan recruiting threads exist for the sake of recruiting players to a clan. To those of you don't have any interest in joining, please avoid bringing drama/arguments to the thread. This isn't a place for religious/semantic arguments.


Above all, please respect one another; this includes respecting and tolerating others' beliefs, faiths, religions, et cetera.


It was really my fault...I caved and started debating when I swore I wouldn't. Sorry.

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