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New Mission Types You Would Like To See?


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Few of mine.


Hold the line.


Hold off hordes of enemies, including bosses and squads of heavies till civilians can escape.  Get radio twitter from civilians as you go (kinda like rescue npc dialogues).


Always loved this kinds of scenarios in movies and stuff, hold off incredible odds till the civilians can escape.  Feels epic when you get dialogue too.


Assassin attack (twice a week thing?)


A mission to go after the assassins, the stalker, zanuka etc.  You go through hordes of enemies to get to them or make a specific item you have to find in the zone which when picked up warps you to their lair maybe, beating them increases the rank of your mark (resets after they come after you) and increases the frequency of times they will come after you (maybe increases the level of the attacker too)  No specific drops or their actual drops from doing this, the point of it is to increases the chance they will come after you so you can fight them more in their drop loot versions.


Time attack.

Have set (no randomness) maps, everyone that enters is set back to level unranked and gets set basic weapons.  As you level up in the run (at a higher leveling rate) you get set mods added to your frame/weapons automatically.


The point being to get fast clear times on a leaderboard (solo/duo/trio/quad leaderboards), no specific drops as rewards since everything is reset after you exit but maybe a set number of HQ cores depending on your ranking per week?

So you enter, level down to unranked on everything temporarily  and when you exit you go back to normal.  All drops you get inside this are removed when you leave.


This being more about skill than OP weapons and gear.


Anyone that played PSO will know this time attack system from there.

Edited by Spindle99
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I would like it if Escape/Recovery Missions were like in the trailer introducing Zanuka, where a group of Tenno have to go and rescue their imprisoned ally.


Yeah that would be awesome, someone stuck on it could ask for help and people could form a group to go free them or something.

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I would personally rather they added more depth to the modes they have rather than creating new modes entirely. Such as having the game randomly transition from Warframe combat into an Archwing mission.


But even having a game mode where you have to eliminate a ship's escort forces with your Archwing before boarding and doing a Sabotage or Rescue or whatever and then having to escape to a safe distance in the Archwing afterwards would be fun, I guess... I just like the random aspect shaking things up. :(


I mean they showed a trailer with Excalibur boarding a ship after an archwing segment. It's gotta be in the game now! :P

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i would like to see an defend the relay mission. It would be done in archwing throut. I would base it around a timer (let say 10 min) and for that 10 min you would have to beat down horde of enemies outside and inside the relay and to make thing interesthing the syndicate would actully defend themself

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Endless non-endless mode.


Each wave would be random nonendless mode objective, then you can choose to continue and get another random objective and new areas open up in the map while enemy levels scale higher.


There could be time limit per wave and even multiple objectives per wave so squads have to do them simultaneously.

Edited by Naftal
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I would love to see mission combinations.  Take two types and basically combine the objectives.  It would probably only be any different if you made it so your team broke into groups to achieve the goals.  2 people go to a capture target while your other 2 go to get the spy target codex.

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"The Grineer have planted a bomb inside the (now under siege) Relay, you must kill them, find it, and disarm it. (And if you really want to, give it back to them, if you know what I mean)."


No, that is not a complete rip off of Halo 2's first mission. Only a moderate rip off :P

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Void Boss Fights... a couple completely different bosses per tower, not little npc size bosses... big epic bosses.

Stalk the Stalker... at the end of every mission you have the small chance to be rewarded with a rare mission where you go to a unique tile set... fight thru hordes to finnaly get to the stalker in his " fortress of solitude" for lack of a better term. Stalker has different ai & move set.. completely different set of drops.


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A PVP mode similar to VS. on L4D/L4D2. A team of 4 Tenno will fight through infested and player-controlled special infested(would be strong enough to fight on par with Tenno). The objective would be to successfully retrieve an item or rescue a target and get to extraction to rack up points. Infested side would be to kill Tenno and the rescue target/item for points? The team with the most at the end of the game will be the winner.


Would need some serious balancing though.

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Deception 2.0 and Sabotage 2.0 comes to mind.

I really, really want mobile Defense 2.0. But this is important too.

With that in mind, I heard on the devstream they're working on an Exterminate 2.0 involving minibosses scattered throughout. That sounds pretty interesting to me!

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I'd like to see a variation of Capiture with a imaginative set of Nullifiers placed on a horde of overly large Chargers that get released five minutes into the match behind the players, nothing is in front of the player save environmental hazards and traps, cumilating into a locked door that requires two players holding the captured targets and ready to unlock the dual consoles at the door.

The players for the most part have to get to extraction, performing hacks and captures in order to get the next tile set open, so they can proceed to the exit, with these beasts bearing down on them.

Some of these nullifiers have effects like capturing the Tenno like the Grustrag Three. If captured the player's damage output is reduced against the infested until they craft a cure using the serums extracted from plants used in the previous events, if left in a locked position.

Another is a Control Nulifier that performs the same control collar effect used by infested Alad V. The players have to kill that Charger in order to free the player being controlled.

Another creates the effect experienced passing through a shielded door with vision, energy, and shields being impaired, while another creates the nightmare vampire level effect where your health begins to fail, forcing you to fight to survive.

I'd love to be chased by these frightful threats frantically trying to get to the capture target while avoiding be snared by these creatures.

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Deception 2.0, from the top of head Im thinking some sort of puzzle factor for enemies involved, decepting them by executing a specific plan.

Sabotage 2.0 Should involved heavily guarded bases similar to spy where enemies are able to enable high security lockdowns that have to be hacked.

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