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Frost Prime: The End Of An Era. [Megathread]


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I see a lot of people trying to trivialize some of the questions and concerns here, so let me make this clear


The problem (for me, at least) isn't the fact that Frost P and his weapons are leaving. Now, despite DE being incredibly cryptic about all this, it doesn't take a genius to see that it's likely because of the arrival of Volt P, and his stuff, basically an attempt at avoiding over-saturation in the void. If this does turn out to be true, then I'm going to be frank and say that this is an extremely delayed knee-jerk reaction to a problem that has persisted and has been discussed at length for well over a year now. 


Not even considering the fact that this barely passes for a band-aid solution, (Prime part dilution might not get worse, but neither is it going to get better) what about other avenues that could curb dilution without having to remove primed things? There are still mission types that could get a Prime treatment, Interception can still get a T1-3. We don't know how this "Void in the Starchart" thing is going to work, but there's no reason for there to be fewer missions in it than what we had before. 


Even if it is smaller for some strange reason, what about Orokin Derelicts? Do any of you remember that the original idea of the Derelicts was to alleviate over-saturation in the Void? All it would take is for DE to make Tiered Derelicts, and give them prime drops, and we could have a huge amount of space for most future prime things, no removal or vault-locking necessary.


You can claim that even this is a temporary solution, but I'd argue anyone that it's much better than taking x amount of prime things out of the void, and replacing it with the same amount of different prime things.

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Good to see that instead of communicating with players, posts are being deleted instead in this thread. If you've got time to do one, one that shouldn't being happening, then you've got time to do the other which should be happening.

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clam your $* people DE can do what ever they want its their game not yours


If we all stopped giving them money they wouldn't be able to pay any wages and the game would effectively close.  So although it is their game it's only here because we players put money into it, if we stopped doing so they would all move onto working on another game really fast and forget warframe ever existed.


So yes they can do what they want, but they also have to take into consideration the effect of what they want will have on their jobs.


They could change warframe to hello kitty love hearts if they wanted to, they would probably be out of work the next day though.

Edited by Spindle99
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He will be removed from the void. For all we know they might make prime frames accessible through bosses similarly the way regular frames are found which will probably be from the upcoming raids. Raid boss has all frost prime parts so we murder it to get them back, this is just a guess on what will happen but we shouldn't freak out just yet since we have no idea what will happen with his parts but tenno live did mention new ways to get prime parts so we should wait and see what happens.

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If we all stopped giving them money they wouldn't be able to pay any wages and the game would effectively close.  So although it is their game it's only here because we players put money into it, if we stopped doing so they would all move onto working on another game really fast and forget warframe ever existed.


So yes they can do what they want, but they also have to take into consideration what they want will have on their jobs.


They could change warframe to hello kitty love hearts if they wanted to, they would probably be out of work the next day though.

another one.....god its same with DLC for other games 


not everyone cares about these kind of things sure some might but not everyone so the chance of that happing unlikely 

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people just love to panic. Frost, Latron and Reaper were all but forgotten about a few days ago- now all of a sudden its the end of the world because DE wants to take them out of rotation for a while?


How can they expect DE to take them seriously? Its mostly vets who probably already have Frost that are complaining the loudest too.

There is no one but DE to blame currently for whatever panic is occurring as a result of this most recent information, any intelligent person knows an announcement like that will be ill received without any sort of explanation. But they went ahead and did just that anyway. 


Which also says volumes about how seriously they take us already since we aren't even worth a proper explanation. That or they know their reason isn't sound. 

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Thread I posted in was closed, and we were directed to post here so:

And that's the crux of it. More desire for one thing, more plat enters the market.

Frost, aside from Rhino (and maybe mag) prime, was easily the most common prime frame. It's one of the choices that gets the least backlash since so many already have it, yet also one of the most desirable for all the defence missions happening at the moment that request a frost. Perfect balance between cash gained and people upset.

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another one.....god its same with DLC for other games 


not everyone cares about these kind of things sure some might but not everyone so the chance of that happing unlikely 


Everyone cares, the only thing that differs is the thing that bothers them.  This may not bother you, something else they do in the future might.

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Everyone cares, the only thing that differs is the thing that bothers them.  This may not bother you, something else they do in the future might.


imo the only things that would bother me is if they removed, kubrows, our ship and archwing, basically everything in this game...i love it all

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this community cries to much 


suck it people they will return one day

There is no guarantee of this.  Or, I should say, there is no guarantee that Frost Prime/Latron Prime/Reaper Prime will be available other than a cash shop type transaction.  And that's the whole point, DE should have said with the initial announcement what the plan was for bringing those items out of the Prime Vault.  Instead, they said they were going there, and then Megan, I think it was, stated that the Vault could be opened at different times.  It seems shady, and causes alot of unnecessary frustration amongst the playerbase.

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What is currently happening is these parts, the oldest prime parts from what PC players have said, are being removed from the void drop tables. This was most likely done to make room for the new prime parts which are coming soon.

They said the Tenno cannot access this vault and it can open its doors anytime. They are going to make this item unobtainable by farming until they reintroduce it into the game. They are most likely going to introduce it back into the game because it would be the better choice. These parts may be introduced into the new starchart vaults which was mentioned on Tenno Live.

Bottom line is they removed this stuff to make room for the new prime parts, don't go burning all your keys thinking frost and the other stuff is never going to come back and trying to get as much of it as you can because the drop locations for the new parts will most likely be where they are for frost now, and if you have no keys when Volt gets released, nobody can farm it. Meaning more people will buy prime access who want it earlier because they can't get it for 400p in the trading chat on the first day.

Edited by (XB1)O4K51
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this community cries to much 


suck it people they will return one day

One day.


Do you remember when was the last "Vault"? months ago.


My problem is that DE will bury another Primes in "Prime Vault" in the future. Is not a smart Move for a whole Prime set, 3 of them.

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Do you have any better ideas then?


I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but as I said before, the most logical assumption for this move that DE has so far neglected to explain is made with the intention to avoid over-saturation with whatever new void system they've worked out. Once again, this is an incredibly strange and unnecessary move when you consider Orokin Derelicts.


It seems a lot of people have forgotten, but the original design of the Derelicts was to help reduce dilution in the Void. I ca't recall any explanation for why it got cut, but there's no sensible reason they can't go back to that. Just give Derelicts prime drops, and suddenly over-saturation isn't quite so bad, avoiding this entire "Prime Vault" thing.

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(warning contains COMEDY, do not overreact..too much)

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