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Ask A Cephalon, March 17


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if, hypothetically speaking, the grineer were allowed to complete their research into fixing their genome, would the end result be a somewhat less tyrannical empire? or would they just try (I say try, because the tenno would keep them from succeeding) to crush everything under a wave of gene-fixed clones.

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Greetings Cephalon.



-How do we capture targets? Why does it appear as if they are being sucked into my hand? Are they teleported to the Lotus or stored in a pattern buffer somewhere?


-When on the relays, why do I never hear my brothers and sisters talking about raiding ships for supplies while a group of Tenno distracts the crew of the ship? Why does it always seem to be "someone else" who is the lone Tenno operative?


-Do you know anything about the infested creature living in Orokin derelicts that some of my brothers and sisters tell stories about and I have seen with my own two eyes?


-How does Baro gain access to exotic goods the Tenno could not otherwise find, when he relies on us for something as banal as cryotic?

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Greetings Cephalon Cordylon,


   Have you ever come across files describing what  the Valkyr frame was like before Alad V got his creepy hands on her? Images of how she looked, what her role skills and powers were like for the tenno. Or is her former self a complete mystery?


Thank you,


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Three questions for you:


Why does Tyl Regor wear his mask upside down? Is his face upside down or is he just crazy?


Out of all the wonders of our solar system, what fascinates you most?


Are those that are controlled by the void towers still conscious and aware, or does the tower completely overwrite their neural functioning?

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Cephalon Cordylon,  In the vast knowledge that you are and the enlightened data you posses, is there anything in particular (secretive or concerning) we should know about Lotus and her motives and/or agenda(s)? Ever since our first day out of stasis, it seems she has already had some personal motives for sending us into dangerous missions. always to retrieve some sort of data or hostage, only to return the target/info and then never be followed up with as to what happened thanks to the fruits of my/our labor. As an agent of the Tenno which basically grants us the title, as humans on Earth would say, of "007 agents" (licensed to kill) on behalf of the "Lotus" organization, I believe we are entitled to have more complex purposes to exist and be of use being that we are such dangerous creatures and with high intelligence levels rather than to just "fetch" things like a pet Kubrow and under the mentality of "just do as your told, soldiers don't ask questions, they merely obey orders."


Oh, and one last thing...What species is Lotus? she is obviously not Tenno for she has a "partial" human-like face unlike any of us, yet seems to be more like a primitive Earth technology known as a "Cyborg" or as humans defined during their time of existing on Earth, as what they thought to be an A.I., unlike what you are, they where very limited in purpose or reason for existence.

Edited by H.BOSS.81
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okay let's get Actually Serious(™)


So the Grineer are clones, replicated on mass to fulfill various roles. We know that despite the fact that there seems to be only one clone "type" of each sex (that is, one male and one female, cloned continuously), there are different body types, with some Grineer being noticeably larger than the rest - this could either mean these Grineer have been manipulated to reach these sizes or that they suffer from some extra type of cloning ailment that brings about a form of gigantism. In addition, some of the Lotus text from the Grineer bosses says that female Grineer are different from their male counterparts by serving only a limited time in the Grineer military, before joining "Court".



So, the implications, as far as I can suss them out, is that female Grineer make up, if not the majority of Grineer "civilian" life then at least that of its higher echelons. But we also know that male Grineer reach position of importance in Grineer society, such as generals, admirals and councilors.



Now, here's the question: are such top-tier Grineer made or promoted? That is to say, are there specific clone batches of Grineer destined to leadership, being replenished whenever the numbers dip, thus creating Grineer "nobility"? Or can Grineer start out on the lower levels of their civilization and get promoted up through showing excellence?

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One thing I need to know of you, mister Cordylon, as you seem to be in a friendly relation with Suda (unlike me), is why does she hate New Lokans so much? All we want is Earth restored, all she wants is to know more, like Cephalon Simaris (and I actually am friendly with him, in fact synthesizing is quite amusing in my opinion). Where do those two causes conflict? I can understand the enmity with Steel Meridian, as we're only focusing on Earth itself and not the Grineer colonists, and I am aware of that.


Does Cephalon Suda have such a thing as hatred? And why towards us? Why not the Grineer or the Corpus, who constantly triumph over even the best of her intelligence collectors? Why not the Technocyte virus, the thing causing such abominations as Lephantis to happen (I mean, I'm pretty sure the Sudan Tenno are scared of that sort of stuff, are they? All they need is a Torid with gas and they become those clouds of weird flying spores in a jiffy), why not the Neural Sentry-controlled previously-mentioned foes, the only things stopping from peacefully walking around and getting all the loot (and also precious information about the Orokin technology and architecture)? Cephalon Simaris isn't, I'm using this term loosely as I don't know if Suda is equipped with that, 'angry' with me about me being a New Lokan. In fact, he sees me as a skilled and efficient Hunter.


Can you please, Cordylon, please tell me the reason of this enmity? I really need to know.


Truly yours,


Leemubay (Codex scanner, sanctuary synthesizer, covert operation agent and occasional secret room hunter, among other things)


P.S.: Ordis says he needs maintenance. Do you have any Cephalon Repair and Augmentation Center coordinates anywhere? I also need to equip him to feel envy and make more puns.

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Simaris seems to be overly confident that his Sanctuary will last forever. What if someone just blows up the relay it's hosted in, or destroys Simaris himself?


Now that I think about it - purely theoretically - is it at all possible to destroy a cephalon?

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