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Kohm Nerf Why...?


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I just tested Kohm in Ceres, the damage output of this gun is so much lower than before at mid-long range and unable operate this gun without maxed Ammo Mutation Mods.  Even before this change, Kohm falls off after 40min of T4 Survival and Dev still believe Kohm needed some fkn nerf.  Too bad Devs only test their weapons in Mercury.


From my point of view, DE Devs are like "Praise the Boltor P!  Praise the Soma and Soma P! Pfff nobody uses Kohm anyway, lets nerf! We all want our players to use mainstream guns ONLY!"  They are so sensitive about weapons with above average performance except those mainstream weapons.


R.I.P.  Kohm - 3/19/2015 - Update 16


I shall quit spending $$ on this game, if s!@# like this continues.  I am getting tired.  Really really tired.

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Is this my punishment for not bowing at the Altar of Boltor Prime?  I'm pretty sure that the Kohm's dedicated user-base was pretty small to begin with; do they really feel the need to even further disincentivize its use?


I could live with it being hitscan, but it's got some serious problems in its current state.  The obvious one is the damage fall-off (this shouldn't be a thing on any shotgun, IMO.  Shotguns are situational weapons as it is).  The other is the total lack of visual cues associated with its firing.  The Kohm's spread is variable depending on its spool-up.  With no visual indicators, I can't judge how much spread I'm experiencing, and that means I can't adjust my firing to compensate for it.


I know that this has been said by countless forum posters, but to reiterate: DE, you need to give shotguns some love.

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Why, you ask?

Before the most recent nerf, the Kohm was the only weapon in the game capable of achieving higher DPS than the Synoid Gammacor. Nearly twice the Synoid's, to be precise. Before the nerf, I was of the firm belief that Warframe would have been a better game if the Kohm had never received any stat changes after release, becasue another crappy weapon is preferable to one that makes everything else redundant. I don't understand how anyone could possibly disagree with this nerf.

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It wasn't nerfed... actually i think it got better. !!! honestly.


pellets: 5 -> 10

status: 10% -> 25%

firerate: 2.7 -> 3.7


ok, damage down from 77 -> 30...


do the math!

5*77*2.7 -> 1040

10*30*3.7 ->  1110


edit: hmmm, can't seem to find whether it's 12 or 10 pellets now... anyway: still buffed


Shotgun damage is per shot, not per pellet. Here's what it looks like shooting a Kohm at full spin with +multishot but no +damage.



Edited by Momaw
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Shotgun damage is per shot, not per pellet. Here's what it looks like shooting a Kohm at full spin with +multishot but no +damage.



This, so this, people are having a hard time to understand apparently that number of pellets doesn't matter in the stats screen.


What effectively happened is : Gun now does 40% the damage used to (divided in 12 pellets instead of 5, who cares) and consumes 250% the amount of ammo it used to.


Do the maths and you'll see that a full clip now does around 20% of the damage it used to. Plain and simple.


Unless someone here is willing to prove that Kohm stats values are the only ones to show damage per pellet instead of damage per shot.

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Its 1 m innate punch through was apparently removed.

This is false. I just tested this with an unmodded Kohm on Saturn. Had 2 grineer aligned and fired a single, unspooled shot. It hit both of them and bleed proc'd the guy behind.

Unless someone here is willing to prove that Kohm stats values are the only ones to show damage per pellet instead of damage per shot.

It already has been proven, countless times. Edited by Sonitorum
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Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. NOT DAMAGE FALL OFF WHY ? why ? W.H.Y. ?

Please never let this thread die. Oh please, start a huge flame war that will go on for dozen and dozen of pages with walls of texts and short, out of context, mean comments. Please community if you have a heart. 



Damage falloff is a *@##$.


Still the ammo consumption is what really kills the kohm. As you cant simply get enough ammo back, even with ammo mutation and scavenger mods. 


Shotguns really need some love.

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Damage falloff is a $#*(@.


Still the ammo consumption is what really kills the kohm. As you cant simply get enough ammo back, even with ammo mutation and scavenger mods. 


Shotguns really need some love.

Ammo economy is something that DE needs to adress overall. Why does the Kohm ge the same size of ammo-pickups as a Hek even though it burns through ammo like nobody's business? If ammo pickups would scale with ammo capacity, it would be fine, but sadly they don't.

Kohm uses even more ammo than it did before its particles and pellet count were reduced and you basically need to use a scavenger in conjunction with a mutator to get enough ammo from pickups.

My biggest problems are still the damage falloff and the fact that it's hitscan now.

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Kohm's damage is per pellet and momaw's own picture clearly shows lots of 30s. If all pellets together dealt 30 damage, you'd see 2-3 damage instead.

But hey, let's rather be blind to blatant facts, right?


The Kohm is in the unique position of starting off shooting only 1 pellet, so one shot does equal one pellet....for a brief moment, before it starts to spool up, and as long as you don't have multishot equipped.  Adding Hell's Chamber will make the arsenal say the Kohm's damage is 65, but that's not 65 per pellet, it's 65 per SHOT i.e. 30 per pellet with 2 pellets and a 20% chance of a 3rd.  I just wanted to underscore the zaniness of trying to compute shotgun damage by pellet count.

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