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My Feelings On Simaris, Scanners, And The Sanctuary (And Proposed Fixes!)


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The main issue I have with these "Hunting" missions for Simaris is you're forced to have the scanner equipped to detect him. Even running straight up to the blue outlined target doesn't trigger a waypoint or notification. This forces you to ONLY have your basic melee attack and abilities available to you. No combos, no guns.

Additionally everyone I hear who goes into their first hunt mission is wasting their scans on the enemy listed. And wondering why they're not getting hardly any standing/rep/xp

Furthermore! When you're at 0 extra standing for the day and scan an enemy it still tells you you've gotten your XP/Rep/Standing. Likely making those without the infinite charge widget waste their scans.

What is this doing?

Making people of all levels and ranks run low ranking missions so as to not get mauled instantly by mobs of enemies. As a result? New players in these missions are left behind, have no idea what's going on, and are introduced to a mechanic that's foreign to them. Generally  just confusing people...

People who waste their scans on normal Lancers wondering why they're getting hardly any XP go and see the costs for additional scanners and immediately lose interest.

Some suggested fixes?

  • Bonus Standing/Rep/XP for higher level enemies in higher level missions (Sigil bonus maybe as well?)
  • Make a third scanner piece similar to the Derelict keys, hands-free detection (Scanner must still be equipped when target is found)  
  • Alternatively make the Sigil detect enemies so we have a reason to equip it other than aesthetics.  
  • Provide clarification that you need to find a special unit, blue outlined/blue aura (Again fixed by providing a hands free detection piece so players know to just run around till it activates)
  • Upon completing your 10,000 extra standing for the day and scanning an enemy it should read 0.


- - -



My issues with the Sanctuary in general are probably(hopefully) easily remedied. As it stands the most common asked questions in regards to this Sanctuary stuff aside from "Where is Simaris/the Sanctuary?" is what do all the widgets do? Are they one use? Is the Simulacrum key one-time use? Does the Sigil work like other syndicate sigils? Can we fight Assassins/bosses in it? Are we gonna see more customization and options in the Simulacrum?

What is this doing?

A lot of players seem to be on edge, either that or we're attracting a bad crowd at the moment. Cursing and name-calling for players who ask a question that was previously asked 50 times already. It's causing confusion and making players purchase Simari's offerings without knowing entirely what they do. Some people are straight up staying away till they know for sure as they don't want to waste their standing. Others, have seen the grind necessary and have lost  interest immediately.

Some suggested fixes?

  • Small description box when you click on the Sigil  off to the right, "This sigil does not increase standing gained" or "Purely aesthetic"
  • Clarify that Cross-Matrix Widget does NOT double your Standing gained from scans
  • Add to Simulacrum Key, "Provides unlimited access to the Simulacrum where you can battle against..." --etc.
  • Enable more customization of Simulacrum
    • Faction ignore
    • Player ignore
    • Adjustment of Battlefield
    • Remove 20 enemy limit
    • Remove level cap
    • Endless spawning (A sort of simulated survival)
    • Enable setting different levels for different enemies
    • Archwing Simulacrum with same properties?
    • Allow squads of 4 to participate together (Granted all have Simulacrum key)
    • Enable weapon loadout  to test weapons and mods (Rather than leave, change, go to relay, access again)
    • Include Assassins and Bosses
    • Enable Godmode (This is a simulation after all)


- - -



My issue with Simarus is he's up in my face.
Like....c'mon man...even back in the Orokin era I'm sure they respected peoples personal space.

Other  than that...he needs his syndicate in general to be added to the "Syndicate" tab on the Liset.

Same with his offerings. Many people finding it rather annoying going all the way to the relay, towards the back, upstairs, and into his room just to get more scanners, check their progress, etc

What is this doing?

Freakin' me out.
Causing slight feelings of discomfort

Making lazy people angry.

Some suggested fixes?

  • Back his ! UP.
  • Scale him down?
  • Or raise him higher so it keeps that "I'm above all of you" feel but he's not breathing down my frame.
  • Add him and his offerings to the Syndicate tab like the rest of 'em!


- - -


If I'm missing anything feel free to post it and I'll add to the roster.
(Unrelated but proper 21:9 support please? Running this at 3440x1440 and menu's are either stretched or cut off)


Edited by Sunder
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Great post. I think this is the worst major update they've released so far, but you adress some of the problems in a great way.

How? HOW? HOW? Honestly. This is far from the worst major update, you should know! You're a founder. You've been here a while. Nekros? Yeah. Kubrows? HAHAHA THE BUGS! Archwing? Yeah. Not as bad as kubrows but still a progression halter. Limbo? Yeah. No. Not the worst update. Contender for the best they've ever done. 


On a side note yeah. Simaris does feel very, very nosey. Which I like, but I feel he could do it in a way that didn't clip through half the players in the room. Could be a scaling bug though. We'll see on monday when everyone's back to work aye? And yeaaah I am very guilty of doing that. But I mean, hey, newbies get help with the mission and they get to see some cool lookin warframes running around it's not ALL bad. Although it is pretty bad if you're trying to start off and don't like being carried through stuff. But that's just me.

Edited by Psychus
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The scanner for that cephalon should only work on the enemies he wants scanned.

At first, like plenty of people, i didnt know that you were supposed to scan a specific target so i spent a few on normal folks.

Dont know why they give you the option to do this.



Messing with newbies:


I actually soloed the merc missions for the lancers because, what the hell, im running all rank 30 gear.... im not going to die.

Dont know why other people would pop into public games at max rank at merc.


For a long time i have been asking for missions to let you pick what type of playstyle you are going to do, farming, rushing, new players, so people can group up and not cause each other trouble. This type of people are not being discussed cause it breaks the population and affects matchmaking, blablity-blah. This stuff needs to be addressed.

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Agree on the first two. XP/standing bonuses for high level targets and better descriptions for items would be much appreciated. 


I think the last one is fine though. You said it's freaking you out and causing discomfort, which means it's working as intended!

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How? HOW? HOW? Honestly. This is far from the worst major update, you should know! You're a founder. You've been here a while. Nekros? Yeah. Kubrows? HAHAHA THE BUGS! Archwing? Yeah. Not as bad as kubrows but still a progression halter. Limbo? Yeah. No. Not the worst update. Contender for the best they've ever done. 


On a side note yeah. Simaris does feel very, very nosey. Which I like, but I feel he could do it in a way that didn't clip through half the players in the room. Could be a scaling bug though. We'll see on monday when everyone's back to work aye? And yeaaah I am very guilty of doing that. But I mean, hey, newbies get help with the mission and they get to see some cool lookin warframes running around it's not ALL bad. Although it is pretty bad if you're trying to start off and don't like being carried through stuff. But that's just me.


Actually of all those updates you mentioned, kubrows was pretty bad at first, but the rest were pretty good. I mean, i remember bein stuck on derelict missing because root were not being shown on nekros update, that sucked.


But ever since closed beta, back when loki had a melee skill tree and you couldn't even equip melee weapons and you had to pay plat to advance on the skill tree, I've not been ever been so dissapointed with DE. And it is not only abut they re-nerfing excalibur after they admitted it was a huge mistake panic-button thing. It is not about sinoid gammacor 1000% sustained DPS nerf. It is about how they lost the sight on the players, how they give a c**** about their thought and how they even think we are stupid enoght not to notice so notorious stealth nerfs.


This game used to be about the community making a better game, and they've turned the game into a grindfest, a game that takes no sugestion from players, a game that leaves skill behind, a game that is flawed, and most importantly, a game where they dont give a dime about players. They just dont care. Back in the days(nekros update inclusively), they would give us AT LEAST 50 plat and a huge apollogy for the inonvenience. Now they don't even give us plat, much even less an apollogy. They don't feel they taking us as fools and lying to us as something bad, they just got used to it by now... I'm not really mad, I'm actually really dissapointed, I really thought this could be an enterprise that would actually care for its community.

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Great post. I think this is the worst major update they've released so far, but you adress some of the problems in a great way.

I wouldn't say the worst, but it hardly feels like it added anything. Simaris/sanctuary is annoying as hell and doesn't offer worthwhile rewards while synthesis mechanic is poorly introduced. PvP without dedicated hosting is completely and utterly pointless, even if DE were to balance it well (they didn't, Braton Prime/Cestras/Fang Prime are by far the best in their respective categories).

Only a tiny portion of what was teased actually got included in the update. It's simply empty.

Not to mention people are still finding new stealth changes.

Edited by Antharis
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My issue with Simarus is he's up in my face.

Like....c'mon man...even back in the Orokin era I'm sure they respected peoples personal space.

What is this doing?

Freakin' me out.

Causing slight feelings of discomfort



I can't take this seriously.


Are you that skittish, or does it just bother you that he's that close and it ruins your field of view?

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I can't take this seriously.


Are you that skittish, or does it just bother you that he's that close and it ruins your field of view?


He fills the screen and blocks your view of the holographic panel near him.

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Lets keep on topic folks!

Keep the thread about Simaris, Sanctuary and Scanning! :D


All good points.

I also feel the Codex should be linked to community or personal progression in this new scanning; having two different scanners is pointless and confusing and the older one should be retired.

Another good point...some players confusion on scanners. How they could introduce them to aide one another though...

I dont' think DE wants to get rid of the codex scanner cause then that involves a change to Helios. And if Helios is scanning the targets it becomes much easier. No issues aiming and what-not. Helios would essentially become more-so a side-kick to Simaris in obtaining scans and less of a sentinel to us aiding in combat.


Then again...having multiple choices on how to use Helios could prove useful/fun

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 And if Helios is scanning the targets it becomes much easier. No issues aiming and what-not. Helios would essentially become more-so a side-kick to Simaris in obtaining scans and less of a sentinel to us aiding in combat.


Not a problem. I don't take Targeting Receptor on Helios because he's blown up things he's been scanning before.

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I can't take this seriously.


Are you that skittish, or does it just bother you that he's that close and it ruins your field of view?


Was more-so sort of a half-joke.

Yes it's a bit annoying he clips through so many players and blocks the panel to see what's going on.

He also is in my field of view when trying to look at the other panels.

Top it off, I'm playing on a 21:9 monitor (3440x1440) and the FOV can't be adjusted far enough to make it comfortable viewing. So to me...everything feels squished. It's not game breaking or something that would make me stop playing, just a slight annoyance is all =p

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While his whole "I'm LOOKING at you, Tenno" thing is kinda creepy and kinda neat at the same time he shouldn't be so close that he's literally blocking the menus and areas you're trying to look at in the Sanctuary. I feel it makes more sense if he was restricted to a sphere of space so that he can still look around at you and zoom up a bit but not so much he's clipping through your head.


There's very little telling of how to do any of the scanning at all! I had a clan mate who had several runs where people kept killing the target or had NO idea how to use the two new tool we were given! Why wasn't there a mandatory "Tenno! Use this to slow/reveal g-spots!" and "Use the scanner to capture them!" tutorials first?


Even the "What is Synthesis?" thing was optional and honestly wasn't that informative enough.


Same goes to explaining some of his items like the Scanner's upgrade, where doesn't it say "When purchased it'll add a permanent bonus to further scanning with Synthesis Scanner?"?

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Actually of all those updates you mentioned, kubrows was pretty bad at first, but the rest were pretty good. I mean, i remember bein stuck on derelict missing because root were not being shown on nekros update, that sucked.


But ever since closed beta, back when loki had a melee skill tree and you couldn't even equip melee weapons and you had to pay plat to advance on the skill tree, I've not been ever been so dissapointed with DE. And it is not only abut they re-nerfing excalibur after they admitted it was a huge mistake panic-button thing. It is not about sinoid gammacor 1000% sustained DPS nerf. It is about how they lost the sight on the players, how they give a c**** about their thought and how they even think we are stupid enoght not to notice so notorious stealth nerfs.


This game used to be about the community making a better game, and they've turned the game into a grindfest, a game that takes no sugestion from players, a game that leaves skill behind, a game that is flawed, and most importantly, a game where they dont give a dime about players. They just dont care. Back in the days(nekros update inclusively), they would give us AT LEAST 50 plat and a huge apollogy for the inonvenience. Now they don't even give us plat, much even less an apollogy. They don't feel they taking us as fools and lying to us as something bad, they just got used to it by now... I'm not really mad, I'm actually really dissapointed, I really thought this could be an enterprise that would actually care for its community.

Yeah, they gave us a plat influx when they felt that they had unfaily boned us. They have not with this update. They do still care about their community, and the kneejerk reaction to radial javelin was indeed just that at first, but then they had a whole update to think about it, and that's how it is now. IF you are an actual xcal player, and not a farmer, this change makes 0 difference to you. Know how I know that? Because xcal is my most used frame. Wanna know how long it took me to realize that it was LoS? I had to see it on the forums to notice. Yeah. They don't do this S#&$ for no reason, and most of the people complaining are only mad because they're not thinking. At all. It's really not a grindfest, people are just MAKING it into a grindfest. You can get the same amount of affinity running a couple of t1 survival keys as you do from doing draco. And guess which one is more fun? Yeah. There have been a few threads about how people are actually going back to playing the game instead of doing this stupid rep farming bullS#&$ that everyone's been doing. This update has me believing that DE is capable of making the hard choices despite community outcry when their overpowered toys are being changed to be more in-line with their actual goal for the game.

also, this is incredibly off topic, we were discussing the sanctuary and how nosey simaris is. Which is funny. I love the sanctuary. I love the simulation room as well. Well done on DE's part.

Edited by Psychus
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This update has me believing that DE is capable of making the hard choices despite community outcry when their overpowered toys are being changed to be more in-line with their actual goal for the game.

what line of goal? what end game? plz teach me sempai because im confused.

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Yeah, they gave us a plat influx when they felt that they had unfaily boned us. They have not with this update. They do still care about their community, and the kneejerk reaction to radial javelin was indeed just that at first, but then they had a whole update to think about it, and that's how it is now. IF you are an actual xcal player, and not a farmer, this change makes 0 difference to you. Know how I know that? Because xcal is my most used frame. Wanna know how long it took me to realize that it was LoS? I had to see it on the forums to notice. Yeah. They don't do this S#&$ for no reason, and most of the people complaining are only mad because they're not thinking. At all. It's really not a grindfest, people are just MAKING it into a grindfest. You can get the same amount of affinity running a couple of t1 survival keys as you do from doing draco. And guess which one is more fun? Yeah. There have been a few threads about how people are actually going back to playing the game instead of doing this stupid rep farming bullS#&$ that everyone's been doing. This update has me believing that DE is capable of making the hard choices despite community outcry when their overpowered toys are being changed to be more in-line with their actual goal for the game.

also, this is incredibly off topic, we were discussing the sanctuary and how nosey simaris is. Which is funny. I love the sanctuary. I love the simulation room as well. Well done on DE's part.


 I wish i had a superpower that made me able to punch people in the face through internet.

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what line of goal? what end game? plz teach me sempai because im confused.

See: space ninjas. See: Dark Sector. See: MMO. Endgame. See: raid. See: Kubrows. See: Archwing. See... do I really have to go n?


 I wish i had a superpower that made me able to punch people in the face through internet.

Oh man you don't even know how much I want that power.

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I approve of the Topic Creator's post, there needs to be changes in certain actions or items. So, you get my +1 on that regard.


Also, an additional +1 for being Constructive with your criticism. 


Yes. As much as I love simaris and the sanctuary, he does need a bit of fine tuning, and I agree with pretty much everything in the OP. 

can you tell me what endgame is that? plz

I can't help you. Sorry.

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My issue with Simarus is he's up in my face.

Like....c'mon man...even back in the Orokin era I'm sure they respected peoples personal space.

What is this doing?

Freakin' me out.

Causing slight feelings of discomfort

Some suggested fixes?

  • Back his ! UP.
  • Scale him down?
  • Or raise him higher so it keeps that "I'm above all of you" feel but he's not breathing down my frame.

I'd be fine if they just made him semi-transparent when he's in your face so I can actually read the stuff on and under the leaderboard.

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The problem with U16 is that there is nothing new. Everything is rehashed. scanning is not new, bad PvP is not new, new frame + 2 weapon is the usual and son on. OK, the Excalibur nerf is usual too. :)

The only saving grace is the improved textures. But other than that there is nothing new.

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