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Arcane Enhancements And The Endgamer



I love the raid, I can play raid all the time. The problem is the goals. The addition of arcane enhancemets are cool and are neat but the amount of work that is required for them to reach their full potential is too long.


There are currently 16 listed arcanes mentioned on the wiki. Lets say you want to make an arcane specific helmet and fully upgrade it you need 10 of these arcanes.


If there are 16 listed arcanes that can be dropped that means that you have a 1/16 chance to get that enhancement. You can only do the raid every 23 hours and that does not include the time it takes to make a squad and plan. So lets say you can only do the raid once a day.


Worse case scenario, it takes 16 days to get ONE of the same arcane that you needed. and you need 10 in order to fully rank up meaning at the very max, it should take 160 days to full upgrade your arcane thats more than half a year. Just to upgrade one helmet. With all due respect, I understand that this is the endgame of some sort but heres the thing, we not only have to complete the raid 160 times, pay 2 million credits which is roughly another 2-5 days of farming and wait for the build times  is kinda excessive.


Like i said before, I love your raid I think it was great. But what you are doing here is making the raid a chore for most endgame players. Because lets be honest and this is coming from an m18 myself. We play raid the most because its the new challenge. A endgame player should go back to a raid, for the adrenaline, the entertainment, maybe even guiding newer players and the fun. Not to be taunted by arcanes to constantly do the raid over and over just to max out their helmets.


An arcane should be a one time thing at least in my opinion. When a player completes his first raid he can pick his arcane fully upgraded whatever he/she wants. This is a one time thing. Then after keep high credit rewards and some rare mod chances maybe even some rare fusions cores to give some incentive to play.


Maybe you can add challenges within the raid, and if those players complete the challenges hes gets a credit jackpot or a ducat bonus, etc..


these are just my suggestions to keep the raid fresh in preparation for the next one, without having to feel obligated to do it over and over again.

Edited by DrOP_
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 it should take 160 days to full upgrade your arcane thats more than half a year. 

Do you even maths? 


However, i assume DE are hoping you buy platinum from them and then buy the Arcanes from other people.

Edited by DeMonkey
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as another mr18 player I didn't even care for it, and i doubt that i'll ever want to do it anyway. The amount of time it requires and its pros for getting it is none to big -. From our big alliance maybe there were 2-3 groups about 10x runs total; nobody gives a meow anymore about them, no one is playing them anymore because of time it requires to get them all.

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this is one horror show that I wont get involved with and I love horrors. you would literally have to be a maniac obsessed with warframe to do this tedious and crazy task<< applaud those who have done this but the ends doesnt justify the means for entertainment

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that's not how RNG works.... you could get all 10 in 10 consecutive days, or never actually acquire the last one in years of play.


Additionally, as the raid rewards 195,800 credits for completion, the credit costs are covered already.

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I don't really know what DE was thinking when they decided that raiding 160 days on average is okay for a maxed arcane enhancement. I mean, it just means that you may take several years to complete the one you want.


They really outdid themselves with this. First make the chance for a specific reward very low. Next, limit the player to one reward a day. Lastly, require the player to get the reward 10 times for the maximum bonus.


that's not how RNG works.... you could get all 10 in 10 consecutive days...


The chance for that is about 1/1,100,000,000,000 or 0.00000000009%.

Try your chances at a lottery jackpot. They offer way better chances and also the reward is better.

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The chance for that is about 1/1,100,000,000,000 or 0.00000000009%.

Try your chances at a lottery jackpot. They offer way better chances and also the reward is better.


i love how you cut off the second portion of my statement in your quote.

I'm will aware of the odds, the point is that the over-reliance on RNG and the absurd way that rewards are managed will put off many players before they even bother. (i know i'm one)


DE flat-out refuses to reduce the grind. Every time they claim the grind is going to be reduced, they ultimately manage to increase it or shift it to other areas. The raids are another extension of this. They listen to their players in certain aspects of development, but on this issue, we might as well go shout into a well.

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Hmm... if they were easy to achieve maximum strength with, people would complain that it wasn't the end-game they were looking for, and would just run it a few times and never again.


If it's hard to achieve maximum strength, people complain about unrealistic requirements and time commitment, even though the system is clearly designed to be a long term goal.


I wonder if there's a right answer here?

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Hmm... if they were easy to achieve maximum strength with, people would complain that it wasn't the end-game they were looking for, and would just run it a few times and never again.


If it's hard to achieve maximum strength, people complain about unrealistic requirements and time commitment, even though the system is clearly designed to be a long term goal.


I wonder if there's a right answer here?


there's a difference between effort vs. reward and flat-out frustration due to mechanics that are, ultimately, unfair.

RNG is fine for certain things. warframe, in many cases, uses it well.

the problem crops up with 16 different rewards, a 24 hour lockout and requiring 10 stacks (of the same reward) to reach full strength.

i call this beyond frustrating.


i like the raid. it's fun, it's entertaining, it's a challenge to herd all the cats (read: players) into following orders... but i'm not running it with any expectation of actually getting all the parts i need to complete a 10/10 arcane item. i'm not even going to try because in the attempt i'd become completely and totally &!$$ed off at the devs for putting in such an absurd and badly designed reward system.




after thinking about this for awhile, i have a solution i think would drastically reduce the grind to actually achieve a 10/10 without compromising the spirit the devs designed for. bear with me, it's after 2am my time and this is a rough sketch.


implement a way to convert your rewards into a generic "upgrade" for a type of arcane.

so... each arcane enhancement would fall under a specific category. you can convert whatever reward you receive into one of (call it 4) different categories of upgrade, which can boost each other for upgrading an existing enhancement.




defense: agility - barrier - guardian - pulse

elemental: healing - ice - warmth - nullifier

attack: acceleration - avenger - awakening - rage

utility: trickery - pulse - phantasm - strike


once you receive the reward you want to install on an item, go ahead and do so.

any additional arcane you receive can be broken down into an "upgrade" for that type.

so if you've installed arcane agility on a syandana and you want to upgrade it, any additional arcane from the defense category you receive in the future can be converted into a "defense arcane upgrade" and applied to your existing arcane syandana. it increases the chances of a useful item from 1 in 16 to 1 in 4. 


this still keeps a level of grind, rng and effort but brings it down out of the stratosphere.

Edited by xethier
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