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Are We Dark Or Light? Cruel Or Good?


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Dunno, Maybe it's me watching too many animes with dark heroes, doing things in their own twisted way, killing, slaughtering, hurting, but for a greater cause, or straight away evil, but those bad or good guys, whatever you might call them have their own cause, which seems greater then anything else.


Now to warframe. Let us be real, this game is dark, and we are dark heroes (trying my best to not sound too childish). Maybe this recent light themed warframe made me question these things. Or the sparkle radiated by primes.


I personally, want things to be more dark, more gory then it already is... Excal's proto armor is pretty neat, kinda gives ya the feels, if not the nerf bothers you. -No, It's not like I am asking for proto-armor for every frame, though that would be nice!


So what is your guys opinion on the matter, or am I just delusional and am over-thinking this?

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As Ruk said, we're just mercenaries, fighting for scraps. We couldn't give less of a damn if Simaris was gonna enslave people after converting their physical essence into code - we want that Chroma warframe.

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Why do we have to be either? Morality is purely objective and the concepts of good and bad don't inherently exist.


Do the Grineer think they're evil? Are they doing what they do because they know its bad?

Of course not. As far as they are concerned they are the liberators, the superior race (I use that term lightly, seeing as everyone one in the universe is some form of proto human) and the good guys. The kweens are their righteous and just rulers.

As far as they are concerned the Tenno are the evil plaguing the system.


Even the Tenno themselves don't necessarily have the same motivations. Sure we do work for the lotus, but thats more or less because we have not much else to do, no allegiance as such, no wider goal or unity, and no memories.

Some Tenno fight for treasure, the thrill of killing, for the greater good, or simply because thats all they know. The Tenno are weapons bred purely bred for war after all.


In the end you can't put the Tenno in one basket, because lorewise they all have varying motives and are only united because of the bond between fellow Tenno.

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Good people don't poison countless others and watch them die as they revel in stealing their personal belongings afterwards (looking at you saryn).

But to be honest, I think chaotic neutral covers it well. We kill whoever we kill to keep the lotus' idea of balance.

Edit: To be truly "good", we'd be sent as peaceful emissaries to conduct peace talks with the heads of the factions. Not great game material for a shooter, although I can see a point and click adventure.

Edited by Forgotten_Aeon
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You guys realize that D&D isn't philosophy and the concept of alignment doesn't apply outside of D&D.


Wrong? Dnd offers a variety of basic definitions of personality types that are applicable in nearly all scenarios. If you were to condense your feelings and actions into their most basic form, you would most certainly fit into one of the alignments.

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Good is adherence to ethical behavior.

Cruelty is not ethical behavior.

You cannot be good and cruel.

Good is doing something with the intention to help people. Some minds can think that being cruel is in some circumstances the right tool to do good.


Our Tenno...

Lets say it this way: We can choose not to attack Corpus and Grineer when on a mission, but they always start to fire (if they still can and when we are not allied).

So we are definitly more good than those.

They also keep throwing hundreds and thousands of soldiers after us, even when we just want to dig in the earth. The lives of their own people mean nothing to them.


We could still be nothing better than a lighter shade of black.

But then I view myself as bright white, and all others are just in the way.

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The Lotus's orders to me seem to come more from the True Neutral side if we want to use D&D alignment terms.


Siding with the Corpus in defense of a node on Jupiter only to turn around and support the Grineer in capturing a node on the same planet. I've never been a fan of the True Neutral alignment, as doing things in this manner just seems to make them worse.


Zapp: I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.

Zapp: What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


*Goes to off to play Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition now*

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