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Survival Campers


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warframe is coop game and everyone can play how they want.Also if you dont want to paly with campers create ur own group and play.




Now tell me Altey, did I say anywhere in my OP or in other comments I made that I can't 1. create my own group and play or 2. Don't play with campers? 

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It's relieving seeing people with legitimate viewpoints on the forums sometimes. 





You're so mature, man. 

someone that agrees with you - "legitimate vievpoint"


Now tell me Altey, did I say anywhere in my OP or in other comments I made that I can't 1. create my own group and play or 2. Don't play with campers? 

it's so hard to find a clan or farm keys?

Edited by Altey
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I wasn't there for viver so i cant speak for that, but the issue with e-gate was that you could instantly kill enemies when they spawn, and then new enemies would spawn in the same place, so u could just stand still and get an insane amount of kills, so excavation was changed so that the enemy spawns are dependant on the excavators.

However, it was basically jsut a flaw in the tileset, it couldve been fixed by changing some of the tiles so that u couldnt make all enemies spawn so close.

DE nerfed it because ppl could get so much mods and resources that they thought it would hurt platinum sales.

Camping in survival jsut keeps you safe, it doesnt increase the rewards by any notable amount, thus its simply a matter of player preference, so DE is not gonna mess with it.



I was there for both and it was essentially the same thing/same concept. 

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The grind isn't a problem. It's just that people don't want to work for anything. And no matter what way you flip it.. that's the reality. This game has grind?


This game has no grind, play pretty much any other MMO and it has more "grind" than Warframe.


It's a very worn out point and it has no basis since how hard/grindy something is ultimately is subjective.


It's not a reason to resorting to lazy game play.


Going into a t3s thinking "alright gonna have a good time running around shooting things" and instead seeing a group huddled in a hallway and telling you not to run around because you'll mess up spawns while a Vauban and mag macros for 40 minutes?


And you guys justify that crap? 


Grind IS there, it's the people who wants to see it as grind or not. Frankly, I see grind. Look up the events here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Event


Again, perspective of a person. All MMOs have grind.


Burnout will lead to lazy play. I just recently 5-forma'd my vectis and it IS a grind.


Once burnout hits, you will just spam skills in the most efficient way possible.


I justify this in a way, since RNG in the game is broken. I mean FFS getting 3x uncommon cores in a T3Su? If it were fixed then players would have a different viewpoint of the game IMO.

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Exactly what? 


You're just confirming exactly that people who practice this are the problem..


Calling the game a "grind fest" is an excuse. It really is. 

Maybe if de adopted a prime token system where missions rewarded tokens and the prime trader actually gave prime weapon parts for such tokens people wouldn't grind like this, but then people wouldn't need to trade plat for parts and then those people who only gain plat through trading would be unable to collect everything.

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someone that agrees with you - "legitimate vievpoint"


it's so hard to find a clan or farm keys?



How does he agree with me? 


He stated his viewpoint, and I thought it was legitimate.


I didnt say anything about alternates to camping, I never stated what I do, nor did I ask for confirmation on if my methods of running these modes were right.


The troll don't stop it seems.



And once again for about the 3rd time. Never said it was hard to farm keys/find people play with people who don't camp. 


If you really don't have anything else to contribute to the discussion that  just slap that back button my man. 

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No offense to DE, but even after vivergate excal nerf, they still pushed the nerf through and called "working as intended." After a lot of events, only one of them was good (cryotic front), the rest of the events were a grindfest.


They made money due to people burning out of the grind and are forced, in a way, to buy plat/prime access to reduce the grind.


Last line is rough, better check your language

Did DE force players to grind, like gun to the head sort of forced ? No.

Players themselves are to blame for burning themselves out. DE makes money off PA's and cosmetics. These 2 come out with new updates, the free players are then trying to get their hands on the latest stuff in a really, absurdly short amount of time. It's so short that buying PA actually seems stupid.


However, the price these players pay is burning themselves out from playing/grinding too much, too quickly. I guess in their minds they just see it as "I must complete this, before i can have fun" which i don't understand.


If only more people played for fun and accepted the fact that they will get item X over time just by playing the game then everyone would be happy.


Instead we have this "what's the shortcut to farming X,Y and Z in the shortest time with the least amount of effort?" mentality and we also have trading where people are content with throwing their conscience away as long as they can get some plat.


DE on the other hand is a business, they need to have players who buy plat and PA's. The line between paying for something and farming for it is pretty blurry though.

Players who pay don't care enough to complain because they don't have as much time to play(jobs/kids etc) and just play for fun when they can.

Players who have too much time to play are the free players who want to have near similar experiences as paying players, but for free.


The above is why we always see threads asking DE to make something easier to do/to aquire.


I've only seen a couple of people on the forums who share this thought with me =\.


DE really needs to put a disclaimer when you create an account saying "If you choose to play for free then you agree that you will require grinding to get the latest content".

Edited by kiteohatto
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Basically "I don't like Thing, therefore Thing should be removed".


What should be removed? I asked for DE to address it. 


Did they remove excavation for e-gate?  So what are you talking about?


That ol' cookie cutter response to threads shedding light on something it seems. 

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No one is "crying". Try to use other words in your vocabulary.


Also your sentence makes no sense. 




The grind isn't a problem. It's just that people don't want to work for anything. And no matter what way you flip it.. that's the reality. This game has grind?


This game has no grind, play pretty much any other MMO and it has more "grind" than Warframe.


It's a very worn out point and it has no basis since how hard/grindy something is ultimately is subjective.


It's not a reason to resorting to lazy game play.


Going into a t3s thinking "alright gonna have a good time running around shooting things" and instead seeing a group huddled in a hallway and telling you not to run around because you'll mess up spawns while a Vauban and mag macros for 40 minutes?


And you guys justify that crap? 


Difference being that Warframe isn't an mmo. And yes, it does have a lot of grind. Have you tried ranking any number of mods up to max level? The hundreds upon hundreds of cores and millions of credits don't just appear magically in your inventory when you need them.

Edited by f3llyn
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Grind IS there, it's the people who wants to see it as grind or not. Frankly, I see grind. Look up the events here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Event


Again, perspective of a person. All MMOs have grind.


Burnout will lead to lazy play. I just recently 5-forma'd my vectis and it IS a grind.


Once burnout hits, you will just spam skills in the most efficient way possible.


I justify this in a way, since RNG in the game is broken. I mean FFS getting 3x uncommon cores in a T3Su? If it were fixed then players would have a different viewpoint of the game IMO.



You believe that people would stop playing like this and finding easy-outs in this game if rewards changed?


I feel like it just undermines the entire game by literally finding ways to NOT play the game mode as intended.


I mean did you all not see the amount of changes to survival spawn rate and life support drops? 


You think all of that was for people to hop into a room and spam a skill for 40 minutes?

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I Love this. So here's what you're gonna do for me then.


What I want you to do from now on is only invite MR1 - MR5 players. Players who just started the game and then bring a vauban and a mag with greedy pull and a nuker frame. And then tell them. This is how you play Warframe. 


Then take a step back and look at how progressive that is for the game. 


It's killing the game.


Both directly and indirectly.


This type of game play sticks around for a while. De changes something because it messes with their game economy and business model. 


Players who adored this lazy gameplay gripe about it. The forums and community is filled with toxicity. People leave. abase the game and/or end up contributing to the game's demise purposely. 

this actually gives de more money by stimulating trade chat and giving people another option besides prime access by putting more rare parts into the market, and once those parts have degraded in value it is time for DE to release another thing people should grind like crazy to make people buy and trade plat 

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Did DE force players to grind, like gun to the head sort of forced ? No.

Players themselves are to blame for burning themselves out. DE makes money off PA's and cosmetics. These 2 come out with new updates, the free players are then trying to get their hands on the latest stuff in a really, absurdly short amount of time. It's so short that buying PA actually seems stupid.


However, the price these players pay is burning themselves out from playing/grinding too much, too quickly. I guess in their minds they just see it as "I must complete this, before i can have fun" which i don't understand.


If only more people played for fun and accepted the fact that they will get item X over time just by playing the game then everyone would be happy.


Instead we have this "what's the shortcut to farming X,Y and Z in the shortest time with the least amount of effort?" mentality and we also have trading where people are content with throwing their conscience away as long as they can get some plat.


DE on the other hand is a business, they need to have players who buy plat and PA's. The line between paying for something and farming for it is pretty blurry though.

Players who pay don't care enough to complain because they don't have as much time to play(jobs/kids etc) and just play for fun when they can.

Players who have too much time to play are the free players who want to have near similar experiences as paying players, but for free.


The above is why we always see threads asking DE to make something easier to do/to aquire.


I've only seen a couple of people on the forums who share this thought we me =\.


The main problem of the "grind" in this game is broken RNG. Also some events were grindfests (Gradivus dilemma being the biggest one).


I don't actually bother if it takes a while to get the newest prime gear, the main problem is getting the wrong rewards in the wrong places (Forma BP @ 20 min in T4D anyone?)


Player's mentality to have al the new gear ASAP, kinda have this mentality but didn't stop me from grinding.


Shortcut is due to bad rewards, as stated with an example previously.


I understand it is a business but to relieve the grind a bit, put the right rewards in the right places, not the kind of cr@p above :|

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Here's to hoping the DE addresses this new fad of "farming" in the void.


Had someone tell me the best way to get to 40 minutes in Survival was to use this new method of "camping" in the voids. 


People don't learn from Viver and E-Gate that people are shooting themselves in the foot. 



This form of camping has been going on since the survival event and Nekros were released, that is well over a year now. Theres a huge difference in the effect Egate had on the longevity of a players time in warframe and T4S.


With every new update we seem to collect more and more options for frames to camp farm:


Nekros Desecrate

Hydroid Pilfering Swarm

Mag Greedy Pull

Chroma Credit farming


And it all started with Nekros. Without him undergeared teams would struggle to kill at a pace to keep life support drops coming.


Simple fix would be to remove Life Support from desecrate altogether, which as Nekros user I would be fine with but only if they change the drop tables that chooses to reward forma on 60minutes.


The core issue as it was with e gate is the reward system, people look for easy farms because we are not being rewarded simply by playing the game DE wants us to. Remove lower tier cores completely so we only have maxed rank Common/Uncommon/Rares drop.

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Camping is not really a problem if players are not semi afk and play, a lot of frames have abilities that are almost made for camping. People just use what DE give them. 


But there could be a problem with how DE react to camping. Ai have been change to make camping harder, mob take cover and run back more often now and they throw more grenades too. Afk timer was added, defense have a low spawn rate now and i probably forgot some other change.


So camping is indeed affecting the gameplay.

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It's not new, and it's not ridiculous. It's been a thing for awhile now, it's just uptight people that complain about it. How do you expect them to fix it without entirely changing how spawns work? Some people don't like being dependent on a nekros to provide them air because of some clown running from room to room MLGpr0rhinoboltorprime1337scopez style trying to get top damage.


Let me break it down for you with defense as an example.

When you're sitting on a defense pod in a mission, and things are spawning because of the line of sight.

When people run off into the rooms on the map, things don't spawn and it makes things go slower.


So by staying on the pod, in your eyes, it's basically exploiting. If we run off though, and stop things from spawning, in turn making the waves go by slower we're just A******s.


By staying in one room in survival, it eliminates the worry that most groups face of being desperate for air because people are scattered all over trying to get kills.


Viver and E-gate were exploiting the spawns within the game mode, while not playing the game mode. That's why they were exploits and that's why they were fixed. Survival is all about spawn management, not running in half cocked on your rhino prime geared up with a scrub cannon. They can't nerf the camping tactic without completely destroying every other game mode because of the spawns.


Your argument of "camping is bad, I don't like it so please nerf it" isn't valid by any means. If you don't like that style of playing, then you simply don't play with people that and form your own groups instead of getting so worked up about it you have to come on the forums with a half cocked whine thread trying to get your point across.



You guys keep using these quotes as if anywhere in my post I'm actually saying what you're quoting. 


I'm hoping that DE addresses this. This could mean anything.. a change like they did to excavation, a change to map like they did viver, a change to spawn.. stop trying to oversimplify what I'm saying.  


"then you simply don't play with people that and form your own groups instead of getting so worked up about it you have to come on the forums with a half cocked whine thread trying to get your point across." 


Thats the point I'm talking about. Keep it coming guys. I want people to see the type of people who support this type of gameplay. 

Edited by BlutAdler
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You guys keep using these quotes as if anywhere in my post I'm actually saying what you're quoting. 


I'm hoping that DE addresses this. This could mean anything.. a change like they did to excavation, a change to map like they did viver, a change to spawn.. stop trying to oversimplify what I'm saying.  


Pretty sure DE have said a few times that they are changing the way voids work and how prime gear is diluted/found.

Just sit tight and try not play long Survivals if the grind is becoming an issue for you.

Edited by Snougar
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You guys keep using these quotes as if anywhere in my post I'm actually saying what you're quoting. 


I'm hoping that DE addresses this. This could mean anything.. a change like they did to excavation, a change to map like they did viver, a change to spawn.. stop trying to oversimplify what I'm saying.  


"then you simply don't play with people that and form your own groups instead of getting so worked up about it you have to come on the forums with a half cocked whine thread trying to get your point across." 


Thats the point I'm talking about. Keep it coming guys. I want people to see the type of people who support this type of gameplay. 


You suck so much at arguing that it makes my face hurt. You come on here, with literally NO argument other than "nerf this" which has been viewed by 99% of the people posting in here as a whining thread. Then you proceed to act hostile towards anyone with a different opinion, then you and feed into the trolls.


"I said this, but I didn't say this."


If you want DE to do something, then how about putting a little thought and effort into a post instead of just saying "I don't like this, please nerf" because that is no way to be heard.

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