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Why Archwing Missions Are Largely Ignored


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The Promise to buff archwing mods never came to be real! ....just promises !!!


I don't want legendary crap to burn out of resources! i want normal old buffs! they should have released "over powered mods" and nerf them later ,not "underpowered mods" and wait for promised buff that will never happen  :P


enjoy the Archwings guys :P

They buffed the health/shield mods, and quite a few others. Are you talking about different promises?


Just like the rest of the game, you need to put effort into maxing out your gear and equipment before it becomes capable of the end game. At least we have an end game of sorts, imagine if they just gave us the easy extermination missions and said "hey, you will need all that awesome gear in U17 or so."

Edited by Ajreil
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... But there is also another problem, one that stems from this lack of rewards relevant in the main game. Once you have all your archwing mods, archwings, and archwing weapons, what do you play it for? At that point, literally every reward short of the oddball T4 key, which is better acquired in regular interception anyway, is more or less meaningless to you. It's either a mod you already have, or a part for a weapon you already have, and you can't even trade the parts. Thus, at that point, Archwing doesn't offer anything that you're not better off going for on foot. ...

Agreed, once you have all the gear for Archwing, there's no reason to run those missions. Rewards are what keep missions alive.

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They buffed the health/shield mods, and quite a few others. Are you talking about different promises?

They buffed the HP and Shield cuz at the beginning they had a different purpose,it was meant as additional frame's shield and hp,then because of QQers they changed so it wont be affected by frames at all ,and they found out that Archwing HP and Shield was to low! thats the reason they buffed those mods!


+ Range mod was bugged +6% range....so they fixed it for 60%  ,,so i dont see any buffs here!


now im talking about 


Archwing mods:

-power strength +20% is a joke (cant kill mobs in Venus planet with Elytron ult...)

-R10 Efficiency that doesn't even give 30%  is  ajoke too, cuz for 10 ranks it should have 40-45% at least. 


Archwing Rifle mods:

-Damage 60% srsly?

-Multishot 30% its not even worth it


Arch.Melee mods:

-Melee speed +10 % in my opinion its just a waste of slot

-Melee dmg +60% same as rifle one


If DE doesn't want to buff this mods Let them add new Corrupted and Nigthmare mods!

Edited by doping91
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They buffed the HP and Shield cuz at the beginning they had a different purpose,it was meant as additional frame's shield and hp,then because of QQers they changed so it wont be affected by frames at all ,and they found out that Archwing HP and Shield was to low! thats the reason they buffed those mods!


+ Range mod was bugged +6% range....so they fixed it for 60%  ,,so i dont see any buffs here!


now im talking about 


Archwing mods:

-power strength +20% is a joke (cant kill mobs in Venus planet with Elytron ult...)

-R10 Efficiency that doesn't even give 30%  is  ajoke too, cuz for 10 ranks it should have 40-45% at least. 


Archwing Rifle mods:

-Damage 60% srsly?

-Multishot 30% its not even worth it


Arch.Melee mods:

-Melee speed +10 % in my opinion its just a waste of slot

-Melee dmg +60% same as rifle one


If DE doesn't want to buff this mods Let them add new Corrupted and Nigthmare mods!

If the base damage for the Archwing abilities was sufficient 20% boosts wouldn't be bad. The problem is that these abilities have too little damage, and that's where the boosts should come.

30% efficiency is a lot, especially because DE doesn't calculate efficiency properly. It's actually around 75% additional efficiency because that's how much more you can cast for the same cost. The problem is that it's a R10 mod, when it should be R5 at most.

60% damage is also a lot, as is a 30% chance of multishot. DE's choosing not to make the mistakes they made with the mods in the base game, and have put themselves in a situation where choices can actually matter. That's a good thing.

10% melee speed is too low. It should probably be closer to 25% or 30% max.

I have the same opinion about melee damage as I do about rifle damage.

The stats on these are mostly good, and better designed than the stats in the base game's mods.

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Thats what i'm saying 20% strength is not enough and if the abilities were strong enough you would not have the need of +20% strength! but as abilities are now there is need of strength more then 20% 


and 26 % efficiency is not enough,for example on simple odonata it sux,not effective at all!run out of energy in few casts


on dmg mods i do not agree multi shot should be more then 30% definetly .

So we have only 30% change to hit a 2 projectile instead of one? when simple secondary has 180% (barrel diffusion and lethal torrent) and simple rifles has 90%


and 60% dmg is not enough-thats why they buffed velocitus 3 times? and few other weaps lack dmg,in that case they should have buffed all weapons... all say imperator vandal is good...and its... good  - but when i go Uranus Interception i have to load a crap tons of bullets so it can do normal dmg!(and i have maxed it)


60% dmg is not enough cuz sometimes i want to use rifle after 4 waves but not go directly to using centaur!


to me perfect would be if they would buff the multishot at least! 90% + but thats just my opinion !

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I know why I don't play archwing, It lost its novelty pretty quick and it's pretty boring to play after doing the same missions over and over again. I also don't like getting resources in archwing mode, they're too hard to see. I would try to farm for tellurium, but who knows how much of it has dropped and I flew right past it because rare resource drops are impossible to see from a distance. Archwing mode compounds the existing issues with the mini map to absurd levels when its almost better to just pay it no mind and use your own eyes as it will serve only to confuse you more. I have go back and turn auto aim back on for Archwing because it makes the game harder to play on foot while easier in archwing mode. It starts to feel like a chore having to change my settings every time I decide to use archwings around the 50th time so I don't bother anymore with it where It should have separate settings for that mode like every other game does. I'll probably play it way more if they can fully integrate it into the on-ground game. 

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The reason I ignore Archwing missions is the lack of incentive.

It takes ages to rank up Archwing items and the mission payouts are terrible compared to foot missions. Even simply adding loot containers to Archwing missions would bring me back.

Also, an Archwing only sector would be cool complete with its own Assassination mission.

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My #1 problem with AW is the christmas movement nerf.  AW mods are modeled on some of the pro nerf feed back.  AW abilities are nerfed compared to Warframe abilities.  AW is basically a nerf-fest.  So, now we know how well those ideas work out, as if it wasn't already obvious.  Same for PvP.


But, I want DE to go full nerfer on AW and PvP and I want them to fully show case it in game play trailers, conventions, youtube, billboards, everywhere, and sing it's praises proudly from every roof top.  If it sells like gangbusters, I'm happy for DE.  If it doesn't, oh well, it wasn't my idea, far from it.

Darn right!

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...using rewards to artificially make content popular for a long time now, turning the game into a bunch of vending machines, often breaking popular content then luring players onto something much less popular via the reward mechanism. ...it's no fun...

This is another reason I've stopped playing. I really get the impression the team doesn't know which way they're going

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm currently MR 18. Since i don't have anything else to do, I went on to the archwing mission more often (just for mastery of course). I find it quite enjoyable when you start to have all the mods, have the max rank weapons. Problems that i found are, only a few people doing the archwing mission. Kinda hard to level stuff. Limited mission. I hope DE will think of something to revive the archwing mission.

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They already said archwing is getting a look over. New boss, integrated reg and archwing runs, sharkwing, etc...

Good. I love Archwing in concept, but actually playing it gets old quickly. Hopefully we'll get breakables, secret rooms, and the like.


Also, for the "Archwing only sector" suggestion: Asteroid/Kuiper Belt as their own sectors separate from, say, Pluto and Ceres?

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Darn right!

Thats what i'm saying 20% strength is not enough 


The values on the mod cards are perfect. They obviously took what they learned from the base game mod system and put it in practice, if it wasn't for the simple lack of mods modding there would be much more diverse. The multishot archwing mod is an excellent example of this. For example, on Velocitus you can choose a chance at double damage, or an additional damage mod for lower but more reliable damage. You actually have to think about tradeoffs there, unlike with the primary and secondary multishot mods in the base game.


In fact, that's what mods in the base game should look like. 


The only problem is the mod drain, some of them are way too high.

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The values on the mod cards are perfect. They obviously took what they learned from the base game mod system and put it in practice, if it wasn't for the simple lack of mods modding there would be much more diverse. The multishot archwing mod is an excellent example of this. For example, on Velocitus you can choose a chance at double damage, or an additional damage mod for lower but more reliable damage. You actually have to think about tradeoffs there, unlike with the primary and secondary multishot mods in the base game.


In fact, that's what mods in the base game should look like.

Ideally, yes, you're right. But scaling in AW didn't take the same hit, so it's not really fine. That's why you quickly end up with huge space nukes that can't kill basic enemies.

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Rarely ever do I see people grouping up for archwing missions. This is why I feel this is, and a solution.




Entirely new sets of mods


Archwings are essentially a new warframe, with their own weapon systems. This by itself is not bad. DE adds new weps and frames all the time. The problem here is when DE does release a new warframe or weapon it doesn't release entirely new sets of mods for those frames.


When you get your archwing, you are essentially starting a brand new Warframe account, you have nothing. This is not conducive to any player who has played over a week. No one wants to start from scratch all over again.





Scrap the archwing mods, or make them all legendary versions, and allow us to simply use our normal frame mods and weapon mods, so we are not starting from scratch.


I believe this would introduce a lot more players into the archwing missions as they are no long completely starting over.



Thank you,

I believe its the archwing mission types, while i would love a option to use my normal gear its not really explain why i have to use archwing only weapons other then skills ... but i just hate that the mission types are reused ... Kill all enemys works ok with archwing and maybe defense will but hold 4 points i do not see how this is a archwing mission because you have to stay in one area.

Plus the limited area on some stages of archwing is kind of a killer for me as i want to fly outside the ship and fight ... not go back inside and fight enemys <_<

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Ideally, yes, you're right. But scaling in AW didn't take the same hit, so it's not really fine. That's why you quickly end up with huge space nukes that can't kill basic enemies.


That's a problem found in the base game as well, not unique to Archwing. Archwing enemies seem to scale slower though, so damage abilities are definitely relevant through most areas. And especially on Odonata, damage abilities all come with utility aftereffects so people keep using them when they stop killing enemies.

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I don't know ... iirc Odonata missiles with 20% power can't kill basic guys in Saturn. And Elytron's 4 didn't kill dargyns in the Ogma tac alert, but I don't remember the level.


IMO archwing would have been better to try out no scaling at all or extremely low scaling, with mods not being plain incremental damage.

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I don't know ... iirc Odonata missiles with 20% power can't kill basic guys in Saturn. And Elytron's 4 didn't kill dargyns in the Ogma tac alert, but I don't remember the level.


IMO archwing would have been better to try out no scaling at all or extremely low scaling, with mods not being plain incremental damage.


The Ogma tac alert had high leveled dudes. The Odonata missiles deal good damage well through most of the star chart and only start to drop off at later rotations, though they need to be used on small groups of enemies to get the best effect for some reason. 


Scaling is the least of archwing's problems, the manual balance is fine. The main problems are a lack of content and a disassociation from the rest of the game.

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I don't know ... iirc Odonata missiles with 20% power can't kill basic guys in Saturn. And Elytron's 4 didn't kill dargyns in the Ogma tac alert, but I don't remember the level.


IMO archwing would have been better to try out no scaling at all or extremely low scaling, with mods not being plain incremental damage.

I think Odanata missiles just need a buff, and are independent of Archwing's problems as a whole. Other abilities hold up much better as it progresses.

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I don't think mods are the issue. Mods only enhance the archwings that no one wants to play. There are some things that I LOVE about archwing. The speed, feeling of open environments, the controls. I think the gameplay mechanics are pretty well done.


The issue... there's nothing to do. Everything that adds variety to the ground combat is missing from archwing. No ability for stealth, no stuff to look for like lockers. No syndicate missions to search open space for medallions. Limited to very simply missions... which have no real variety within themselves.


Exterminate is just a rush to shoot things and leave. nothing else to do even if you really really wanted to.


Sabotage is a bit more fun because you have an actual objective, but that mostly gets old quick.


intercept missions are a lot more fun and require some teamwork... they feel most like standard intercept missions, but are more fun because of the open space. Still, the map is super boring and decreases the fun or challenge of what's been provided.



they built a fun system, and then gave you nothing at all to do with it. There are some things that are unique about it, like the crazy speed of flight... and once you get used to how you maneuver, it's pretty darn fun... but there's NOTHING that actually takes advantage of that other than players racing to get it over with.

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For me the main reason I do not do them is how much of a resource waste they are they pay less then a normal mission in every way and offer nothing back to the main warframe part of the game.

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The undodgeable nature of hellion dargyn volleys irritates me more than anything else in Archwing. Even rolling/sprinting/changing tack doesn't make a difference. One volley can take all your health even on a maxed Elytron. It's just not "fun" gameplay. 1-shot kills never are.

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The undodgeable nature of hellion dargyn volleys irritates me more than anything else in Archwing. Even rolling/sprinting/changing tack doesn't make a difference. One volley can take all your health even on a maxed Elytron. It's just not "fun" gameplay. 1-shot kills never are.

Have you tried shooting the rockets? Shooting the rockets out of the "air" seems to work for me......


You dont need to dodge if they dont exist. Lol

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I just played the alert for the Mesa helmet (Archwing Exterminate in the asteroid field) and boy, we need a better minimap so badly. Half of the time I had no idea where the enemy was, at one point it showed them above me although they were (far) below ... Seriously, it's no fun playing hide and seek like that.

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Have you tried shooting the rockets? Shooting the rockets out of the "air" seems to work for me......


You dont need to dodge if they dont exist. Lol

The issue with them is one hit and your a sitting duck... your literally stunned in place you receive the full volley if the first one hits. Get hit on the ground and you get outta dodge... get hit my those and your just stuck in place till you die in most cases for most players.

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