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Excalibur Rework ! Post Your Ideas Here (Megathread Attempt)


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Hi, Tenno as you can see a lot of people are requesting Excalibur rework. I want to make this happen.

Post your ideas on this thread/topic


What you see below are my ideas for a wanted and required rework, (now with Gif’s!!!)


Well.... after the Excalibur new line of sight effect he turned the 4 key spammer into a not-so-much 4 key spammer frame.


What makes u use an ability on the game?


Single and quick kills (1st skills like freeze, fireball and slash dash) 10%


Crowd control (bastille, molt, Disarm) 15%


Kill the world with one button like a sir. (Miasma, javelin, peacemaker) 75%


U knows I’m not wrong.


Excalibur is built for duration once again.

And with this turned in a press 4 and sometimes 2 to win


What makes u use slash dash??

Nothing, fire Ur weapon. (fast travel if u build him for duration)


What makes u use Radial Blind??

Well, to CC, escape, stealth reasons and blah blah blah


What makes u use Super Jump??

Escape. (Mobility?? not, melee + Upside and tadaa you're there  (and it is even easily manageable)

What Makes u use Radial Javelin??

(Before the "line of sight" nerf)

Gotta Kill'em All with one button



gotta kill some enemies and shoot, smarter if you build for duration and use the blind effects of it to escape and/or kill SOME meatballs.


Excalibur the Escapist??


(Useful?) Suggestions and the rise of the true blade master B|


Slash Dash rework and augment:


Duration doesn’t have any Logic on this ability. Make strength and range, or maybe a fixed travel distance,

When hit a mob, if don't kill the mob he suffer on the pain by the cut and get down for a while (4 or 5 seconds)

see below




as you can see the enemy takes some seconds to get back on the fight , while he is down you can do everything with him , yes EVERYTHING ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) LOL




Each enemy hit during slash dash further increases your melee counter by 4.


Cool, but, raise your hand if you use it.




Frenzy blade:


Excalibur’s slash dash will continue to hit 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 enemies if have any in a range of 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 meters.

(Applying the suffering effect that I told before) Useful?

see below


excalibur is the center blue point , the outer blue circle is the ability range




as you can see he didn't hit 2 of the 5 enemies , because they don't were on the range.


Radial Blind Rework and Augment (concept, since there isn't one yet)


the ability is already amazing just need some adjustments 


Currently just send light flies to enemies and blind them,

hey sun we want a real bright!!!     

Duration is right??

To the currently? maybe. For my suggestion? Not.

It’s all about strength again the stronger the light longer your vision takes to recover and you come back to see.



Opportunistic death:

Enemies have a 10% / 20% / 30% / 40% to get down and make able to get finished


Super Jump suggestion and opinion.

In my eyes it's an useless ability (but i still like it :P) and needs to be removed

(directional air melee already do this, and radial blind is the escapist skill)


Instead put an invulnerability skill:


Master Parry:

Excalibur becomes invincible and can block any shot or melee attack (exception of explosives from bombards) for a time have chance of 45% (maxed) to return incoming damage of the attacker, on melee targets he will knock off them with a punch or a kick, but he can only attack with his melee , if there isn't one will attack with the ethereal skana dealing an static amount of damage + strength mods multipliers ( just with the ethereal skana), if there is a melee will buff your melee attacks with more slash damage :D (small buff. not a world killing with a motherf******g single cut)


TL;DR HahAhaha LOL


see below the animation




yes , vulkar got very real on this :P




Shared Dexterity:

Allies in a range of X meters will get an ethereal skana "sentinel" blocking projectiles and melee attacks for a fraction of the user time *high-5*


Radial Javelin Rework and suggestion:

This is a hard thing to think. We need a Not OP and an OP skill at same time.

But here is my try


Removes current radial javelin


Slashing Spiral:


Excalibur make a Huge (same range than radial javelin) spinning Spiral around him with ethereal skanas cutting everything that get hit. Decent damage, affected by strength and duration.


see below




the black center point is excalibur, the sticks around them are ethereal skanas. reds are "The Grineeeeeeeeer"

i tried to make some cool spinning effects, but it was not very good



King's act:

Excalibur pulls a sacred blade from the ground doing all the blades go against enemies dealing puncture damage.

with this you can trigger off the ability but with another cost just like the rhino's iron skin augment. 


(i don't know if there is any cost)


(good ol'javelin)

see below










YES , galatine looks more like a sacred sword than skana :|


Sound sacred *O* . A real blade master? Yes, king arthur reference *high-5*


the stats is already good and balanced i don't think if a change will improve things, since it's a starter frame


Hope u guys liked it, with this Excalibur can become a strength/duration warframe like ember.

And not OP, every skill have a real role: D


plz make DE read this !!!




If you really liked it you can help even more clicking on the green up-side Arrow just there ------>


don't forget to post your comments and ideas!!!!!

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I'm not going to lie, the animations actually made this rather amusing. Looks like you used Pivot SFA.


I specifically like the idea of Slash Dash picking up an enemy in x meters and then consecutively going after enemies in range.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Your ideas are pretty cool, but I don't think he needs any significant conceptual changes to his abilities. If I didn't already like Excal gameplay the way it's been for ages, I wouldn't be an Excal main.


He needs boosts to his effectiveness for sure, but that can be accomplished with a couple of tweaks here and there (e.g. letting Slash Dash's damage scale from the combo counter, reducing the post-cast delay for Super Jump, letting Javelin ragdoll enemies away from Excal and pin them to walls, etc). No need for extreme overhauls or replacements of any ability; the themes and general feel in gameplay should stay the same.

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I'm not going to lie, the animations actually made this rather amusing. Looks like you used Pivot SFA.


I specifically like the idea of Slash Dash picking up an enemy in x meters and then consecutively going after enemies in range.

yeah i really liked it at all 

and yes i used pivot for these gifs it a very fun and handy tool. :D

thanks for the comment don't forget to leave a Green arrow, let's bring back our excalibur ! :D

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From here


The main problem with Super Jump is that it is criminally outshined by Zephyr's Tail Wind, Nova's Worm Hole, and even Valkyr's Rip Line. It is easily the worst mobility power in the game, IMO. The late addition of a stealth component really adds nothing as far as I'm concerned: you're going straight up without being able to change direction, what's the point of "hiding" in the air if you're going to fall back down not too far from where you started? Not much of an escape.
My current thinking is to make it a jet pack: a toggle ability with steady energy drain and constant thrust. Range mods affect the angle of climb (low range would be around a 30 degree angle, additional range making it up to a 60 degree angle or so). Power strength could determine the speed of ascent. No other actions (aside from slight turning) can be taken until toggle is turned off.
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Your ideas are pretty cool, but I don't think he needs any significant conceptual changes to his abilities. If I didn't already like Excal gameplay the way it's been for ages, I wouldn't be an Excal main.


He needs boosts to his effectiveness for sure, but that can be accomplished with a couple of tweaks here and there (e.g. letting Slash Dash's damage scale from the combo counter, reducing the post-cast delay for Super Jump, letting Javelin ragdoll enemies away from Excal and pin them to walls, etc). No need for extreme overhauls or replacements of any ability; the themes and general feel in gameplay should stay the same.

yes of course! but i don't think these will help SOOOOOOOOOOOO much on the excalibur problem 

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yes of course! but i don't think these will help SOOOOOOOOOOOO much on the excalibur problem 


They'd make him more effective, no doubt about that, but the problem is that they'd make a dramatic change to his playstyle. A lot of Excal mains would welcome the changes, but it's a bit risky to do because a lot of Excal mains would also get the feeling of "the playstyle changed from something that I like to something that I don't like as much".


Revamping classes to the point that their playstyles are almost unrecognizable is something that Korean MMOs do to their classes on a regular basis (especially games like Maplestory), and while the revamps are pretty much a guaranteed way to get lots of people playing the class, they're also pretty much a guaranteed way to get lots of people who already mained that class to stop playing it entirely. I don't think that exchange is worth it. xD

Edited by SortaRandom
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They'd make him more effective, no doubt about that, but the problem is that they'd make a dramatic change to his playstyle. A lot of Excal mains would welcome the changes, but it's a bit risky to do because a lot of Excal mains would also get the feeling of "the playstyle changed from something that I like to something that I don't like as much".


Revamping classes to the point that their playstyles are almost unrecognizable is something that Korean MMOs do to their classes on a regular basis (especially games like Maplestory), and while the revamps are pretty much a guaranteed way to get lots of people playing the class, they're also pretty much a guaranteed way to get lots of people who already mained that class to stop playing it entirely. I don't think that exchange is worth it. xD

i see , but it's a risk that needs to be get. :P or excalibur will be the new "Old" mag. 

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I like where he is in all honesty. I just want the stealth multiplier back.

His pre U16 set offered a potent melee-gameplay, stunning your enemys with radial blind, buffing your melee paired with light ae with javelin using the unaffected stuntime, closing in with his slash just to get a multiplier in melee range. THIS was a amazing option for a frame meant to represent a warrior.

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So amazing idea of excal's rework... But no matter what we'll say, DE will ignore it anyways, because they think that's all ok with his abilities and stats and we must be grateful for THAT. We are the voice of excalibur that is begging for buff for him since they started to make some changes to his skills (nerfed RB to start with). No one wanna hear us. No one gonna help us. And now all we have of those buffs that's still remain - invisibility during super jump. THANKS DE! *sarcasm*

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I'm pretty much open to anything that will improve Excalibur, not compromise him. Personally I like super jump for the invis and height, chaining that with RB to counter the LOS requirement, and melee after for even bigger height. It makes a great "oh sh*t" button for me. But I also like that sword stance skill too. Choices...


I would have to say that anything that would give Excalibur more utility is a win for me. OP'ness in a Co-op game doesn't make sense to me as long as we are not gods and every other frame has the same potential. Especially when it comes to the difficulty of the endless modes.

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One of two things needs to happen to Excal:

1. Either you change his abilities back to the way they were


2. Or you give him a complete rework. 

Slash Dash- Give it finisher damage or it will never be useful.

Radial blind- Good as it is now, except the damage multiplier on melee needs to stay for full duration.

Super Jump- Get rid of it. Excal needs a duration based general buff ability, maybe like: "Way of the Sword"- Increased melee damage, and attack rate for x seconds.

Radial Javelin- Line of sight is a bad idea on this ability simply because it isn't strong enough to justify it. Stuff like Miasma or Molecular prime will never have LOS, and are still more powerful then radial Javelin. Either remove LOS, or seriously buff this ability so that all enemies that get hit by this are destroyed. 

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I play this game since 2014 september. Two weeks earlier:*discovers marathon and quick rest...puts them on excal*...i honestly say this combo is awesome for blocking ...after lvl 30:*facing with napalm...trying to block*...:D i bet u figured out what happended....Excal is USED TO BE THE melee frame pls DE if his skills are meant to be utility skills then buff his blocking just give something like 360 blocking and blocking blast explosions PLS

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Ideas for a couple adjustments:

Base stats: 115 health, 115 shield, 90 armor, 1.1 speed

Passives: armor increase when not carrying primary 10%, when not carrying secondary 5%, for a total possible boost of 15%.

Slash Dash: skill is mainly utility and mobility. Needs a bleed proc on all enemies touched.

Radial Blind>>Blinding Fury: Excalibur emits a blinding light that blinds enemies for 6/8/10/12 seconds (effected by duration mods) for a range of 7/8/9/10 meters( effected by range mods). Excalibur becomes the light so wherever he goes enemies in that radius are blinded. Will require los.

Super jump/supercharge: Tap and get super jump (10 energy). Hold and get supercharge (25 energy and togglable/3 energy per second afterword effected by efficiency mods). Charge can be initiated on the ground or in the air. So you would not need to jump before charge or you could. Excalibur is in a channelling state. When blocking you cover 360° and you reflect 20/40/60/80% damage back. There is no additional channel cost for using melee so this does encourage but doesn't confine you to melee. Stamina is unlimited for the length.

Radial Javelin: Old javelin back where javelins are shot from Excalibur. Reduce the range to 15 meters and keep the damage as is. Add Furious javelin to ability. Reduce the cast time in half.

This creates pretty good synergy. The numbers could probably be adjusted but this would be a really fun kit to play with and mod for.

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Ideas for a couple adjustments:

Base stats: 115 health, 115 shield, 90 armor, 1.1 speed

Passives: armor increase when not carrying primary 10%, when not carrying secondary 5%, for a total possible boost of 15%.

Slash Dash: skill is mainly utility and mobility. Needs a bleed proc on all enemies touched.

Radial Blind>>Blinding Fury: Excalibur emits a blinding light that blinds enemies for 6/8/10/12 seconds (effected by duration mods) for a range of 7/8/9/10 meters( effected by range mods). Excalibur becomes the light so wherever he goes enemies in that radius are blinded. Will require los.

Super jump/supercharge: Tap and get super jump (10 energy). Hold and get supercharge (25 energy and togglable/3 energy per second afterword effected by efficiency mods). Charge can be initiated on the ground or in the air. So you would not need to jump before charge or you could. Excalibur is in a channelling state. When blocking you cover 360° and you reflect 20/40/60/80% damage back. There is no additional channel cost for using melee so this does encourage but doesn't confine you to melee. Stamina is unlimited for the length.

Radial Javelin: Old javelin back where javelins are shot from Excalibur. Reduce the range to 15 meters and keep the damage as is. Add Furious javelin to ability. Reduce the cast time in half.

This creates pretty good synergy. The numbers could probably be adjusted but this would be a really fun kit to play with and mod for.


I like the blinding fury idea. Could really supplement a melee build. Not too sure on the super charge. That would essentially make 1 skill into 2. I wouldn't be against it, but I know some people might say it gives too much to Excalibur compared to other frames, at least at this point in the game. Otherwise I like the ideas. 

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