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Overall, Do You Find Warframe To Be Too Easy, Difficult, Or Just Right?


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Warframe: Hydroid

Primary: Sybaris
Secondary: AKBolto

Melee: Nami Skyla/Dex Dakra

Difficulty: 3


Lurking about on the forums, and in game, I tend to see both sides of the argument. Some players think the game is too hard, others think it's far too easy. Personally? I think the game is pretty much perfect in terms of difficulty. Of course, there are certain elements which could use reworks, balances, and bugfixes, but seems to be balanced in general.

For example, Grineer Manics. These units do not utilize skill or thought to eliminate. Simply avoid their attacks and shoot at them, wait for invulnerability, invisibility, and regeneration to wear off, and then shoot/punch them. All it does is delay the player and act as a nuisance, rather than having something unique, such as "Use Ground Slam to disable their invisibility" or "Copter to remove regen" or "Hit with a power to remove invulnerability." There's no counter-play, aside from waitng.
I'm slightly curious to see if players utilizing similar weapons/frames believe the game to be on varying difficulty levels than others.





Warframe: Your most played Warframe.

Primary: Your most used Primary.
Secondary: Your most used Secondary

Melee: Your most used Melee.

Difficulty: Rate Warframe's difficulty from 1-5, 1 being easy, 5 being Dark Souls.

And add any other comments you have below that!

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Demographicaly, New players who realy REALY have it tough in Warframe do not usualy browse the forums. 

Those who do are usualy veterans and seasoned players who are in some way already spoiled by thier equipment.

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Warframe: Chroma

Primary: Braton Prime
Secondary: Marelok

Melee: Scindo Prime

Difficulty: 2


Honestly, I switch it up between my warframes and weapons I don't have a most used, they are all up there. I've taken everything, everywhere, and I have to say warframe...once you reach a certain point...becomes very easy unless you nerf yourself, or go against stupid odds. It's like, once you get high enough levels, anything below a certain level is just easy peasy, anything above that is annoying rather than challenging because they become bullet sponges(Status doesn't have enough utility at high end sadly...)

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Warframe: Mag

Primary: Braton prime

Secondary: Akzani

Melee: D.Nikana

Difficulty: 3


I use Mag with 2 augments. Game is not too difficult. I dont get why people find it so hard to slot augments. 


I also use Ember a lot and i dont find she is nearly as bad as people try to make her out to be. Players on the forum just want everything to be a cakewalk. They wont be happy until every frame can nuke lvl 80 enemies with their ult

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When in a squad, the game is easy or hard based off what gear you all have, and how well your frames synergize (example: a frost using snowglobe and a vauban using vortex tend to not get along)


However, when it comes to solo play, either it is impossible or you one-shot everything based off how strong the enemies are. I am a fan of solo-play, but at higher levels it can become very time-consuming and involve a lot of running away and guerilla tactics. However, those were the tactics used by real ninjas, so...

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Warframe: Valkyr

Primary: Grinlok

Secondary: Hikou

Melee: Dual Zoren

Difficulty: 1 and 5


I put one and five because if you are using certain cheese tactics and frames it is mega easy, but if you play normally it is stupidly hard (due to scaling).

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Warframe: Excalibur Prime (10%)

Primary: Karak (7%)
Secondary: Acrid (8%)

Melee: Venka (9%)

Difficulty: 1-3


99% of the game is a 1 because we have no structure. As soon as you max pressure point or find an element to max, Mercury pretty much becomes trivial and from there you never have to face difficulty again until the 30's unless you choose to. At the high end OP skills can still trivialize a lot of content despite the nerf whines.


The game is saved from 1dom because the devs made a GOOD decision long ago to make enemies scale by offense rather than defense and move us away from bullet sponges. I beat FarCry4 and come back to WF feeling sloppy, and I find myself using revives on 30-34 sabotage missions when I'm careless because even with reasonable defenses enemies just hit hard sometimes.


That bar to not die is pretty low though. Skills and basic cover use, RPG stats do the rest. It's very rare I actually feel like I need another player to do something or that I have to trust someone. Maybe raids could make the game a 4-5, I don't know, but I feel like it shouldn't take a raid for me to care about the person next to me once a day.





It's probably true that no one gives a crap, but I feel like I should admit this. I've been barely active on WF and playing other games for quite a while. Tonight I'm trying to do T4E on squishy builds without spamming powers. Just to get back in the swing of things. It's feeling more like a 6... Getting OWNED lol... Mostly by grenades, which is B.S., but also by regular enemies.


I am so, so bad right now.

Edited by VKhaun
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Warframe: The one that fits best the needs of the mission

Primary: The one that fits best the needs of the mission

Secondary: The one that fits best the needs of the mission

Melee: The one that fits best the needs of the mission

Difficulty: Easy

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Warframe: Trinty

Primary: Amprex

Secondary: Tysis

Melee: Dakra Prime

Difficulty: 2.5


I think Warframe is slowy getting harder aslong you don't camp. That's realy easy but I don't see any problem regarding it. If i rember correctly before U15 solo T4 survival was easy. It's definitely getting harder while time passes.

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Warframe: Hydroid Pilfering/Curative

Primary: Soma
Secondary: Nukor

Melee: Dragon Nikana

Difficulty: Its all three. Early on in a players progression the levels are consistent up to Jupiter/Phobos. For the Veteran player Ceres/Neptune is your just right planets. Whats too difficulty is T4S forcing players into a reptitve playstyle.


When I say just right that doesn't mean not dieing, for me just right is dieing through mistakes or allowing yourself to become overwhelmed from enemy numbers. Using gunplay and skills combined to clear waves and groups of enemys and dieing through mistakes e.g not watching your HP for slash procs, running head on into a mass group of eximus and heavys without energy or weapon prepared etc.

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Warframe: Nyx

Primary: Vulkar

Secondary: Furis

Melee: Skana

Difficulty: 4


Though i can usually stand still sniping from far away grenades can force me from cover long enough to where i get shredded, and i can be highly impatient which also often kills me. 

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According to the warframe stats


Warframe: Excal Prime

Primary: Dera

Secondary: AkLex (surprisingly the useless Lato Prime was a close second)

Melee: Dragon Nikana

Difficulty: 1


The reason for difficulty of 1 is that there is no real difficulty in this game. The difficulty in this game is artificial, it's 100% gear check.

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Warframe: Valkyr

Primary: Dread

Secondary: W/E

Primary: Galatine/Scindo P

Difficulty: 1~2?

Difficulty is hard to gauge everything can be simple once you learn the systems and how to play. Even Darksouls can be simple when you know what you are doing.

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Warframe: Mesa - 3 Forma (~175% Efficiency, ~240% Strength)

Primary: Soma Prime - 4 Forma
Secondary: Marelok - 3 or 4 Forma

Melee: Tipedo

Difficulty: 0


Everything is trivial. Void Vor is auto targeted by Peacemaker, and any groups of enemies at a number reasonable enough to activate peacemaker are wiped out.

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Warframe: Hydroid

Primary: Sybaris

Secondary: AKBolto

Melee: Nami Skyla/Dex Dakra

Difficulty: 3

Lurking about on the forums, and in game, I tend to see both sides of the argument. Some players think the game is too hard, others think it's far too easy. Personally? I think the game is pretty much perfect in terms of difficulty. Of course, there are certain elements which could use reworks, balances, and bugfixes, but seems to be balanced in general.

For example, Grineer Manics. These units do not utilize skill or thought to eliminate. Simply avoid their attacks and shoot at them, wait for invulnerability, invisibility, and regeneration to wear off, and then shoot/punch them. All it does is delay the player and act as a nuisance, rather than having something unique, such as "Use Ground Slam to disable their invisibility" or "Copter to remove regen" or "Hit with a power to remove invulnerability." There's no counter-play, aside from waitng.

I'm slightly curious to see if players utilizing similar weapons/frames believe the game to be on varying difficulty levels than others.



Warframe: Your most played Warframe.

Primary: Your most used Primary.

Secondary: Your most used Secondary

Melee: Your most used Melee.

Difficulty: Rate Warframe's difficulty from 1-5, 1 being easy, 5 being Dark Souls.

And add any other comments you have below that!

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My frames and weapons are all over the place. When it comes to difficulty, the starchart and T1-3 are fine. T4 and long Survivals are stupid because of scaling and BS. I still think adding Corrupted Bombards and Nullifiers to the Void was an incredibly stupid decision with the game's problems. Getting one or two shotted is something I always have a problem with and think is terrible design. 

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The way you view it depends on where you are in your playtime and how much knowledge you have.

First week it was a solid 9 out of 10, taking level 20 mobs as a level 30 was almost impossible. Seeing a level 30 mob was laughable, the first time i saw a syndicate death squad on a friend i emptied hundreds of rounds and took like 10% of 1 mobs hp off it.

I read up and put on some mods, it got easier, i read to upgrade mods and then it got a lot easier again. Still a challenge though on level 30 mobs. Maybe 6 out of 10.

I found out about t4, tried it as a duo and the game went upto 10 out of 10. Getting c rotation gear seemed impossible.

Then i found trade chat, about potatoes, lfg, syndicate pizza, premade mod builds and right now its about 2 out of 10.

Ive been playing 3 months now.

Edited by Spindle99
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