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Top 10 Best And Worst Things About Warframe


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10 great things

1.Graphics and art style, voice over work etc (lotus being the community lead was genius).

2.Personal housing (or at least many use the dojo as such) is amazing.

3.Syndicate system is a great addition that gives you something to work towards and do every day

4.Great combat and movement.

5.huge variety of gear to work on acquiring

6.Updates and hot fixes that come very often, amazingly often.

7.Kubrows and sentinel system.

8.Wonderful dungeons, looks amazing, lots of secrets and has a random build system.

9.Amazing Dev team that interact often and a great community team that actually play the game.

10. Good variety of content (different run types / pvp and archwing)

I wanted to add Lore and world the game exists in but although the basics are all there it just doesn't seem to tell a story very well. It's a bit of a mish mash where most of it ends up being conjecture from fans.

10 bad things

1.Art style puts off a lot of people due to the inhuman design of frames, it's a pity (to me at least) that as well as the current frames there aren't also human playable characters too.

2.Dojo has no personal housing version which makes people either unable to join a community guild or unable to have a dojo, this is a real failing because the dojo system is amazing.

3.There is almost no scaling on content, when i go farm an ember frame piece the boss dies in half clip often (a difficulty slider would be good, east - normal - hard etc).

4.movement is great but when it goes wrong you feel like you're playing pinball instead of an FPS (not talking about coptering).

5.Most weapons are really not worth using (a skinning system that would let you apply the look of one weapon over another would fix this)

6.LFG and Trade are obnoxious to use, the lfg system is one of the worst i've seen.

7.The planet UI is HORRIBLE, I mean really terrible. I started this game around a year ago and quit in no small part due to that planet UI system. It gives a terrible first impression to the game. I came back and became hooked purely by chance with a friend asking to play a "destiny type game".

8.Almost no wide open world areas, it's all dungeons. This is something destiny seems to do better.

9.Lack of things to buy on the cash shop (dojo rooms and ornaments, more cosmetics, skins etc) Most of the skins that have been made are no longer available (steam/nvidia stuff etc)

10.Many things get added and seem to get (seemingly) abandoned. Archwing / Dojo.

I know many will say rng and grind tpp but in my eyes that's the kind of game it is, so it's silly to complain about that.

Edited by Spindle99
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lol all the frames look like they are designed around a human. that was actually one of the reasons I got hooked was becasue the frames looked so different from other video game super armors. They looked like the devs took the first concept art made and roled with it for each frame. And I personally prefer the look of concept art super armors as apposed to the final product.

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1. Whether the Tenno are human or humanoids in some way is still unknown.

2. What do you mean by personal housing?

3. The problem with bosses is that they don't provide a challenge. They're mostly there to slow you down, so to speak. You shoot 'em up, and then you have to wait until you can damage them again. Not the best way to approach the difficulty system.

4. The game does require team-work, at times. That's why it's easier to go with a prepared squad of clan members, that are able to communicate via voice-chat software.

5. I do agree that most weapons are rather useless. - The "skinning" system you're talking about is not really viewed well by the community itself. I have suggested a similar system. It would be best if we were allowed to upgrade weapons to their counterparts (e.g.: Braton > Braton Prime).

6. The developers have mentioned that the chat is awful as it is. They're looking to fix it in the future, and hopefully, we can have a marketboard interface and a group search interface of sorts.

7. The star-chart is not horrible. It's just very confusing. It could use a bit more polish, such as icons (e.g.: Locked node is represented with a darker tone and a lock.).

8. This game is instance-based. Every part of Warframe revolves around instances, rather than an open world.

9. The market is fine as it. We don't need a bigger influx of cosmetics. We already have plenty. - Not to mention that you should think like a developer. You're trying to please two sides of the community. The new players and the veterans. If the market was filled with too many paid cosmetics, new players would possibly be driven away, rather than pulled in.

10. The developers also mentioned that they're looking to change Archwing in the future, to make it more viable. - The only thing that the Dojo needs is an architecture system, rather than the one it currently has in place.

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10.Many things get added and seem to get (seemingly) abandoned.  Archwing / Dojo. 


Excepting initial bug checks/QoL changes, this is one of my biggest ones.


An increasingly relevant one for me is the construction costs of our Tenno reinforcements. Dual Razas, Panthera, Akjagara...


Overall though a cracking game though. Wouldn't expect it to have kept me hooked for this long, but heck, it has something that keeps me coming back.

Edited by Dualice
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I disagree with nothing... +1 Sir or Madam.


I would add...



11. Customization. People complain about our customization all the time because it's important to gamers so there's always room to improve it, but what WF has given us compared to other games is really very good IMO. I always want more... but I recognize that what we have is pretty darn good.


12. Willingness to make unpopular changes. Democracy doesn't work. Over the long term the community will always vote to be stronger, get rewards faster and be challenged less. Even as the individuals SCREAM that they want the opposite with their short term changes, the mob marches in that direciton. Things like perma team invulnerable Trin needed to go, but no nerf would ever win a popular vote.



11. DE seems to be unwilling to take stopgap measures. Enemy grenades for example are still out of line and do way more damage relative to other attacks. We shouldn't have to wait for some kind of enemy overhaul before fixing that. I tried to play T4 recently to get back in the swing of things after playing other shooters. Nullifiers are fun, bombards are fun... grenades are one shotting me?

12. Basic action game weapon functionality is still totally missing, such as reloading individual shells into a shotgun. Vectis is a fake bolt action created by making it a one round mag lol. I love our weapons so I really hate to bash them on this, but it's starting to get silly how long we've had WF with only five ranged weapon setups (Rifle, pistol, dual pistol, dual throwing and bow) which are mostly mag+reload.



I would say the reward system is pretty crappy

and not really RNG wise but just

you dont get rewarded for skill, its mostly luck based


Also this. I've been asking for conditional mods and effects since forever. The game needed this when it was brand new and could still benefit greatly from it. That, however... might actually need to wait for another mod overhaul. It'd be tricky to just throw those in there to compete with multishot and such.

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11. Customization. People complain about our customization all the time because it's important to gamers so there's always room to improve it, but what WF has given us compared to other games is really very good IMO. I always want more... but I recognize that what we have is pretty darn good.


12. Willingness to make unpopular changes. Democracy doesn't work. Over the long term the community will always vote to be stronger, get rewards faster and be challenged less. Even as the individuals SCREAM that they want the opposite with their short term changes, the mob marches in that direciton. Things like perma team invulnerable Trin needed to go, but no nerf would ever win a popular vote.

@11. I wouldn't exactly call the customization on this game great, sure we can recolor all our goodies but outside that this gmae is pretty lackluster. The cosmetic selection for this game is incredibly limited for its time out (we have like five sets of armor in over two years -excluding limited time cosmetic sets- and a handful of skins that usually only offer slight pattern changes on equipment) so I wouldn't quite say customization is this games strong suit. Sure it's more difficult with the way it releases classes/characters, but that doesn't really change how much isn't there. 


@12. While being able to make the best decisions long term for a game over short term satisfactions is a good trait, I don't think de quite qualifies as a good example of it. Maybe if a good share of their "unpopular changes" did actually show a longer term purpose it would be different, but most of their decisions are just bandaid fixes and are unpopular because they don't fix anything long term and hardly even short term. 


I'd offer my own pros to balance this out, but the OP did a pretty god job of pointing out the greater qualities of the game. Though I suppose there is one missing...


11. Excalibur Rework :D

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I would say the reward system is pretty crappy

and not really RNG wise but just

you dont get rewarded for skill, its mostly luck based


I believe that success (and therefore retaining your random rewards) is Skill based. However that success occurs before the mission starts through the mods. I wish that I knew what should be done with mods so that our power was based on intelligent use of all of every option at our disposal, rather than out ability to maximize the most broken element in the game that is somehow not an exploit because it has not been fixed (See Vivergate, Blackout lockers, etc).


No special skins like league of legend (not just pattern but the frame look different). 

also immortal skins.

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Alternate helmets do a pretty good job of that.



I believe that success (and therefore retaining your random rewards) is Skill based. However that success occurs before the mission starts through the mods. I wish that I knew what should be done with mods so that our power was based on intelligent use of all of every option at our disposal, rather than out ability to maximize the most broken element in the game that is somehow not an exploit because it has not been fixed (See Vivergate, Blackout lockers, etc).


also immortal skins.


I want alternative breast plate as well.


Immortal skin are just pattern though but Mag immortal skin is awesome!

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I want alternative breast plate as well.


Immortal skin are just pattern though but Mag immortal skin is awesome!

What exactly do you mean by alternative breast plates? Do you mean like just chest cosmetics in general or is it something more specific?


And I agree that immortal skins don't really fall in line with special skins, they're special but its to a very slight degree. Fortunately this may be changing with the introduction of pbr (never thought i'd be siding with it given the spectacle it is causing with primes), as we are getting much more detailed textures for frames, which offers a greater level of variety for skins (if the excalibur model in the most recent devstream is truly sporting a new skin then they will be putting this new texture potential to work) and might lead to the appropriate amount of change between skins to be deemed deserving of actual acclaim. 

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