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Nulifiers Need More Buffs.


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Seriously, they delete Nekros shadows now? You know, the ones you can't control to avoid them or recast if all of them except one dies. You know, that one ability that you have to work for instead of just pressing 4?   

Yeah, that ability is now back to being useless and Nekros is back to being a strict desecrate bot.    


I really think this is a great change, I caught myself using 4 on Nekros and we can't let that slide, I'm there to press 3 and that's exactly what this change made me do. Thank you.   


Now back to the topic. I think Nulifiers are too weak. What I was thinking is, when we enter their bubble we should get a magnetic proc and 50% slow on us. It's too easy to copter in and kill them if they don't have 3 bombards in there with them, so this would be a welcomed change.   


Another great idea I have is implement some sort of AOE attack that nulifies everything and prevents us from using abilities for X amount of time, that would be awesome.   


Also, about their shield, it only blocks bullets, which is really weak for a unit that is there to block abilities, so why not make it reflect bullets back into us?   


Lastly, increase their spawnrate. That's what they most desperately need, because right now only 3 come from 1 door in T4Defense and where's the challenge in that?    



If nobody picked up on it yet, this was sarcasm. I'm just bored waiting for a certain game to release (won't advertise), so I decided to give some funny feedback, because I was really surprised when I saw a Shadows of the Dead nerf. 


* They already reflect bullets.


* Stop using T4 as a benchmark for anything. You want to farm there, then put up with it. Your complaint is not "they are hard in T4" your complaint is "they stop me farming gear for infinite lengths of time"

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* Stop using T4 as a benchmark for anything. You want to farm there, then put up with it. Your complaint is not "they are hard in T4" your complaint is "they stop me farming gear for infinite lengths of time"

Who's talking about T4? Sounds like suggested changes for the star chart to me.

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I know, I know, if you  to destroy a bubble, the original area becomes "dead space" to tenno powers for 5 minutes.

Or once you enter the "dead space", your warframe is gone and you need to get out of Void (similar to Escape mission from Jupiter), with only Arctic Eximus Nullifiers spawning and you have no weapon.

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Yeah, wtf DE? This BS has gone on long enough, nullifiers NEED a buff, they're far too weak. I'd suggest allowing them to spawn 6 bombards similar to how drahk masters spawn drahk, except make it automatic as soon as they see you and have no casting animation, so it happens instantly. Additionally, their weapons and shields are far too weak. Remove this health crap, null shields shouldn't shrink when they take damage, that's stupid and underpowered, make them invincible, we should have to put everything on the line to kill them. And about their lankas, I'm really dissapointed about this, its far too weak and doesn't fire nearly as fast as it should. I recommend replacing it with a special detron; give it homing pellets, triple the dps, and give it negative damage falloff. Once you do this, then nullies MIGHT be strong enough to make a difference in the fight, FIX THEM ALREADY!!!

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Why should we even be able to destroy the shield? I melt those shields within seconds, make them take no damage!


Or... make them vulnerable to only one type of damage, like the Grineer Prosecutors. Of course the damage that the Nulifier inside the bubble will be vulnerable to, will be completely different to that of the bubble.

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Nullifier bubbles need to be at least 50 meters in range, not too sure why DE hasn't done this yet.

Also why are bows and shotguns even remotely viable still? Nullifier bubbles need to be completely immune to them, being able to break a nullifier bubble with 8 arrows doesn't do enough to prevent anything but assault rifles from being meta.

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The definitive buff to nullifiers is to allow their bubble to cross walls, floors and tiles, without needing to be in that room already nor having LoS, just being in an adjaccent one.


Uh... wait... they absolutely do that already.

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Guys, I have a great idea for a new eximus exclusive to Nullifier!


Grim Nullifier: Any kills made by this unit will break your warframe, primary, secondary, melee, sentinels and gears; disabling their use permanently! That sounds like a mighty great challenge for the most balanced unit in Warframe!

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You all totally missing the point.


Main weakness of Nullifiers is their laughable HP. They should at least have armor and high HP, and be tough as heavies.



My personal suggestion: create "Nullifier Hyena" with only weakpoint on her belly. Of course, this unit should combine all abilities of Hyena Pack in one unit, and have bubble as well.

Edited by letir
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When you enter the bubble you will be trapped and the Nulifiers Crewman will become invulnerable, your teammate need to find 2 pressure pads that spawn on random place and stand on it, then need one to charge the bomb to break the bubble. :D

Edited by lazy529
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You all totally missing the point.


Main weakness of Nullifiers is their laughable HP. They should at least have armor and high HP, and be tough as heavies.



My personal suggestion: create "Nullifier Hyena" with only weakpoint on her belly. Of course, this unit should combine all abilities of Hyena Pack in one unit, and have bubble as well.

That's why they need to become Manics and learn how to go invisible, teleport, regenerate HP and melee with balanced 200 a tick Slash procs.

Of course, all that while still holding a Lanka and firing it repeatedly. Duh.


You want Corupted Tar-moa manic-nullifier heavy bombard? 


You forgot Napalm.

Can't have balance in the game without homing Bombard rockets with Napalm's payload, now can we?

Edited by Artarrwen
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