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Mesa : Worth Grinding For Or Not?


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I'l not actively playing the game right now . I'm planning to pick it up again in about a month's time.


1 frame has cought my attention : Mesa


So tell me mesa users , how do you build her , and is she worth the grind?

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Mesa is well worth the effort farming if you'd like a Warframe that benefits the more versatile than melee, gunplay.

Shattered Shields is great for keeping Rockets bouncing off of you and damaging enemies shooting at you.

Shooting Gallery is good "Randomized" group buff working as a damage buff and CC-like stun.

Those two moves alone worth the effort to farm Mesa.

I am partial to Alad V's tamperings...Valkyr, Mesa, Paracyst, Mutalist Quanta....still waiting for a Zanuka/Hyena kubrow skin

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I 've been lucky enough to get all the parts in 4 runs and i'm not regretting building her.She's really fun but i don't like her 4(i usually don't like nobrainer spells like this)

I like all her other spells especially her 1.She feels good to play honestly ^^

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At worst you can get taken to defences and just stand in a place holding down LMB while a gee-mag fists you spamming pull.


Protip: the real pros rebind "shoot" to enter key and put a weight on it.

Edited by Aaira
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It's worth it .....


I play it with a balanced build ...... mostly because I play Solo.... but I can manage enemies of any level ..... those "lvl 90" manics are harder...... one slight misstep and puff..... road kill.

Edited by nekrojiji
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I'l not actively playing the game right now . I'm planning to pick it up again in about a month's time.


1 frame has cought my attention : Mesa


So tell me mesa users , how do you build her , and is she worth the grind?


She aight. Very coop focused in later game, if you want to do damage. Her ult can leave you very vulnerable without team support. Shatter shield can be a good strat for late game solo tho.


- - - -


Oops just noticed you got her. Congrats.


Soloing "lvl 90" manics you're @(*()$ crazy!

Edited by ItWasntMeIPromise
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She aight. Very coop focused in later game, if you want to do damage. Her ult can leave you very vulnerable without team support. Shatter shield can be a good strat for late game solo tho.


- - - -


Oops just noticed you got her. Congrats.


Soloing "lvl 90" manics you're @(*()$ crazy!

No I don't have her yet x) I'm taking a break from the game !


I'm asking if I should get her or not since she's hard to farm.


And I think I am , coop focused? count me in !



Mods I think this should be moved to players helping players though :)

Edited by Deidaku
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