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Coming Soon: Devstream #51!


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Q1:  Is there going to be Void Archwing anytime soon if at all?


Q2:  Fomorians. When are they coming back to blast the relays?


Q3: Clan Dojo.  More decorations and increase capacity on clan halls? This is especially clear on the starting clan hall where                                  there's really not enough for decorations.  

Edited by T3RT1UM
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Two-ish Questions:


- Although the Raptor has its own flair and uniqueness combat-wise, it is still a large osprey. Can we expect a visual rework for the Raptor or maybe even an entire overhaul?


- What kind of plans, if any, do you guys have for Ambulas? What will happen to the current boss sigil should Ambulas or even the Raptor get a change?

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hi mistress.

i wish that boss rework isn't making bosses harder to kill!

and I wish from you too that bosses drop mods rate will be higher if you make them stronger.

and try to make bosses more funnier cause they are so sad they had no sense of humor!

At your service overlord(mistress)

Edited by Ighanim
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THE FIRST QUESTION!-~-~-~-~ Can you show us the progress of Excaliburs new changes and/or Concept design for his new sword.


THE SECOND QUESTION-~-~-~ When Will Excalibur  Prime get some PBR treatment and will he get an Improved Alabaster texture just like old times

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Q: how far along is the infested Mios and can we expect it to operate as a sword or a giant pair of scissors? because we have enough swords as is and I want to cut things in half with a giant pair of Scissors like sundowner from Metal Gear Rising...


Q2: I heard that you guys are working on Blood 2.0, my question is how gory will it be? are we to expect massive fonts of blood spewing out of a freshly cut enemy or just slightly more blood oozing out of a corpse that I killed a moment ago.

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1) The community is really worried about Parkour 2.0! Do you guys have little stuff to show us that we're indeed becoming the space ninja we'd like to be? Can you show us the new moves we'll get(ledge grabbing,climbing,throwing)? Can we see some of the changes of the old moves(non-sticky wallrunning for instance)?


2) We're all glad the animation of enemies suffering with a limb cut off, thank you. However, the hit detection still feels inaccurate sometimes! Are you working on improving it & giving Gore its 2.0? How?


3) As one of the Flawless Spies contest winner, I've met a lot of stealth mechanics in need of serious tweaks (AI getting stuck together, no lighting/shadow awareness mechanic,nearly boolean awareness,etc)...

What are you planning to make Stealth more enjoyable & faster like you just did with Spy missions?(because let's face it : Spy improvements must come with Stealth tweaks)


4) Why do dual stats electric mods don't belong to any droptable like all the others do? Are you afraid?


5) When will quests about past events be implemented? When will quests be replayable?


6) The game immersion of the game still lacks something : we're only used to slaughter enemies massively, but we've never seen the colonies getting enslaved by the grineer. We'be never seen the normal people being indoctrinated by malicious corpus. We've never seen normal people getting eaten or assimilated by infested monstrosities... Apart from relay people & single hostages (with lots of similarities in their models), we've never been directly involved with the people we are fighting for & some players don't feel that the game is really "alive".

How would you address this?


7) Where is the dojo aquarium room you promised at least 20 devstreams ago? Have you deleted the idea?

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Why do things get renamed?


It's a bit odd that the community gets used to an idea over the course of years(for example, "hubs"), and when they actually get in game, the title text on them is still "hubs", and yet, they're officially meant to be called "relays"... despite they existed for at least 4 months with the title "hubs" on them on the navigation menu, and had spent over a year being called "hubs" by all dev communications?


I mean, for some things, it makes sense(individual variations of a weapon type, for example), but for others, like hubs and rail conflcts and raids, it's a tad confusing, particularly as the community usually keeps using the old names.

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ill be in a physics test during devstream :( But im super excited about the boss reworks! 


Q: will other bosses join Vor in the void as a beefed up "corrupted" version? (-or in some other fasion?) More super bosses would be great fun.

Edited by AutoPhox
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Any chance Prime vs Non Prime can be balanced a bit? If Primes had something better and something weaker, it'd create a lot more choice and such in what Warframe you want then if Primes are always better.


EX: Rhino Prime moves faster then Rhino, but has lower HP.

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Archwing, Archwing, Archwing.
Rebecca and the team can always get Archwing Questions from me!

Quality of life: When can we expect Archguns and Archwings to be added to the market that only need materials to construct?

Quality of life: Any thought to separating stamina required for thrusters and stamina required for Arch-Melee?

Quality of life: Is it possible to show when you are locked-on by enemy missles and attacks, so you know when you should be using defensive abilities.

When can we expect Formorian Sabotoge to be added to the starmap? My Distruptors are waiting to be used again!

So to wrap up; Separating Arch-sprint stamina from Arch-Melee Stamina, Archwings and weapons needing only materials found in the game, enemy lock-on HUD feedback, and Formorian Sabotoge when?

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I am curious whether we can expect a rework of some of the mid-range bosses.  As a newer player I had extreme difficulty beating bosses as I tried to progress through the solar map.  Queuing into bosses in a party would result in bosses dying before they'd even completed their emotes, assuming I'd been able to keep up and reach the boss alive with the higher level players sprinting through the map.  Will we see adjustments to boss difficulty (simple changes to damage output/health pool) or mechanics changes (new phased encounters, progressive abilities that change with damage taken)?  Might we also expect adjustments to matchmaking?  perhaps mastery level 5 or 6 players in their rhino's won't be paired with MR 18/19 loki's that invis to boss and nuke with 1 primary burst?

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Can bosses be put on rotation? So that factions might actually take control of other planets and replace a boss with their own?

Bosses with no node comes around on alerts, like Vauban part-alerts + a boss fight.


Any chance of a boss getting a companion(s)?


Stalker/G3/Zanuka + companion?

Stalker - Evil kubrow/ other living creature/ or sentinel.

G3 - Bad &#! Drahk or something else (heated they've got sentinels but you hardly notice it) 

Zanuka (hunter) - Spawn some sentinel-thing or other robotic device.


Stalker/G3/Zanuka in space? Archwing mode. 


Any news On new dojo rooms/ festures?

Edited by Lactamid
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Question(s): Are the devs only revamping new bosses or also planning on revisiting the existing ones? Some people claim that bosses in Warframe are not fun or challenging, except for Lephanthis! Are the devs planning on addressing this issue? 

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With the potential rework to the stalker coming along after the comparison between him and the Manic, will the other Assassin's be reworked as well? make the G3 more coordinated and threatening? give them unique mechanics? And Harvester, it could use a rework as well, it is less threatening to me than the stalker, and he's less threatening than the Manic, any plans for Harvester?

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I got a couple questions, one related to bosses and one not really.


1. It's been a while since the release of new Auras, and I've been wondering what the plans are for those types of mods? There really isn't too much diversity when it comes to some aura polarities. There are about 3 V polarity auras, and 3 D Polarity auras, but 11 line polarities. Also, there tends to not much of a desire to use any other auras than rejuvenation or energy siphon because of how useful they are compared to the much more situational mods, like corrosive projection or enemy radar. And most of the time, in many warframe builds, the aura polarity is forma'd just so we can fit in an aura that we need for the spare energy over the others. Is there a plan to make more auras for the other less populated auras, as well as having as much utility and usefulness as energy siphon and rejuvenation?


2. There typically tends to be not much of a reason to re-fight bossfights except for frame parts, scans, and maybe the Sigil on some. For some friends who are still low level and collecting resources, they tend to be fighting bosses solo because nobody fights the bosses due to not having any sort of reason to do so aside from this. The boss reworks are cool, but aside from those listed above, which many players have finished, how do you guys plan on making boss runs more appealing for the more experienced players? 

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4) Why do dual stats electric mods don't belong to any droptable like all the others do? Are you afraid?

Electric forms arguably the most useful secondary elemental damage types in the game.  Why else?

Any chance Prime vs Non Prime can be balanced a bit? If Primes had something better and something weaker, it'd create a lot more choice and such in what Warframe you want then if Primes are always better.


EX: Rhino Prime moves faster then Rhino, but has lower HP.

Why would they do that?  It would pretty much eliminate any prospect of people buying Prime Access and the point of grinding the Void for them in the first place, and a substantial part of the trading market (which thrives on platinum purchased with real money) as a result.

So my questions:
1. Are the devs considering integrating Archwing and standard gameplay into one mission type?  So what I'm thinking of is using an Archwing to fight your way into a base and complete another objective before extracting, or being able to use them as "air support" in certain rooms of current mission types (say the wide-open spaces of the Grineer Settlement, Corpus Ice Outpost, and Solar Rail tilesets).
2. Since there isn't much incentive other than grinding Warframe/weapon components to refight bosses, is it possible that we could have special variations of boss fights appear, either through random outcome generation during an assassination mission or as a special alert?  Say, fighting 2 copies of Ambulas at once, or having Lech Kril double-team with someone other than Captain Vor?
3. Are players going to be able to order around allies (summoned Specters, syndicate operatives, troops of factions you side with) so they don't kill themselves, and how will such commands work?  Also, is there going to be a canonically fitting explanation for this since we are, as Salad V put it, "mute peasants?"
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