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Space Engineers Might Be Joining Mod Pay.


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I feel this whole "paid mod" thing is going to crash and burn very quickly. Why pay $2.50 for a bigger missile turret when you can go to a mod website and get it, or a similar mod, for free?

Well in a way it's mod pirating they're banning people suggesting downloading mods from other places.

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I am spoop'd

He deleted the one i'm showing but the fact he even posted it shows he's thinking about it and he's now trying to cover it up.


Like he says now He's curious about this will end up before doing anything

Edited by SarahApple
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ultimately, it can only go badly.

it won't be regulated strictly enough (i.e. basically at all), and due to the unstable nature of Mods, will result in much legitimate negative complaints once money is tied to it.

the simplest situation is a game gets an update, it breaks Mods that people have paid for - but Modder either can't or doesn't want to fix it (for some games, i can't blame them, claiming 'Mod Support' yet every build randomizes the local files and other stupid s...), and then people complain that the thing they bought doesn't work.

and they're right! they bought it.

thus if this goes into play, it will most certainly explode. and we'll have another instance of annoying bulls... that will give the Games Industry more of a bad reputation.

as much as i hate to say it, because of how f...ing annoying it was to see everywhere (and ofcourse plenty of people having no facts about it and spewing lies), this will build pressure until it explodes into another 'gamergate' POS.

and the News Media will gobble it up, eager for easy fuel to pin Video Games as the root of all evil - as remember folks, Video Games are currently the scapegoat for Media as to why the world is a terrible place.

last Decade it was Music, the Decade before that Movies, blah blah.

funny how the 'source of all evil' seems to move around, eh?

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and they're right! they bought it.

thus if this goes into play, it will most certainly explode. and we'll have another instance of annoying bulls... that will give the Games Industry more of a bad reputation.


It already started the Modder of Frostfall for skyrim got death threats when he was testing out the paying for mods he has left the modding sceen he's unsure when he will be back or at all

Edited by SarahApple
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It already started the Modder of Frostfall for skyrim got death threats when he was testing out the paying for mods he has left the modding sceen he's unsure when he will be back or at all

He also stated that Nexus is getting a cut of the cash as well...

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that's not an explosion. people leaving communities won't collapse entire parts of the Industry.

i'm talking about more serious things, customer support centers being booked 24/7 with complaints, 'Modding' getting a bad reputation just because one or two people didn't have the time to update their Mod 5 minutes after a game gets updated, even lawsuits from some crazy people.

this is going to blow up hard in it's current stage.

sadly, at first, it sounded like it could be beneficial as long as there was a Checks and Balances system. a simple 'a-okay' system that the Mod Creator, Developer, and VALVe had to agree on, so that prices for Mods would be kept in check to reasonable numbers as to not inadvertently cause unintentional fallout, Et Cetera.

but then i realized that no matter what anyone does, the simple fact that Mod Creators can't necessarily (usually can't) update their Mods at the same speed as the Developers themselves, will be enough to make all of this explode.

yet, if someone has paid for it, they are no longer a peer, they are a Customer. and a working product is not unreasonable for them to expect, but at the same time, it is.

it's an infinite loop and it's going to explode.


to clarify a bit - Mod Creators being able to get something for good work, by all means.

being able to charge ahead of time for something that has an unknown level of 'good' - it's going to explode.

blind people say donating won't work, but pfft, that s... works if you can convince people that they should throw you some cash.

people often even will empty out some account onto a random person because they're odd like that. like, their Paypal account has a nickel in it or something, if they see a Donate button, they'll donate a nickel just because.

but more importantly, Donating means people are rewarding a Mod Creator for good work, rather than paying ahead of time and HOPING that good work comes of it.

with people like Electronic Arts and Ubisoft tripping over themselves at every opportunity, i'm not very interested in giving someone money unless i see ahead of time they deserve it.

Edited by taiiat
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