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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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Everyone says the one hole in the theory that Tenno are humanoid is the fact that we switch between male and female warframes, but who says Tenno aren't capable of changing their gender at will? The Technocyte virus is clearly very capable of manipulating flesh. Some animals here on Earth are capable of doing the same, and they're not even infected with the Technocyte virus.

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But wouldn't that then make us susceptible to Sentient tech? Pretty sure the Tenno countered the Sentients because everything about them and everything they used was very basic tech wise (including the systems used in constructing warframes). If a portion of us, even a small portion, was tech based the Sentients would likely of been able to control those areas and limit us, or even outright neutralize us.

I'm not sure that Sentients being able to totally defeat themselves with their abilities follows in any setting.  The Cephalons themselves are somewhere between resistant and immune (when using proper procedures) to Sentient attack, and they are essentially technology.  Whether you think they're incredibly advanced AI or a trapped Sentient, it shows that the Sentient ability to overtake technology is limited and not absolute. 


You're also assuming that the Sentients are basically robots rather than a self-aware energy.  What if they're more like the energy ghost idea, simply possessing equipment at will.  It would better explain why low tech was the solution rather than simply shutting off the Wi-Fi equivalent, as well as how one survived being reduced to a piece of scrap. 

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Everyone says the one hole in the theory that Tenno are humanoid is the fact that we switch between male and female warframes, but who says Tenno aren't capable of changing their gender at will? The Technocyte virus is clearly very capable of manipulating flesh. Some animals here on Earth are capable of doing the same, and they're not even infected with the Technocyte virus.


Simple. The different tenno we all have? They are all their own person. What I mean? It's like how LoL has champions. They are unique people.


As in, in canon, there is only one Volt, one Ember, one Excal, etc. With their own personality.


But then you ask, "How do we swap frames?/everyone has their own Ember, that proves it isn't just one character!" I bring up LoL again. Or any other game which does the same thing. Gameplay mechanics do not equal lore.


There being only one Tenno per frame also matches the lore about tenno being very few in numbers.

Edited by SJunior
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As in, in canon, there is only one Volt, one Ember, one Excal, etc. With their own personality.

Ignoring the obvious generic frame construction, as you would have a hard time killing the same individual how ever many times the RNG wants you to to get a new frame. 


How do you explain Limbo and Mirage, who in the outright verbally spoken in your face canon of the game died before Warframe started?  Or the Valkyr parts about the "original Valkyr".  Its also worth noting that the element that is causing the issue here is listed in game as a "warframe" not a "Tenno". 


Also worth noting that DE decided that the number of people who play Warframe is equal to the number of active Tenno.  Practically speaking, a few dozen Tenno wouldn't do a whole lot to the balance of power in the system.  A hundred thousand may seem like a lot, but when the entire solar system is populated, there's not a whole lot of Tenno by relative measure. 

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What if they're more like the energy ghost idea, simply possessing equipment at will. 

This makes me think of Harbinger, and how he can assume direct control over a Collector, and then 'leave' when it dies.



Simple. The different tenno we all have? They are all their own person. 

One giant problem with that theory: It's basically been confirmed by DE and lore that we're a mono-Tenno, switching between the frames.

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"And the crew was gone?"

"We began finding ... children hiding in the ship."

"So you broke Quaranteen and THIS happened to you."

A Morgue?

"This is where they keep them, the ones from the Zariman."

We took the twisted few that had returned from that place.

We built a frame around (the Zariman children) them, a CONDUIT for their (Void power within them) affliction.

These REJECTS, these TENNO became our Saviors.

* * *

Where, prey tell, do you see ghosts in any of this?

Edited by arch111
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But then you ask, "How do we swap frames?/everyone has their own Ember, that proves it isn't just one character!" I bring up LoL again. Or any other game which does the same thing. Gameplay mechanics do not equal lore.


There being only one Tenno per frame also matches the lore about tenno being very few in numbers.

Actually i, it was stated that the Player(You) are a summoner that was tasked to fight a battle using those champions to settle political dispute or what not.

Sona's lore explain this a bit too.




I think i misinterpreted what you meant. 


I'm leaning towards Tenno is a amorphous being now.

Edited by Dartiel
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Actually i, it was stated that the Player(You) are a summoner that was tasked to fight a battle using those champions to settle political dispute or what not.

Sona's lore explain this a bit too.


That falls apart in blind pick though where both sides can have the same champions. Also the institute of war is no longer cannon, here's a post from a Riot employee.


"No, Summoners, the Fields of Justice and the Institute are not canon within the fictional world of Runeterra. In-game, players are still referred to as summoners - but summoners won't be part of the story."


From this devblog.



The blog basically is saying how the game and the story are completely seperate. None of the game mechanics have any bearing on the story for the characters or the world of Runeterra.

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I'm leaning towards Tenno is a amorphous being now.


I'm leaning toward the Warframe being a semi-sentient armor/lifeform(not the faction) that can morph the Tenno.


tenno are flesh. look at DE




I picture them being human like this but with void cracks shining with their energy. If you were to deeply cut a Tenno outside of a Warframe, they would bleed and you'd see light from the wound. 


I see Tenno being a combination of flesh and blood human + energy. Just not the pure energy ghosts that few people seem to think we are.

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The Tenno is simply a (Cephalon) pilot. It can be "plugged in" to any Warframe and granted full control over their actions. In that sense, the Tenno itself has no abilities, other than the knowledge of how to properly manipulate the Warframes.



That's the biggest load or rubbish idea possible.


The Tenno were people. Individuals that got sent into the Void, got changed, came back, got put into ONE Frame to contain the <whatever> super-powered person that came back. That's basically the Lore part.


The fact we can "change" Frames has ZERO bearing on Lore. It is a Game Mechanic to allow us to play different Frames but keep shared inventory. That part is not LORE, it just for the game sake.


There is even a decent chance that there was only ONE of each Frame of each "name" because each person that came back had unique abilities and whenever we have Lotus/Ordis implying that "anyone can build a particular Frame" is just another example of DE cutting corners and suspending the Lore in order to make it "fit" better in the Game Mechanic part of the game.

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There is even a decent chance that there was only ONE of each Frame of each "name" because each person that came back had unique abilities and whenever we have Lotus/Ordis implying that "anyone can build a particular Frame" is just another example of DE cutting corners and suspending the Lore in order to make it "fit" better in the Game Mechanic part of the game.

You do know that the mono-Tenno theory is basically confirmed, right? And each of the frames were modeled after the person that they were 'built around'.

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That's the biggest load or rubbish idea possible.


The Tenno were people. Individuals that got sent into the Void, got changed, came back, got put into ONE Frame to contain the <whatever> super-powered person that came back. That's basically the Lore part.


The fact we can "change" Frames has ZERO bearing on Lore. It is a Game Mechanic to allow us to play different Frames but keep shared inventory. That part is not LORE, it just for the game sake.


There is even a decent chance that there was only ONE of each Frame of each "name" because each person that came back had unique abilities and whenever we have Lotus/Ordis implying that "anyone can build a particular Frame" is just another example of DE cutting corners and suspending the Lore in order to make it "fit" better in the Game Mechanic part of the game.


"Operator, I think I know why we're finding Limbo parts scattered through out the system. His final Rift Walk was a miscalc- DISASTER. Well, perhaps when you occupy this frame, you will use more... caution."

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That's the biggest load or rubbish idea possible.


The Tenno were people. Individuals that got sent into the Void, got changed, came back, got put into ONE Frame to contain the <whatever> super-powered person that came back. That's basically the Lore part.


The fact we can "change" Frames has ZERO bearing on Lore. It is a Game Mechanic to allow us to play different Frames but keep shared inventory. That part is not LORE, it just for the game sake.


There is even a decent chance that there was only ONE of each Frame of each "name" because each person that came back had unique abilities and whenever we have Lotus/Ordis implying that "anyone can build a particular Frame" is just another example of DE cutting corners and suspending the Lore in order to make it "fit" better in the Game Mechanic part of the game.


I used to support this notion too, but there's simply too much evidence against the poly-tenno theory. The most damning off the top of my head is this line. No matter which way you look at it, it's a canon, in-game reference to the player switching warframes. Choosing to believe that this is somehow non-canon is just willing blindness.


Obviously nobody has an absolute truth regarding the true nature of Tenno and Warframe, but I have yet to encounter anything that disproves my theory. We've seen hundreds of anime that have humans piloting robots, but the notion of a robot piloting a human is very intriguing and fresh to me. I like this concept the most.

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Obviously nobody has an absolute truth regarding the true nature of Tenno and Warframe, but I have yet to encounter anything that disproves my theory. We've seen hundreds of anime that have humans piloting robots, but the notion of a robot piloting a human is very intriguing and fresh to me. I like this concept the most.

So, you believe Tenno are benevolent Ulltrons?

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So, you believe Tenno are benevolent Ulltrons?


Well, Ordis is a damaged Cephalon and shows a huge variety of emotions. For crying out loud, he gets bashful when Simaris-sempai notices him. I would imagine a Tenno is an even more advanced AI, so it would probably behave exactly like a human, complete with emotions, thought processes, etc, although potentially able to function on a much higher level.


So I guess sorta Ultron like in that regard. I've always found it paradoxical that he hates organics for their emotional imperfections when he's every bit as emotional.

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Wait, is Tenno as ai on the table again? This is a cheap way to solve everything I agree, but then we have so many questions to deal with.

How do the Tenno operate the warframe? What role did the children on the Zariman play?

Is a Tenno a stored copy of a human brain, installed into a technocyte monster, or is the Tenno ai stored in a cyborg brain that is installed in the technocyte body/warframe?

We are allways left with the fact that others can control warframes.

And of course, ai or no, this leads back to void ghosts. A theory I do not like very much.

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Plot twist:

Tenno are the most advanced forms of Big Daddies and the Lotus is the last Little Sister... Grineer are failed splicers and the corpus rejected splicing in favor of advancing technology.

Meatbags have so many flaws.

HK-47 approves.

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Why tenno have to be organic life and not AI:

1. stamina bar for running, I think a machine would be able to k9eep going with out stops till it runs out of energy

2. Tenno bleed

3. survival missions require you to keep the life support going to survive

4. Mirage smile and calling Lotus out for lying in an attempt to raise her moral before she died

5. New Loka, they are all about human forn and puriety. SO why would they let the tenno in if they were not HUMAN. Heck New Loka's enemies kind of say they hate everything that is not human or "pure" *points at Suda and Steel Meridian*

6. If you are Suda's enemy you will get this quote after a low enough standing "More organic debris to ignore."

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