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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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No, I might full of myself, but I'm also right.

No, you're not right, or at the very least you don't have a sound argument.  Your argument begins and ends at "energy can't smile".  You literally give no evidence on why energy can't smile.  It is an unsupported statement, and thus more akin to an opinion than actual fact.  Is it truly impossible for energy to resemble a smile? It really BEGS THE QUESTION doesn't it?  And 'begging the question' is a form of circular reasoning, which is a logical fallacy, thus not an appropriate argument.


Circular reasoning: "there is no reason to accept the premises unless one already believes the conclusion, or that the premises provide no independent ground or evidence for the conclusion."


I literally have no reason to accept your conclusion, and you don't support it with solid facts (and no, saying to use common sense doesn't constitute a valid argument, you need to have solid premises to have a valid conclusion).  You don't even need to accept the energy theory, because eventually you will get to the point where there is practically no ground to support it other than "void magic" and the possibility that it MIGHT be correct.


So in conclusion, there are plenty of theories out there on what a Tenno is.  Claiming that you're right doesn't make you anymore correct than those that believe in the energy theory.  Sure there are plenty of holes in that theory, but continuously attacking it won't make your pet theory any more correct either.  Right now there's not nearly enough lore to give us a concrete answer, which isn't our fault, that is DE's fault.  And trying to claim a theory is busted is a fool's errand, as anything can be proven with "void magic", thus making you wrong either way.  I'm done with this argument, I'm tired of getting attacked for my opinion, which I have supported with facts, by people that hardly know how to make a sound argument to begin with.  Saying "I'm right because I said so" is so wrong in every way imaginable that it's not even funny anymore, I don't even want you to believe the 'Tenno are energy' theory, just to accept that it's possible and to respect that for what it's worth.

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No, you're not right, or at the very least you don't have a sound argument.  Your argument begins and ends at "energy can't smile".  You literally give no evidence on why energy can't smile.  

Apparently you didn't read it well enough, so here:


Energy, can't smile! Only flesh can! .

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Whoa whoa, Hayden definitely is the first tenno, these games just aren't direct sequels. 4/5 connection means exactly that, if it was just the names it would be 1/5 connection. Please, don't be an idiot.


Aye, but first Tenno doesn't have to mean they're directly linked to one another.


Teron Gorefiend was the First Death Knight, but compared to the Death Knights of Acherus they're miles apart in what they're capable of and even their methods of creation were pretty distinct from one another.



Yeah but still, 4/10 isn't very canon. It's like the Marathon-Halo relation ship, Bungie put a ton of Marathon references throughout Halo, and while it was made canon to the Halo universe, they were all essentially easter eggs.


EDIT: By 'made canon to the Halo universe' I mean stuff had its own background, if you will, that makes it sound like a Halo creation, when in reality, it was ripped right out of Marathon.


Meh, I still believe that darkSectOr is canon.

My take on this "4 or 5" canon bit is they WANT to connection to be there, but legally they can't have it exactly link up. Either way, because of the time jump and the above analogy it's not like it would have been of huge important anyway.


But I keep to my theory of what is intended: whatever Hayden Tenno did (be it in the wake of Dark Sector or not) made him a legend, the Orokin attempted to create something in the image of his legend to save them from the Sentients, and eventually the Tenno were the result

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Aye, but first Tenno doesn't have to mean they're directly linked to one another.


Teron Gorefiend was the First Death Knight, but compared to the Death Knights of Acherus they're miles apart in what they're capable of and even their methods of creation were pretty distinct from one another.




My take on this "4 or 5" canon bit is they WANT to connection to be there, but legally they can't have it exactly link up. Either way, because of the time jump and the above analogy it's not like it would have been of huge important anyway.


But I keep to my theory of what is intended: whatever Hayden Tenno did (be it in the wake of Dark Sector or not) made him a legend, the Orokin attempted to create something in the image of his legend to save them from the Sentients, and eventually the Tenno were the result

You always make the most sense to me, I still hate those Orokin $&*^bags though.

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You always make the most sense to me, I still hate those Orokin $&*^bags though.


Never said they were the good guys. Just because they were about to die doesn't mean they should have resorted to hideous scientific atrocities to survive.


There's "do not go quietly unto the dark" and then there's "gaze ye not into the abyss".

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Never said they were the good guys. Just because they were about to die doesn't mean they should have resorted to hideous scientific atrocities to survive.


There's "do not go quietly unto the dark" and then there's "gaze ye not into the abyss".

I know, I just hate them. Well, at least we're space ninjas now.

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I quote myself to lend some "evidence" to the Bust. This is the most convincing facts to support a body rather than energy I have found.

I offer this taken from my thread to the discussion. It seems relevant here after all.

Are Tenno energy, can they talk, and can they die?

I just realised Lotus allready told us all of this in the Mirage Quest.

1) Tenno are emotional, not robots or aliens or energystreams.


"I see the Sentients crashing down on her, dying in overwhelming numbers. Now she's out of energy, I'm telling her to go but she's laughing, tearing their heads off as they swarm."

Note: A clearly emotional pilot is fighting till the death.

2) The Warframe is what require energy and is what an ally Revives, not the Pilot inside.


"I'm sensing another void imprint. It's dark. I see the glow of restraints around the Warframe. I'm trying to surge the revive system but I can't, I'm too far away. A great, faceted eye watches her."

Note: The pilot is awake, but the suit is off. Lotus tries to jump-start it but fails.

3) Tenno can speak and talk. And Tenno can as individuals actually die.


"I see the eyes open and the heat blinds me. I hear her comforting me, telling me not to despair as the Warframe disintegrates and I lose her, forever."

Note: The pilot audiably tells Lotus it's ok, and not to feel sad. Like a daughter.


Conclusion: Tenno talk, feel joy and sadness, can die.

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Then there is this.

"And the crew was gone?"

"We began finding ... children hiding in the ship."

"So you broke Quaranteen and THIS happened to you."

A Morgue?

"This is where they keep them, the ones from the Zariman."

We took the twisted few that had returned from that place.

We built a frame around (the Zariman children) them, a CONDUIT for their (Void power within them) affliction.

These REJECTS, these TENNO became our Saviors.

* * *

Where, prey tell, do you see ghosts in any of this?

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I, I really can't even.


That was an obvious trolling, relax, mate!


But seriously, Tenno are flesh, how about Phorid and old Golem dialog lines where they say that Tenno are their flesh?


The only character who said about energy was insane Vor, grineer, Twisted by the Void.


How about that - Tenno are both energy and flesh?

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That was an obvious trolling, relax, mate!


But seriously, Tenno are flesh, how about Phorid and old Golem dialog lines where they say that Tenno are their flesh?


The only character who said about energy was insane Vor, grineer, Twisted by the Void.


How about that - Tenno are both energy and flesh?

That makes sense.

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That was an obvious trolling, relax, mate!


But seriously, Tenno are flesh, how about Phorid and old Golem dialog lines where they say that Tenno are their flesh?


The only character who said about energy was insane Vor, grineer, Twisted by the Void.


How about that - Tenno are both energy and flesh?

I like to believe that Tenno have both blood and energy, like a third connection to the Tenno's heart, but they don't need it to survive.

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I like to believe that Tenno have both blood and energy, like a third connection to the Tenno's heart, but they don't need it to survive.

Eh, something like that, maybe not so much running through our veins, but rather etched into our flesh. Just a possibility.

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Tenno is a human from 21st century and connected to a server that allowed them to control a frame at 1 time, via a link that goes through time and space, even dimension, using Orokin Tech.


That's my theory for what Tenno is, after watching Interstellar.


It satisfied both theories,

1. Tenno is a meatbag, controlling a frame.

2. Tenno could switch frames as they like.

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Tenno is a human from 21st century and connected to a server that allowed them to control a frame at 1 time, via a link that goes through time and space, even dimension, using Orokin Tech.


That's my theory for what Tenno is, after watching Interstellar.


It satisfied both theories,

1. Tenno is a meatbag, controlling a frame.

2. Tenno could switch frames as they like.

Are you... Are you being serious?

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Are you... Are you being serious?

Half serious, but Excal P codex entry kinda contradict it.


Or... wait a minute.....


The 21st meatbags half fused with the Children of Zariman when they were in the void.

They need this interdimension link to hold onto their sanity, therefore we have partial control over the original.

We are also Tenno or half a Tenno, the 21st century meatbag and the Children of Zariman are one.


When the originals numbers decreased, and the Orokin needs more Tennos, they start researching more about this link and start cloning blanks (frames we are currently using which we have full control) and opened more connections to our dimension.

Warframe Closed Alpha Test!



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Half serious, but Excal P codex entry kinda contradict it.


Or... wait a minute.....


The 21st meatbags half fused with the Children of Zariman when they were in the void.

They need this interdimension link to hold onto their sanity, therefore we have partial control over the original.

We are also Tenno or half a Tenno, the 21st century meatbag and the Children of Zariman are one.


When the originals numbers decreased, and the Orokin needs more Tennos, they start researching more about this link and start cloning blanks (frames we are currently using which we have full control) and opened more connections to our dimension.

Warframe Closed Alpha Test!




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DESteve said that the only reason Tenno dont talk was because they wanted to make the player feel like they are the Tenno. So the players voice is the Tenno's voice. 

So why can't we choose to have the Tenno constantly yell HYAAAH when they melee? I mean, Link did it.


I quote myself to lend some "evidence" to the Bust. This is the most convincing facts to support a body rather than energy I have found.

What about being AI or energy or whatever contradicts Tenno having feelings? Nothing. If we're AI, we're obviously advanced enough to be thinking ones. As mentioned early in the thread, all that's been proven is that the Warframe has both organic and mechanical living components, not necessarily the identity of the pilot.


Admittedly, AI Tenno is a personal appeal thing, but I still like thinking they're that OR mind-uploaded humans transferring themselves into cyborg Warframe bodies. All I've seen so far implies mono-Tenno is already basically canon - not counting the originals - so we have to be that, or human-basd organics who have been so warped by the Void that they can massively alter their shape to fit into the smallest or largest Warframes.


TL;DR I prefer the idea of being AI in meat suits to being blobby Boneless People poured into armor.

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So why can't we choose to have the Tenno constantly yell HYAAAH when they melee? I mean, Link did it.


What about being AI or energy or whatever contradicts Tenno having feelings? Nothing. If we're AI, we're obviously advanced enough to be thinking ones. As mentioned early in the thread, all that's been proven is that the Warframe has both organic and mechanical living components, not necessarily the identity of the pilot.


Admittedly, AI Tenno is a personal appeal thing, but I still like thinking they're that OR mind-uploaded humans transferring themselves into cyborg Warframe bodies. All I've seen so far implies mono-Tenno is already basically canon - not counting the originals - so we have to be that, or human-basd organics who have been so warped by the Void that they can massively alter their shape to fit into the smallest or largest Warframes.


TL;DR I prefer the idea of being AI in meat suits to being blobby Boneless People poured into armor.


We know that the Tenno were human - at least as human as the Orokin were - before they became the force that ended the Old War.  We know that much from the Excalibur Codex bit. 


It could be that Tenno were converted into an AI like creature at one point - however:


Hydroid can met into a puddle.  As one of the medium levels of physics defying abilities.  And you can't suspend disbelief enough that whatever Tenno became doesn't have to be one particular shape inside one of those suits? 

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Do it on a mic.

I don't have a mic. Also, if That Other Game gives us this automatically, why not Warframe. We're fancy enough for it.


Now, I'm awaiting the update that gives us voice packs, and Helios can finally be made to yell "Hey! Listen!" whenever it spots something of interest.

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We know that the Tenno were human - at least as human as the Orokin were - before they became the force that ended the Old War.  We know that much from the Excalibur Codex bit. 


It could be that Tenno were converted into an AI like creature at one point - however:


Hydroid can met into a puddle.  As one of the medium levels of physics defying abilities.  And you can't suspend disbelief enough that whatever Tenno became doesn't have to be one particular shape inside one of those suits? 

Formerly human isn't being debated. The original Warframes certainly had humans in suits, that's backed up by basically all the lore we have.


But it's not that I can't believe Tenno could be weird mutated human-blob-things or just be warping space really, really hard in those suits. I did say it's personal appeal - I LIKE the idea of them being digital because of my personal preference for AI over squishy meatbags. With this general level of Orokin Space Magic Shenanigans (we have sound in space, got to be some really intense space magic there), one explanation's as good as another, so I'm going straight for the coolest one.

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