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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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I personally think the people saying  "Vor is close to a Tenno" theory is on to something. The only reason we can see Vor's swirling energy in the first place is because Excalibur cut him in half during the original trailer and he "Died". He then revived similar to how the Tenno do, but with the Janus key giving him void energy power.  


This now begs the question though- if he had died by say, getting shot instead of getting cut in half, would he still look like normal Vor and have the void powers without us seeing the void energy? 

If the answer is YES, then I think that is how a Tenno would look, like a normal humanoid/Orokin Tenno (Whatever an Orokin looks like... I'm thinking human/Lotus like).


If the answer is no.... well... we continue the debate... :3


EDIT: To clarify, Vor would look normal and his golden light would be on the INSIDE. What we are seeing is similar to his guts spilling out. XD

Doesn't Vor say that we are different and are intruders in the void whenever he spawns?


Edit: Also @ Morec0 in the trailer Teshin doesn't say we use Oro, but it's what our enemies use to be "immortal." You could argue that because it's in the Conclave for the deathmatch game mode that it's what we use as well but I'm not too sure about that since it's the only game mode that uses it.


Edit 2: So I just rewatched the trailer, here's the quote "Oro is the binding force for an enemy, who like the Tenno, can escape death." Pretty much tells me that it isn't what allows us to escape death.

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With the teasers we've gotten for the new annihilation conclave game modes, Oro, or auro, has been revealed as at least part of the puzzle of tenno resurrection.


Of course this will be interpreted differently by everyone, but to me this lends credence to my theory. The oro is the tenno consciousness, 


which, if left alone, will seek out a new host body, a fresh warframe. It must be captured or destroyed in order to stop a tenno from reviving. The


corpus and grineer don't know about this, or at least how to do it, so they cant really kill the tenno, just knock us down for a bit. The sentients however, also posses an oro, according to tenshin, meaning they either have the knowledge or the innate ability to destroy ours, hence the mirage lore.


She was killed because the sentients are on the same level as the tenno, in terms of power

Logically, this only makes sense if the Sentients will be able to perma-kill us when they come out in game.  Somehow I doubt this will happen.  Also worth noting is that the canon has cases where Corpus and Grineer kill unnamed Tenno.  From a gameplay angle we don't die because this isn't intended to be a hardcore game, and from storytelling they can die because the have no no names. 


But anyway, tenuous conclusion is tenuous. 


I interpret it as: Tenno don't have an Oro, that's a Sentient specific ...Thing.

"The binding force for an enemy who, like the Tenno, can survive death." 


Does not say that we use it, though we might use it as a kind of "backup"? 



Me too. I actually like to think that all the frames in the trailers, are the originals.

Excalibur got sliced into parts in The Profit. 


It gets hard to defend statements that have too many exceptions. 

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"The binding force for an enemy who, like the Tenno, can survive death." 


Does not say that we use it, though we might use it as a kind of "backup"? 


Stupid quotes broke... Anyway, as far as I can tell the only reason it's in the Conclave is so that we can get used to doing this for fighting this new enemy. Because the whole reason Teshin is even doing the Conclave is to prepare us to fight this enemy he speaks of. I see no reason as to why we would use it as a backup.

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Logically, this only makes sense if the Sentients will be able to perma-kill us when they come out in game. Somehow I doubt this will happen. Also worth noting is that the canon has cases where Corpus and Grineer kill unnamed Tenno. From a gameplay angle we don't die because this isn't intended to be a hardcore game, and from storytelling they can die because the have no no names.

But anyway, tenuous conclusion is tenuous.

"The binding force for an enemy who, like the Tenno, can survive death."

Does not say that we use it, though we might use it as a kind of "backup"?

Excalibur got sliced into parts in The Profit.

It gets hard to defend statements that have too many exceptions.

I'm talking about regular Excal. My headcanon states that the Excalibro that got cut up in the profit trailer is just another random Excalibur user, hence why the regular skinned one is still in all the trailers and is the original.

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Doesn't Vor say that we are different and are intruders in the void whenever he spawns?


Edit: Also @ Morec0 in the trailer Teshin doesn't say we use Oro, but it's what our enemies use to be "immortal." You could argue that because it's in the Conclave for the deathmatch game mode that it's what we use as well but I'm not too sure about that since it's the only game mode that uses it.


Edit 2: So I just rewatched the trailer, here's the quote "Oro is the binding force for an enemy, who like the Tenno, can escape death." Pretty much tells me that it isn't what allows us to escape death.


Vor says the Lotus doesn't understand the secrets of the Void, and that while we use the keys we are just trespassers; why the Lotus wouldn't understand is very easy to see, as for why the Tenno are trespassers... don't have an answer for that at the moment but I'll get back to you. Possibly might be he's seeing himself as having claimed possession of the Towers.


... Then again, we are treated like trespassers from the start even without Vor there to say it; using the keys but being attacked by the Corrupted. Could be we're not wanted in the Void and the Orokin Towers, and that's what makes us tresspassers.


Perhaps not, but I'm very certain at this point that the intention is there. We'll see what Teshin says during the Conclave screens for the gamemode, but I'm anticipating something along the lines of "Strike down your opponent and claim their Oro so they cannot rise again". Just as the Devs identified the orbs in the Conclave as "Oro" in the Devstream. But we'll see.

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"The binding force for an enemy who, like the Tenno, can survive death." 


Does not say that we use it


Anyway, as far as I can tell the only reason it's in the Conclave is so that we can get used to doing this for fighting this new enemy. Because the whole reason Teshin is even doing the Conclave is to prepare us to fight this enemy he speaks of. 

This exactly what I've been saying since the world learned of the Oro.

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new pvp lore confirms tenno are ethereal entities

transcended by void manipulation into pure consciousness and are no longer limited to a corporeal body


If you insist, is not the symbiots from spiderman more fitting?

Alien and able to switch bodies so on.

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new pvp lore confirms tenno are ethereal entities

transcended by void manipulation into pure consciousness and are no longer limited to a corporeal body 




Not yet it hasn't, we just know that this "Oro" energy is what keeps us from dying permanently (contest me on this if you will, but given how it was brought up in the Devstream I'm seeing the connection to us, and I think Teshin's words at the start of Conclave matches for it will back this up). It's unknown if this Oro energy is all we are or if its just a component of our being - I lean towards the latter at the moment.

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Not yet it hasn't, we just know that this "Oro" energy is what keeps us from dying permanently (contest me on this if you will, but given how it was brought up in the Devstream I'm seeing the connection to us, and I think Teshin's words at the start of Conclave matches for it will back this up). It's unknown if this Oro energy is all we are or if its just a component of our being - I lean towards the latter at the moment.

I'm still liking my theory about it being specific to the Sentients, and the only reason we have them in PvP is to prepare us for the Sentients.

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I'm still liking my theory about it being specific to the Sentients, and the only reason we have them in PvP is to prepare us for the Sentients.


We'll have to see if it's accurate or not, but as I'm lining things up in my head:


Start of the Void Era - Folding technology create, useful but unstable - "Tenno" are created by Void Experiments - Element found in the Void-exposed "Tenno" is dubbed "Oro" - Humanity starts to harness the power of "Oro" for advancement - Oro leads to huge advancements for Humanity, and they take on the new name "Orokin" - End of the Void Era, start of the Orokin Era - Sentients attack (origins of Sentients a whole 'nother matter) and start to defeat the Orokin - Orokin struggle to find a means to combat them, eventually stumbling upon the idea of Tenno and Warframes - Tenno win the war for the Orokin, then slaughter the Orokin and destroy the technologies that made the Orokin what they were - End of the Orokin Era, end of Humanity calling itself Orokin


Teshin's words at the start of this "Conquest"(?) PvP gamemode, or even during it, might reveal some more, but here's what we know:


Oro allows enemies to survive death.

The Tenno themselves can survive death.


Unless there's something else out there that can let us survive death I think we can safely say these two are linked.

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I'll start calling Vor, Voro...



A unique flower said to dwell in the void that tries to kill Tenno.


Woops, accidentally quote my own post when i tried to edit it.

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Now, why they were called "Oro"kin with this in mind is a mystery, but I'd say it has something to do with being Orokin as something of a state of mind - a purity, a richness, after all the father's identification as Orokin in the Anti Moa Synthesis was pretty distant, like it was something in his past. Like he was no longer Orokin. Perhaps this means Teshin was as well, Lotus too, but we'd need to know WHAT they are, first and foremost. Regardless, this "Oro" would then translate well into the longevity of Teshin, Lotus, Stalker, and perhaps the rest of the Orokin - the reason we would have to bring them down - immortality leads to corruption.


Yes, I'm beginning to think that the definition of who was Orokin and who was not was being able to "afford" an "Oro" hence why families would be irrelevant due to longevity. Also the notion of richest-get-to-live-forever really gets to the core of why the Corpus turned out the way they did.


Also if the Oro came from experiments on the Void then it explains why Nef Anyo's ramblings make sense. For the Corpus the Void, the Oro and money are all tied together in history, their history.

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Also if the Oro came from experiments on the Void then it explains why Nef Anyo's ramblings make sense. For the Corpus the Void, the Oro and money are all tied together in history, their history.

What 'ramblings'? (Xbox hasn't seen that wonderful event yet)

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No. Wait. Hold the phone.


(Spoilers for 16.5 event incoming)

Tyl Regor in the Tubemen event constantly refers to us as lizards. Confirmed, Tenno are lizard-people.



So it goes from "You can't spell WarfraME without ME." to 'Lizards'?

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But now lizards is canon. Has to be. Well, it explains how we fit in the warframes - we're tiny.

The lizard, and fish from that one cephalon, might be a reference to the texture of our warframes.  Maybe the "leather/flesh" portions feel like lizard or fish skin.  Also possibly cool to the touch if they don't metabolize like a normal living thing. 


Or, if a normal person was stuck inside a suit like that for an innordinate amount of time, they'd probably be icky reptilian seeming too.  (with apologies to reptile lovers)

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The lizard, and fish from that one cephalon, might be a reference to the texture of our warframes.  Maybe the "leather/flesh" portions feel like lizard or fish skin.  Also possibly cool to the touch if they don't metabolize like a normal living thing. 


Or, if a normal person was stuck inside a suit like that for an innordinate amount of time, they'd probably be icky reptilian seeming too.  (with apologies to reptile lovers)

This explains why we're getting weaker (enemy getting stronger) the farther we are from the sun.

Being cold blooded reptilian and try to maintain peak fighting condition in Pluto is hard.

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