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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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Huh, the Tenno were drunk when we made that language.

I think it's the language of a people who learned to speak. It remind me.of how deaf speak, they feel vibrations and use them to identify sound.

This is a bit like that, when speaking a language you do not know but imitate words you have heard.

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Huh, the Tenno were drunk when we made that language.


It's phonetic not a substitution cipher. The letters  are an approximation.


I don't quite understand what you're saying in that first sentence. Teshin flat-out says "Oro is the binding force for an enemy who, like the Tenno, can survive death", and we all know he's talking about the Sentients at this point.


I am unconvinced that Teshin only talks about the Sentients. I'm of the opinion he is referring to normal Bosses that have salvaged embedded Orokin tech that allows them to manifest an Oro and survive their death as the Orokin did.


He _has_ referred to the Sentients, I'm unconvinced _this_ is referring to them.

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It's phonetic not a substitution cipher. The letters  are an approximation.



I am unconvinced that Teshin only talks about the Sentients. I'm of the opinion he is referring to normal Bosses that have salvaged embedded Orokin tech that allows them to manifest an Oro and survive their death as the Orokin did.


He _has_ referred to the Sentients, I'm unconvinced _this_ is referring to them.


Ah, yes, I remain convinced that that is simply a game mechanic, hence why the likes of Ruk has not been heard from since Gradivus, but we've had this discussion before.

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It's phonetic not a substitution cipher. The letters  are an approximation.



I am unconvinced that Teshin only talks about the Sentients. I'm of the opinion he is referring to normal Bosses that have salvaged embedded Orokin tech that allows them to manifest an Oro and survive their death as the Orokin did.


He _has_ referred to the Sentients, I'm unconvinced _this_ is referring to them.


Oh! Wait! Mobius! Just had a realization: 


IF the reason we can fight bosses over and over again is because of Oro, what do you make of the likes of Alad V/Mutalist Alad V? Are they just the exception because they get to be the exception?


I'll grant you that Lech/Vor appearing in two places as well can be used as a counter argument to this, but at least they're still relatively the same when we face them.


We as players are the tenno. We control suits made in the likeness of past tenno. There is nothing in the suits.


The Ember Prime and Rhino Prime Codexes prove that's not true. The Tenno are VERY much an in-game universe pressence. DE just calls its playerbase Tenno as a cute nickname, same way Riot calls it's playerbase Summoners (even though the League has been retconned out of existence).

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I'll grant you that Lech/Vor appearing in two places as well can be used as a counter argument to this, but at least they're still relatively the same when we face them.



But they're just placeholders, wouldn't that boss fight be technically non-canon?

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Oh! Wait! Mobius! Just had a realization: 


IF the reason we can fight bosses over and over again is because of Oro, what do you make of the likes of Alad V/Mutalist Alad V? Are they just the exception because they get to be the exception?


I'll grant you that Lech/Vor appearing in two places as well can be used as a counter argument to this, but at least they're still relatively the same when we face them.


I'm more of the opinion that the explanation should _roughly_ fit the mechanic. Not that they should explain the minutiae of playing Warframe.


For example. Maybe it's an explanation of seeing Vor on Mercury and Phobos, or maybe it simply the mechanic that keeps "The Sergant" from permanent termination. Maybe it's the reason that Alad V survived extermination on Jupiter, after which he didn't have the money to support the hardware needed for continued reliance on his Oro. Maybe it's as you say. unique to the Tenno, Sentients (and presumably the Orokin) Hell the Orokin my have ended up farming something from that they referred to as the Oro that provided Immortality until they discovered self-determination within that resource, so-called Sentients within their Oro extraction facilities.

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Whilst the Tenno are probably not pure energy, they must at least be transitory by the very fact we can change warframe. Whether this means our warframes are remote piloted or we change our form to match the warframe we imbibe with energy is unknown and something I hope they explore in the future.


Of course, it could all be a delicious 4th wall breaking moment where the players are the operators and Ordis is talking to us all the time. He likes YOU.

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I dont know how or even IF this factors in, but when we look at Valkyr, we get a glimpse of what covers a Tenno.

Segmented armour, close fitting helmet complete with "eye-lenses" and presumably some kind of breathing gear/visor.

Then over this is a series of hard angular wires where the biomechanical skin is grafted onto it.

Corpus began opening it up and hilding it open by placing clamps arpound the spine.

They removed the helmet too, to control the Tenno inside without killing it?


After all, Vor said he pulled many corpses from their warframes but.could not get the warframe to work.

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I dont know how or even IF this factors in, but when we look at Valkyr, we get a glimpse of what covers a Tenno.

Segmented armour, close fitting helmet complete with "eye-lenses" and presumably some kind of breathing gear/visor.

Then over this is a series of hard angular wires where the biomechanical skin is grafted onto it.

Corpus began opening it up and hilding it open by placing clamps arpound the spine.

They removed the helmet too, to control the Tenno inside without killing it?

<pic snip>

After all, Vor said he pulled many corpses from their warframes but.could not get the warframe to work.


EXCELLENT analysis.


The reason for removing the helmet would probably have been the same reason for removing any of the Warframe - studying how it works, figuring out how the Warframe grants the Tenno it's power, and using that knowledge to create Zanuka.


There might be something to the "controlling" aspect, though. The Kara Helmet, because of its similarity to a Weapon-X training device in the X-men comics, makes me think that maybe at one point Valkyr had been meant to be the Zanuka Project - a tamed Tenno "pet", subserviant like a robotic, but when those plans only resulted in hate-and-rage-and-pain Valkyr Alad scrapped them and went back to Robotics.


What I got from Vor's statement, though, was that he couldn't find the powers within the Tenno themselves while studying them. He would pull a Tenno from their Ember, for example, but could find nothing in the Tenno to explain their usage of fire, and same for Frost, Excal, ect.

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Of course, it could all be a delicious 4th wall breaking moment where the players are the operators and Ordis is talking to us all the time. He likes YOU.

I doubt that, very much. IIRC DE stated they don't like/don't want to break the 4th wall.



I don't know how or even IF this factors in, but when we look at Valkyr, we get a glimpse of what covers a Tenno.

Segmented armor, close fitting helmet complete with "eye-lenses" and presumably some kind of breathing gear/visor.

Then over this is a series of hard angular wires where the biomechanical skin is grafted onto it.

Corpus began opening it up and holding it open by placing clamps around the spine.


I always thought the wires were added by the Corpus, for impulse control or something, I don't know much about controlling humans with electricity, so, maybe not. You could be right, I could be right, we could both be wrong.

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That the Tenno control Void energy and that it's their "lifeblood" in that sense, is not in dispute. 


Tenno are basically like superheroes with a science-so-advanced-it's-like-magic origin (in the Void).


What's in dispute is whether they are creatures made solely of energy.


And that is plainly false.

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EXCELLENT analysis.

The reason for removing the helmet would probably have been the same reason for removing any of the Warframe - studying how it works, figuring out how the Warframe grants the Tenno it's power, and using that knowledge to create Zanuka.

There might be something to the "controlling" aspect, though. The Kara Helmet, because of its similarity to a Weapon-X training device in the X-men comics, makes me think that maybe at one point Valkyr had been meant to be the Zanuka Project - a tamed Tenno "pet", subserviant like a robotic, but when those plans only resulted in hate-and-rage-and-pain Valkyr Alad scrapped them and went back to Robotics.

What I got from Vor's statement, though, was that he couldn't find the powers within the Tenno themselves while studying them. He would pull a Tenno from their Ember, for example, but could find nothing in the Tenno to explain their usage of fire, and same for Frost, Excal, ect.

Ah yes that. Well, on the second attempt Vor, like Alad? , took interest in the spine for control. The method was different yes, Ascaris versus controlling collar and devices, but they both seem to have figured something fundamental about the Tenno.

Add to this Alads taunts about the Tenno not having eyes and that zanuka is indeed made using parts of Tenno, well at least if what he says is to be believed, then a Tenno is more than energy and more than just a warframe.

I Wonder what would happen if someone used the Ascaris device on a Tenno successfully. I allso wonder if the Orokin attempted/succeded in doing precicely that during the war.

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Ah yes that. Well, on the second attempt Vor, like Alad? , took interest in the spine for control. The method was different yes, Ascaris versus controlling collar and devices, but they both seem to have figured something fundamental about the Tenno.

Add to this Alads taunts about the Tenno not having eyes and that zanuka is indeed made using parts of Tenno, well at least if what he says is to be believed, then a Tenno is more than energy and more than just a warframe.

I Wonder what would happen if someone used the Ascaris device on a Tenno successfully. I allso wonder if the Orokin attempted/succeded in doing precicely that during the war.

Zanuka was crafted from parts of Warframes, not Tenno.


If they did, we wouldn't have murdered them after we finished their war.

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Zanuka was crafted from parts of Warframes, not Tenno.

If they did, we wouldn't have murdered them after we finished their war.

Oh. I had gotten convinced that he frankensteined Tenno with warframe parts and glued them together with robotics.

"Would you volunteer to my Zanuka Program, Tenno? I'm sure you will be most ... useful to my research."

As in he wanted Tenno, not just warframes he got those allready.

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Ah yes that. Well, on the second attempt Vor, like Alad? , took interest in the spine for control. The method was different yes, Ascaris versus controlling collar and devices, but they both seem to have figured something fundamental about the Tenno.

Add to this Alads taunts about the Tenno not having eyes and that zanuka is indeed made using parts of Tenno, well at least if what he says is to be believed, then a Tenno is more than energy and more than just a warframe.

I Wonder what would happen if someone used the Ascaris device on a Tenno successfully. I allso wonder if the Orokin attempted/succeded in doing precicely that during the war.


Without doubt the Tenno have physical form in my mind, some kind of actual body, but as I said earlier: if we're to use Vor as a point of reference it should be noted that while his body most certainly is there it may not be made of matter as we understand it.


Really, though, it's hard to say WHAT Vor became. And because of that I'm stepping away from that part of the conversation.


As for the Orokin using something like that to control us, it may be possible, and given the existence of the Corrupted at a point that I think to be the fallout of the Tenno betrayal (the Evisercator Synthesis) it seems they certainly would have had the technology for something like that. But the question then remains if they WOULD have used such a controlled being in the Old War. We have so far had no mention of the Corrupted ever being put into action (though I will admit lack of evidence in this case isn't evidence) but rather soldiers that can think and act on their own, feel emotions, and have no mention of being linked into any kind of Neural Sentry - and the Tenno, of course.


To me, I think the original Orokin Army was a mixture of Corrupted - slave soldiers bound to the will of a computer and commanded by that to do their bidding - and the likes of the Moas and other simple creatures (heck, maybe the Corrupted are to what the Father was referring in the Anti Moa Synthesis?). But because they ARE tied into such a technological marvel as that, the Corrupted would be all but useless against something like the Sentients with the powers they had. So, you'd need to go back to relying on free-willed soldiers - which is where the up-til-then-unconsidered Grineer Soldiers and Tenno come into play.


So, moreover I think them having such a device would have undermined what the Orokin needed them for - though if the device could be made "Sentient proof" it would be possible. Heck, that would continue to enforce the vengeance aspect of why the Tenno tore down the Orokin Empire - though, in all honesty, it's not like they NEED the vengeance aspect with all this talk of slaver races and turning people into mindless automatons going around.

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Oh. I had gotten convinced that he frankensteined Tenno with warframe parts and glued them together with robotics.

"Would you volunteer to my Zanuka Program, Tenno? I'm sure you will be most ... useful to my research."

As in he wanted Tenno, not just warframes he got those allready.

He needs us to get the Warframes, they're not gonna crawl out of our arsenal and land at his feet.

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Oh. I had gotten convinced that he frankensteined Tenno with warframe parts and glued them together with robotics.

"Would you volunteer to my Zanuka Program, Tenno? I'm sure you will be most ... useful to my research."

As in he wanted Tenno, not just warframes he got those allready.


Lotus does also make mention to "Alad V's newest prototype is a monstrosity forged from the bodies of our fallen Tenno, we cannot allow Zanuka to go into full production. Destroy Alad V and his horrid 'pet'." and Alad says at one point: http://images.wikia.com/warframe/images/3/34/AladBattleTaunt3.ogg?_ga=1.103535744.1855898098.1430428861



as well as: http://images.wikia.com/warframe/images/8/82/HarvesterVictory.ogg?_ga=1.161611452.1855898098.1430428861

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Lotus does also make mention to "Alad V's newest prototype is a monstrosity forged from the bodies of our fallen Tenno, we cannot allow Zanuka to go into full production. Destroy Alad V and his horrid 'pet'." and Alad says at one point: http://images.wikia.com/warframe/images/3/34/AladBattleTaunt3.ogg?_ga=1.103535744.1855898098.1430428861



as well as: http://images.wikia.com/warframe/images/8/82/HarvesterVictory.ogg?_ga=1.161611452.1855898098.1430428861

But he also says something among the lines of "Don't damage your Warframe, I need the parts!" That's nowhere near exact, but you get the point.

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But he also says something among the lines of "Don't damage your Warframe, I need the parts!" That's nowhere near exact, but you get the point.


Oh yeah, I'm not arguing that he's not using Warframe components, I'm saying that he seems to be using both.

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I just think that while Vor realized that we are people in suits, Alad V sorta thinks we are the warframes. I think he is smart enough to have seen we stuff inside but thinks its just part of the inner workings. Otherwise he would removing our suits and dumping us into containment cells or honestly, just making or buying the warframes from Darvo himself. The profits from the Zanuka having better part acquisition would be justification alone. This viewpoint may have changed since he became infested but he was dissecting us, possibly damaging the warframe parts and definately the Tenno inside and making our parts into Zanuka. Seems sorta wasteful if he just was using warframe parts alone.


Vor understands that we are flesh and blood inside the suits as he said during the Arid Fear event; the suits have powers but for the most part don't function without us inside. The original infested strain the suits were crafted from could use powers to an extent - displaying a few of Rhino's signatures - but Vor states that when his people removed us from our suits, they seemed lifeless. I think that the suits were crafted to draw power from the void radiation that the Children of Zariman gave off due to their Void exposure. The suits have their powers due to the Orokin designing or manipulating the infested strains to display those abilities and then harvesting them and making more based on that template. This still leaves that the Orokin could have base the appearance of the suits off of Guardians or off the infested themselves with flourishes from teh Orokin biotechs involved.


The control mechanisms could very well have been in place before the end of the Sentients War, it could be that their removal or lack of being installed on the instigating Tenno could have allowed the execution to have taken place. Most of the tech the Grineer and Corpus display is modified or scavenged Orokin tech, so it stands to reason; especially when Darvo mentions that the Corpus use similar devices on their robotics, that the Ascaris existed during the time of the Orokin Empire.

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